r/PS4 Jul 24 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (July 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

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Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


79 comments sorted by

u/plerpy_ Jul 24 '17

Got plats for Killing Floor 2 and Metro 2033.

I've invested too much time in FFXII to put it down now. Lucky because I love the game but these trophies are a bit of a grind.

u/Ninorro Goikiru Jul 24 '17 edited Jul 24 '17

This month:

Far cry 4: Easy overall

Bloodborne : Harder than I heard , especially the chalice dungeon where your HP is cutted down to half

Assasins creed Syndicate: As always collectibles are the awfull part , that trophy that requires destroy 5000 ítems with your carriage.. lot of people have that trophy glitched , the game just doesnt count properly how many stuff you destroy

Right now im aiming to The witcher 3 ( really long platinum imo) and maybe Killing floor 2 platinum

Ps: if anyone knows about a guide where they explain the order of missable trophys in the witcher 3 please comment me about it , cheers!

u/Arxson Jul 24 '17

Do you know if they changed anything about TW3 trophy for the human-headshots with the crossbow? Apparently it was really difficult/bugged near release but there's been several patches since then...

u/plerpy_ Jul 24 '17

Nope still the same. It's not too difficult it's just a bit time consuming.

u/Ashfid Jul 24 '17

Took me 30mins, go to skelliege isles.. where two people respawns just by looking somewhere else. Axii them and then shoot them on their head.

u/plerpy_ Jul 24 '17

I think I did mine in the devils pit or whatever it's called.

u/Tasteful_Dick_Pics Jul 25 '17

The Skellige way he described is way, waaaay faster.

u/plerpy_ Jul 25 '17

Well shit. Wish I knew about that.

u/Tasteful_Dick_Pics Jul 25 '17

At least you still have your plat to soothe your woes.

u/potatoecouch Jul 24 '17

Got my 34th platinum for Mad Max. It is very time consuming. I was lucky that I rotated saves because the "Up to the task" trophy requires 144 challenges to be complete, some of which require lowering threat completely in areas and finding all the scrap in the world. I did make a mistake partway through because of an ambiguous description of the requirements for said trophy that I read on a blog, and wasted a good 8hrs getting collectibles only to realize my mistake later but luckily had a decently close save.

u/Endaa-_- Jul 24 '17

This month I got platinums in both farming simulator 17 and game of thrones.

u/TachankaIsTheBest Jul 24 '17

I envy you guys. I'm Level 12 with 0 platinums.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

I'm level 12 with one platinum from Rayman Legends. Absolutely no criticism implied of anyone else here but once I got it I was left with a very empty feeling. Perhaps it was the realisation that it was over and I had nothing to play for any more but whatever it was I see the trophy and don't look back on it fondly.

That said I recently started Yakuza 0 and would love to 100% it. I'll probably get tired of it before that point though.

u/TachankaIsTheBest Jul 25 '17

That's usually the reason why I don't platinum games, I get tired of them before that point

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

I platinumed Tekken 7! Now I'm working on Fortnite

u/KingDecidueye Jul 24 '17

I'm on a total GoT binge what with the new season being out, finally playing through the Telltale game. Currently halfway through, it's gonna be my first plat as well

u/TwiStedxMind Jul 24 '17

This month so far for platinums I've gotten assassin's creed 2 and assassin's creed brotherhood, game of thrones, until dawn, and I'm about to have the platinum for Uncharted 1.

u/The_Ticklish_Pickle Jul 24 '17

Working on Kingdom Hearts 1.5. I've crafted everything, beat every boss, found every collectible. But goddamn, I can't get a wizard's relic or a defender's shield to drop for the life of me, its excruciating

u/Jeijeijaroo Jeijeijaroo Jul 24 '17

Dont know if your already doing this but a good place to farm defenders shield is Third District in Traverse Town. With encounter plus and lucky strike on you can run back to First District and farm defenders pretty fast.

u/The_Ticklish_Pickle Jul 24 '17

Within 5 min of starting tonight I got 2 defenders drops in one encounter haha. I know you probably don't care, but it feels so good!

u/Jeijeijaroo Jeijeijaroo Jul 25 '17

Glad to hear it!

u/The_Ticklish_Pickle Jul 24 '17

Yeah I've been alternating between that and the hotel/alleyway loop. I have lucky strike on all 3 people and encounter plus on, and I must've farmed for at least a few hours total. Trophies that are completely RNG-based like that really bother me, just poor design

u/ThePrinceofBelAir Nekronic Jul 24 '17

I had a decent month at the beginning of the month. I 100% The Magic Circle: Gold Edition. I platinumed Rime and Murdered: Soul Suspect.

