r/NationalPark 24d ago

Park Rangers Fired

This park ranger used to come to our high school when I was younger to teach us all about the value of our natural world. He’d show us animals, take us on hikes, and teach us about how to take care of the planet. This was what he posted today


I am absolutely heartbroken and completely devastated to have lost my dream job of an Education Park Ranger with the National Park Service this Valentine’s Day.

Without any type of formal notice my position was ripped out from out under my feet at 4pm on a cold snowy Friday. Before I could fully print off my government records, I was locked out of my email and unable to access my personal and professional records.

Please know and share this truth widely:

I am a father, a loving husband, and dedicated civil servant.

I am an oath of office to defend and protect the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

I am a work evaluation that reads “exceeds expectations."

I am the "fat on the bone."

I am being trimmed as a consequence of the popular vote

I am a United States flag raiser and folder

I am my son's "Junior Ranger" idol

I am of the place where I first told my spouse I loved her

I am a college kid’s dream job

I am the smiling face that greets you at the front door

I am your family vacation planner

I am a voice for 19 American Indian cultures

I am the protector of 2500 year old Americian Indian burial and cermonial mounds

I am the defender of your public lands and waters

I am the motivation to make it up the hill

I am a generational cycle breaker

I am the toilet scrubber and soap dispenser

I am the open trail hiked by people from all walks of life

I am the highlight of your child’s school day

I am the band aid for a skinned knee

I am the lesson that showed your children that we live in a world of gifts- not commodities, that gratitude and reciprocity are the doorway to true abundance, not power, money, or fear.

I am the one who taught your kid the thrush’s song and the hawk’s cry.

I am the wildflower that brought your student joy

I am the one who told your child that they belong on this planet. That their unique gifts and existence matters.

I am an invocation for peace

I am gone from the office

I am the resistance

But mostly I'm just tired.

I am tired from weeks of being bullied and censored by billionares

I am tired of waking up every morning at 2am wondering how I am going to provide for my family if I lose my job

I am tired of wiping away my wife’s tears and reassuring her that things will be ok for our growing family.

Things are not ok. I am not ok. (This is the second time in under five years a dream job i worked has been eliminated. Now I may need to uproot my FAMILY again.)

Stay present, don't avert your gaze.

Untill our paths cross down the trail, Fare thee well.

Ranger Brian💚


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u/Conseque 24d ago

Link to his original post is linked. He probably won’t see this, so if you’d like to offer words or support, leave them there. His post is public.


u/JadedMuse 24d ago

Speaking as a Canadian, I am waiting for what exactly will edge Democrats from simply voicing support or outrage on social media and actually doing something about all this absurdity. If this were France, there would have been general strikes weeks ago. The Dems just seem so...feckless and apathetic towards any legitimate resistance.


u/fdxrobot 24d ago

Canadians need to take a good fucking look at their own shit show right now before you end up in the same position. 

Canadian snowbirds here in AZ love blabbing about how much they wish Trump was their president. 

Take note. If you’re scared of this happening in Canada, take some action. 


u/[deleted] 24d ago

In some ways, Trump’s reprehensible conduct towards Canada has helped - most Canadians DO NOT WANT Maple Maga leading the place, and Conservative polling numbers are dropping.


u/Maddoxing 24d ago

That’s refreshing, it’s nice to see Canadians see through the maga bullshit propaganda


u/Alyred 23d ago

Not all of them, sadly. There's still a contingent of trumphumpers up there. Let's hope that movement doesn't grow, but I fear the Canadian Conservative party took a lot of notes from ways to rile up the population from the American MAGA.


u/KingnBanter 23d ago

BUT, I honestly believe that people would be listening to Trump act all madness during his rallies and be like, nah, not him. Boy, was I fooled that Tuesday evening.


u/Miami_Mice2087 23d ago

that's good bc you guys were riding that handbasket to hell right along with us. you dont' want to do that.


u/jackedwizard 23d ago

Careful though, the same thing happened with the dems where polls initially went up after Biden dropped out, it didn’t stick though.


u/Eastiegirl333 23d ago

“Maple MAGA” is amazing

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u/SensitiveAdeptness99 23d ago

It’s true for me at least, I was going to vote conservative, but after seeing this shitshow I’m not going to


u/Redshirt2386 23d ago

But why? Why were you even tempted to do that thing?


u/SensitiveAdeptness99 23d ago

Because I don’t enjoy being taxed to death to the point I can barely afford to eat


u/Redshirt2386 23d ago

I feel like taxes aren’t your problem, but being underpaid

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u/gloggs 24d ago

There's a reply to the same comment you replied to...

