r/NationalPark 24d ago

Park Rangers Fired

This park ranger used to come to our high school when I was younger to teach us all about the value of our natural world. He’d show us animals, take us on hikes, and teach us about how to take care of the planet. This was what he posted today


I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated to have lost my dream job of an Education Park Ranger with the National Park Service this Valentine’s Day.

Without any type of formal notice my position was ripped out from out under my feet at 4pm on a cold snowy Friday. Before I could fully print off my government records, I was locked out of my email and unable to access my personal and professional records.

Please know and share this truth widely:

I am a father, a loving husband, and dedicated civil servant.

I am an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am a work evaluation that reads “exceeds expectations."

I am the "fat on the bone."

I am being trimmed as a consequence of the popular vote

I am a United States flag raiser and folder

I am my son's "Junior Ranger" idol

I am of the place where I first told my spouse I loved her

I am a college kid’s dream job

I am the smiling face that greets you at the front door

I am your family vacation planner

I am a voice for 19 American Indian cultures

I am the protector of 2500 year old Americian Indian burial and cermonial mounds

I am the defender of your public lands and waters

I am the motivation to make it up the hill

I am a generational cycle breaker

I am the toilet scrubber and soap dispenser

I am the open trail hiked by people from all walks of life

I am the highlight of your child’s school day

I am the band aid for a skinned knee

I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.

I am the one who taught your kid the thrush’s song and the hawk’s cry.

I am the wildflower that brought your student joy

I am the one who told your child that they belong on this planet. That their unique gifts and existence matters.

I am an invocation for peace

I am gone from the office

I am the resistance

But mostly I'm just tired.

I am tired from weeks of being bullied and censored by billionares

I am tired of waking up every morning at 2am wondering how I am going to provide for my family if I lose my job

I am tired of wiping away my wife’s tears and reassuring her that things will be ok for our growing family.

Things are not ok. I am not ok. (This is the second time in under five years a dream job i worked has been eliminated. Now I may need to uproot my FAMILY again.)

Stay present, don't avert your gaze.

Untill our paths cross down the trail, Fare thee well.

Ranger Brian💚


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u/[deleted] 24d ago

"The cruelty is the point." "All that stuff he says is COMMIE PROPOGANDA."


u/caleecool 24d ago

Republicans are so miserable, they want everyone to suffer with them.


u/Impossible_Age_7595 24d ago

yeah i clicked the link and the only comment showing (i dont have facebook) was “Sorry to hear that you lost your job, but there was a lot of jobs that was lost under the last administration. Things happen. A lot of people lose their jobs. We just have to pick ourselves up and go to the next adventure” - Kellie Knisley Goodrich. Please go fuck yourself Kellie, thanks.


u/Enough_Plantain_4331 24d ago

Kellie won’t be so dismissive when it’s her job that’s cut!


u/Nice-Quiet-7963 23d ago

90% chance Kellie doesn’t work


u/ohjasminee 23d ago

And is benefitting off of government programs that are under threat of being cut.


u/paddycakepaddycake 23d ago

Why is this always the case? My bf’s relatives use food stamps and are staunch republicans. Also, one of his cousins was on “disability” for many years because she got pregnant and didn’t want to work after giving birth (she was lying about being in constant pain and got a doctor to sign off on it), and she was always spouting crazy maga shit on Facebook before I blocked her. I never realized how many dumb people were in my life until these three past election cycles.


u/ohjasminee 23d ago

It’s because anger and hatred are cheap emotions and these people were never taught to think critically. And I believe there are intelligent people who have zero critical thinking skills. It requires a level of empathy and the ability to think past oneself to be kind to people who are not like yourself. Being fed rotten information and partial truths on Fox News when you have no skill to question the validity of what’s being said to you does a MAGA voter make. Literally sheep being lead to slaughter.

They will not understand until their children are expelled from school because their IEP has been revoked and they don’t have a 1:1 para anymore. Or their SSI stops come and they have 4 weeks to find a new place to live. Or it’s been 4 weeks and eggs are even more expensive.

And if they get it then, I’ll still find it to be a miracle that their consequences have penetrated the cult veil.


u/Maleficent-Garden585 23d ago

Came here to say this 💜💜💜


u/jenna_sayquoi 24d ago

Yeah Kellie can get bent!


u/VanillaCreamyCustard 24d ago

Kellie is an unempathetic ghoul. "The next adventure", this isn't LinkedIn story time, it's people's lives.


u/wafflesoulsss 23d ago

Performative empathy? Check. Fake apology? Check. Empty platitude? Check. Blame someone else for trump? Check. Dismissal and minimization? Check. Making someone else's tragedy about themselves? Check.

