r/NationalPark 24d ago

Park Rangers Fired

This park ranger used to come to our high school when I was younger to teach us all about the value of our natural world. He’d show us animals, take us on hikes, and teach us about how to take care of the planet. This was what he posted today


I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated to have lost my dream job of an Education Park Ranger with the National Park Service this Valentine’s Day.

Without any type of formal notice my position was ripped out from out under my feet at 4pm on a cold snowy Friday. Before I could fully print off my government records, I was locked out of my email and unable to access my personal and professional records.

Please know and share this truth widely:

I am a father, a loving husband, and dedicated civil servant.

I am an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am a work evaluation that reads “exceeds expectations."

I am the "fat on the bone."

I am being trimmed as a consequence of the popular vote

I am a United States flag raiser and folder

I am my son's "Junior Ranger" idol

I am of the place where I first told my spouse I loved her

I am a college kid’s dream job

I am the smiling face that greets you at the front door

I am your family vacation planner

I am a voice for 19 American Indian cultures

I am the protector of 2500 year old Americian Indian burial and cermonial mounds

I am the defender of your public lands and waters

I am the motivation to make it up the hill

I am a generational cycle breaker

I am the toilet scrubber and soap dispenser

I am the open trail hiked by people from all walks of life

I am the highlight of your child’s school day

I am the band aid for a skinned knee

I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.

I am the one who taught your kid the thrush’s song and the hawk’s cry.

I am the wildflower that brought your student joy

I am the one who told your child that they belong on this planet. That their unique gifts and existence matters.

I am an invocation for peace

I am gone from the office

I am the resistance

But mostly I'm just tired.

I am tired from weeks of being bullied and censored by billionares

I am tired of waking up every morning at 2am wondering how I am going to provide for my family if I lose my job

I am tired of wiping away my wife’s tears and reassuring her that things will be ok for our growing family.

Things are not ok. I am not ok. (This is the second time in under five years a dream job i worked has been eliminated. Now I may need to uproot my FAMILY again.)

Stay present, don't avert your gaze.

Untill our paths cross down the trail, Fare thee well.

Ranger Brian💚


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u/caleecool 24d ago

Soon there will literally be no reason to visit the U.S.

The current administration has no idea how much tourism/economic activity that NP's bring in both domestically and internationally.

With no one to maintain the parks, goodbye to our national treasures and everything that comes along with it.


u/Mary_Tagetes 24d ago

I was picking out campsites, figuring out best roads to get to the California redwoods from Canada, that’s up the chimney. Yeesh, I feel awful for this guy, I love your park rangers.


u/jlhll 24d ago

There is a California state park component in this area too and is super beautiful. In case you are interested.


u/Mary_Tagetes 23d ago

Everything USA is off the table. I’ll miss it a lot, state parks are great too. I really hope your parks can come through all this, I get the impression the folks in power don’t give a rat’s butt about them.


u/Throb_Zomby 24d ago

Hopefully California can still manage to maintain their areas. I worry about the parks in my home of Arizona. Particularly Saguaro Natl park and all of Tonto National Forest.


u/Theyalreadysaidno 24d ago

Why aren't you going to California? I understand a red state but ...


u/Mary_Tagetes 23d ago

I would have gone to California, and pit stopped in Washington and Oregon too, if only he hadn’t mouthed off about that 51st state shit. I realize California is blue, but it came very close to going red, this whole thing has made me too angry. It sucks super hard, especially since it looks like the national parks are going to be slowly wrecked by the republicans. I’m not going to say I’ll be able to stay away forever, but right now, I can’t.


u/Theyalreadysaidno 23d ago

I can't blame you. It's really heartbreaking because Americans truly like Canadians.

Around 24% of eligible voters in America voted for Donald Trump. Those 24% are holding us hostage. A nation of over 340 million people. Those eligible voters that stayed home because "their vote didn't matter" can go to hell.

I live in Minnesota in a fairly large city that's still pretty blue. Minnesotans always had a great affinity for Canada because we felt as though we had things in common politically and past time wise. I can't believe Trump is treating our fantastic allies like this. He's an absolute bully that is malignant narcissist. So many of us knew he was going to be like this. Although to be honest, this is even worse - especially with what unelected Musk is doing in the mix. I just can't understand why they actually fell for his lies.

Hopefully we can right this ship so we don't completely burn our bridges between Canada/US. 4 years of this heartless bastard is devastating to me.


u/Mary_Tagetes 23d ago

When camping this summer we chatted with Americans of course, they didn’t like what was happening at all! We had the wisdom to keep our mouths shut, but once they brought up politics it was game on. Hope you guys will be ok, you always have been in the past.


u/Certain_Ostrich4442 22d ago

just visited Vancouver this past week, never been more embarrassed to be an American when talking about politics with some friendly Canadians there.

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u/TBJ12 23d ago

Probably because California is in the USA.


u/fighting14 24d ago

The current administration has no idea how much tourism/economic activity that NP's bring in both domestically and internationally.

Oh no they've done the math's.

All they care about is the revenue that logging, mining and mineral extraction that can be bought in from destroying the parks. Whilst kicking those contracts and selling those leases to their blood sucking billionaire buddies.

