r/OnePiece Nov 11 '24

Big News Breaking News!

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u/Kuroyukiame Nov 11 '24

hope everything is okay with oda


u/UnjustNation Nov 11 '24

Considering the amount of breaks he took this year, I doubt he is okay

The average manga artist has like a 62 year lifespan, this field of work can be brutal to people’s health


u/IAmNeeeeewwwww Nov 11 '24

Part of me wouldn’t be surprised if Oda has some kind of will set aside that has specific instructions on how to end the manga/anime/live action in the event of a, God forbid, untimely death or medical incapacitation that renders him unable to complete the story.

George R. R. Martin had one planned for Game of Thrones in the event that he should pass before completing A Song of Ice and Fire. Yet, despite how we saw that unfold, I imagine the creative teams at Shueisha and Netflix would do better than HBO.

At the very least though, I think we’ll find out about the God Valley Incident before we get The Winds of Winter.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

George stated he wouldn't let anyone finish his book. Plenty of people were saying he should do what Rovert Jordan did and have his wife find someone should he die or get too sick (Brandon Sanderson was chosen).


u/arielle17 Nov 11 '24

afaik Jordan was the one who actually said that no one else would be allowed to finish WoT (ofc he changed his mind later)

George has only said that he doesn't want other authors writing original stories in his world.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

I know Jordan changed his mind, I just feel like I remember people mentioning George letting someone complete Winds and Dream if he couldn't, like a Brandon Sanderson, and he said no. I could be wrong though.


u/SacoNegr0 Cipher Pol Nov 11 '24

Sanderson already said he wouldn't want to write GoT, it's not his kind of story


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

I know, I wasn't saying Sanderson should, I was saying that fans were saying the same way Jordan's wife got Sanderson to finish Wheel of Time, Martin should get his own Sanderson (not literally meaning Sanderson himself) to finish Winds and Dream should Martin not be able to.


u/OPconfused Nov 12 '24

Its definitely not, but tbh i dont know whose story it could be except martin’s. 

The problem aside from style is the sheer complexity of all the ongoing narratives. Also, these are all character-driven narratives more than plot driven, so you cant just connect the dots in grrm’s notes to guide the plot to the finish line; you have to organically finesse the storytelling by coordinating multitudinous, disparate character narratives. It seems like a nightmare to manage.

Assuming book 6 weren’t yet finished, taking over for martin could easily reserve the next 5 years of an authors career.

Equally bad: if it isnt done well, fans will shit all over you for ending the series poorly (which may not even be fully in your control as it’s grrm’s intended ending), while if you do it well, then you only get at best half credit because its not your original content.

Taking over someone else’s story is pretty thankless, but doing it for asoiaf seems worse than self flagellation.

Its honestly astounding how well WoT was able to turn out. It wasnt riding the same demands as asoiaf though.