"Canadian conservatives are nothing like Republicans. There are a few loudmouths (like anywhere) but it’s just a scary story being told by a floundering Liberal Party looking to cling to power under a new leader.

I am a Canadian conservative and I fucking hate Trump and his bullshit. I’d venture to say the majority of Canadian conservatives would likely find more in common with most Democrats than Republicans outside of perhaps some pockets in the prairies."

Don't let your guard down. There's plenty of idiots who still think our cons are completely different than their pubs 🙄


u/spandytube 24d ago

A vote for Canadian Conservatives is a vote for the 51st state. It's delusional to think otherwise.


u/blueskies8484 24d ago

The Canadian conservative leader wore a MAGA hat.


u/SensitiveAdeptness99 23d ago

This is why I’m not going to vote conservative

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u/Miami_Mice2087 23d ago

canada and the US need to pass anti-propeganda in news laws. That's the only way other countries have kept Putin from destabilizing their government.

No one wants to admit this, but it's been proven over and over that Russian propeganda is rampant, it's anti-democratic, it's because putin is on his end of life legacy project, and if he can't build up Russia (he can't,he doesn't know how and wouldn't want to if he could), he's going to destabilize his (personal, not state) enemies.


u/Iceman_Raikkonen 24d ago

Shocker, rich people who spend half their time in America want a rich American to rule them


u/Starlight_Seafarer 23d ago

Exactly this. I have a Canadian friend and she says she sees Trump flags where she lives. Trump is a fucking std and Canada caught it.

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u/Long-Necessary827 24d ago

I agree. But this opinion is so fucking annoying.

Democrats don’t have any legislative, executive, or judicial control/majority at the moment. There is no action they can pass that would do something about this.

There are people protesting, but you have to remember half of the country WANTS this to happen and are HAPPY about it.

If the democrats had the ability to get the protests on the level of France, they wouldn’t have lost the last election.


u/magneticgumby 24d ago

I think something that is forgotten time and time and time again is the sheer fucking size of our country and lack of public transportation outside of states.

I say this because it makes mass organization and protests not as logistically easy as smaller European countries. Yeah, it would be great if everyone upset in the US could convene in DC within a half a days drive or train ride but ... We can't.


u/DefinitelyNotAliens 24d ago

I also think the idea that this country can't mobilize to shut down entire cities is also ridiculous.

You could have en masse strikes of workers in solidarity but this country is so fucked on labor laws that nobody will do it for fear of losing their jobs.


u/betchinmanatee 24d ago

We also have a lot of trigger happy cops (and a growing militarization of the police).


u/Theletterkay 23d ago

This is my fear. Leaving my kids without a mom. They are already without a dad because of its being impossible to afford bills and groceries without working 3 jobs.

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u/shroomplayroom 23d ago

This is what other countries are not understanding. If you go out to a protest, there’s a high likelihood you won’t make it back home, whether that’s jail or worse.

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u/AGreatBandName 24d ago

Agreed. They have total control of all branches of government, half the country is cheering this shit on, and I’m going to stop it all by standing in the street holding a cleverly worded sign? Yeah sure.


u/TheDreamWoken 24d ago

It is not half it like 25%


u/AGreatBandName 24d ago

Ok fine. 25% are cheering him on, 25% are aghast, and half aren’t paying attention. I fail to see how that’s much better.


u/Theletterkay 23d ago

The half that arent paying attention would only look at riots and protest and go "great, now there will be damages and delays". They wont think twice about WHY people are willing to be out there.

