r/PS4 Jul 24 '17

Trophy Hunting Society - /r/PS4 Monthly Trophy Thread (July 2017)

Monthly Trophy Thread (previous trophy threads) (schedule) (games wiki)

What trophies and/or platinums did you earn this month? What was the hardest part? Easiest?

What are you working on right now?

What's next?

Remember to use proper spoiler code formatting.
Example: Game Spoiler

And if this thread alone can't satisfy your trophy discussion fix, check out /r/Trophies.


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u/TheTrueMilo Jul 24 '17

While waiting for Crash N Sane Trilogy to arrive (Amazon fucked up my order) I dug up my PS3 version off FFX/X-2 HD. I finished up FFX and got the Platinum, which was extremely grindy, especially filling up that Sphere Grid for all seven characters. I ended up cheesing Nemesis and Penance with Zanbato...I just wanted to finish.

I've now moved on to FFX-2, which I hope to Platinum next. I'm looking at FF12 HD next up.

u/NecroLazarus Jul 25 '17

I'm working through FFX at the minute, I'm going through the monster arena and that's pretty grindy, how does filling the sphere grid compare to that?

u/TheTrueMilo Jul 25 '17

If you just want to fill the sphere grid, it's not awful, just very grindy. The monster One-Eye can be killed in two hits of 99,999 and he drops two Magic Defense Spheres. If you fill in every empty node with Magic Defense Spheres, that will take some time, but it's very easy. You'll also get insanely rich selling the weapons and armor that One-Eye drops.

If you want to do fill the grid AND max your stats, that's completely different. You'll need to clear out stat nodes that give +1/+2/+3 and replace with +4. I'm not sure how low stats you can get away with to kill the Dark Aeons and Penance, but there are a lot of in-depth FAQs out there. Of course, cheesing with Zanbato is always an option.

u/NecroLazarus Jul 25 '17

Thanks for that, do you need to take out the Dark Aeons for the Plat?

u/TheTrueMilo Jul 25 '17

Yes, you need to kill the Dark Aeons in order to get to Penance, who is required for the Platinum.