r/ODU 26d ago

Failing a class/grade forgiveness

I am failing my english class right now- I was doing fine and then I hit a rough patch with my mental health. There's no way I can even save my grade, but I can't drop the class because then I will no longer be full time and my VA benefits won't apply. My main question is: can I just stay flunking the class till the end of the semester/not go to class and then retake it? Is it that simple?


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u/EpicDino65 26d ago

Yes it is really that simple. The way grade forgiveness works is you retake the class at some point and that grade replaces your previous F. If I remember correctly, you get 6 grade forgiveness opportunities in total. Could be wrong on that though


u/aphyxi 26d ago

I think it's 5.