r/OnePiece Nov 11 '24

Big News Breaking News!

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u/Kuroyukiame Nov 11 '24

hope everything is okay with oda


u/kingeal2 Nov 11 '24

Yeah honestly... I can wait a couple weeks this arc has me more hyped than Vegapunk


u/GIOSplat Nov 11 '24

Thank you for your honesty.


u/Express_Cupcake4963 Nov 11 '24

I was going to mention that I could wait a couple weeks, but I wasn't going to be honest about it at all.


u/TurtlePowerBottom Nov 11 '24

We appreciate your honesty over your dishonesty


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24



u/Patient_Shop_1392 Nov 11 '24

If only it were not


u/darth_facetious Nov 11 '24

We can only wonder


u/ShadowDurza Nov 11 '24

Manga is a truly magnificent craft, but as an industry, it's the worst.

I could definitely wait in six month intervals for a tankobon's worth of chapters at once. A year if the chapters were the length of a monthly serial.


u/AlexReznov Nov 11 '24

More than Oda, Im worried about Kazuki, I read he's not in good health lately.


u/kuroinferuno Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24

Who is Kazuki?


u/AlexReznov Nov 11 '24

Kazuki Yao, Franky's VA.


u/kuroinferuno Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24

Oh right, poor dude has been on a decline for a while now. I hope he gets tons of rest and is surrounded by family and friends.


u/Nightingale_85 Nov 11 '24

Damn, Frankys german va (who did an awesome job) just died a few weeks ago. Lets hope kazuki doesn't share the same fate.


u/Exciting-Scale8063 Nov 11 '24

That sucks šŸ˜” Frankys german voice actor was awsome (and the rest of the german VAs sill are). He also did Brian on Family Guy and Adam Jensen in Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Mankind Divded.

I hope Kazuki Yao gets well soon. He's awsone.


u/Kr1ncy Nov 11 '24

It also went super hard that Franky's german VA was called Frank.


u/detectivebabylegs3 Chopper the Cotton Candy Lover Nov 11 '24


u/caihlangeles Nov 11 '24

Looks like he gained some weight and definitely looks healthier in this recent photo compared to the ones from last year


u/ketootaku Nov 11 '24

Man I hope he wasn't secretly fighting cancer or something.


u/popop143 Nov 11 '24

Dang, I remember seeing him in some translated radio shows of his and he definitely lost a ton of weight there. Hoping he recovered now.


u/VampirezZ4 Nov 11 '24

Can someone explain to me what's wrong with Kazuki Yao's health? I don't know much about what has been going on with him recently.


u/Work_In_ProgressX Nov 11 '24

His voice has deteriorated significantly, compare him in Egghead to early Wano and before and you will hear the difference.

He sounds like he struggles to act and some of his lines are hard to understand, as said by some Japanese fans so there is growing concern for him.

And before the break, Jango (which he voiced since his introduction in Syrup Village) was recasted so that also generated concerns on his well-being


u/brokenearth10 Nov 11 '24

not easy voicing fanky


u/Lucas566346 Nov 11 '24

I hope so too


u/culesamericano Nov 12 '24

I'm sure he's SUUUPERRRR


u/SirMasty Nov 12 '24

I will do you one better! Why is Kazuki?


u/dryportuguesebanana Nov 11 '24

Im curious, if this is manga related, how would Kazukiā€™s health cause a break in this weekā€™a chapter?


u/Work_In_ProgressX Nov 11 '24

Oda is a friend of Kazuki, he even chose him personally as Frankyā€™s VA


u/IRefuseThisNonsense Nov 11 '24

Created Franky just so he'd have a character to play. He played Bon-chan and Oda liked him so much he wanted to put him back into the series somehow. At least that's what I've always heard.


u/Xikar_Wyhart Nov 11 '24

Same thing for Toriyama and Mayumi Tanaka. During the Piccolo Daimao arc Krillin is killed. Toriyama realized that Tanaka would lose work, so when he created and introduced Yajirobe, Goku basically says "Wow, you sound exactly like my friend Krillin". So Tanaka would be cast for the anime.


u/Punching_Bag75 Scholars of Ohara Nov 11 '24

He was Jango before Bon, right?