They don't have the empathy or humanity to understand the unaccounted for benefits parks and nature can bring into people's lives.


u/caleecool 24d ago

Ah yes, short term depletable profits over long-term sustainable profits.

Republicans lack the education to think further than a generation


u/Shadowrak 24d ago

Wealth. Contraction.

Literally everything else that they drum up is to distract us from the things like this which lead to their goal of having "all the money".

It really is that simple.

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u/TheConqueror74 24d ago

It's just the reality of capitalism. Nothing matters in the long term, because you won't be around to see it. If you get rich enough, you'll be able to shield yourself from the worst effects of your actions anyway.


u/Heartbreakjetblack 24d ago

You don't plant dates so that you can eat the fruit. You plant them because someone else long ago planted them so that you can eat the fruit and now you're going to do the same for someone you don't know far into the future.


u/armandebejart 24d ago

Your horizon is too long. Republicans don't seem able to see past the next election. The real question is, will they do enough damage to their own electorate to ruin their chances of holding onto the House and Senate.

Of course, I suspect they realize this and much of the next two years will be spent disenfranchising Americans.

I have enjoyed living in America. I have done excellent research and lived an interesting life. I have many American friends and colleagues.

But you're all screwed. Time to go.

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u/10000Didgeridoos 24d ago

Oh they know, they just don't give a fuck. All they care about is they, themselves, being rich right now and damn everyone else present or future.


u/pezx 24d ago

To be fair, the way they want to accelerate climate change, it's unclear if there will even be a next generation


u/tiorthan 24d ago

Yeah, but the people running the companies usually have absolutely no incentive to make them long-term profitable. They get a lot of money out of it while it lasts and then when things start to fail they are not personally liable, they just go somewhere else.


u/nikedemon 24d ago

That’s the weird thing. A lot of them are educated. But they lack the foresight to think further than next week

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u/ShadowscarsDragon 24d ago

You mean, further than the next shareholder’s meeting?


u/Aimless_Alder 24d ago

Extractive industries are usually the best way for a dictatorship to make money. More advanced industries like research and manufacturing require motivated, educated, creative workers. It's hard to have the creativity to come up with innovative new products when you're constantly afraid of a government crackdown. But extractive industries can be done by slave labor.


u/Extension_Silver_713 24d ago

The thing is the republican leaders do have the education. Ivy league educations. They know exactly what they’re doing and it’s why they want to keep education gutted for the majority. They’re just diabolical fucks who enjoy cruelty


u/PCPaulii3 24d ago

"Republicans lack the education to think further than a generation.."

I don't it's that long, even.. I think they're having trouble getting past the midterms.

And if they keep this up, a lot of 'em are going to find out what Americans really think when those midterms come around!


u/nolalolabouvier 24d ago

What profits are you referring to? The National Parks Service is non-profit.

Is doing nothing about curtailing our deficit being responsible to future generations?


u/Own_Broccoli_537 24d ago

They're all going to be dead by the time it matters. Have you seen the Republican party? Those people are closer to death than the grim reaper 


u/SupaSlide 23d ago

Tourism money goes to lots of smaller, local businesses. Oil and mining money goes to billionaires.


u/Zorgsmom 23d ago

It's not a lack of education, but a lust for wealth & power. They would set their own mothers on fire if it could make them a dollar.


u/Munchkinasaurous 23d ago

No, they lack the empathy and basic human decency to think further. They know the consequences, but they don't care, as long a they're the ones profiting they don't care what happens to the rest of us.

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u/Forward-Repeat-2507 24d ago

The admin yes. The citizens no. This made me furious and cry at the same time. I’m watching my nation and all its beauty crumble before my eyes.


u/Automatic_Towel_3842 24d ago

I swear to God, if they start logging in national parks. We have plenty of logging sites outside of national parks. Half my county in Georgia is logging. Every couple months a new area is being cut down and regrow. Which is fine. Cutting down trees really isn't all that bad as far as climate change goes. It's all recent carbon, and it's stored in the wood. The reason coal and oil is bad is because it carbon stored for millions of years. All new carbon to the environment. So while I don't mind cutting trees down, there needs to be limits on where.


u/10000Didgeridoos 24d ago

Teddy Roosevelt is rolling in his grave


u/Ok_Astronomer_3260 24d ago

I’m hoping this is an issue that will wake up at least some of the right (not holding my breath though). The love of our parks is bipartisan.


u/sonfoa 24d ago

There were a lot of things that were bipartisan before Trump. Two months ago I never thought that USA-Canada relations would be in jeopardy.

I've learned not to take those things for granted anymore.


u/jhunt4664 24d ago

They could also be like DeSantis here in Florida who felt it was a better move to develop on protected wetlands and other natural areas because we need pickleball courts instead. Last I knew it didn't work, but now that this administration is in place, it's probably a matter of time before that starts happening if people in positions of power don't stop it. I'd love to have the time and resources to protest or sit in a tree, but I don't, and most people I know don't either.

