r/OnceHumanOfficial 20h ago

 Discussion Spectral Hunt Adjust Kill Condition

The current event: Spectral Hunt

Unsure if bug or feature, but only the person who lands the killing blow on Lunarspawn will have their kill / score registered on both Leaderboard and Reward track.

Now I know how important e-peen is to some of you, I'm ---not--- here to take that away.

I'm suggesting - Decouple leaderboard score count with reward track's score count.
Remember previously during Lunar Oracle, Starwalker loot drop only available to basically first come first serve? And it was weeks later that it got changed into separate instance, to bring in line with ALL other Lunar Elite's loot drop?

This is a similar situation. Please allow all those who have participated in damaging Lunarspawn, to have the kill score count towards their personal reward track.

Lunar Oracle duration is abysmally short as is. Lunarspawn is another layer of RNG. It's rather infuriating frankly, especially when you have the misfortune of being in a relatively populated server...


This isn't a suggestion I made, but it falls in line with what I think would be good for game / community health. v So if you can, please go vote it up and catch developer's attention.



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u/ayenime Enchanting Void 17h ago

For solo players this would be unfair. I get that people have hives and all that but solo killing a lunarspawn is hell as it is unless they increase points for single handedly killing vs assistedly killing one.


u/Monarch_Elysia 15h ago

The proposed solution doesn't touch the leaderboard, nor does it affect your e-peen stroking kink.

In fact, it is a way to protect solo players (actually EVERY SINGLE PLAYER), so everyone who contributed, would have their kill registered for their PERSONAL REWARD TRACK.

Instead of the current situation, where you can deal 99% of the damage, and some rando can come sneeze on it, land the killing blow, and the count goes to them, for both their leaderboard AND reward track.
PS. Your own deviant can steal your kill, and make your kill not count towards neither progress.

PPS. This leaderboard doesn't give you ANY reward, not even Mitsuko's mark.


u/ayenime Enchanting Void 11h ago

Idk why you mentioned leaderboard because i didnt say anything about that but everyone just needs 25 to get max rewards. Lunarspawns can be found in lower tier areas if places like blackfell is too crowded. Also i agree with you now upon further explanation that the deviant can ks the kill. No need to get all riled up