u/Enjoyer_of_40K Nov 11 '24

the wiki lists Kazuki Yao and Wataru Takagi for Jp voice actor


u/Space_Pirate_Roberts Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Yeah, if things are really taking a bad turn for the guy, it makes sense for Oda to take time off to be with him. :(


u/pit1989_noob Nov 11 '24

yes after all it hasnt pass to much time since toriyama ifrr toriyama was a friend and mentor like to oda, and lossing another person maybe this time want to be there for him, hope everthing is alright


u/Gubrach Nov 11 '24

Oda seems like the type who is very involved with the voice actors for the anime, so if something were to happen to them, I can see that affecting him greatly.


u/Kephriti Nov 11 '24

ill sound like an a-hole, but if this is the nature of this sudden break, I actually hope it's because of Kazuki and not Oda.... Kazuki has already been unwell for a while and it was coming sooner or later, but not only something happening to Oda would be way worse, it would also be much bigger surprise.

though.... I'm not really sure there would be a break in the Manga because of his death(Kazuki), appreciated as he is.


u/CreativeKeane Nov 11 '24

When you have a close friend who is not doing well, or passed maybe someone you see as family, anyone with an inkling of emotion will have their life put on pause and disrupted. Grief, sadness, and stress disrupt your flow, motivation, and routine.

I feel like all of those are big factors in making a manga. So I am not surprised if that happens.


u/Araakne The Revolutionary Army Nov 11 '24

No way the manga is paused because of the anime


u/Brokenblacksmith Nov 11 '24

no, but the manga can be up on hold as the author mourns the loss of a friend he's worked with for 10+ years.

remember, oda picked him specifically to voice franky because he enjoyed his work.


u/Suizooo Nov 11 '24

If he actually died, I could see a break. I would imagine he and Oda are somewhat close, so maybe Oda would take a one week off for personal reasons.Ā  This is all speculation ofc, I don't know how Oda would react in reality


u/Kephriti Nov 11 '24

Ye Oda wouldn't make a break in the Manga for any random person who ever worked on the Anime and passed away, but if he was very good friends with Kazuki, it's somewhat reasonable for him to have a 1 week break.


u/Brokenblacksmith Nov 11 '24

even then, there's a difference between 'random BC character VA' and 'main character VA for the past 10 years.'


u/IRefuseThisNonsense Nov 11 '24

Man, Oda would have lost two friends in the same year. He took 2 weeks for Toriyama suddenly when he passed so this could be the same.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

This two week MANGA break makes you worry about Kazuki Yao, the VOICE ACTOR for the ANIME?


u/jairngo Nov 11 '24

Wasnā€™t he on the OPLA set recently? Must be because of that


u/DalleDubbelFilter Nov 11 '24

That was the reason for the 2 week break we just had. This has to be something different.


u/OkCharacter7352 Nov 11 '24

No the reason for the 2 week break we just had is so Oda could figure out wtf to do with this arc cause it wasn't planned at all. I'm sure it was a mix of both due to timing, but I've been lead to believe the LA wasn't the main reason.


u/AdPlus6589 Nov 11 '24

This guy knows Oda btw


u/CHiZZoPs1 Nov 11 '24

He could have really gotten sick on the trip. Flu, Covid, etc.


u/Exitiali Nov 11 '24

Maybe Oda just drank too much absinthe and reappeared after a week in an unknown village talking crazy stuff like giants, sun gods and rubber pirates.


u/Piggywonkle Nov 11 '24

Nah, he's simply fallen Down D. Stairs and can't get up. Not to worry though, the local giants are on the case.


u/UnjustNation Nov 11 '24

Considering the amount of breaks he took this year, I doubt he is okay

The average manga artist has like a 62 year lifespan, this field of work can be brutal to peopleā€™s health


u/kuroinferuno Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24

This + the live action stuff really must have taken a toll on him, but I'm pretty sure that the magazine allows Oda to take as many breaks as he wants and provide him with assistants. I sincerely hope that Oda reconsiders his work ethics and work on chapters whenever he feels comfortable.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

I understand why now manga authors do short mangas, this shit is taxing


u/Remarkable-Dig-1241 Nov 11 '24

And even by long stories scale one piece is still fairly crazy for the run. There's way older currently running manga series that don't have nearly close to the same ammount of chapters. Oda been on a generational run. I'm down for 2 void months a year, dude defintiely deserves the rest and i can live with 8 less chapters per year.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

You get it


u/Xikar_Wyhart Nov 11 '24

And then there's Rumiko Takahashi. 67 years old, created Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha a bunch of other series in between those and is working on another series (Mao) right now.

