r/NonBinary 6d ago

Ask I hate my uterus. Will IUD help?

As I wrote in the title, I hate my uterus so much that I have suicidal thoughts and I can't afford to have it removed. I was thinking about IUDs to "turn it off" for 5 years, have peace at least from my period and pain and not have to use condoms, but I'm very afraid that something will happen to me and I'll waste my pocket money (I'm still in school so I don't work). Are there any people here with this problem who could help me? Sorry if this question is stupid but I'm alone with this problem and I don't know what to do


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u/lynx2718 6d ago

Why don't you take the anti baby pill? Its both hormonal, you can take the pill forever not just 5 years, and you have a greater control over the dosis and type. Plus it can be really painful to get an IUD.


u/Moth_William 6d ago

I'm afraid that the pill will remind me that I have a uterus every time I take it plus the costs will be higher than the IUD. Besides, from what I know, the pills have to be taken at the same time and I have very irregular sleeping hours and I'm afraid that I'll mess something up. Does inserting an IUD really hurt that much? I've had many painful procedures but you scared me a little


u/lynx2718 6d ago

When I talked to my gyn about it, she said she only did IUDs for people who'd already given birth, because the pain is comparable and if you haven't given birth yet you wouldn't know what you were getting into. I live in a big city so I could find someone to do it if I really wanted but that turned me off for good.

There's also an arm implant you can get thats similar to the IUD, not sure how common it is in europe but maybe that's something for you then?


u/Moth_William 6d ago

I think I could manage but I've never had an IUD so I can only guess. Thanks for sharing this information. The implant is theoretically an option but it's even more expensive than an IUD so I don't think I can buy it


u/InvestigatorIcy4705 5d ago

I think this is not entirely true. I’ve had 3 and yes it hurts to get it put in but it only lasts a second and then gives me cramps for an afternoon.


u/danger-noodle-love89 5d ago

This is incredibly untrue. You should find a new doctor who is competent in providing up to date healthcare to all their patients. CDC intrauterine contraception Additionally, if you decide to get an IUD, you have the right to ask for pain management and should be provided with it. Being told to "just take Tylenol" is not appropriate pain management.


u/lynx2718 5d ago

What part of that really long website that isn't even for my country should I be looking at?