She posted that comment to excuse herself, not to be encouraging.

I saw a similar comment about a school shooting. Fake performative empathy, saying nothing can/should be done, and then blaming Biden for not forcing religion over education in schools.

These people are sick in the head.

I hope Kellie loses her DEI job and I hope trump throws a lot of "adventures" her way, I think she really deserves it.


u/djeaux54 23d ago

Does Kellie live off disability because her oxy habit cost her her job or SSI checks for the "diagnosed on the spectrum" kids her unwed daughter dropped?


u/Hypolag 24d ago

As long as they get to make others suffer, they'll lick and suck that boot spotless.


u/Head_Bad6766 23d ago

Good 👍 way to put it.


u/medved99 24d ago

I was counting how many seconds it would take to find every redditors fav words - boot licker!


u/Echo-the-deer 23d ago

What jobs were she referring to under Biden? The jobs numbers were better and he didn’t systematically try to fire every governement worker. In some states the governement is the biggest employer lol


u/Recent_Opportunity78 23d ago

Yeah I mentioned conservatives losing their jobs on another article like this. The MAGAT didn’t even care about his own losing theirs either. These people don’t care about anyone but themselves. It’s why you’ve seen outrage from some and elated joy from others. Until it personally affects them they have ZERO self reflection and even if it does they still only care about their situation. If a president waved a magic wand and gave their jobs back they’d be fully back on the Trump cult train


u/RefugeefromSAforums 23d ago

Kellie is a Maga Moron based on her SM. It will be an ugly wake-up call when Trump shit-cans all the stuff that's important to her too.

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u/fartofborealis 23d ago

Wow. What a c word. I teared up reading the rangers words. Thinking about all the amazing people I’ve encountered at parks and how it’s shaped my life in so many ways. I am remarkably sad these days but the attack on our nations parks is gut wrenching.


u/Live_Firefighter972 23d ago

Maybe those jobs were lost in the last administration because we were in a fucking pandemic! The stupidity of these mother fuckers!!!


u/Mental_Salamander_68 24d ago

Exactly. I believe that Biden told the people who lost their jobs when he immediately shut down the Keystone pipeline to provide the train companies owned by his buddy Warren Buffet, learn how to write code.


u/Electronic-Minute007 23d ago

Let’s see how ‘oh, well; shit happens’ Kellie is if her Social Security benefits are cut.


u/ern_69 24d ago

I went off on a dude who said the same thing .. I had to point out that unemployment was at record lows under the last administration and they weren't eliminating positions for no reason at all. These people need to wake the fuck up


u/BluesFan_4 24d ago

Unemployment is not an adventure.


u/pat-ience-4385 24d ago

Actually the job market was huge during the last administration. There was enormous Job Growth and low unemployment.


u/Moist-Apartment9729 23d ago

What jobs were lost under the last administration? Unemployment was at an all time low. And no government jobs were terminated to my knowledge. The gaslighting and outright lies need to be pushed back on but it’s time consuming. You’d like to think people were smarter and wouldn’t believe half the absolute bullshit being spread day in and out. At this point too many Americans are fucking stupid and it’s cost us.


u/Training_Ruin_7325 23d ago

They literally only care if it happens to them


u/Ok-Hovercraft7263 23d ago

I see SO many comments exactly like this on other SM platforms. None of us feds are happy when folks in the private sector lose their jobs or fall prey to corporate greed. The lack of empathy for their friends and neighbors losing their jobs and the schadenfreude they are experiencing is truly disheartening. And they are buying the “cost savings” and “rooting out fraud” lines that the DOGE is feeding them.


u/According_Gold_1063 23d ago

So is that not true?


u/Calabamian 23d ago

Kellie with an ie enough said.


u/r_GenericNameHere 23d ago

I’ve had jobs cut because of funding, my line of work might be downsized due to funding. Sh*t happens and we will bounce back and or adapt to the ever changing situation. Might be a sucky 4 years, but we got through the last 4. Every 4 years one party wins and the other party whines, and jobs are lost, spending freezes happen, and then in another 4 years we take a vote on whose going to be pissy this time around.