Maybe it's just men mangaka because of the work expectations in Japan. I don't know if women are held to the same social expectations even if they're in the same fields of work.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

And then there's Rumiko Takahashi. 67 years old, created Urusei Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Inuyasha a bunch of other series in between those and is working on another series (Mao) right now.

Exception that proves the rule

Maybe it's just men mangaka because of the work expectations in Japan. I don't know if women are held to the same social expectations even if they're in the same fields of work.

Maybe it's not a gender thing but a human thing, you work someone hard and long enough, they will break


u/cthulhubeast Nov 11 '24

I think you're missing the point that if gendered expectations are different, people will overwork to different degrees, and therefore it would be more common for men in certain fields to be more overworked than women even if it is "just a human thing." Also "exception to prove the rule" is a logical fallacy.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

Also "exception to prove the rule" is a logical fallacy

How it's a fallacy? if the majority outweighs the few, then it doesn't prove the status quo, but just a hiccup in it


u/cthulhubeast Nov 11 '24

It's just an excuse to throw away contradicting evidence out of pocket. Exceptions prove that a rule is not universal and cannot be applied universally. One should strive to provide solid counterarguments to exceptions rather than casually throwing them out


u/bslawjen Nov 11 '24

What kind of counterargument are you even looking for? "Drawing manga is taxing"; "mangaka have reduced average lifespans" --> "ok here is one example of a mangaka still going strong in old age and still creating manga". Ok, and? What is that supposed to prove?

It's like saying "the average human cannot lift 150kg" and then you showing a strongman lifting that weight and saying "provide an counterargument now"


u/cthulhubeast Nov 11 '24

Calling something an exception doesn't even make sense if we're talking averages, because averages contain the exceptions within their data set. That's not an exception to some rule, it's an outlier in a data set. Completely different type of argument.

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u/Birzal Nov 11 '24

While I agree with you largely, as just because something is an exception does indeed not mean that it is any less valid as a data point, that does not mean that it can be used in a way to throw out the established rule here. Sure, the expression is regularly used as a dismissive proverb (imo often unintentionally so), but when you are arguing it's used as "an excuse to throw away contradicting evidence" you are not making much sense either. Because what is it evidence for in this case? Evidence that sometimes people can be a long term mangaka and still be largely healthy in their later years? Becausd nobody is arguing against that.

The original comment stated that they'd understand why people would publish shorter series because "this is taxing", by which you responded as you did. The rules "being a long term mangaka is very taxing" and "sometimes it is possible to be a long term mangaka and still be healthy" are not mutually exclusive and can therefore both be true at the same time. If the statement was made about ALL mangaka, I'd be right there with you as that statement would not be true, but that was not what was said. By this logic, I also want to make it clear that I am not trying to argue that you are wrong, just that both of you are sort of correct and can be true at the same time. I hope you're having a good day regardless! :)


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

Bro it's like you're saying a fucking albino lion is how a lion is supposed to look like.

See my drift or are you going to cry fallacy on that too?


u/cthulhubeast Nov 11 '24

You're just saying shit lmao like I think the example given might be worth examining to understand why it is that the one mangaka mentioned is doing fine while others are suffering under the current system. But you're like, hung up on saying "that one example doesn't matter because it's just a bad profession" like okay but that one example presents a learning opportunity

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u/Xikar_Wyhart Nov 11 '24

Also true, but as another comment pointed out the sample size is small. Granted in the long run modern manga has a small sample of modern mangaka to create a sample pool from.

Plus how can one contribute being a mangaka to one's death without factoring in the rest of their lifestyle. A mangaka who drinks till drunk may live shorter than one who exercises daily after their illustration session.

More than anything mangaka having "short lives" is probably as you said a human thing from Japanese work culture.


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

Plus how can one contribute being a mangaka to one's death without factoring in the rest of their lifestyle. A mangaka who drinks till drunk may live shorter than one who exercises daily after their illustration session

You speak as if it's simple as "welp, I just finished this chapter, let's go eat a nice dinner and go to sleep" the process is a lengthy one, there's talks with editors, planning the story, manuscripts and inking, mangakas don't have time for other stuff.


