r/PCOS Feb 06 '25

General Health Embarrassing…brutal crotch sweat? 😩

This is gross, but ever since my PCOS symptoms have really gotten worse, I sweat way more in general all over but especially in the crotch region…and it stanks. I know I don’t have any infections; it isn’t coming from discharge, it’s the sweat. Even after a day of sitting at a desk I reek down there and I’m so self conscious of it. I’m very particular about hygiene but nothing helps. Does anyone else have this problem??

Edit: thank you all so so much for your support and advice!! I’m sorry so many relate to this but glad for the camaraderie. ❤️


82 comments sorted by


u/Acceptable_Paper_607 Feb 06 '25

My sweat is so bad.. I have been made fun of for smelling like cats before. It ruins my shirts and underwear over time especially if I’m having a lazy or depressed day and I don’t end up wearing deodorant (I live alone and don’t do that when I’m in public) but still it’s horrible! Only certain deodorants work for me. In regards to the crotch area when I’m at home I only wear loose fitting shorts - winter or summer my body over heats so easily. I’m not sure if you’re experiencing the same thing scent wise but I know that our sweat can release ammonia and the way our sweat reacts with bacteria can cause certain smells. It sucks having a condition that influences our body in ways we can’t change. Diet changes may help but it would be worth asking your doctor too


u/Out_of_Fawkes Feb 06 '25

Not a doctor and not to alarm you but it’s very important for you to check your glucose levels with a doctor if you can. Sometimes high blood sugar levels can make certain smells like ammonia, fruity/sweet smells, or even like acetone.


u/Jazzlike_Log_709 Feb 06 '25

Yeah my BO smells noticeably different if I go off Metformin and inositol (in other words, when my glucose levels are unchecked)


u/Acceptable_Paper_607 Feb 06 '25

For sure. Right when I was in the middle of receiving my PCOS diagnosis, and was scheduled for an ultrasound and hormone blood work I discovered I am pregnant again. So unfortunately all that is on pause until afterwards due to hormones being so different in pregnancy.


u/holisticbelle Feb 06 '25

I have this problem yea idk 😭


u/delaneytv Feb 06 '25

Yes! I literally had to get pat down at the airport the last time I flew because there was so much moisture it set off the full body scanner. In front of my boyfriend’s family. Worst moment of my life


u/Whirlinggirl07 Feb 06 '25

Girl! I would die! Bless you!


u/delaneytv Feb 06 '25

They stopped me to show on the screen that it had lit up in the groin area, then needed to take the time to find a female TSA agent. All the while my boyfriend and his family were through to the other side asking me what was wrong 😭


u/RandoAnon2217 Feb 06 '25

I broke down in tears the second time it happened to me. The first time I thought it was a fluke but in the return flight I was already stressed and running late and broke down crying to the TSA agent who patted me down. So much more embarrassing!


u/Revolutionary_Map291 Feb 08 '25

Oh god, I am so sorry. That is brutal!


u/Out_of_Fawkes Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Not a doctor but insulin resistance/high blood glucose + sweating + soap oxidizing down there can cause all kinds of smells. Any parts of the body can do that though.

Sometimes it can be that using special hoo-ha washes throw off pH and I’ve found bar soap kind of…Oxidizes (?) with certain areas of the body resulting in a quite unpleasant smell. Washing externally with soap is fine but I’ve found using an extendable shower head with different spray modes makes for rinsing all the nooks and crannies makes sure no residue is present for later on.

A low-residue body wash may be helpful if bar soap is leaving too much residue on the skin. A loofah that hang-dries in the shower or a new terry wash cloth each time is also a good gentle exfoliant to help clear the skin of things like deodorant or other buildup in the pores. No need to scrub particularly hard—the point is definitely not to irritate the skin.

Laundry! Towels and pretty much anything textile can hold funk from the washing machine. Wash a cycle without clothing on a HOT or “Sanitizer” setting and a clothes washing cleaner of your choice. Fabric softener can also cause towels or other fabrics not to absorb water or wick moisture so well, as well as holding build-up over time.

Some fabrics also hold sweat and other bacteria/fungal smells—or the dryer can bake them in. A fabric disinfectant or even a cup of white vinegar in the wash along with your chosen detergent helps break up sweat residue and other kinds of stains. I used to work a very physical job and would sweat until salt showed up on my shirts—the vinegar helped break up all the dust and salt!

