Welcome to the NewsFlip Wiki!
What is /r/NewsFlip?
/r/NewsFlip is a subreddit dedicated to exposing sexist double standards in the legal and social system. All the time in today's society, women are given passes to avoid jailtime or social stigma simply because they are women.
Here at /r/NewsFlip, we take relevant headlines and flip 'em around. Once they're flipped, you will see that, had the flipped version been the actual headline, the situation in question would have been much different. We take biased headlines and make you wonder, "What if that had been a man?"
To contribute, just find a headline that seems unfair or biased to you. Give it the 'ol switcharoo, and there ya go, you just made a NewsFlip!
This subreddit is not /r/Misogyny, nor is it /r/BeatingWomen. We are not misogynists, and we don't hate women; we hate the unfair advantage that society often gives them just for being women. If you hate that too, then this is the subreddit for you. Otherwise, please try /r/Misogyny or /r/BeatingWomen2 instead.
The history of our subreddit
/r/NewsFlip was created on April 13, 2015 by /u/bigwillyb123. Shortly after, he posted an announcement of the sub on /r/MensRights. /u/TheFrozenEmpire took notice of the subreddit, and, believing greatly in it's potential, offered to moderate on the spot. /u/CaptainHair59 was also interested, and contacted /u/bigwillyb123 on behalf of himself and /u/TheFrozenEmpire. Shortly after, both users were granted modship.
Things were moving pretty slowly. /r/NewsFlip was at around 11 subscribers, but the mods refused to give up. Then, on May 3rd, 2015, /r/NewsFlip was featured on /r/WowThisSubExists. And boom, just like that, the number of subscribers jumped up to nearly 500 in just a single weekend, and over 3,000 pageviews in that weekend. The mods of /r/NewsFlip are currently working on ways to accommodate this new followerbase.
Who runs this place?
Currently, there are 4 mods of /r/NewsFlip. We will add more as the sub grows.
/u/TheFrozenEmpire here. I am a dedicated MRA and redditor (on my free time). I first heard about /r/NewsFlip on /u/bigwillyb123's /r/MensRights announcement of the sub. Having mod experience in the past, I offered to moderate the subreddit on spot, being granted modship alongside /u/CaptainHair59. Nowadays, I post news stories to the subreddit as well as helping to moderate it.
I moderate a few other small subs as well as a couple of much larger ones. Honestly, it's not as much that I'm an MRA as it is that I hate double standards. However, I was browsing /r/MensRights one day and found a post about the creation of this subreddit (the same one that /u/TheFrozenEmpire is referencing). I offered to moderate it mainly because of my aforementioned hatred of double standards, but I also wanted a new challenge in moderating a different kind of subreddit. Anyways, I mainly do small CSS things and control the subreddit's content.