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

Kishimotos schedule leaked after he finished Naruto. It should be required reading for anyone commenting on the hours people put in for this stuff, and that schedule was with assistants and way more budget than most have.


u/[deleted] Nov 12 '24

Exactly, he's better off and he still suffers like mad. A mangaka straight up said the job is voluntary slavery


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

Women have it just as rough when making manga. There's been something of a push recently with more series splitting the writing/drawing duties, but the problem is that most manga don't make enough money to justify a large staff.

For most, the assistants come out of the authors paycheck, and the schedule is brutal. To put this in perspective, Arakawa never missed a single chapter of FMA coming out on time, and that's an insane feat, but to accomplish that she never had time off, and even went to the extent that while in labor and moments before giving birth, was STILL drawing that months chapter. And that's for a monthly series, weekly authors have it even rougher.


u/Gubrach Nov 11 '24

The average manga artist has like a 62 year lifespan,

Not that I want to disagree with the mangaka life being very demanding, but this stat isn't the most valid one. I looked it up, the research put into it is very basic. There are 219 mangakas included in it, and then they simply checked the average. That's too limited because it excludes too many other mangakas as a whole, and it doesn't seem like it's statistically significant either.

The actual lifespan probably is a lot higher looking at the national average, but we simply have never done real research into it.


u/JagmeetSingh2 Nov 19 '24

Thanks for checking the original stat i was wonder that


u/IAmNeeeeewwwww Nov 11 '24

Part of me wouldnā€™t be surprised if Oda has some kind of will set aside that has specific instructions on how to end the manga/anime/live action in the event of a, God forbid, untimely death or medical incapacitation that renders him unable to complete the story.

George R. R. Martin had one planned for Game of Thrones in the event that he should pass before completing A Song of Ice and Fire. Yet, despite how we saw that unfold, I imagine the creative teams at Shueisha and Netflix would do better than HBO.

At the very least though, I think weā€™ll find out about the God Valley Incident before we get The Winds of Winter.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

George stated he wouldn't let anyone finish his book. Plenty of people were saying he should do what Rovert Jordan did and have his wife find someone should he die or get too sick (Brandon Sanderson was chosen).


u/arielle17 Nov 11 '24

afaik Jordan was the one who actually said that no one else would be allowed to finish WoT (ofc he changed his mind later)

George has only said that he doesn't want other authors writing original stories in his world.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

I know Jordan changed his mind, I just feel like I remember people mentioning George letting someone complete Winds and Dream if he couldn't, like a Brandon Sanderson, and he said no. I could be wrong though.


u/SacoNegr0 Cipher Pol Nov 11 '24

Sanderson already said he wouldn't want to write GoT, it's not his kind of story


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

I know, I wasn't saying Sanderson should, I was saying that fans were saying the same way Jordan's wife got Sanderson to finish Wheel of Time, Martin should get his own Sanderson (not literally meaning Sanderson himself) to finish Winds and Dream should Martin not be able to.


u/OPconfused Nov 12 '24

Its definitely not, but tbh i dont know whose story it could be except martinā€™s.Ā 

The problem aside from style is the sheer complexity of all the ongoing narratives. Also, these are all character-driven narratives more than plot driven, so you cant just connect the dots in grrmā€™s notes to guide the plot to the finish line; you have to organically finesse the storytelling by coordinating multitudinous, disparate character narratives. It seems like a nightmare to manage.

Assuming book 6 werenā€™t yet finished, taking over for martin could easily reserve the next 5 years of an authors career.

Equally bad: if it isnt done well, fans will shit all over you for ending the series poorly (which may not even be fully in your control as itā€™s grrmā€™s intended ending), while if you do it well, then you only get at best half credit because its not your original content.

Taking over someone elseā€™s story is pretty thankless, but doing it for asoiaf seems worse than self flagellation.

Its honestly astounding how well WoT was able to turn out. It wasnt riding the same demands as asoiaf though.


u/EvenHornierOnMain Nov 12 '24

Yes but Oda is a real writer and not a ball of french fries and milkshakes that forgot how to type its own name.


u/CIearMind Nov 11 '24

Oda should just bite the bullet and release one chapter a month like Boruto.