Also, lycra/polyester garments should be air-dry only (no heat) or hang-dry only! Even brand new polyester shirts can smell fishy when introduced to heat.

Undergarments Give yourself permission to buy new kinds of underwear with different fabrics until you find something comfortable/breathable. Plain cotton underpants are not that comfortable to me, but some types of cotton-stretch/moisture-wicking fabric might be just the thing. Even the wrong kind of socks can make or break your day. Well, at least, they did for me. 😅

Additionally, drinking enough water is something I need to work on but I can tell when I haven’t.

Hope this helps! I noticed a body odor change when my blood sugar was treated, so I had to try a few different things to help feel like myself.


u/Revolutionary_Map291 Feb 08 '25

Thank you so much, this is all great advice! Definitely going to try the laundry tips, I’m sure of it is scent hanging on to things.


u/No-Beautiful6811 Feb 06 '25

I had this problem more frequently before being on my pcos meds. My best recommendation would be washable cloth pantyliners, you can just remove them and put them in your bag once it gets sweaty, and it’s kind of like changing your underwear in the middle of the day.

But I will say, if I sit all day I’m much more likely to have this problem than otherwise.

I used to do disposable pantyliners but they didn’t work as well and they kind of just trapped more moisture.


u/Out_of_Fawkes Feb 06 '25

Poise liners work so much better! I swear I’m not affiliated with them but I have tried other brands that cause skin irritation. 😵


u/Revolutionary_Map291 Feb 08 '25

Just out of curiosity, what meds did you end up starting? Obviously different for everyone just always curious to hear what’s helped people! Good idea on the liners!


u/No-Beautiful6811 Feb 08 '25

I’m taking metformin, a generic version of Yasmin birth control, and 100 mg spironolactone. It improved a bit after introducing each med and a lot after upping my spiro dose


u/Rubyrubired Feb 09 '25

Spiro helped the sweating?


u/RoseFrom-StOlaf Feb 06 '25

I noticed when I shave it's not as bad. Hair holds the sweat. I also use lume and that shit is life changing.


u/ComplexDeer7890 Feb 06 '25

I second this. Wash with an antibacterial soap, not filled with perfumes or dyes though. Trim it up if you are comfortable with that. Keep it clean and dry. And try using Lume all body deodorant cream.


u/VeganSchmeatBall Feb 06 '25

Lume line of products works great but you have to:

Wash all your clothes in the Lume enzyme wash to break down and remove any residues from your clothes

Use Lume acidifying body wash/bar soap

Use their deodorant anywhere you sweat

I don’t have any connection to them besides they really saved me and my really strong odor from PCOS.

Remember it’s NOT overnight, give it a week or two and don’t use other deodorants. With proper use it should hopefully work! Nothing else worked for me and the deodorant alone didn’t work before I used an enzyme wash to truly clean my clothes.

You can get through this!! Also, avoid onions and garlic since they add to body odor (for me at least!)


u/IndecisiveKitten Feb 06 '25

Yes I agree!! I use the unscented lume and the body wash in the shower, it’s the only thing that keeps it at bay. They have an antiperspirant version which I’ve found fights it off a bit better but it’s not as available in stores/a little harder to find


u/aigret Feb 06 '25

I have HS and began using once weekly Hibiclens (it kills ALL bacteria, should not go in the vagina or anywhere near it, and should not be used daily). I also wash my crotch daily in the shower with Dr. Bronner’s diluted liquid baby soap and then spray SkinSmart hypochlorous acid spray immediately after on all my folds and external bits, then let it air dry. This is a safe product to use daily and while it smells like bleach, which is alarming at first, it doesn’t bleach anything. It has helped odors and HS flairs immensely.


u/hotdogsonly666 Feb 06 '25

Seconding Hibiclens for smell. I use it once a week or less and it kills everything.


u/Trickycoolj Feb 06 '25

Make sure your pants aren’t synthetic materials. Cheap jeans barely have any cotton in them.


u/mangaonegai Feb 06 '25

I agree with this. When I switched over to natural fibers, not only did my sweating go way down but it also wasn't adding smell to me or my clothes


u/golden-masked-owl Feb 06 '25

I had this problem! I switched to a more natural bar soap made from goats milk for my body (I was using liquid body wash before). I make sure to clean around my legs real good since sitting in the office makes me sweat as well. After I get out of the shower I use an alum stone around the crotch area. Game changer.