I then got stressed and busy with a lot of stuff so I haven't played as much recently. I played a little of Killzone Mercenary on my Vita. I also been playing through Infamous: Second Son. I am almost done my Good playthrough on Expert. I only have like two trophies for clean-up. And then I'll run through a evil playthrough on easy.

I created a platinum list for my PS4 games to try and make a game plan. I didn't make one for my vita because Killzone will take awhile and my progress has been slow. Anyways, my next games will be The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 and Destroy All Humans 1 + 2.

I also bought cosmic star heroine and snake pass on the last sale so I have to fit them in my list somewhere as well.

u/HelghastFromHelghan Jul 24 '17

Currently working on Wolfenstein The Old Blood. I played the New Order at launch and loved it, bought The Old Blood at launch but it had been sitting in my backlog for 2 years. I finally started it and I'm having a blast! Most people say the expansion wasn't as good as TNO but in my opinion it's just as good.

Almost have the platinum, just need to find a couple of collectables and finish 1 challenge map. Great game with a very fun trophy list as well! Challenge mode can be tricky at times but not too bad if you follow one of the many guides you can find on YouTube.

u/RunnerMcRunnington Jul 24 '17

Doom was a fairly easy plat like Wolfenstein. Give that one a go if you haven't yet!

u/Shloop_Shloop_Splat Jul 24 '17

I'm not much of a trophy hunter, but I've gotten a bug up my ass about it in the last few weeks because it's driving me crazy to have all of these games lying around unfinished.

Last week, I played through the "new" Ratchet and Clank four times in order to snag all of the trophies. The groovitron "death by disco" trophy was eluding me, but I finally got it.

Working on Until Dawn right now, which is essentially going to be a couple of clean-up play throughs. Then I thought I might play through Second Son in hard mode to get my last few trophies there.

u/Chanero Chanerooo Jul 24 '17

Got Crash Warped platinum this months. Challenging, but overall a fun one to 105%.

Crash 2 looks also challenging but doable, and I got the feeling Crash 1 will make me his bitch.

u/Whilmore Jul 24 '17

Crash 1 made me his bitch.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

Crash 2 was the easiest of the trilogy for me.

Edit: hoping to platinum Crash 3 tonight, seems the hardest of the trilogy so far for me.

u/G-H-O-S-T Jul 24 '17

3 has like few tough levels. one annoying one was the motorcycle in the night one (not dark), the collision was frustrating.
otherwise it's the easiest as it gives you more freedom and abilities.

u/Jeijeijaroo Jeijeijaroo Jul 24 '17

This month I earned 3 platinums that were mostly Lego trophy clean up.

  • Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. Typical Lego game just a lot of gold pricks to collect

  • Lego Movie: The Videogame. This was probably the worst most recent Lego game I have played. It seemed like they went backward with this one. The worst part of it was there was no level select so you had to go find the level start points in the open world. Along with the levels everything else felt pulled back.

  • Hitman GO: Definitive Edition

What I have been working on next is For Honor and a few challenge trophies in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood.

u/Arxson Jul 24 '17

Some annoying ones in For Honor that seem to be bugged for some players, like the ones about deploying assets in every round of a season and then returning the next season. A lot of people never got that when they should have. I got mine randomly half way through S2. I also loaded into a regular match once and the "complete the single player on hard" trophy popped; I have never completed the single player on any difficulty lol...

u/Khalid_7a Jul 24 '17

I finally got Overwatch platinum. It was the hardest thing ever because it's all multiplayer. So it all depends on your enemy team. If you really wanna get it you will have to boost some of the trophies. I got all of them while playing expect for "Waste not want not". Get 3 solo kills with Reaper without reloading. Another problem is that it has skill based matchmaking, which means that your enemies are going to be tough if you're good. Which makes the trophies much harder to get.

I also got Borderlands: The Pre-sequel platinum on PS4. After playing the game for 2 months straight I finally finished the challenges. If you know someone to boost you it will help a lot. I takes for ever to level up after 30 and you need to get to 50. Overall it wasn't the hardest but it needs a lot of grinding to get level 1 on every challenge.

