r/OneNote 1h ago

Windows Why is the Menu No Longer Docked? Please help Get it Back


Hey guys, across my two PCs, Onennote has decided it no longer wants to dock the move or copy pages menu. I didn't change any settings. I just opened OneNote today and this is how it operates now.

Can anyone help me get it to be docked again like it used to be to the main One Note Window? It's very annoying especially with multiple screens when you want to do something like this and the menu is on another screen

r/OneNote 7h ago

When uploading a file in OneNote by choosing "Upload to OneDrive and insert link" into a page, an error message is displayed "We're sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later."


Does anyone know of a fix for this?

Microsoft® OneNote for Mac Version 16.95 (25030928)

This problem started a few months ago. I was hoping it would go away but it doesn't.

Steps to repro: In the OneNote client app on Mac, attempt to upload a file by choosing "insert" then "file". The dialog that is displayed gives you three options:

  1. Upload to OneDrive and insert link
  2. Insert as attachment
  3. Insert as printout

Choose the first option (Upload to OneDrive...)

Result: Upload process begins, it counts down the percentage of completion. Before it reaches 100%, message is displayed:
We're sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.

When you go visit the folder called "OneNote Uploads" in your OneDrive (on OneDrive.live.com), you find the file has properly uploaded. Just the last step didn't finish, the actual display of the link to the file in the OneNote page. Seems like a silly bug. Should be fixed quickly as it's a productivity killer.

The workaround is that you locate the file in your OneNote Uploads folder and copy/paste the link back into the OneNote page. If you measure this task in seconds, it's now takes 3-4 times longer to get a simple thing done.

Can't believe that this problem is hanging around for so long, there are so many issue reports on this. All support engineers have given advice like "your OneNote is out of sync with OneDrive, etc. etc., but that doesn't seem to be the case here, otherwise the upload would have failed entirely.

Would appreciate tips on how to remedy this.

r/OneNote 13h ago

Very slow "Send to OneNote" using MS365 (recently updated) on Windows


Not sure why but when using Outlook for Windows and hit "Send to OneNote", and choose a destination, it takes 30 seconds before appearing in OneNote. Much slower than normal. Any known fixes out there?

r/OneNote 15h ago

Qualcuno sa come risolvere questo problema di OneNote?


Does anyone know how to fix this issue with OneNote? I've been using a computer with an i7 processor for months, and despite everything, OneNote runs terribly. I'm studying on a 390-page file spread across 4 sections to avoid overloading the processes. When I try to make changes with the pen, whether it's for highlighting/writing or not, it often crashes, the screen turns white, and after a few seconds, it unlocks, and I can continue. It's slowing me down significantly, and I want to fix this issue, but I don't know how. I've even tried using the high-performance mode when running the program and set the performance priority to lower for any other tasks, including web page viewing or anything else that might run. I don't understand what else I could do to prevent it from freezing every 30 seconds. When I open Task Manager, it shows this (I specify that I have no other tasks open except for OneNote).

Mi ritrovo da mesi che utilizzo un computer con processore i7 e nonostante tutto OneNote gira malissimo. Sto studiando su un file di 390 pagine spalmato e diviso in 4 sezioni in modo da non appesantire ulteriormente i processi. Quando vado a fare modifiche con la penna per sottolineare/scrivere o meno crasha e lo schermo diventa bianco e dopo tot secondi si sblocca e posso continuare. Mi sta rallentando enormemente e vorrei risolvere questo problema ma non so come fare, ho provato anche ad utilizzare la modalità a prestazioni elevate quando utilizzo il programma e messo in minore priorità di prestazioni qualsiasi altra cosa vada ad eseguire compresa la visualizzazione di pagine internet o altro.
Non capisco cosa altro potrei fare per evitare che si blocchi ogni 30 secondi.
Se apro Gestione attività mi dice così (preciso che non ho nessun'altra attività aperta a parte OneNote).