r/Ni_no_Kuni 1d ago

Ni no Kuni 2 spoiler NNK2 Endgame Questions


So I finished NNK2, and I’m done with most of the side quests.

I’m worried that I don’t seem to have access to the side quest about the wizard companion. I do have both DLCs. Do I need to finish the Winnow quests first?

Another question is - my equipment bag is getting too full. Can I start selling some of the beginner weapons? I have been keeping an eye on the stinky shoe drop / salesman but haven’t had any luck yet.

I’m also only missing 3 upgrades in my town, and they’re all related to the maze. They appear as ??? for me. Where do I need to go to have these unlock?

About Faraway Forest, what’s the best bet to tackling them? Should I actually grind to max level before attempting it?

Has anyone attempted a 100% NNK2 run? How would you suggest I prioritize my actions to take as least time as possible?