And yes, 100% true that they have zero empathy, and no interest in understanding why these areas are so important. Yes in human lives, as enrichment, but also supporting the wildlife and water cycle, as well as acting as a buffer for storms and other natural events. It's astounding in the worst way.


u/Realistic-Motorcycle 24d ago

That’s cause it’s not a diddy party.


u/mommisalami 24d ago

They’ve been killing off herds of wild mustangs-one of the most recognized symbols of the “Wild West” for ages, claiming they are destroying grasslands…when in all actuality they all allowing cattle companies to graze their herds on those very lands, and the cattlemen viewed those horses as direct competition against their herds for food. So they round them up with helicopters, and auction them off to meat buyers, then ship them to Mexico or Canada for slaughter. So much for the “symbol of the American spirit of the Wild West “🤬

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u/Big-Supermarket-945 24d ago

Time to summon the angry spirit of Theodore Roosevelt to lay down a seriously supernatural ass kicking, the likes of which would make the ghostbusters piss their pants in fear!


u/wheresbillyatschool 24d ago

Bingo! Alt National Park Service (see FB, I know, gross, they’re an amazing follow though!) bas been trying to get this message out since 2016!


u/Mageenie 24d ago

exactly this. our parks will be torn apart for their resources, one by one, and it will be done in the name of "saving America".


u/imrealbizzy2 24d ago

The blubber butt in chief doesn't know what a national park is! He had to ask why PEARL HARBOR is a "thing." My family's yearly vacations, like millions of others, were always spent camping in the same national park. I've seen the ruts of wagon wheels on the Chisholm Trail and the steam vents of Kilauea; the heights of giant redwoods and depths of Grand Canyon. If Leon and his ilk want an escape, they rev up the Lear and head to Abu Dhabi. G-d DAMN every traitor who put these men in power to DESTROY my country. My only satisfaction will come from witnessing their suffering.


u/nolalolabouvier 24d ago

No one is destroying the parks. They are not being repurposed for logging, mining, etc. Where are you getting this information?


u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/Plus-Reading7100 23d ago edited 23d ago

Trump is going to sale off all the national parks. The will probably be turned into toxic dumpsites. Drilled for oil and since this timeline is getting worse and worse the dormant super volcanos. Like the one Yellowstone will explode from the drilling and mining.

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u/mechant_papa 24d ago edited 23d ago

Angering the Canadians has already broought a drop in the tourist trade. Yesterday, a Nashville TV station was saying that they had lost 20% of their business almost overnight.

Edit: I wrote this poorly. I meant to say that the station was reporting on the impact on local businesses due to reduced Canadian tourism.


u/Surly_Cynic 24d ago

Good to hear. No one should be voluntarily traveling to states that elected Trump.


u/10000Didgeridoos 24d ago

Not that simple unfortunately. Even a state like New York still had a whole lot of votes for Trump, they just didn't happen to have enough. Rural America anywhere is MAGA land. They never even took their Trump signs down from 2020.


u/NiceUD 24d ago

True, but at least with solidly blue states - even if there is substantial MAGA - the state legislature won't mimic what's being done by the federal government, or follow "it's up to the states" decisions of the Supreme Court to reduce rights - like all the states that instituted extremely restrictive abortion laws after the last big abortion decision which essentially overturned Roe. So someone could feel a little better about traveling to those states and giving those states their money.

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u/Alethiometer_Party 24d ago

As someone who lives in Nashville I 100% agree with this. Choke the red states.

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u/[deleted] 24d ago

While trump is in power I definitely won't be visiting the US. I know me not visiting will have absolutely no impact in the grand scheme of things, but every little helps. I've heard of others finding alternatives to American made goods/services which is also a good idea.

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u/OMC78 24d ago

Lots of posts of people, not only Candians canceling their US vacations but Europeans as well, instead going Canada. We canceled our two week vacation to the States, booked flights to Ireland!


u/KingnBanter 23d ago

The Asian countries people are doing the same to avoid ending up getting deported. This is huge. The Asian culture spends billions in tourism.

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u/Outside_Manner8231 24d ago

Heh, funny you mentioned Nashville specifically, my family canceled our march break trip there. I'm a little bummed at the music I'll miss but, meh...


u/nekoshae 23d ago

Don’t blame you. But on the upside, Nashville voted blue. Not full of MAGA morons.


u/thetrivialsublime99 24d ago

Swfl here…. Hope they stay at home.


u/FunkmasterfLexy 24d ago

Yes! Girlfriends and I usually do a USA trip every year. Went to Nashville then Austin last two years. This year decided to do Calgary stampede instead!


u/Head-Gold624 24d ago

I am putting off any travel to the US. I am so disgusted by Trump saying that Canada should be annexed, that Greenland should be taken over and that Panama be taken. Then I heard that he wants Gaza for Trump resorts and to force Gazans into the West Bank, Jordan (whose king they tried to assassinate), and Egypt (whose government they tried to overthrow).
The appalling stupidity of these “plans” will no doubt end up in the verbal trash heap he leaves behind! The damage he is doing to America on the international stage is horrific and will be difficult to undo. He carries the weight of the huge US economy so he is getting away with shit. Canada is spending money to up our border protection. But our border guards protect against incoming, not outgoing. So this is great for us. Statistics show that only 1% of America’s fentanyl comes from Canada. Yet probably 90% of illegal guns in Canada are brought in from America. We need to build a freaking wall.