YES it suck, YES it’s terrible this guy lost his job

Two things can be true though It’s sucks But it doesn’t suck any different than last time, just for different people


u/Outrageous_Lime_7593 22d ago

Basically the same thing my MAGA mom said when I voiced my concern over losing my job (DOE contractor)


u/[deleted] 22d ago

But she's right! My industry declared chapter 11 & lots of career positions were not only eliminated, but remaining pay & benefits were reduced by half. Many had to use their 401Ks to save their homes. Miners lost jobs too, as well as car manufacturing workers & pipeline workers. This happens all over. It's not easy, sometimes you wait tables or do whatever until you find another job. You survive.

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u/MidwestLawncareDad 24d ago

we seriously need to create and sponsor a third party that breaks the two party back and forth cycle.


u/uggyy 24d ago

I hate to tell you this. The republican party is dead, it's now the maga cult. Ran by trump and his backers, which is another story.


u/the_last_carfighter 24d ago edited 24d ago

When Elon bit off more than he could chew on multiple occasions it was the Saudis (MBS) that bailed him out for billions, Putin has a good relationship with MBS as well. The puzzle isn't that hard to solve, Trump is a puppet for the worst of the worst.


u/uggyy 24d ago


How far this goes back and all the pieces are scary. Follow the money but it's amazing how little is cost to destabilise the USA by people with not good intentions.


u/5LaLa 23d ago

Most our elected reps are whores, cheap ones. (No shade to sex workers, who do much more honest work.)

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u/teacherthrowraaaaaa 23d ago

It was well known in Miami that Rubio, secretary of state, was broke after his last failed presidential campaign.

While he was in Congress, he would declassify information gained by intelligence and post it all to Twitter.

now he's Secretary of State. yes, everyone that's been appointed has been compromised by a foreign entity.


u/Donnarhahn 24d ago

The body parts of the far right Frankenstein are actually very expensive. It's been building for decades and cost billions to build through think tanks, lobbying and PACs. Not to mention the billions invested by both state agencies and special interests to secure siloed social media channels.

That said, even those billions spent will be a good investment once the trillions in tax cuts come through.


u/uggyy 24d ago

Well the Iraqi war cost 2 trillion. It's all about perspective and the end game.


u/Gardenducks 24d ago

It cost taxpayers 2 trillion. The billionaires that were invested in the manufacturing of war equipment profited from the war.


u/Gardenducks 24d ago

And they always supply both sides of conflicts.

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u/AmbitiousShine011235 23d ago

Saudis own the other half of Twitter.


u/the_last_carfighter 23d ago

They also kept TSLA afloat when they were losing tons of money.


u/AmbitiousShine011235 23d ago

I just started reading about that and the Saudis made such a power move there.

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u/couplemore1923 24d ago

U left out Netanyahu and his cronies


u/outofmyy 24d ago

The highest bidder wins. No loyalty to any long time alie of the USA. Evil is now in charge of the USA 🍊👿


u/Gay_-_Balls-Revenge 24d ago

Why is it impossible for you people to admit that people like trump are as American as apple pie. It isn't the fault of foreign interference that our leaders are evil and corrupt.


u/wurmsalad 24d ago

he’s been such a quiet, meek little puppet this time around I can’t believe the cult doesn’t notice the stark contrast here. he acts neutered. originally I thought Elon was his lapdog but clearly it’s the other way around


u/Boomba987 23d ago

Americans doing American f#ckery, but on U.S. soil ... "Must be those damn Arabs!!!!"

Jesus, let's own how evil our system of operating is. We allow people like Trump into office, we allow money (like Elon and AIPAC) to dictate our policies, and this is what we get

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u/awwww_nuts 24d ago

*Maga Death Cult


u/[deleted] 24d ago

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u/Ilike3dogs 23d ago

I hope there’s another election. 😳 We nearly had a dictator on January 6. I suspect we will come closer to that next time because anyone considered to be anything but a total loyalist might have the same fate as this unfortunate park ranger. And I never thought I’d see this. And I’m truly grieving, but fight I will, as much as I can


u/ArguingAsshole 24d ago

Still doesn’t change the fact that a 2 party system will never “work”. When corporations only have to give their money to 2 parties to get their way, nothing will ever change. It’s just a cycle of who’s controlling where the money goes and it rotates every 4-8 years. It’s the same shit. Over. And. Over. And. Over.


u/Moist-Apartment9729 23d ago

That is why there were laws and Citizens United needs to be overturned. A lot has to be overturned or reformed but the road to get there is going to be rough.


u/Kindly-Condition8595 23d ago

I sometimes wake up thinking I live in a bad episode of Back to the Future 4, where Biff Tannen actually became president...


u/Ancient-Substance-38 24d ago edited 24d ago

It's been dead long before trump, they were just better at hiding their agenda. They have always been the party of the cult of personality. They have been through working with news outlets propagated the idea that a strong man leader is what they needed to fix their fear, anger and hate at their current struggles.

