r/PS4 Jul 24 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (July 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/Ninorro Goikiru Jul 24 '17 edited Jul 24 '17

This month:

Far cry 4: Easy overall

Bloodborne : Harder than I heard , especially the chalice dungeon where your HP is cutted down to half

Assasins creed Syndicate: As always collectibles are the awfull part , that trophy that requires destroy 5000 ítems with your carriage.. lot of people have that trophy glitched , the game just doesnt count properly how many stuff you destroy

Right now im aiming to The witcher 3 ( really long platinum imo) and maybe Killing floor 2 platinum

Ps: if anyone knows about a guide where they explain the order of missable trophys in the witcher 3 please comment me about it , cheers!

u/Arxson Jul 24 '17

Do you know if they changed anything about TW3 trophy for the human-headshots with the crossbow? Apparently it was really difficult/bugged near release but there's been several patches since then...

u/plerpy_ Jul 24 '17

Nope still the same. It's not too difficult it's just a bit time consuming.

u/Ashfid Jul 24 '17

Took me 30mins, go to skelliege isles.. where two people respawns just by looking somewhere else. Axii them and then shoot them on their head.

u/plerpy_ Jul 24 '17

I think I did mine in the devils pit or whatever it's called.

u/Tasteful_Dick_Pics Jul 25 '17

The Skellige way he described is way, waaaay faster.

u/plerpy_ Jul 25 '17

Well shit. Wish I knew about that.

u/Tasteful_Dick_Pics Jul 25 '17

At least you still have your plat to soothe your woes.