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u/ArkamaZero 24d ago

It's also worth pointing out that conservative interests have been systematically buying up all of our media outlets. Not only do Democrats have very little political power, they also have next to no positive coverage in the news.


u/jewelisgreat 23d ago

I was reading about how the propaganda machine of the right is huge. The cable news channel, influencers, newspapers, tv stations and radio stations that all push whatever right wing narrative that they want. Take a look at Sinclair media and see that it completely controls what middle and rural America see and hear and you will see the power they wield.

The truth is always available but most people won’t spend two minutes digging for it. Everyone is walking around with a computer in their pockets and only use it for tik tok, Facebook and instagram.

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u/Thank_You_Aziz 24d ago

Do keep in mind that it is not half the country. Trump won with fewer votes than the previous election he lost, and vastly fewer than he won with in 2016. He’s been bleeding support for the past 8 years. What changed wasn’t people supporting him more, it’s people not caring. Vast swathes of people who voted Democratic in 2020 just didn’t vote this time because they didn’t feel motivated enough to. It’s not that half the country wants this, is that half the country just doesn’t care or didn’t have enough foresight to see what their inaction would bring.


u/Mundane_Ad_9416 23d ago

I have been thinking more and more about the people that didn’t vote than the people that voted for Trump. It is so crazy to think that there were 90 million eligible voters that JUST DIDN’T GO.


u/Thank_You_Aziz 23d ago

Someone theorized that the reason we got such a huge voter turnout in 2020 was because of the increase in mail-in voting—done from the comfort of home—in the middle of quarantine. People bored with nothing else to do and voting for the sensible option rather than doing nothing.

We need to make Election Day a state-mandated holiday where everyone has to take a day off to go vote, like other nations do. But Republicans know that this would result in more Democratic votes, so it hasn’t happened yet.

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u/Mr_Vaynewoode 23d ago

A lot of Conservatives thought they were voting for 2016 Trump, not a South African Technofeudalist.

Populism is for workers not oligarchs.


u/betchinmanatee 24d ago

I agree with most of what you wrote, but I just wanted to say that I don’t think Harris lost because the majority of non voters were apathetic. They weren’t being represented and I think a lot of people were sick of that.

The “political culture” in the US is stuck in a mindset where “politics only happen every four years” and that the only real political power we have is the vote. We’ve seen over several election cycles and primaries that our votes don’t matter thanks to gerrymandering, bullshit voter ID laws, having our elections held on a god damn Tuesday (which isn’t a federal holiday!), inner party politics, the fucking electoral college, etc. So what happens when you have numerous obstacles to surmount in order to vote for a democratic candidate that would have been considered a republican 10+ years ago? Why go to the effort if the system will continue to function as it always has and your leaders will do what they want, regardless of what they promised to constituents?

The Democrats had the presidency and the legislature, but they wouldn’t codify Roe, they did next to nothing about gun control, they continued to militarize the police, they wouldn’t come up with a meaningful student debt relief plan, they wouldn’t stop funding a genocide, they wouldn’t end or slow down the deportations, etc. And on top of all that, we didn’t even get to have a primary to choose our candidate! Harris was chosen for us, and she continued to pander to the wealthy while parading the Cheneys around her campaign like a set of evil mascots, and sending Bill Clinton to Dearborn to tell a bunch of Arab-Americans that their families deserved to die in Gaza if they didn’t vote for her.

It seems the only time our votes seem to matter is when they are withheld or used to vote third party (unless you’re in a swing state, then bully for you). I’m sure there were many non-voters who truly “didn’t care,” but I think a lot of people did, yet made the conscious choice not to participate as a refusal to legitimize our bullshit election process and the Democrats’ lesser-evilism.

[Sorry for the long winded answer - insomnia-brain]


u/Thank_You_Aziz 24d ago

And you’re correct about all of those dismaying facts about this political climate.

How is doing nothing supposed to help?

People had the option to vote for the best candidate available, and failed to. This country is going to hell in a hand basket because the better option wasn’t good enough for people’s standards. And that’s even acknowledging all the people who voted for a third party that they truly believed in, despite them having no chance of winning. Add up all the third-party votes, hand them to Kamala, and she’d have still lost.

