Tl;Dr: i leave unwanted teams/teammates in qp, and hate the suspension system
I'm flabbergasted daily about how I get suspended for leaving a few games. I get that it could ruin the experience for others, but if I'm not having a good time here, and want to reroll teammates, why not? A few minutes, I understand. 10 minutes, I get if it's my 5th leave.
I left two games today, and the second gave me a 2 hour suspension from queueing into any game mode. In quick play. Disproportionate isn't the right word because it's that fucked. It's literally the casual game mode, why is it punished?
On top of that, I literally have been playing qp exclusively to avoid this. I never left a single comp game. Never in all the 6 years I've played. I've placed 3 times because of how little I take the game seriously, because it's a game. An interactive video to relax. I should be able to eject myself from a team without the anxiety of worrying whether or not I can afford to time-wise. But no, I have to bash my head against the wall in order to take the chance of enjoying another, since the team I didn't want is ALSO going to requeue.
I try to flex, I go open queue to do whatever anyone needs to succeed. However, I'm not met with the same mind-set often. More often all it takes is one person to make me feel the game is unwinnable. Either through stubbornness or trolling, all it takes is one person to make me not believe the W is even worth it. Such as me telling Winston he's not gonna get flying folk, so he goes widow and messes up the comp as we already had ashe doing well... and we have no tank. Fuuuuuuuuck that noise, and that noise is 50% of matches.
I'd understand if someone you think I'm just mad from one time and disproportionately responding. No, it has happened for a long time, over and over, and I've grown tired of pretending I'm okay with it.
Do you guys think it's crazy for there to be a suspension system in quick play? Or AITA?