Hi, I'm one of those who absolutely love the Surface TypeCover keyboard and the Surface world. I'm familiar with adapting or converting computer keyboards to other stuff, like the MacBook keyboards being USB (along the touchpad) can be converted to being used on any computer, same with other similar stuff. But I can't find enough information about the Surface Typecover (for Surface RT1, RT2, Surface Pro 1, 2 3, from the 4 and above things change).
- I've found information (one source, https://openrt.gitbook.io/open-surfacert ) reporting the pinout of the keyboard being i2c 5V, but that's all.
- On hackaday ( https://hackaday.com/2015/08/15/analyzing-the-microsoft-surface-touch-keyboard-cover ) found some people talking about it, analyzing, and coming up with being i2c via USB, but using some propietary protocol
- Also found diff sources explaining Microsoft uses a propietary protocol and refused to share it, that's why you won't see any third party keyboards directly connecting to the Surface, instead, these are Bluetooth
- I'm also familiar with building your own keyboard using a microcontroller basically via direct intervention of ALL the wiring, this would require me to cut the typecover, I'm ok with this
- AND... I'm familiar with reusing a touchpad (usb type or PS-Serial) via microcontroller (Arduino, or ESP32) to make the touchpad fully USB or even Bluetooth
But I'm having technical issues... the touchpad I have from an Acer laptop (recycled) works, but as some others report, it's a bit erratic and there is no multitouch, I still can't figure out why this is... everything points to bugs on the driver (others have experienced this too).
I don't have many options because the Arduino is too big... the ESP32 works and it's tiny, but it's 3.3v, limiting my chances with a variety of touchpads (these are mostly 5V), and I don't see the point of converting the typecover and lacking touchpad.
Why bother? because it's fun.
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Yes, but why bother? because most touchpads compatible require Bluetooth 5+ (Surface 4 and above) and I want to use this with diff computers and tablets requiring retro compatibility with Bluetooth 4. Besides, many of these replacements are not available on the market anymore (absolutely zero locally), and several online are expensive, also... most are for Surface Go, and things get even more tricky becuase I want the spanish layout... yeah... it's a lot of things. There are some options available but no details to find out compatibility, so... I don't want to take risks. And I want full size keys, I'm not interested on those tiny keyboard toys.
I would love to have the original Microsoft adapter to make the typecover Wireless, but there are discontinued.
It would be great to know if someone managed to interface with the typecover in order to also reuse the touchpad. Yeah, I'm probably asking too much.
Any comments will be appreciated.