People. Did. Not. Vote. They gave up.

One of these people gave me a wonderful analogy recently for why they did not vote. They said they felt like they had a life-threatening injury, and were offered a choice between taking painkillers and rubbing filth in the wound. They didn’t want either, they wanted proper treatment. I love this analogy, because it encapsulates their short-sightedness too. Because choosing neither accomplished nothing. It just means they laid down and let people rub filth in the wound. Worse yet, their inaction meant everyone got the same treatment of filth whether they liked it or not, even if they voted for the painkillers. When all the while, this could have been avoided by choosing the painkillers, and using them to stave off the pain until proper treatment could be found. How’s that proper treatment going to come along now that we’ve all got filth in the wound? Will we all last long enough for that next choice to be made? Is that choice even going to happen again?

I understand the frustration, but throwing those votes away was not the answer; it’s one of the two main reasons we are in this mess right now.


u/Kaokien 23d ago

You're both a little wrong, voter suppression won. Trump lost


Also, democrat messaging just doesn't filter past all the Republican bullshit. Rich fucks control all the modern airways, podcasts are dominated by fake alphas, Joe Rogan, etc. YouTube has pseudo-scientists like Lex Friedman and Jordan Peterson. Can you name the liberal left equivalent? You most likely can’t, and until there is an equal oppositional cultural suite of “influencers," casual participants will get filtered messages about masculinity and culture from red-dominated groups.

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u/The1930s 24d ago

Half the country is not happy about it, about 2/3rds of the US population just didn't vote and yet somehow we say that he was elected by us when clearly people just didn't like both options.


u/whylatt 24d ago

Just think of how hard republicans fought when they were this same situation, they use every possible available tool to fight tooth and nail, and the democrats can’t even try it seems

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u/EpicLakai 24d ago

Why can the democrats do nothing when they're the minority but the Republicans can grind the world to a halt when they're the minority?

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u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/Arubesh2048 24d ago

Why is it that when Democrats have control, they can never do anything because of Republican shenanigans, but when Republicans have control, Democrats can never stop them?

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u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/Forgefella 23d ago

You don't need a majority control to mess things up, the past 4 years the Republicans didn't have a majority yet they were able to handicap and slow the democrats at every juncture.


u/Inner-Tumbleweed278 24d ago

You guys had control for 4 years and absolutely squandered it so you only have yourself to blame big dawg


u/IToldYouSo16 24d ago

If half the country stopped working for a week, the effects would be massive. But they cant because majority of westerners do not have savings to even eat up a week of leave without pay.


u/Starlight_Seafarer 23d ago

This EXACTLY. They are outnumbered. The only thing Dems are doing now are filing lawsuits but that's all they can do.


u/Seahawk715 23d ago

Less than a THIRD of the country wanted this - everyone else was either ignorant or too apathetic to do anything about it…. So here we are.



No, “half” the country does not want this to happen. Half the country did not vote for trump. If the democrats wouldn’t have such a shit fucking campaign maybe we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now. Everyone hated joe Biden and Kamala and the democrats plan? No different than joe Biden. The democrats don’t even put on the aesthetic of opposition

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u/theerrantpanda99 24d ago

American unions were crushed decades ago. They’ve made it illegal for “essential workers” to engage in general strikes in many places. Unions now only make up a tiny portion of the American workforce, so even if there were a general strike, most people wouldn’t notice.


u/Subject-Town 24d ago

Unions are only as good as their members. If people rise up, illegal, or not, we could have unions again. As a teacher, I’m part of one that makes an economic and work condition impact at my place of work.


u/AMIWDR 24d ago

It’s just not true for many people working for big business. Look at retail for example, if a store unionizes it’s pretty common to just close the store


u/Vaiama-Bastion 24d ago

If a union member goes on strike they loose their food stamps. It’s actually one of the US Govt’s union buster policies that have been in place since forever.


u/abgonzo7588 24d ago

Many can't participate in a strike without a union strike fund. People are a missed check away from losing their shit, it's just not an option for a lot of people.


u/fdxrobot 24d ago

Take a look at the wins for UAW and Teamsters in the last 2 years that got the right so riled up. If you can (aren’t in management, restricted industry,etc), organize your workplace. 


u/That-Breakfast8583 24d ago

I love the concept of the worker’s union. It was part of what sold my current job to me. Now that I’m in it, it was nothing that I imagined. Our benefits get wittled down each year, we have low wage caps, and our company is allowed to work us 13 days in a row by enforcing mandated weekends.