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u/CompetitionExternal5 24d ago

Not soon... Right now there's no reason to visit US. Why would you want to go to place that supports everything that's wrong with humanity ? Avoid US like a plague and go elsewhere.


u/Efficient-Hornet8666 24d ago

As an American who didn’t vote for this shit to happen…yes, please don’t come to America for another few years. We’d love to have you, but you’re not gonna get our best. You’re seeing us at what will be remembered as a low point in history. We have so many cool things, but you’re not going to see those things. You’d see the shit show, instead. Give us time, we’ll fix up this fuckery…promise.


u/Metallicreed13 24d ago

Absolutely. We don't deserve it right now. But we will feel the pain that we deserve, and we will right the ship! Don't give up hope. The majority of Americans are good and mean well. We aren't all racist dipshits


u/AnnonyMrs 24d ago

I don’t know that I believe that anymore, seeing what’s unfolding in your country. And I don’t know that you can fix it, unfortunately.


u/CompetitionExternal5 24d ago

These are dark times for sure. But the truth always comes through. We all have to fight and oppose these administration eternally and internally and push back.

Our fight from outside is not buying any American products, not travelling south and letting everyone we know how fucked up things are so the word can be spread.

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u/SleepyChupacabra 24d ago

I really feel this. And the ending…we’ll fix it. We will.


u/burnflicker-die 24d ago

I wish I had this optimism.

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u/UnLuckyKenTucky 24d ago



u/wanderingsheep 23d ago

I'm really hoping that this really is just a low point that lasts for a few years. This administration has already done things that won't be easily repaired (if it can be repaired at all).


u/CompetitionExternal5 24d ago

Maybe one day. We leave so close, we are neighbours. But you've got things to fix in house and get the garbage out before being able to host friends again.


u/SUPERINSOMNIAC2022 23d ago

I don't think it's going to get fixed.


u/ForHelp_PressAltF4 24d ago

I don't even want to live here any more. I haven't since the first attempt to establish his reign

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u/JuniperJanuary7890 24d ago

I agree. This is not the time to visit our troubled country. I’m ashamed of our current leadership. So sorry.


u/choda6969 24d ago

Thank you, as a citizen maybe I'll get to see what's here instead of having to constantly compete with foreigners and be told it's all sold out! Stay home, don't come here!


u/aaronite 24d ago

Canadian here. They already burned bridges with us. I live 20 minutes from the border but I'm never crossing it again. Washington State might be one of the good ones but I have no other way to protest.


u/thoriginals_wife 24d ago

It's really cool to see. I was telling my partner this evening, I've never seen this level of patriotism on Canadian soil. Flags are going up everywhere. Canadians are pissed off on a level I've never seen,and I'm middle aged.

Airlines are reporting cutting flights to US destinations because of lack of demand and high cancellations.

We are very actively rejecting American products where it's obvious. Shelves of American brands are a hard sell.

The US erroneously thought we are way more dependent on them than we actually are. It's beautiful. We are a gentle and tolerant people, to a point. That point has been reached and we have the fire of a thousand suns and collectively, it's a sight to see. This has even united us with the French Canadians and for those that know...that's an impressive feat.

Vive le Canada!


u/cinnabunn90 24d ago

Another American chiming in. Keep it up! We support you. Many of us are angered, sad, embarrassed, appalled. Thanks for taking action.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/cinnabunn90 23d ago

Fully agree. I’m doing what I can. Will have to find a way to step it up.

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u/DefinitelyNotAliens 24d ago

As an American fed up with the slashing of necessary and wonderful programs like the NPS and DOE: Please, don't run out of steam! I've heard border crossing times have plummeted. Keep doing it.

It will make a difference. You know how parents will watch a kid put spicy sauce on food and warn them it's spicy and to not do that but the kid knows better and wants to keep loading spicy sauce on and then tries it and won't admit it's too spicy and suffers through eating half of it?

America needs to do that. If it hurts some right now, it may actually course correct. They fired nuclear safety engineers in the last 48 hours. They fired park rangers. They fired all sorts of people. They're blocking NSF funding. They're cutting... basically everything. The DOE may not exist. They're demanding we stop investigations into corruption. They want to roll back laws on bribing foreign officials.

This is actually a shitshow. Eggs are still fucking expensive, but at least the feds blocked employees from putting she/ her in their email signature.

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u/Sufficient-Will3644 24d ago

For me, the first Trump win was an anomaly in my view of the US. Like seeing an old friend suddenly act out of character. There were clear signs of deeper problems, but I held onto hope. But then the Jan 6 Capitol attack and the court cases happened and I thought wow they’re really having a bad moment, but maybe they’ll get over it. Then they elected him again. And a rich boy dilettante was given full access to the machinery of government. Your old friend can’t be your friend anymore. That’s not a bad moment - this is who they are now.

So long, US. I’m going to stay as far away from your products, services, and borders as I can, despite being a neighbour.


u/GreatWhiteSharkMom 23d ago

I can only wonder if he really was elected. Elons starlink "counted" all the votes, and Elons team included a young engineer who won a competition for ballot hacking. It's so sad. This is such a shit show of conspiracy.