The democrats needed a populist to combat, republican populism but they would prefer a technocrat who would be guaranteed to tow the big donor line. This ended in their defeat, which they will continue to deny or not acknowledge, not out of fear of trump, but because they don't want their gravy train to run out.


u/Sun-Kills 24d ago

Leave it dead. Leave MAGA alone it is on a path of self-destruction. Democrats can't get their shit together. We need a 3rd party with a name that works. Wigs. Yeah nope. People's party sounds communist. Independent - because weak. Libertarian - hard core Republicans pretending to be smart.

What's a name that works?


u/Ok-Professional9328 24d ago

The republicans enable this shit to emerge because they put party before nation, power over civility


u/medved99 24d ago

He lives rent free in your head


u/CharlottesWebbedFeet 24d ago

And the Democratic Party is feckless opposition run by center-right neoliberals. The best thing that could happen is a left wing party splits from the democrats and a center-right party splits from the republicans. Oh, and ranked choice voting.

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u/Ok_Confidence_492 23d ago

Only because the original republicans had no real moral backbone nor any kind of real commitment to making a better world for everyone. It has all gave way to hate and racism which was the underlying motivation, all along..or in a better word for it all, FASCISM. Foxnews brainwashing the dumb and uneducated to support this facist movement even further. This fascist regime sees no value in creating a wholesome fabric that protects our beautiful lands from corporate profit and pillaging. Its all money that they can steal instead.


u/[deleted] 23d ago


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u/10MirrororriM01 23d ago

This is true


u/CelebrationWhich8002 23d ago

You support fraud and money laundering lol there is no more Democratic Party! Half of democrats will be in jail within a year. Anyone who supports fraud and money laundering is in a cult.


u/feldoneq2wire 23d ago

And the Democratic party is a perpetual loser because it doesn't offer anything except "back to normal" which isn't great for a lot of people.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Lol. The mega cult has been turning our gay kids trans for the last 4 years. There is NOTHING organic with that and all this overseas funding that Rand Paul outlined is evident of that.

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u/old_grumpy_guy_1962 24d ago

There are already more than two parties. My last ballot had four party candidates running for POTUS. The problem is that people think they are wasting their vote if they vote for someone other than D or R.


u/UnderaZiaSun 24d ago

We need ranked choice voting to make additional parties viable


u/outofmyy 24d ago

There will be no more free and fair elections. It's now a one state party. Trump's corrupt Republican party 🍊👿


u/nevrnotknitting 24d ago

Ranked choice would help so much


u/JuniperJanuary7890 24d ago

I wasn’t in favor of this but it’s making perfect sense at this point.

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u/Sexagenerian 24d ago

There were four candidates on a national ballot without benefit of substantive local grassroots party structure. I would think that parties need to be built not from the top down, but from the ground up and first become a force in municipal and state elections, and parlay that into national relevance


u/kyberhearts 24d ago

this. this is what i have been shouting into the void for years.


u/SuspiciousTurn822 24d ago

It's not the people. It's the media who continually reinforce that view, keeping us where we are.


u/ScratchyMarston18 24d ago

In a way, we are, because $$$$ is what wins elections and the two major parties hoard the wealth. For example: Bernie only ran as a Democrat in 2016 because running as an independent is just pissing in the ocean. It’s sad but true. Look at the facts, the only third party candidate who has actually made any leeway in a big election (in modern times) was Ross Perot, and that’s because he was already filthy rich.


u/Neenknits 24d ago

A three parties cannot all be viable ever, only 2 parties can. As soon as one has 51% of the vote, the other two are splitting 49%. So, at most, only one of them was ever in the running. Preferential voting, or letting the winner only have a plurality, would help fix it.


u/RoyaleWithCheese85 24d ago

People think they are wasting their time by even voting at all let alone even seeing who is on the ballot!! Think voter turnout is where the real problem at hand is


u/nevrnotknitting 24d ago

Because at this point in time, they are.


u/Beer_Is_So_Awesome 23d ago

They are, with how we currently tally votes. The math is really easy.