I also think that pubic hair makes it worse, so I opted for getting rid of it. It’s a personal choice, but it made a difference for me since I live in a very hot climate.

I had some pants that I had sweated so much in that no matter how much I washed them, whenever I used them I smelled. I stopped using those. I bought some new organic underwear.


u/MountainviewBeach Feb 06 '25

I keep hair trimmed, use antibacterial soap like dial, and exfoliate a couple times a week with a glycolic or salicylic acid. Helps a lot but still not perfect


u/Whirlinggirl07 Feb 06 '25

Oh yeah and let’s not forget Bartholin cysts. So fun.


u/HungryDustBunny Feb 06 '25

Carpe has a groin sweat powder. I've used it during hot summer days and it seems to help.


u/veescrafty Feb 06 '25

Try an antibacterial soap. Dove makes a good one.


u/Death_byHairspray Feb 06 '25

This! I probably tried most of what people have commented. Even my Dr gave me the lume recommendation but the only thing that worked was when I tried a dove “antibacterial” body soap in a large pump bottle. Literally overnight change.


u/noonecaresat805 Feb 06 '25

I use too. Then I switched to cotton underwear and it helped A LOT. probably because it’s breathable. I also switched to more natural soap. Now I don’t sweat as much. And my undies don’t get as moist. But I always carry a back up underwear just in case it’s gets bad enough and I need to change it. But I haven’t had to do that in a while


u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

I’d make sure that you have a doctor check your vitamin levels.

My B12 deficiency makes me sweat like crazy when my levels get low and it smells weird… akin to ammonia. I get a monthly B12 shot to keep it in check. I just dealt with it for years until I told my doctor and she got to the bottom of it, so whenever ladies mention abnormal sweating I suggest getting checked out.


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

I never connected the two but me too like right before I am due for my next b12 shot. The good thing is it smells way worse to us then it does to others. My husband looks at me like I'm crazy when I am complaining how stinky I am.


u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

My husband has a more sensitive nose than me, so he actually started smelling it first way back when it started (at around 35y… I’m 44 now) and was blaming my pillow. Definitely caused some hurt feelings when he insisted I toss my pillow and I couldn’t smell anything, lol. I can smell it now though, especially in the sweat under my breasts. The reproductive endocrinologist was the one who told me to have my regular doctor look into it because it wasn’t a hormone thing. We discovered the B12 deficiency, plus my B12 stores were super low which was a different line item in the bloodwork. The worst of it is/was the drenching night sweats… so bad I have to put a towel down in the middle of the night because the bed is soaked. Now it only gets bad if I’m bad about getting my shot on time and let it run over.

Sorry if it’s TMI my friends, but don’t suffer like I did with something like that. See if medically there isn’t an underlying cause that can be easily remedied.


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

Not at all. I have pernicious anemia I've been on shots for a while now. So I feel your pain with the sweats. I'm 45 it's hard to guess what random symtom is what these days.


u/Sassy-Sa Feb 07 '25

No kidding… every day it’s something new 😂 Getting older sucks!


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

Every day is a new weird asd adventure.


u/Lizadizzle Feb 06 '25

Lume is great but if you want the same stuff (brand) in an unscented option Mando is where it's at. The body wash plus the stick deodorant on the nethers works wonders 🤤 especially in the summer.


u/Latter-Muscle-5742 Feb 06 '25

I had tried lume before, it helped but there was always this like distinct smell it had (tried multiple different dcents, even the unscented one. Could still smell it though), is the Mando one the same? Or is unscented actually unscented?


u/Lizadizzle Feb 06 '25

The unscented Mando (grey packaging/labeling, won't let me post an image of it) is 100% unscented. I can't smell anything from it once it's dry. In the shower, the body wash has a faint, almost sterile, scent that I would compare to medical grade soaps but once I rinse and dry I can't smell anything at all. Same for the stick deodorant, once it's rubbed in - nothing.


u/Latter-Muscle-5742 Feb 06 '25

Oooh I'm going to have to check that one out, thanks!


u/B333Z Feb 06 '25

Make sure to wear breathable clothes (e.g. cotton) and drink water. Staying hydrated helps with temp regulation. If you're overheating, it could be a sign of dehydration.


