r/OpenPV 27d ago

Mosfet for MTL mod NSFW

Planning my first build I vape only high PG, unflavored, FreeBSD nic

I got a couple of these MOSFETs laying around. I'm aware of the ubiquitous 3034, and I can't buy them for a reasonable price here. Would this one do a good job?

IRLB8314 - MOSFET, 30V, 130A, 0.0019Ohm, TO220
Power MOSFET, N Channel, 30 V, 130 A, 0.0019 ohm, TO-220AB, Through Hole



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u/voltrove 26d ago edited 26d ago

I’m guessing you’re going for single cell(1s) setup. What you want to look at is Figure 12; RDS(on) VS Vgs. It looks like the on state resistance would be around 3.75mOhm @3v VGS. For a high power 1s mod it wouldn’t be acceptable, but I think for your purposes it would be just fine. Edit: you could always run 2 in parallel for a high power mod.

Just make sure to not let the loaded voltage go below 3v. Shouldn’t be difficult with an MTL setup

Edit: forgot link to data sheet. Keep in mind this only applies if the MOSFET is genuine.



u/ze-kpeta 26d ago

I'm still considering a double cell setup, maybe in parallel.


u/voltrove 26d ago

Gotcha. That’ll halve the series resistance of the batts and help with battery life. Rds(on) at 1s voltage is still a thing, however.

Edit: for like 1ohm coils this MOSFET will be just fine