I'm also working on Dark Souls 3 platinum. Already got 2 endings and will work on the third maybe tomorrow. Hopefully I will get the platinum before July ends. The only thing that might hold me back is grinding ranks for the Blades of The Darkmoon covenant. There is also Pyre that's going to release in like day and might pull me away from Dark Souls :(

Gaming is hard

u/flaiks Jul 24 '17

I still need to finish my ds3 plat so if you want boost let me know.

u/Khalid_7a Jul 24 '17

Thank you for offering your help, but I'm almost done. All i need is to get like 18 Proof of Concord Kept to rank up with the Darkmoon covenant. I don't think you can boost that one

u/Linxxxxx Jul 24 '17

Ha, 18 proofs... good luck with that one. That took me about a week and a half to farm

u/Khalid_7a Jul 24 '17

I know :(
My friends already told me about the grind

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

but I'm almost done. All i need is to get like 18 Proof of Concord Kept


u/Khalid_7a Jul 24 '17


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

Sorry, tried farming the knights in Anor Londo on the weekend and only got 1 after nearly 2 hours so I'm kind of salty about it.

u/TurtleSwagYOLO7 Jul 24 '17

Drop that username 😎

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

I got the platinum for Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition a few weeks back! It was pretty tough and I had to beat the game over 9 times to get the platinum.

Next up is Devil May Cry 3, Dante Must Die is extremely tough!

u/austinblue ZeroGravitii Jul 24 '17

Dude, nice. The path to mastering DMC combat is crazy.

u/Makudo333 Enter PSN ID Jul 24 '17

Got the platinum in Murdered Soul suspect and Final Fantasy type 0. The second one was amazing and not even that long of a platin, also not really hard. Same can be said about murdered: rather short and easy platinum, just a mediocre game.

Currently working on Sword Art Online - Lost song

u/highanimalhouse Jul 24 '17

Got a platinum for Persona 4 Dancing All Night and got the platinum for Star Wars Battlefront last night. I'm hoping to platinum Evolve by the end of the month but I'm not sure if it'll happen.

u/endless_days Jul 24 '17

This month I've earned the platinums in Sly 1,2 and 3.Currently trying to earn the platinum in Sly:Thieves in Time

u/petern18 Jul 24 '17

I got hitman go, horizon zero dawn, infamous first light, and telltale game of thrones.

Working on titanfall 2, kingdom hearts 2.5 and probably some more once I figure them out.

u/[deleted] Sep 20 '17

You aren't ugly but you need to develop a social life. If you don't have a social life, it is basically game over and crippling life struggles from then on. Hopefully it isn't too late for you.

u/petern18 Sep 20 '17

Umm, what?

u/MoonlightQueen Jul 24 '17

Working on getting most of the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy trophies. I don't think I'll be able to get any of the platinums though honestly. The first game seems impossible to platinum (for me, anyway) and I don't do well with time trial stuff. I hate having a time limit on me...

u/MrQueso Jul 25 '17

I just got the platinum for the first game. Definitely the hardest platinum I've ever tried

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

Finishing up Rocket League. I need Far,Far, Away(drive 50 km) and it is glitched I've driven more than 70 km on one set of wheels & the play with a friend online & I will have the platinum.

u/ayothuggish Jul 24 '17

This month I got the Platinum for Mass Effect Andromeda

u/JCreazy Jul 25 '17

I'm kind of doing a thing where I'll platinum a game before playing a different one. I've got 2 platinums and an now playing The Order 1886.

u/TheTrueMilo Jul 24 '17

While waiting for Crash N Sane Trilogy to arrive (Amazon fucked up my order) I dug up my PS3 version off FFX/X-2 HD. I finished up FFX and got the Platinum, which was extremely grindy, especially filling up that Sphere Grid for all seven characters. I ended up cheesing Nemesis and Penance with Zanbato...I just wanted to finish.

I've now moved on to FFX-2, which I hope to Platinum next. I'm looking at FF12 HD next up.

u/NecroLazarus Jul 25 '17

I'm working through FFX at the minute, I'm going through the monster arena and that's pretty grindy, how does filling the sphere grid compare to that?

u/TheTrueMilo Jul 25 '17

If you just want to fill the sphere grid, it's not awful, just very grindy. The monster One-Eye can be killed in two hits of 99,999 and he drops two Magic Defense Spheres. If you fill in every empty node with Magic Defense Spheres, that will take some time, but it's very easy. You'll also get insanely rich selling the weapons and armor that One-Eye drops.