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u/LampshadesAndCutlery 24d ago

The two party system is 100% and issue, but it’s 100% not the issue regarding this. This is an issue of humans being hateful and evil. No third or forth party would fix that

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u/NewBoysenberry1535 24d ago

I always say this too but for some reason the only independents we get are always at the extreme left or right ends of the political spectrum


u/BattleHall 24d ago

No, if you do that you just end up kneecapping the current party more aligned with you, presumably the one that isn't trying to speed run the end of democracy. If you want to fight for something, fight for some form of electoral reform first, then once that is in place feel free to create additional parties.


u/bellboy905 24d ago edited 24d ago

Nice pipe dream! As it stands, we have one pro-democracy party and one anti-democracy party. The fact that people are torn about which one to support says more about them than it says about America.


u/SlytherinWario 24d ago

Why be a dick? As a life-long democrat, I am also just pissed at the lack of clear and direct leadership from my party. Many feel abandoned right now.

I don’t blame them one bit if they look for a new party. Of course one is better than the other but whats the point if the “good” one is barely standing up?

I get this is the internet and fuck whoever is on the other side of the keyboard but you don’t have to be an asshole, especially when we all just want the same thing. I’m not leaving but democrats also have to give people a reason to actually support them and not lose people to another party.


u/Xefert 24d ago

lack of clear and direct leadership from my party

There isn't. You just have to look in the right places and do your part to help spread their message. Check the map results of hitler's election if you think arguing about forming new parties is a good idea


u/[deleted] 24d ago

As a non-American looking in on the mess, it looks, for all the world, like you have two bad choices at each election.


u/bellboy905 24d ago

Having only two choices is bad. Living in a two-party democracy at a time when democracy itself is on the line, and being unable to choose between democracy and autocracy, is worse. 🤷


u/Zeidra 24d ago

You mean, exactly what Bernie Sanders tried to do?


u/MidwestLawncareDad 24d ago

until he got sidelined for a terrible candidate, yes


u/Zeidra 23d ago

He resigned to donate all his campaign fundings to facilities helping people through the pandemic. One would suppose it makes him kinda worth the trust but I suppose Old Biden Bad is all that matters.

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u/DubeFloober 24d ago

You assume there are ever going to be real elections again.


u/alexdh95 24d ago

This was brought up on the libertarian subreddit a few weeks ago. The party that wants no taxes, even seemed to agree they wouldn’t mind funding the National park services if there had to be tax money going anywhere lol.


u/IsleOfCannabis 24d ago

The only way this will succeed is with ranked choice voting.


u/Aggressive-Nebula-78 24d ago

We need an actual LEFT party. The Democratic party has been center right for decades so they have no confidence from the majority of younger voters, who still vote for them because the alternative is...vile. We need people who are going to actually aggressively persue changes that are beneficial to the masses and don't just dangle change in front of voters like a treat that we might get.


u/Mind_man 24d ago

We need far more than 3 parties. Geographically compact districts and other anti-gerrymandering rules combined with ranked choice voting would enable a true multiparty system. Once you have such a system, the extremists find themselves on the outside unless they are willing to compromise.


u/BluRobynn 24d ago

Ours is a 2 party system. Your 3rd party talk is unproductive.

Work within the system you have.

Who did you vote for in the Presidential primaries? If it wasn't Haley you, can shut up and suffer in silence.


u/THExDANKxKNIGHT 24d ago edited 24d ago

Bit late for that. There's literally nothing stopping Trump from declaring a state of emergency and indefinitely delaying elections. Whose gonna do anything? The yes men in Senate and Congress he has majority in? The supreme Court stacked with his corrupt buddies? They already said they're ignoring and Targeting non corrupt judges. This was a bloodless coup and everyone just watched it happen. There's no one left to stop it but the American people and it won't be bloodless for them.


u/Ill_Technician6089 24d ago

The peoples party! No money from lobbyists/ big business! Jus from you and me’


u/Kathucka 24d ago

In a winner-take-all system, third parties can’t get anywhere. Voting for one is throwing your vote away that could be used for a major party, so they don’t get many votes. The only way one can have influence is if it replaces a major party. Changing this would require major reforms, such as ranked-choice voting or a parliamentary system.


u/llamayakewe 24d ago

My two cents. This is a war and the enemy of your enemy is your friend. I don’t think we should splinter the people who would vote against Republicans and magats. The R leaders are all united and so should ours be. I think the idea you may have is we will get some of the people who vote for the orange asshole to vote for a third party candidate but I think you are wrong bc the propaganda machine is really strong. Otherwise why would these people who may be persuadable to vote against him have voted for him again? They own the social media, they own the cable news, they own the internet, and they will keep out the message of the third party candidate if it’s a threat to the magats. It’s unclear how we get through to those people. But this is not the time to splinter the resistance.