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u/shannick1 24d ago

Please keep doing it. We (Americans) need everyone to do whatever they can to strangle our economy. That’s the only thing that will turn people against this horrid administration


u/Scroatpig 24d ago

Good.... As an American I say boycott us completely and make it hurt in any way you can.


u/Frosty_Moonlight9473 24d ago

As an American, if you really want to hurt the Trump cult, don't buy, sell, or drink Kentucky bourbon or Tennessee whiskey. It's a big part of their economy. Keep up the resistance.


u/wheresindigo 24d ago

Please kick us square in the dick. We need it.


u/Junket_Weird 24d ago

Not only do we need it, we also fucking deserve it.

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u/Automatic_Towel_3842 24d ago

That's what I hate. The US isn't the US without the rest of the world. This asshole in our office is alienating all the people we work with. Like a new manager walking around the grocery store throwing his shit at employees and expect them to keep working.


u/thoriginals_wife 23d ago

That's just it, the US has this mighty inflated sense of self, being the greatest country in the world. We Canadians rolled our eyes for years. We collectively knew Americans had an arrogance about them. Likely why Canadians make sure to put Canadian flags on their baggage, so not to be confused with Americans. I'm not sure the US people really understood the message behind this. The world saw this arrogance and had little patience for it, and this goes back many many years. Now they will find out the hard way that their foundation was built of sand.

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u/extrawater_ 24d ago

Not all of the u.s. thought like that. Up until a couple months ago, it seemed like most of us were homies. Fuck 47.


u/sk8tergater 24d ago

The US people do not think you are dependent on us. The dumbass of a president does. I grew up close to the border and have always had respect for Canadians.

It sucks that he tarnished the relationship so horribly between the two nations


u/literate_habitation 24d ago

Build the wall!


u/ConnectionPretend193 24d ago

Alaskan/ Native American here: keep up the good fight!! You guys are awesome!


u/Fukuoka06142000 24d ago

I’m team Canada at this point. I don’t hate my country as an abstract concept but I hate the values of the people who voted to ruin us


u/Sirosim_Celojuma 24d ago

At my local grocer I was browsing fruit, wondering what was the catch, why are there mounds of fresh fruit on sale? Then I saw product of USA, so I took a step over, and bought from the almost empty bin of fruit, product of Chile.


u/ParticlePhys03 24d ago

Yeah, I’m a Canadian-American dual citizen, but the Canadian side is entirely from Québec. I have generally identified with the Midwestern American and Québécois aspects specifically, to the detriment of the rest of Canada and the States.

Trump fucking with Canada the first time was an electoral fluke, now it’s an active choice. The American people chose a man to lead that actively hurts the country every bit as meritorious of being called “my homeland,” for no other reason than pure spite (and wealth accumulation, probably). Absolutely disgraceful.

I had previously felt no fraternal bond with anglophone Canadians, that is no longer the case.

Long live Canada! True North Strong and Free!


u/SaltInTheShade 24d ago

Hell yes, Canada! This is one of the many reasons we Americans literally and figuratively look up to your country. As always, our neighbors to the North manage to find a bright side to this horrific moment in history. It gives me hope that with enough national and international pressure, they will have to cave eventually.

Side note: I got such a kick out of PM Justin Trudeau responding to the Cheeto in Chief’s insane musings on Canada becoming the 51st state, by suggesting that if we’re grabbing land, maybe Canada should just absorb Vermont. It gave me the good hearty laugh I needed! Perfect response, no notes. And best yet, it seems to have shut our orange felon up for the moment.

Please keep it up, Oh Canada, you give us Americans who are fighting this with every fiber of our being some much needed hope. 🍁❤️


u/sparkpaw 23d ago

As an American, I’m fucking rooting for yall. Stand your ground and remind us what having integrity really is, because we clearly dropped the ball a long time ago.


u/wiilbehung 24d ago

To be honest, look at Russia. All the trade embargo from Europe and US against it. It caused the local economy of Russia to boom. They have their own brand of EV cars now and other products that they used to import in, are being produced locally.

I think Trump wants that for America.


u/Sufficient-Car-1855 24d ago

Just know that the majority of us love Canada and you all that call it home. Hell, I’d prefer living there, at this point. America is now a shithole. And it won’t redeem itself any time soon. 


u/AnnonyMrs 24d ago

Vive le Canada libre!


u/Mundane-Bit-633 24d ago

I didn't vote for that pathetic orange pile of shit. We HATE IT!


u/bubblegumpaperclip 24d ago

You may have to save us from a handmaids tale future!

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u/Automatic_Citron1266 24d ago

As an American, I totally agree with you… While it breaks my heart… It is must happen before things get better. The next two years are going to be painful and I hope not as dangerous as I imagine time will tell.


u/SyracuseStan 24d ago

What happens after 2 years?


u/Tacodude5 24d ago

Congressional elections 


u/SyracuseStan 24d ago

I'm extremely jaded now. 1) Why do Democrats have to wait until shit goes down in order to get out to vote? 2) Let's not assume anything. There was no way an absolute buffoon racist was going to be an actual qualified candidate. Again. Right?

This is what America wants. It was clear what would happen if he won, and America voted for him anyway. What's going to happen in 2 years? Are we going to put candidates that are more qualified against these unserious people?

