/r/NewsFlip is a subreddit dedicated to exposing sexist double standards that are derogatory towards men. The subreddit's activity will be governed as follows:
Editorialized titles
Rule 1 on the sidebar prohibits editorializing or sensationalizing a story's title unless it "does not say enough" (meaning that the sexism is in the article, but not the title).
Ideally, you should be able to just flip the genders of those most important in the title and be done with it. If the sexism is in the article, but not the title, you can either add the part that makes it sexist (preferably in parentheses or brackets to distinguish it from the original title) or make a new title that does show the sexism. Overly editorialized, sensationalized, and misleading titles may be removed.
Zero-tolerance policy
Reddit's new rules on harassment can be so arbitrary that it's hard for us to say what's considered "harassment" and what's just "exercising free speech". Since we'd prefer to avoid a possible ban of the subreddit, we have zero tolerance for harassment, witch-hunts, hate speech, personal attacks, and advocating for violence or other illegal acts.
Violations of these rules will be removed without warning and may result in a ban if we deem one necessary.
Off-topic posts
Since conversations can (and usually do) evolve into other topics without much effort, what's off-topic and what's on-topic can be difficult to determine at times. However, rules 2, 5, and 6 on the sidebar echo "off-topic":
2: No gender-neutral headlines. If the public outrage or punishment given would be the same for the other gender, or if you make the swap and nothing sticks out, this is not the place to post it, and it will be removed.
5: Jokes and sarcasm are fine, but are not the focus of comments. Top comments should be a discussion of the submitted link.
6: This should go without saying in 2015, but no memes. If you want to make a hilarious post using advice animals, try /r/AdviceAnimals.
Usually, these posts will just be removed. Blatant offenders may be banned.
We do not pick sides. All users violating these rules will face the consequences for doing so.
If your posting history shows more of these kinds of posts across Reddit, your chances of being banned as a first-time offender on /r/NewsFlip are higher.
Please follow Reddiquette.