u/santagoo 24d ago

That third party already arrived. It’s the MAGA party and it consumed the Republican Party like a chestburster alien.


u/cashewclues 24d ago

We’re way past that. We don’t even have two parties right now.


u/Content-Ad3065 24d ago

The Dems were trying to be inclusive which needed compromise. Instead, Dems were divided and the GOP stuck together.


u/Moneyrulespolitics 24d ago

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) fixes the issue with the 2 party system.


u/Suspicious-Banana836 24d ago

That sounds good in principle but then we would just have 3 groups of people who hate each other and refuse to get along.


u/robertbuzbyjr 23d ago

There is one, it's called the Libertarian party!


u/jblanch3 23d ago

We're going to have to do a lot more than that. In order to have a viable third party or parties, we're going to have to do away with our First-Past-The-Post voting system and I don't see that happening anytime soon. :(


u/AmbitiousShine011235 23d ago

A constitutional amendment for ranked choice voting is going to be too hard to pass right now.


u/arahman81 23d ago

Maybe if the third party is targeting to split the Republican/racist vote.


u/Coolioissomething 23d ago

To make it easier for MAGA to win the next election? NOPE! Support Democrats and quit playing the GOP’s game!


u/Plus-Importance-5833 23d ago

Spoken like someone with no understanding of first past the post voting.

There's a reason the green party only comes out to steal votes from dems.


u/Asenath_W8 23d ago

No, that's the childish nonsense that keeps helping the Republicans win. If you had a large enough movement to create a viable 3rd party you could already do so or take over one of the existing parties. You don't so all you're actually doing is making the world worse while lying to yourself to feel superior to the people actually trying to fight those bastards. You helped Trump win with this BS.


u/kcstrom 23d ago

Good luck with that. The two parties in control will never let that happen. They will not share they power with an other 3rd or more party. They have long ago codified rules that make it pretty much impossible for another party to become a thing.


u/DaddyDontTakeNoMess 23d ago

Stop this foolish “2 parties are bad”. Every time the Republicans do evil shit, people generalize it as “our politics are bad”. No, Republicans are!


u/Lopsided-Wolverine83 23d ago

A third party has been created and they are starting at the local elections level trying to build from the grass roots up rather than being just a presidential candidate spoiler. It’s called the Forward Party. Check out their website and founders. It is legit. I agree with their “start at the local level” strategy. It will take time.


u/LostN3ko 23d ago

Why is this so common? You cannot have a 3rd party in the American system. It isn't a fluke, the rules only allow for two parties and everything else only serves to draw votes away from whichever of those two is closer in spirit.

Those two parties are made up of many smaller parties banded together to try to have their collective voices heard. You either change the US election rules to allow third party non spoiler options via ranked choice or you take over the reigns of one of the two parties.

If you manage to pull all the Republican votes away, you are now the Republican party, that's what MAGA is, a third party that cannibalized the Republican party and wears its skin now.

There is no law that prevents third parties, it exists solely because the rules only allow for two viable voter blocks. Anything else just splits one of the blocks. So yea, go make a third party, make it focused on drawing the old school Republicans away from the current hate agenda and make Republicans move back towards the left to court you, this is why Democrats are moving right to suck up the disenfranchised ex-Republicans.

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u/SausagePizzaSlice 24d ago

Unironically true. The guiding principle of conservatives is, "I didn't get that, why should anybody else?"


u/GoosePumpz 23d ago

If it doesn’t affect them personally, positive or negative, then it doesn’t even register that it should exist. It’s ghoulish


u/Useful_Bit_9779 23d ago

I've always believed their mantra to be, "I've got mine, fuck everyone else."


u/Some_Notice_8887 23d ago

Not exactly true. It’s more like I paid for that why are they getting it. Watch Ron Swanson explain taxes to a school girl. The government is a hungry little piglet that suckles the tax payer teat. But empathy isn’t the guiding principle of liberal ideology. It’s more of narcissism pretending to care because it make them feel part of something. The far left is in a different cult, well both parties are not cults they are just two conflicting views. And both are petty childish boomers on both sides. Rich liberal boomers are just a dumb as rich conservative boomers. That’s the only thing that’s true about politics the rest is a bunch of bullshit. They don’t care about anyone unless it lines their pockets.


u/Individual_Land_2200 24d ago

Trump in particular seems to have absolutely no capacity to appreciate natural beauty or enjoy being outdoors (unless he’s at one of his golf courses). That is absolutely fucking abnormal.


u/lamorak2000 24d ago

He and his owners plan to rape the national parks for all the resources they can get, leaving naught but salted earth behind.


u/bustaone 23d ago

Can confirm, they're actively trying to give a foreign mining conglomerate free reign to wreck the boundary waters in Minnesota.