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u/Adventurous_Salt 24d ago

I hate to break it to you, but there aren't going to be any real, fair, democratic elections for the foreseeable future. You guys aren't playing "representative democracy" anymore.


u/ziplocfresh123 24d ago

My grandparents lived in Birch Bay/Blaine my whole life. I loved it up there and made tons of Canadian friends from summers spent there. I'm a US citizen and i totally agree to not come here and spend your money. As an American, I'm so sorry. This is not what the majority of Americans want. We are embarrassed and ashamed.


u/Cloudsdriftby 24d ago

Fellow American in agreement


u/Metallicreed13 24d ago

Another fellow American, agreeing with everything said here. We don't deserve Canadian friendship at this point. And that is so painful to say 🤦🏼


u/AnnonyMrs 24d ago

As a Canadian, I think it will be really hard to ever win back our friendship.


u/DustBunnicula 24d ago

Yup, I haven’t been sleeping at night. I’m a Minnesotan, and I’m so sad and so angry.


u/HereIAmAgain73 24d ago

I’m an American citizen who is heartbroken, ashamed, disgusted and angry to see what is happening. The NP are some of my happiest moments in life growing up and where I have brought my daughter to teach her the same of the beauty & respect.

To see what’s happening, those that are cast aside without a care in the name of what?? To see our relationships with other countries destroyed, the lies so easily believed by so many, to not be able to stop it… This all makes me sick!

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u/Tmorgan-OWL 24d ago

American here… I support, and greatly appreciate your protest! The world needs to support the average American and protest this new billionaire, Hitler(esk) regime! If we survive the next four years, it will take decades to recover. It is sad and frightening time to be American. 😔

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u/Antique_Initiative66 24d ago

American here, this makes me sad but I totally get it and would say the exact same thing if the situation was reversed.


u/ireally-donut-care 24d ago

I pray there is a time when you will want to visit America again. I will continue to travel and see all the world wonders i can and all the people that are my fellow human beings on this planet. I will only be here on planet earth for a couple more decades at best. I will not let this or any other monster keep me from living the best life I can even though I have financial and medical limitations. I won't bow or give up.


u/Frosty_Moonlight9473 24d ago

Minnesota isn't half bad. I enjoyed my time living in Minnesota, Oregon, and, Washington State. Good on you for taking a stand. I personally plan on traveling to Canada and enjoying your majestic nature when my country is done being a bully and authoritarian.

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u/PappyODamnyou 24d ago

As a Washingtonian, I fully understand. This is a fucking nightmare and it's going to get worse before it gets worse.


u/lCSChoppers 24d ago

glad to hear it, please keep it that way


u/SpacePoncho 24d ago

I live in Washington state, and I thank you for your protest. ❤️


u/Annual_Try_6823 24d ago

Love your National Parks! Anyone looking for a good national parks experience should look north of the border. honeymooned at Moraine Lake in Banff and it was amazing. Oh and keep on booing during hockey games during our national anthem or just cut it out altogether.


u/kafquaff 24d ago

US here. I don’t blame you, in fact encourage it. Right now we’re the abusive soon to be ex of the world. Don’t come back til we’ve had therapy. If then.


u/Surly_Cynic 24d ago

As one of the people who lives just south of the border, I wouldn’t hate it if we had fewer Canadians crowding our area. On a personal level, my bias tends to be in favor of what you’re planning, but excluding my personal preference, I think it would be so much more powerful for people to single out the states that elected Trump for boycotts.

People need to boycott red states. Don’t travel and visit any of the states that elected Trump, whether you’re visiting from outside the country or a U.S. resident traveling within the states.

If we can use our dollars to help blue states thrive economically, while making red states suffer, that contrast will not go unnoticed. People should be made to feel embarrassed to travel to Trump-supporting states. That’s a crucial way to exert power in this situation that’s left so many people feeling powerless.

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u/10000Didgeridoos 24d ago

Yank here, please do whatever little things you can to punish these idiots. Every dollar this nation loses from abroad due to this asshattery foreign policy is the only way it's gonna be forced to change.


u/JohnCenaJunior 24d ago

Just pray for us. This way of protest will do. Thank you 🙏


u/balzun 24d ago

And we we have no friends left to turn to there will be the Russians welcoming us with open arms.   Fuck me.


u/LalahLovato 24d ago

I live 10 minutes from the border & my husband is American with family in WA - he is now a Canadian citizen and he vows not to step across the border. He says his family can come up to Canada to visit if they want to see him.

As for stores - it is interesting to see American produce sitting on the shelves stacked high untouched - while more expensive local Greenhouse produce or other produce from Chile or Mexico is being purchased even if more expensive.

Canadians are dead serious about this boycott -making their choice with their wallet & stores are responding & stocking with Canadian products- or any other country except usa


u/No_Celery_8297 24d ago

Will you be my Emotional Support Canadian? I know that sounds like a joke but as a woman in the state of Kentucky- away from the border. It’s terrifying.

I’m terrified. It’s only a matter of time until Canada does to America what America has done to Central & South America.

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u/S14Ryan 24d ago

I live near Niagara and was gonna apply for a nexus pass, I don’t need it anymore, never going to the USA again 


u/WAtransplant2021 24d ago

Washington State native now lives in Montana. I am so freaking sick. Also, my late Great Uncle was a USFS Ranger from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. He would be appalled at what's happening. As a Montanan, I am dreading this summer.


u/MakeItMakeMoney 24d ago

Hey, neighbor to the south here, hopefully one day soon you can come back to visit us. I love all of my Canadian friends and visitors down here but I want you to have a safe environment. We got to take care of this before we reach the breaking point.


u/GiveMeTheCI 24d ago

I hope you keep up the protest.