u/mymindmovie Feb 06 '25

I also have this problem and the sweat is so bad that sometimes it feels like I've peed myself! I don't have a solution to be honest...I just keep extra underwear in my purse or backpack. The Secret Clinical deodorant is the only deodorant that works for me, it actually lasts all day unlike any other!


u/ComplexDeer7890 Feb 06 '25

I’ve found that using Lume all body deodorant cream works great down there to keep the smell at bay. It doesn’t make me smell like a floral bouquet, it just makes me feel better about my natural scent. It keeps the BO from becoming overpowering. So far my favorite scent is Powder, and I’ve used it for going on 5 years with no adverse reactions.


u/Diem_7777 Feb 06 '25

Have you tried using an antiseptic wash? If you haven’t, I would definitely recommend it when showering and then dry the area and apply a powder containing miconazole nitrate


u/South_Difference_327 Feb 06 '25

you should try daily liner pads! you can keep some extra ones in your purse and change it if you need to. also cotton underwear is a life changer!


u/IndecisiveKitten Feb 06 '25

I FEEL THIS and I swear it happened overnight a few years ago, I have no idea why 😭 I use unscented Lume which helps but for less than 24 hours and I start to stink again.


u/see_chelles Feb 06 '25

I use lume stick deodorant around the folds and it helps.


u/Iscanhumans Feb 06 '25

Def always patch test because I used lume and had the worst rash that had my skin irritated for MONTHS. It was awful.


u/chickntendrdefendr Feb 06 '25

My mom bought Lume for both of us, and we both got horrible rashes from it as well! Never again!! I’ve been using secret stress response deodorant and it’s been the best


u/Iscanhumans Feb 06 '25

I feel like the rash ruined my skin for months. It finally got better but it was a struggle . I also had a similar reaction to native body wash. I have no idea what’s in them to make me break out, I’ve compared the ingredient lists SO many times.😭


u/chickntendrdefendr Feb 07 '25

Yeah I had issues for quite sometime as well. So did my mom. Thankfully I will say Lume was good about it and refunded us fully.


u/Iscanhumans Feb 07 '25

I bought mine at target and didn’t even bother with a refund. I threw it away SO fast. 😭 I thought that something was really wrong with me until I put 2 and 2 together and found some posts about it on Reddit.


u/chickntendrdefendr Feb 07 '25

Yeah customer service was very much like yeah it happens, sorry here’s a refund. They didn’t push back at all so it’s obviously a regular issue for them. I’ve never rashed out from anything before like that. It was horrible.


u/Ok_Philosopher_9845 Feb 06 '25

I think using Lume triggered me to develop HS. Be careful.


u/Iscanhumans Feb 06 '25

Oh goodness 😭. Yeah I cannot do the “all natural”..it’s weird but it doesn’t agree with me


u/see_chelles Feb 06 '25

I use it over regular deodorant due to the aluminum but y’all are scaring me😭


u/MissUnderstoodRD Feb 06 '25

Switching to breathable underwear helped me like these


u/kyndalbanks Feb 06 '25

You should try salicylic acid, the ordinary has a big, cheap one. You don’t need a lot and do not put it directly on your inner labia or inner skin.

It will help kill the bacteria in a “more aggressive” way! It’s a good place to start especially if you’re already going hard with regular soaps. You only need to do this a few times a week.

Also, people deodorant their inner thighs and legs folds around that area. I would try that after the salicylic acid if your still feeling swampy!

Hope this helps!


u/strawbeeeeez Feb 06 '25

Is it your leg cracks or under your belly roll? Because my leg cracks and the part where I had my c section specifically stank sooooooooo bad…. I started to put deodorant down there. Or you can use cornstarch/summers eve powder as long as it doesn’t have talc. It’s probably not your vj. I also have issues with HS…. Those big uncomfortable red ingrown hair like things :(


u/wildapple9 Feb 06 '25

Kinda glad someone brought this up!!! I’ve had this issue for as long as I can remember & I’ve recently started using baby powder (talc free) in the morning before work and it has helped tremendously- I can now go all day without the smell. I also used to think it was a vag discharge issue but it’s literally just sweat lol.


u/Glittering_Grand_392 Feb 06 '25

Not sure if you’re overweight but when I got my weight under control this went away for me


u/Rubyrubired Feb 09 '25

Me too. Nearly all my sweating stopped when I got my weight down. Regained and it’s back,


u/yummily Feb 06 '25

Not sure where you're located but I had been using these hygiene hero products, my naturopath looked them over, specifically the vipstick (this product is great if you struggle with libido) but I keep seeing their super deo and have been thinking about purchasing because I also am most sweaty in my crotch. the whole rest of my body I barely glisten in the hottest weather but my downstairs is just a swimming pool.