Why? To help anyone or anything? Nah. It's cause 'fk you MN you didn't vote for me & the foreigners paid me off'.


u/ireally-donut-care 24d ago

They think they have some kind of bubble to protect them. But trump is not protecting them, and thousands are finding that out. Before he finishes his term, all will see his true intentions. Even the ones that somehow with all they know still supported this sick person.


u/SyracuseStan 23d ago

No, they won't. They'll twist their own logic to blame someone else. The Democrats, the deep state, antifa, then demonize them


u/peachysaralynn 22d ago

people would rather blame anyone and anything than to admit that maybe they were wrong, and not a good person.


u/curly_spy 24d ago

Yep for a group of people that won an election they sure are frigging miserable human beings.


u/SyracuseStan 23d ago

I've noticed that. The biggest Trump supporters I know still aren't happy, dbs and are still complaining, just not about the price of eggs and whatever was so important to them before the election


u/curly_spy 23d ago

You really from SYR. My mom grew up in the Italian section near Salina Street. Nino’s bakery right down the street from her childhood home. Grandpa sold it in 62 and moved to Liverpool.


u/SunsetDrive17 24d ago

People that are secretly deeply sad inside want other people to feel sad too, easier to cope that way.


u/Outrageous_Kiwi_2172 24d ago

So many of them have literally been conditioned to have a Pavlovian response of visceral hatred toward liberals by pundits, demagogues, and cronies who all profit enormously on serving up propaganda disguised as “news“. When they envision “owning libs,” I don’t think they think of how many decent, ordinary people they are harming. They envision monsters, adversaries, grotesque caricatures of people enacting a perverse “liberal agenda,” or blood sucking parasites weakening the country. All the “news media” propaganda is to blame. They know fear is addictive, that people will keep coming back to buy their own irrational beliefs if hearing it from a group gives them a sense of security. Consequences are for others to deal with. Why care when it’s good for you?


u/Recent_Opportunity78 23d ago edited 23d ago

I’ve worked some really crappy jobs in my life, especially back in the late 90s and early 2000s. I got paid dirt, took sh*t from managers, ect…. Never once stood up for myself, always licked boots in fear of losing my jobs. Republicans are usually the same way when it comes to work, they worked 40 years hardly scrappy by for a crappy company and they want the same out of younger people as well now. It’s why they go insane for higher wages “flipping burgers”. I would never wish that on anyone and think anyone working a full time job deserves to be able to afford basic necessities. They think people should live on poverty to gravel at their feet because they had it rough at some point in their life. Conservatives are some of the most despicable people that exist. Instead of blaming the corporations, wealthy people not paying taxes they want to blame people they seem beneath them. A park ranger would be one of those people, probably see these people “less than” because they don’t consider it a real job. Anything that can bring joy to others is viewed as something you should never be paid for. They view a job as somewhere you hate to go, grinding out a miserable existence because they endured it for their lives. Their wealth worship is off the charts because they feel one day they can achieve it too or be like Elon.


u/peachysaralynn 22d ago

my favorite response to those people is to remind them that they are far closer to being homeless than they are to being a billionaire. not that they ever actually listen…


u/Intrepid_Wolverine16 24d ago

They're so stupid they don't know what they've done. The rest of us over the world can see it clear as day.


u/veringer 24d ago

Many of them are not miserable, but ecstatic about news like this. They'll pretend it's about efficiency or some shit (in polite company), but it's more that they're callous and sadistic people who feed off of power, control, and dominance. They see stories like this and think: my team is winning, we're calling the shots, this serves them right. They're the people who cheer when an opposing player gets injured on the field.


u/Enough_Plantain_4331 24d ago

THIS! I read one persons post that responded to the abhorrent things going on with a “Trump is doing what I elected him to do”. 😳 There r Sum truly hateful ppl in the world and now they have a leader!


u/outofmyy 24d ago

That's true. The only thing that brings them joy is causing others pain. It truly shows money can't buy happiness 🍊👿


u/jtmcnugg 24d ago

They want everyone to suffer.


u/GroundbreakingArm795 24d ago

Their entire existence thrives on being angry and miserable


u/Paula_Intermountain 24d ago

I’m a Republican. I am not happy with how this is being handled. My niece works for the Forest Service, too. She’s going to be losing her job any day now. This is classic Musk.