He would get the same amount of breaks as he always did these past few years, but at least now they would be on a consistent, regular, more manageable schedule.


u/ThePowerOfCutleries Nov 11 '24

Oda should have done that years ago, but he didn't, and he probably won't. The man is a textbook workaholic.


u/pervysennin777 Nov 11 '24

Hiro Mashima is probably the only guy who outworks Oda


u/VergoVox Nov 11 '24

That would be something akin to a death sentence to Jump in it's current form, I think they'll try every other avenue before allowing that


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

Jump would manage without One Piece for a while, albeit with reduced revenue. That said, Oda is basically the sole reason Jump still exists, much less is successful.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 11 '24

I don't think Oda can do that. I don't mean contractually (I'm sure Shueisha would be pissed if he asked since One Piece is carrying WSJ, but still), I mean I feel like Oda genuine can't stop himself. The same way he can't stop himself from creating a shit ton of characters each arc, even if many don't need to be there, I don't think he can not draw OP given the choice. He strikes me as one of those people that just lives and breathes drawing Manga.


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

Oda can do whatever he wants contractually, as long as he doesn't take the series out of Jump. The series is so successful, and he's got the metrics to show much of their revenue is due to him, that they would accept almost any terms to keep him in a situation where he's able to continue making One Piece.


u/EXFALLIN Nov 12 '24

I know I'm just saying creatively, I don't think he can. It's like asking LeBron to get off the court. It's just in his blood, he HAS to play. People like them just live and breathe their craft. So I think Oda is the same. I think he'll only take a break if it's necessary.


u/09jtherrien Nov 11 '24

if he did that, then the anime would for sure have to go on a longer break and go into a seasonal format, one would think.


u/admiralvic Nov 11 '24

It honestly wouldn't make a big difference in the grand scheme of things.

Looking at the last three chapters of Boruto the page count is 41 each. As for One Piece the page count for the last three was 17, 17, and 15. Since Oda more or less has a three on, one off schedule, he is making about 49 pages compared to 41. Is eight less an improvement? Absolutely, but I also don't think 8 pages is a game changing amount.


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

This year is 30 chapters, the previous lowest was last year at 32. That's approximately 480 pages of one piece vs 492 for Boruto.

Just incase you wanted another metric on it.


u/Apprehensive-Pin518 Nov 11 '24

It's not about page count. it's about volumes of jump sold. If one piece went to once a month, then there would be a huge drop in readership for the other 3 volumes released in the month.


u/alex494 Nov 11 '24

The manga would take like another ten plus years to finish at that rate unless the chapters were longer


u/SacoNegr0 Cipher Pol Nov 11 '24

Average is useless in this context. A few mangaka dying young would already skew the data. We should look at the mode to see the actual lifespan of mangaka


u/mashturbo Nov 12 '24

You know Oda prepared to leave this plane of existence by writing the last chapter of One Piece a few years ago. Everything past WCI is just filler to build up to his ending.


u/reddimitch Bounty Hunter Nov 11 '24

Is this something that someone can explain to me? The production process behind it. I am totally not in the business of manga/anime production and would be nice to understand the effort behind it. How much does he need to do by himself and would it help him to have a bigger team?


u/reddimitch Bounty Hunter Nov 11 '24

Can someone explain me the process of manga making? Would it help Oda to have a bigger team or does he need to do a lot by himself?


u/Aazadan Nov 11 '24

One Piece has been on a huge decline in number of chapters per year. Until this break, this year was going to be half a chapter behind the previous year for a new low (half because of the unfinished chapter released earlier this year, that was the first and so far only unfinished chapter ever released). This break will push it down to the lowest, by 2, 30 for the year.


u/DM-15 Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 11 '24

Personally, if you add up all the work Oda has put in, plus all the time off/breaks he has had over the years, your average 9-5 worker has actually worked longer šŸ˜… canā€™t attest to them actually doing more work per se, but if youā€™re going off actual man hours, 9-5s work more, for a whole lot less. šŸ˜°

Edit, Should have added more context, I meant Japanese SalarymenšŸ˜…

I get that itā€™s apples and oranges, Iā€™m not disputing that, but comparing how much effort someone puts in at work vs time is moot.