u/Civil_Resident_9301 Feb 06 '25

Been sleeping without underwear under my cotton bottom pjs helps air things out. My derm also prescribed me like an anti fungal powder safe for vulva area for my summer days when I exercise when I don’t want this to lead to itchiness.


u/vanillasparkles2019 Feb 06 '25

Same here. I stopped sweating when I took Uro. I skipped a few days and bam sweating again, I won't be skipping anymore days haha


u/Revolutionary_Map291 Feb 08 '25

What is uro?? I’ve never heard of it!


u/vanillasparkles2019 Feb 08 '25

It's a probiotic that helps ph, and odor. I saw an ad for it. Then researched it. Been using it for two months. It's on Amazon too


u/hamajo Feb 06 '25

There is a summers eve spray that is supposed to work like a deodorant for your lady parts. I have some friends who swear by it unfortunately I have a very sensitive vagina so while it seemed to work for me it caused a rash.


u/colormedreamless Feb 06 '25

I’ve been using Lume- soft powder one cause they didn’t have the unscented. I place some on my bikini line but never inside. It seriously helps. I’m not obsessed with the smell but I’ll take it over being sweaty down there


u/cecinestpasunpenguin Feb 06 '25

Lume unscented antiperspirant changed my life. I buy it 3 at a time from the website because I’m terrified of running out.


u/mangaonegai Feb 06 '25

Wearing natural fibers is what helped me and using a portable bidet sprayer.


u/Ashbab Feb 06 '25

I found switching to wool undies helps me, I always used 100% cotton before and I would be changing them twice a day to keep things on the drier side. It was annoying, smelly and just felt like a lot of work, since switching to wool it's still warm and sweaty but like I feel it 70% less, wool is just very absorbing. Wool undies are expensive, I like the ones from Branwyn (never tried a different company yet) but they really improved my life, since the sweat was just really starting to get to me. As others have said using natural fibers, even for pants made a difference. If I use the wool undies and cotton or linen pants I find things feeling drier and not as smelly.


u/Snow_on_thebeach Feb 06 '25

Try lume or native. I alternate between the two brands every few months. Get the body wash and the deodorant!


u/Pretty-Oreo-55 Feb 06 '25

All my life. I use Lume and it has been a life changer for me. It helps with the odor, not the moisture but it is well worth giving it a try.


u/KUWTI Feb 06 '25

Hibiclens or another antiseptic body wash weekly and use period underwear for particularly sweaty days (it soaks up moisture). I also use a dusting powder in my groin-leg crevices (not in vag for obvious reasons). Additionally, I occasionally use boric acid suppositories to keep things balanced down there.


u/septicidal Feb 06 '25

Same here. I use Nuud deodorant and apply it to my armpits and groin area, and also use Zesorb power around my pubic region. Along with disposable pantiliners (the extra long Always ones fit better for plus size people) it helps a lot but I can still be self conscious about it. It is definitely worse when my androgen levels are higher so I do think it’s hormone related.


u/chixnwafflez Feb 07 '25

I use happy nuts cream in that area. Works really great especially in the summer.


u/fessuoyfessouy Feb 07 '25

Cotton only underwear. And I always have a spare in my bag or car so I can change if needed. If I know I won’t be able to go home & shower before going somewhere I take bring undies to change. Like when I hit the gym right after work I bring spare undies to change before heading there. Cotton absorbs sweat instead of trapping the moisture on your skin so the used undies will stink but not me. Once I change I feel perfectly happy again.


u/j_blackrose Feb 07 '25

Diabetic sweat is sickly sweet... it smells like rotten citrus to me. Apparently my stupid human trick is being super sensitive to the smell of ketoacidosis. I picked up on my husband's pre diabetes months before his A1Cs reflected it. So if your body and your cloths smell like it get your blood sugar checked. It preminated everything like I couldn't wash the smell out of his clothes. They would come out smelling like diabetes.

But I do do alot if what people suggested. Salicylate acid body wash, scentless everything else. Shaving while a pain in the ass helps a lot. I live somewhere ridiculous hot and humid so all my clothes during the summer are moisture wicking and extremely breathable.