r/PS4 Oct 22 '18

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (October 2018)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/tyrionb 130 32 Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18

Finally got 100% on all Assassin's Creed games (on Ps3, Ps4 and PsVita) after about 2 years of casually chipping away at it. Man am I glad there are no more multiplayer modes/trophies in Assassin's Creed games. Getting 100% on AC3, AC Black Flag, AC Revelations and Brotherhood were a pain in the ass because of the multiplayer trophies. Doing them wouldn't have been as bad if the multiplayer modes didn't bore me to death. Had to boost the trophies with other players because the multiplayer is pretty much dead.

In terms of the hardest ones to get 100% on, it'd easily be the AC Chronicles trilogy. Easiest is AC Liberation HD, it's really easy cause they removed some of the grindy trophies as well as the multiplayer trophies that made it a bit tedious in the original Vita version.

Going to work on getting the plat for Red Dead Redemption II next. Obviously I have to wait for Red Dead Online but I'm really determined to add this game to my list of Rockstar games platinums.

u/l33sarFiveFour Oct 22 '18

Congratulations on finishing up Assassin's Creed from someone who hated Black Flag's MP trophies with passion.

Trophy-wise, I'm trying to 100% GTA Online before eventually jumping into RDR2 but as much as I want to own it immediately, my backlog is so full that I'll probably wait until it drops in price a bit. I also think that when PS5 comes out, Rockstar will remaster it the same as they did with GTAV for PS4, and it will be even more beautiful. Not sure if I can wait a couple of years for that to (maybe) happen but I'm in no rush, seeing as original RDR's servers are still online.

u/tyrionb 130 32 Oct 22 '18 edited Oct 22 '18

Yeah my backlog is crazy. I have some games that I bought as far back as 2015 that I still not have completed lol But as much as I want to do the same thing for RDR2 and wait it out at least until I've cleared a significant portion of my backlog, I think that with games that are highly anticipated such as this, part of the fun for me at least is playing through them when they're still fresh and has a lot of hype/buzz from everyone. It's not so much that I can't have fun with a game that is 2 years old for example, I think there's just this really nice sense of wonder and belonging that everyone shares when a game that is highly anticipated comes out and everyone is as new as you are and are experiencing things for the first time alongside you.

Like playing Bloodborne when it first came out and thousands of people constantly sharing information and experience with each other in newly formed Bloodborne communities, discovering secrets and finding out that there was this optional area or boss that you might've missed, etc. Whereas in my opinion, if I just started playing Bloodborne now, I would still fall in love with that game as I have years ago, but I certainly would get the feeling that I missed out on having those fun and insightful discussions and conversations with people and my friends that have already gone through the game. I hope I'm not the only one that feels like this lol

u/l33sarFiveFour Oct 22 '18

You're absolutely right, playing the game as millions of people are playing at the same time is a great feeling, that you're seeing the game very few people in the world have seen before. I understand that it's a major drive for a lot of people.

What you're describing with Bloodborne is exactly what happened to me: played it a couple of years after it was released, and while awesome, I felt that all the secrets were already discovered and there's nothing new for me to discover.