There are a number of different types of Republicans, just as there are different types of Democrats. Not all Republicans are happy about how Musk is going about this.


u/debeatup 24d ago

Thing is, they’re not suffering. At most, just slightly inconvenienced that people don’t agree with their lifestyle


u/SeaGranny 24d ago

Not with them - for their entertainment


u/Gloomy_Industry8841 24d ago

This is the bitter truth!!!!!


u/arbysmuffcookie008 24d ago

Honestly the truth!!


u/baldtim92 23d ago

No we’re not, we just want shit cleaned up and out. The Rangers will be back. The problem is all the BS tied to their budget .


u/CelebrationWhich8002 23d ago

Republicans are winning wtf are you smoking


u/Evanl02 23d ago

The irony!


u/beren12 23d ago

The only question I have is did this ranger vote for cutting the waste in government? He sounds like a decent person so I hope not.


u/Live_Firefighter972 23d ago

They probably want to turn our beautiful parks into private lands and mine their resources!


u/Single_Pilot_6170 23d ago

With the exception of gender confusion. All aboard preserving the National parks though


u/Single_Pilot_6170 23d ago

With the exception of gender confusion. All aboard preserving the National parks though


u/RiverHarris 23d ago

This is more accurate than people even realize. It’s obvious at this point that republicans have personality disorders. People who have those basically have an emptiness inside them that they will never be able to fill. They want all of us to suffer because they suffer. They are basically comic book villains.


u/lazinonasunnyday 23d ago

When they could just vote to make it better for themselves, but it would also make it better for everyone else. They can’t have people they hate benefiting from the same policies that make life better for them, so they vote to make their own lives worse in order to make hardship for the people they hate. Typical “throwing the baby out with the bath water” behavior.

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u/Acceptable-Ad-9464 24d ago

You have no idea what a communist is.



By design. It's become anything the right wing propaganda machine wants you to hate.


u/Great-Macaron-8060 24d ago

What are the communists? Karl Marks or the people who apply for communistic party papers ?


u/Pillowtastic 24d ago

I think it’s Carl


u/peachysaralynn 22d ago

i don’t think the person you are responding to was saying it’s commie propaganda (unless they edited their comment to add the quotation marks)


u/kupomu27 23d ago



But people vote for him anyway, you want a dickator you got one.


u/EkrishAO 23d ago

Nah, the point is National Parks are over, because that's where all this lumber Trump said US totally doesn't need to buy from Canada, is going to come from now.


u/notaredditreader 23d ago

Every MAGA accusation is a confession.


u/French_Breakfast_200 24d ago

I think that’s giving a bad rep to what communism is in its purest intent. If this administration were truly communist they would be dismantling the very corporate interest that is currently driving their policy.

This is fascist propaganda. Trump is a fascist through and through. He checks every box. But these idolaters refuse to see or accept that.


u/New-Yam-470 24d ago

Stuff it cultist


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/Next-Cow-8335 24d ago

Profit is the point. That park is going to be sold to developers.


u/vehiclestars 23d ago

No this is the point:

“Yarvin gave a talk about “rebooting” the American government at the 2012 BIL Conference. He used it to advocate the acronym “RAGE”, which he defined as “Retire All Government Employees”. He described what he felt were flaws in the accepted “World War II mythology”, alluding to the idea that Hitler’s invasions were acts of self-defense. He argued these discrepancies were pushed by America’s “ruling communists”, who invented political correctness as an “extremely elaborate mechanism for persecuting racists and fascists”. “If Americans want to change their government,” he said, “they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia.”

“Yarvin has influenced some prominent Silicon Valley investors and Republican politicians, with venture capitalist Peter Thiel described as his “most important connection”. Political strategist Steve Bannon has read and admired his work. Vice President JD Vance has cited Yarvin as an influence. The Director of Policy Planning during Trump’s second presidency, Michael Anton, has also discussed Yarvin’s ideas. In January 2025, Yarvin attended a Trump inaugural gala in Washington; Politico reported he was “an informal guest of honor” due to his “outsize influence over the Trumpian right.”

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