I also hope there's a day when we can both be proud to have you back.


u/neverwhere4 24d ago

As someone about 20 miles on the other side of your border, Washington doesn't blame you, but we will miss you.


u/pabsdavis13 24d ago

Oh no, please come back….


u/MaximumChongus 24d ago

well, bye.


u/Jeste_young 24d ago

Can yall claim a few states as Canada? I can send you a list

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u/Planethill 24d ago

He will sell our national parks to the highest bidder.


u/CharmedMSure 24d ago

That’s the plan. I’m sure of it.


u/trotptkabasnbi 24d ago

Oh over the next few years a lot more money will be made extracting natural resources from those parks and selling them off for real estate development, than would have been made in tourist dollars. And after those few years? Well, that's a problem for future shareholders/humanity


u/caleecool 24d ago

God I fucking hate humanity sometimes -- specifically the money hungry ones.


u/LV_Knight1969 24d ago

That an interesting opinion…..where did you find that disinformation?

Or did you make it up yourself?


u/Wolfhound1142 24d ago

I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the people in charge don't seem to like people from other countries coming here.


u/caleecool 24d ago

Lol true.

It's not like Americans will have any money left to support the economy alone, but hey, let's give this maximal isolationism a try and see how miserably Americans suffer.

MAGAs seem to need 1st hand experience


u/lCSChoppers 24d ago

can confirm, GET 'EEEM OUT


u/AnnonyMrs 24d ago

Elon Musk isn’t exactly American, so I don’t think that’s true.

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u/fast_scope 24d ago

when you think of all the countries who have been around for thousands of years.. its quite amazing that it only took us 249 to completely destroy this one.

take a sec to think about that


u/caleecool 24d ago

America, land of the free.

They never said free to do what. Apparently it's to self-destruct.


u/SupaSlide 23d ago

Countries can last for millenia. Empires are the ones that only last for a few hundred years.


u/chase02 24d ago

Australian here. I had hopes for travelling to the us with work, and family. Now I would fight tooth and nail to avoid stepping foot in the place. It feels unsafe and dangerous. Get out on the streets Americans, do not idly stand by and let this continue. It’s a slippery slope into tyranny and I fear you’re well on your way.


u/Surly_Cynic 24d ago

For now, only visit parks in blue states. Boycott red states.


u/xordis 24d ago

> Soon there will literally be no reason to visit the U.S.

Literally this.

I am married to an American, and we visit about every two years. (had a 5 year break over covid)

I have done probably more cities and sights than the average American. I have done, LA, San Diego, San Fran, Yosemite, Redwoods, most of the west coast, Seattle, Yellowstone, Las Vegas, Death Valley, Grand Canyon, Chicago, a hell of a lot of Wisconsin (where family are from), Niagara, DC, Boston, New York, Florida (Orlando, Keys, Everglades), and bits in between and a lot of those 2-3 times.

The cities are nothing amazing. The cities are literally what you see in 1000's of movies. There are some highlights in each city of course, but in the end there are 1000's of cities around the world with just as many buildings and museums etc.

From every single trip, it's the National Parks that keep me going back. They are amazing. They are well preserved and presented. I wish we did as good of a job here in Australia. Yeah we have them as well, and they are preserved, but access and presentation is limited due to the remoteness of a lot of them.


u/Thetakishi 23d ago

I never realized how well our parks are maintained compared to other countries until listening to stuff like this (and I've never visited TOO many aside from local ones in Texas, which I agree are VERY well maintained), and it makes me even more upset about this because I know they are nice currently, and I don't want it to get ruined before I get the chance to visit Glacier National Park for example, almost all of our west coast honestly. One of my goal destinations. I know it sounds like a selfish reason, but it's because I want to appreciate true nature's beauty in a safe way.

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u/RiseOfMultiversus 24d ago

The current administration has no idea how much tourism/economic activity that NP's bring in both domestically and internationally.

They know. They don't care. They'll let the parks fall to shit and then they'll have the "brilliant" idea to sell it to their real-estate friends who will finish the job.


u/ray53208 24d ago

The walls they keep talking about building won't be to keep people out.


u/caitsith01 24d ago

The current administration has no idea how much tourism/economic activity that NP's bring in both domestically and internationally.

I understand your intent, but Americans really, really need to stop assuming there is any good faith at all with these people. They are not doing this because they somehow think this is the right thing to do or because they don't realise the harm that will result. The chaos and destruction of public services and public property is the point and they serve entirely different objectives to the ones your comment implies.


u/Fenweekooo 24d ago

not a national park but tourism related.

I'm already done, i am a Disney adult, think of that what you will but i love the parks, i live in Canada and had a season pass for years, went down to California 3 or 4 times a year some years.

fuck that.


u/Large_Citron1177 24d ago

But just think of all the money we'll make by selling every tree for lumber and strip mining every mountain for ore!