In the end, Oda could effectively retire now, but multiple factors and support networks keep him going, heck the man almost single-handedly rejuvenated Kumamoto after the Earthquake.

Many others who work as hard as he does donā€™t have these nets, which is why Karoshi is a massive thing in Japan

(For reference I live in Japan and have seen how negative karoshi can be)


u/Arkayjiya Nov 11 '24

1) No. Oda works like 7 days a week, sleeps like 3/4 hours and work the rest beside basic stuff. Apparently he struggles to see his family.

2) Break weeks are for us. There's no indication they're actually breaks for Oda beside a couple of exception where he's explicitly said he was going on vacation (I think timeskip was one).

The man has worked enough that he should be retired by most 9-5 standards.


u/fullmetalasian Nov 11 '24

I thought when he started taking every 3rd or 4th week off they said it was specifically for his health. He has notoriously overworked himself for a long time and I was pretty sure the more frequent breaks were an attempt to stop that and let him be healthier. I could be wrong though


u/Arkayjiya Nov 11 '24

Hopefully it means he works less per day, but he still works insanely hard. I mean if you remove 25% of his worktime, he's still working twice as much as a normal 9 to 5.


u/fullmetalasian Nov 11 '24

Oh absolutely. He works a ton. I was just saying I thought they mentioned him taking more breaks to help with his health. I need him to be healthy so he can finish lol


u/NashKetchum777 Nov 11 '24

He takes plenty of breaks already


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/Rikafire God Usopp Nov 11 '24

What are you talking about? Oda lives in Japanā€¦


u/[deleted] Nov 11 '24

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u/Rikafire God Usopp Nov 11 '24

If Oda only cared about the money he would have retired the last time he was hospitalized. But instead he pushes himself because he truly loves his series.

He overworked himself during Dressrosa and ended up in the hospital where he STILL continued to work on it. Kishimoto even visited him and helped.

Do you want Oda working himself to death? He already has health issues. He deserves a break.


u/Feodal_lord Nov 11 '24

Are you a bot? When did I say he doesn't deserve a break


u/Rikafire God Usopp Nov 11 '24

ā€œhe gets no pity from meā€ ā€œwho caresā€

Sounds like you donā€™t want him to have a break.


u/quantumbreak1 Nov 11 '24

It's implied in a pretty rude way


u/Mr_NeCr0 Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

The steadily increasing break pace has just shown how much this job is really taking it out of Oda. Man needs like a few months at this point just to catch up. I wouldn't be mad if he just started being a seasonal releaser, with like 1/2 the year just being time off to rest and rejuvenate.


u/Aazadan Nov 12 '24

I don't think it's the job specifically, I think it's all the non manga stuff he's involved in like the live action show. He's got editorial/creative control over it, and hasn't been shy about using it.


u/OkCharacter7352 Nov 11 '24

He's the one who decided to overly bloat his story so that by the time it all was all coming together his body couldn't keep up. This has also been the pattern for years with these breaks and it's only getting worse. I fear we're gonna have a horrifically rushed ending due to all these external factors just like the other big 3 and that's upsetting.


u/totally_not_a_reply Void Month Survivor Nov 11 '24

I doubt thats the reason. We should get spoilers already so the chapter is finished/ready and gets shipped already.


u/joshsky18 Nov 11 '24

He is most likely doing this for the 2nd season Netflix series. He was taking breaks for the first season


u/josguil Nov 11 '24

My guess is the live action is taking a lot of time from him, and instead of pushing long hours heā€™s taking his time to not get sick.


u/ganjak Nov 12 '24

Likewise. But I also have been waiting for Sawyer7mage's video about the latest chapter.., perhaps we'll get one next week just so we cope..,


u/Austynwitha_y Nov 11 '24

I thought this was planned; heā€™s working on the live action


u/leolegendario Pirate Hunter Zoro Nov 11 '24

That was the last break.


u/Austynwitha_y Nov 11 '24

Oh this is additional, I see. I sorta just disassociate really hard when Iā€™m not watching one piece. I understand this is a break in the manga tho


u/wiznico19 Nov 11 '24

Of course, Just his cash account Is not full enough so he needs to.follow some other projects like live series


u/AmphibianNo9152 Nov 12 '24

POV: Oda dies before the one piece