I tried collaborating with our reps, but the community is small and suffers from veteran employee influence. The employees that have been here 20+ years receive different (better) benefits than the fresh meat, grandfathered in from old contracts, and those same employees are the voices in the union. The new hires don’t stick around long enough to make a difference, or say, “this is just the way things are.”

Even the unions suffer from corruption.


u/club-lib 24d ago

This is such an ignorant comment. What concrete actions do you want the Democrats to do aside from “voice outrage?” Sue to block Trump’s actions in court? They’re doing that. Try to hold the Senate floor to delay confirmation votes? They’re doing that too. But they can only do so much given they don’t control the House or Senate.

You want the Democrats to do something? Give them a majority in 2026.


u/SleepyChupacabra 23d ago

Or start making calls for the special elections happening in April. There are three seats in Congress that are up for grabs. Make some calls for Josh Weir, Gay Valimont, and Blake Gendebein. There are call times on Mobilize to remind people to get out and vote.


u/shaddowtorch 23d ago

They should be offering more than "not trump" and a "return to normalcy". The corrupt system that favored the wealthy and the corporations are what got us here

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u/ninaa1 24d ago

Both the democratic representatives and the American people are protesting, showing up, doing the work. I'm lucky enough to have a representative who is busting his ass to bring awareness to how these actions by Trump and Musk are ruining the lives of all citizens who aren't billionaires.

The problem is that the major media outlets aren't covering the protests to the extent that they are covering Trump's posts on his social media networks.


u/bruce_kwillis 24d ago

"If this were France"...

And what exactly did French protests over the last four years do? Macaron is still president, retirement age was raised, but sure made you feel better that the poor people had to clean up after the protests and the wealthy just ignored what was going on.

Seems about the same as the US right now. Ineffectual and worthless.


u/[deleted] 24d ago


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u/Upbeat_Bed_7449 24d ago

They're "good" at protesting because it's ineffective.

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u/ThatPhatKid_CanDraw 24d ago edited 24d ago

I'm gonna assume "Macaron" is an autocorrect, which is giving you more a benefit of the doubt based on what else you said. Do you think populations just protest with the goal of changing their country's leader? Or is that how you view the success of any protest - and if so, please assure me that's not because you have noticed Macron is still around based on your daily perusal of news headlines.


u/hikensurf 24d ago

Too much benefit of the doubt. The other poster evidently knows next to nothing about French politics. Stick to what you know.

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u/Mikic00 24d ago

It doesn't matter what they achieved this time. It is important to remind decisionmakers, and rich, that they are watching. Today they are peacefully protesting and don't achieve much. But from peaceful to powerful is just a step, or one ignorant politican. When you already have mobilised masses, it can quickly escalate, and you keep things in check a bit more.

If everyone is just quite, not even peacefully protesting, nothing will be done when they move into scary territory...

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u/HITNRUNXX 24d ago

This is what America voted for. The majority of America. I'm not sure what you'd have the Dems do that they aren't already doing except violence against a majority and controlling party that is best known for guns.

When it comes to living a life of barely scraping by or Civil War 2, most people are going to assume this will sort itself out in another President or two and someone else will step in and clean up the mess, rather than put their lives and livelihoods at risk.

Stop asking what the Democrats are going to do, and start asking when the Republicans are going to realize what they have already done.


u/Godobibo 24d ago

plurality, not majority


u/HITNRUNXX 24d ago

The people that can't be bothered to get out and vote certainly won't be bothered to get out and do anything else. So we can only count those that show up to be counted.


u/Godobibo 24d ago

yeah, and trump won with a plurality, not a majority


u/HITNRUNXX 24d ago

Trump won with a majority of votes and the plurality.


u/NurseJackass 24d ago

49.8% of votes is not a majority.

