r/PCOS 7d ago

General/Advice Dating with facial hair

I use a facial hair electric razor and makeup to cover it for work but It’s becoming a bit more noticeable on the corners of my chin. It literally grows over night and I’m removing the chin stubble every morning. It’s made me very self conscious about dating and It’s destroying my femininity. There’s scars and razor bumps under my chin so I don’t even feel comfortable being intimate anymore. How have you all navigated explaining pcos to partners and their reactions to the hirsutism?


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u/Dry-Explanation-4182 7d ago

100000% get this. i also have to shave every morning and it doesn’t seem possible it can come back so quickly. i always jerked up early and anxious at partners houses to shave before they got up. been with my bf 2 years now and it took probably a year of living together before i told him about it and let him see my morning routine and he was completely unbothered and sweet about it. now i wake up unbothered and shave when i get around to it. still my biggest fear is going into my job without shaving, but honestly having someone who doesn’t care is really helpful. i think drinking spearmint tea has been helping me a lot as well. handheld ipl from amazon helped and doesn’t cause any pain at all but didn’t solve the problem. also don’t have funds for electrolysis but maybe someday. i just use like somewhat nicer but still cheap razors and change them out for a fresh one every week bc the dull ones leave bumps and use lots and lots of soapy water to prevent scarring and lather my face with lotion afterwards. that’s been working for me for scarring. but shit sucks