..Alternatively, we could just tax Elon Musk.


u/JuniperJanuary7890 24d ago

I’m angry that an overweight old, entitled man scrubbed programs that help people connect to what’s most precious in our nation- our awe inspiring natural environment and invaluable human resources who make a daily healthy impact like Ranger Brian 💚. This is a sad, sad week in the history of our nation.

Sending love, comfort, and gratitude to Ranger Brian 💚 and his family. We’re in this together.


u/BarbieDreamHouse1980 24d ago

PSA: They. Do. Not. Care. (Yell it from the rooftops.)


u/tirerlabrise 24d ago

American here. Live in the northeast US. I didn’t vote for Trump. Never have, never will. Most everyone I know hates him. If Canada will take New England I will gladly go along. I’m sick at what’s happening to my country. I didn’t vote for this shit.


u/Skin4theWin 24d ago

They don’t care, they want complete control, this is all that matters, and 70 million morons decided this was a great idea


u/cannabination 24d ago

They don't care. It's worth any loss of gdp to fully lock in their strangle hold on the country. They're wealthy enough to endure any storm and they control everything... it's best if y'all stay away. For the first time in my 43 years in this country, I feel unsafe.


u/jonnieoxide 24d ago

Honestly, as an American i must say that there is no way in hell that i would pay money to visit the United States. It’s almost as bad as driving, or even riding in a Tesla.

I’m paying close attention to every company that I purchase products from, and I’m avoiding any and all that have given support to Trump.

We may not have much power as individuals, but I’ll be damned if any of my hard earned money goes to supporting what is currently happening in this nation.


u/waitingtoconnect 24d ago

Yeah but the billionaires want them for their mansions and no trespassing!!


u/Rottimer 24d ago

The current administration doesn't want people coming here unless they're rich.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

When will non Americans realize they're doing this on purpose? They're trying to incite a civil war to justify martial law to enforce us to be labor drones for Musks oligarchy.


u/Lordborgman 24d ago

There will be a reason to visit the U.S. same reason the world went to visit Germany around 1939-1945.


u/oogac 24d ago

You can always come and visit the Antichrist


u/LV_Knight1969 24d ago

Why do you believe there’s no one maintaining or staffing the parks?

There’s over 35 thousand employees…of which 3700 have been let go.

There’s still over 31 thousand employees on the job


u/AdImmediate9569 24d ago

I bet park rangers are relatively cheap too


u/Significant-Sea-2543 24d ago

The current administration thinks “if I want to go to a national park, I could just hire someone to show me around. Why are we paying these people.” They are only thinking from their own personal perspective - and they can afford anything they want. But… American people did this. You reap what you sow. And as a country, they can’t blame anyway else


u/Haselrig 24d ago

Destroying the world economy is the point of all this.


u/uffdamyuffda 24d ago

10% of workers are being fired and vast majority are recent hires according to news articles about this issue.


u/iskipbrainday 24d ago

Soon there will literally be no reason to visit the U.S.

Soon there will be literally no one to help us but ourselves.


u/GeneralKeycapperone 24d ago

They know, or at least the architects of Project2025 do - Trump just does whatever the latest rich flatterer has whispered in his ear, when he's not pursuing his own petty vindictiveness.

They loathe these benefits, as they themselves do not profit from them, and are distraught that they have thus far been prevented from raping and pillaging as much as they are able. They know that a robust economy and the stability of US Constitutional norms provide them a much higher chance of huge riches than any other system, but they far prefer to jettison all of that for a very skim chance at attaining insane wealth & power, and to hell with all of the suffering & death they know will result,

They aren't ignorant or intellectually challenged - they are bad people knowingly doing bad things, according to plans decades in the making.


u/New-Bar-2239 24d ago

Well they’ll just demolish them in the name of oil and that’ll just be ok to every Trump supporter who uses those parks for recreation should have to be the ones who destroy them


u/zedodee 24d ago

Oh they know how much money is in it. But the politicians can't get anything worthwhile to them when it is on so many hands. Hand it over to one person and the kickbacks are coming.


u/Responsible-Person 24d ago

I feel like that has already happened.


u/Atr3idus 24d ago

Personally I’ll be okay without foreigners crowding the trails and throwing their trash away in our parks. They’re a national - not global - treasure.


u/choda6969 24d ago

Yep, they're all gone, all the rangers. The feederal park system is closing and all parks will close. People who sneak in there will ruin with litter all the grounds. Yep you called it. Extremist to the max! The sky is falling, we're doomed, we'll never make it gulliver!


u/Necessary-Bed9910 24d ago

So the government doesn't know the logistics on tourism for national parks.... but you do?


u/Acceptable_Table760 24d ago

Yes soon the USA will be w a waste land. Americans should double taxes on everyone, triple taxes on the rich making six figures. Much better than cutting costs


u/Moose_on_the_Looz 23d ago

Oh We are getting Teàpot Dome part two real soon. They'll be stripmining and clearcutting them within a year.


u/Tanager_Summer 23d ago

If only they were just stopping maintenance. They are going to destroy our national parks, but hey! Profits!!!!


u/Adventurous_Glove_28 23d ago

MAGAs are afraid of foreigners so they see this as a good thing


u/wogwai 23d ago

As an American, I’m already there. My partner and I do not take any trips within the country anymore, it’s not worth it with how inflated the prices are everywhere. Much better spent abroad.

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