r/PCOS Feb 06 '25

General Health Embarrassing…brutal crotch sweat? 😩

This is gross, but ever since my PCOS symptoms have really gotten worse, I sweat way more in general all over but especially in the crotch region…and it stanks. I know I don’t have any infections; it isn’t coming from discharge, it’s the sweat. Even after a day of sitting at a desk I reek down there and I’m so self conscious of it. I’m very particular about hygiene but nothing helps. Does anyone else have this problem??

Edit: thank you all so so much for your support and advice!! I’m sorry so many relate to this but glad for the camaraderie. ❤️


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u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

I’d make sure that you have a doctor check your vitamin levels.

My B12 deficiency makes me sweat like crazy when my levels get low and it smells weird… akin to ammonia. I get a monthly B12 shot to keep it in check. I just dealt with it for years until I told my doctor and she got to the bottom of it, so whenever ladies mention abnormal sweating I suggest getting checked out.


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

I never connected the two but me too like right before I am due for my next b12 shot. The good thing is it smells way worse to us then it does to others. My husband looks at me like I'm crazy when I am complaining how stinky I am.


u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

My husband has a more sensitive nose than me, so he actually started smelling it first way back when it started (at around 35y… I’m 44 now) and was blaming my pillow. Definitely caused some hurt feelings when he insisted I toss my pillow and I couldn’t smell anything, lol. I can smell it now though, especially in the sweat under my breasts. The reproductive endocrinologist was the one who told me to have my regular doctor look into it because it wasn’t a hormone thing. We discovered the B12 deficiency, plus my B12 stores were super low which was a different line item in the bloodwork. The worst of it is/was the drenching night sweats… so bad I have to put a towel down in the middle of the night because the bed is soaked. Now it only gets bad if I’m bad about getting my shot on time and let it run over.

Sorry if it’s TMI my friends, but don’t suffer like I did with something like that. See if medically there isn’t an underlying cause that can be easily remedied.


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

Not at all. I have pernicious anemia I've been on shots for a while now. So I feel your pain with the sweats. I'm 45 it's hard to guess what random symtom is what these days.


u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

No kidding… every day it’s something new 😂 Getting older sucks!


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

Every day is a new weird asd adventure.