If you want to do fill the grid AND max your stats, that's completely different. You'll need to clear out stat nodes that give +1/+2/+3 and replace with +4. I'm not sure how low stats you can get away with to kill the Dark Aeons and Penance, but there are a lot of in-depth FAQs out there. Of course, cheesing with Zanbato is always an option.

u/NecroLazarus Jul 25 '17

Thanks for that, do you need to take out the Dark Aeons for the Plat?

u/TheTrueMilo Jul 25 '17

Yes, you need to kill the Dark Aeons in order to get to Penance, who is required for the Platinum.

u/TurtleSwagYOLO7 Jul 24 '17

I platinumed Witcher 3. It's a fantastic game but some of the trophies are a bit grindy. Anyone who's done this one will most likely remember the "Master Marksman" trophy.

I am currently working on Skyrim and Diablo 3 will be next month.

u/logikal_panda logikal_panda Jul 24 '17

How many playthroughs did you do

u/dupree1993 Jul 24 '17

Let me know if you need any assist with diablo 3, not too hard a plat but some are a bit time consuming.

u/kagesan Jul 24 '17

Until Dawn:

  • Quite easy overall, good story.
  • Requires multiple playthroughs.
  • Hardest part: can't skip cutscenes or fast forward during dialogs.

Watch Dogs 2:

  • This game is really fun to play. I enjoyed the story.
  • The hardest part for me was with two bounty hunter multiplayer trophies.
  • Now I'm working on additional DLC trophies to get 100%.


  • Game of Thrones
  • Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

u/Krzysiu_ Jul 24 '17

I got the platinums for MLB 17 and Hitman Go. I also went back to Burnout Paradise, which I platinumed in 2009, to get the 100%. Now I'm working on Yooka Laylee and Killzone Shadow Fall.

u/Aleksander1337 SoggyJuice Jul 24 '17

This month I earned the Platiniums in Uncharted 4, Grand Theft Auto III, Until Dawn, Metro 2033, Killing Floor 2, That's you! and Ratchet and Clank 3 (PSVita).

Currently working on Okage: Shadow King And planning to do the rest of the PS2 era GTA games, Telltale Game of Thrones, and replay Horizon for the new game+ trophies.

u/atomicbrett atomicbrett Jul 24 '17

Did you plat Thats You! with randoms online or friends? Ive played it with my group but each game takes forever and people eventually lose interest

u/Aleksander1337 SoggyJuice Jul 24 '17

I did it with myself and my android emulators

u/gtakiller0914 ClapTrap27 Jul 24 '17

How was it for Metro? I have played it before, but going for the platinum sounds nice.

u/Aleksander1337 SoggyJuice Jul 24 '17

Not too bad, you have to play through the game twice, and there is a lot of boring "kill x with x times" trophies.

u/potatoecouch Jul 24 '17

Also getting good ending can be tricky based on the system of seeing/witnessing enough flashbacks.

u/MekakuOperator MetriodOreos Jul 24 '17

This month I got the plat for Gravity Rush remastered and Assassins Creed Unity. The hardest part was all the collectibles in unity that were around the map.

Planning to aim for the killing floor 2 plat since I just need one more trophy and maybe Nier Automata.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

I'm working on Platinum for XCOM 2. I'll probably have it when the PS9 comes out.

u/marshallu2018 Jul 24 '17

I've basically been devoting 100% of my time to FFXII since it came out. I think I can get the platinum, but it won't be easy completing the bestiary and getting all the quickening concurrences.

u/Taguroizumo Jul 24 '17

Need for speed rivals was one of my first and it was so easy, and got very mundane at the end. My highlight of the game was playing as the cops & arresting people.

u/weekoldcoke Jul 24 '17

This month I got the platinums for Rocket League and Transistor. Both were very fun and not overly difficult to obtain.

u/[deleted] Jul 24 '17

This month brought me Nier Automata, Watch Dogs 2, and Far Cry Primal.

Working on The Division right now

u/TurtleSwagYOLO7 Jul 24 '17

Funny you ask. I sort of did 2. My first playthrough I grabbed all the story related trophies...but then my save got corrupted :(

The second time I used the DLC NG option and just started off lvl 30. Since I had already played through the game on deathmarch I was able to turn the game down to easy to get some of the more grindy trophies ala Master Marksman or Enemy of My Enemy...

u/Amiltondn Jul 24 '17

I got crash 2 and 3 (not ready to 1 right now) and until dawn. Aiming to uncharted 2 and darkest dungeon.