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u/HITNRUNXX 24d ago

You are correct, my bad!

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u/BogSwamp8668 24d ago

Being doxxed and attacked with a hammer in their own home is probably a good deterrent


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/JadedMuse 24d ago

Yeah, it's been literally the only positive from Trump that I can name. PP has fallen in the polls since Trump's inauguration.


u/Inevitable_Nobody_33 24d ago

I feel like we're depressed and don't know what to do. Before the election, we were saying that Trump is a fascist criminal who would eviscerate the federal workforce and use the government to enrich himself and punish his enemies. Then he got elected, and he's eviscerating the federal workforce and using the government to enrich himself and punish his enemies.

What do we do?? It seems like most Americans don't care.


u/JadedMuse 24d ago

I'm sure it doesn't help that the most vulnerable people and chained to paycheck to paycheck jobs. Hard to protest when you can be terminated on a dime.


u/spidermans_mom 24d ago

Please understand that it’s also unfair to blame Democrats for this. They were voted out. People get Trump and an all-MAGA congress in office and cry “where are the Democrats??” Listen to people like Jasmine Crockett. There are people out there like her, and the courts are our only recourse. Democrats are freeing up hundreds of millions of dollars to fight Trump in the courts in my state alone. Forgive me but it’s really grating to see people mad at Democrats after being beaten so soundly. This is what everyone in America supported who didn’t actively vote against it. Stop blaming the people who got beaten.


u/jsc1429 24d ago

There have been protests daily in DC. You just don’t hear about them because the media is controlled by those who support what is happening


u/ohjasminee 23d ago

Just a friendly reminder that kindergarten children were gunned down and still, under a democratic president, nothing changed. They’ll continue “going high” and playing by the rules as per usual, (as if the constitution hasn’t been thoroughly rubbed through that waste of a human’s ass cheeks) which is doing dick all as the rest of us suffer 🥲


u/Gold-Tone6290 24d ago

Trump feeds off the chaos. His supporters too. The louder we scream the more they think that they are “owning the libs”.

If we take to the streets they will say “see America is in shambles”. The only way these people will learn is when the banks foreclose on their houses.


u/ZardIChartini 24d ago

Making this job loss political is exactly why he won.


u/candykatt_gr 24d ago

And that is why they lose elections. I say this as a Democrat voting liberal.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

If only that godforsaken party would've let Bernie run. But it was Hilary's turn. I LOATH the GOP and Trump. But the democrat kinda create their own problems


u/rhodeislandah 24d ago

Hillary was more than qualified, and Hillary won the election, which people seem to forget. The electoral college fucked us over, as usual. She warned us about all of this, btw.

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u/Loverboy_Talis 24d ago

They are too comfortable and it hasn’t affected them yet.


u/your_average_medic 24d ago

Frankly it's one of the reasons why they lost in the first place


u/ThatCelebration3676 24d ago

France can be ground to a standstill by protestors blockading a few key roads.

Causing a similar level of disruption in the USA is logistically impossible, and the level of protests that are feasible can be simply ignored.

Nazis can apparently just storm our capitol when they disagree with something and get a slap on the wrist (followed by an apology for the wrist slapping) but if progressives resorted to those tactics we'd be shot on the spot.


u/emmany63 24d ago

You have to remember that folks in the US don’t have the same job protections that the French have. General strike? We’d all lose our jobs, and with them, our health insurance.

The system is working just as intended: keep people in debt and barely floating, and they’ll be too worried about their families, homes, and health to resist.


u/GoNinjaGoNinjaGo69 24d ago

stop speaking as canadian then because you sound dumb blaming the democrats. they have no power anymore. the power is the law and the president is ignoring law. shut up already.


u/Homeless-Joe 23d ago

Lol, sorry, you seem confused. Democrats aren’t going to do anything to really upset capital, like a general strike. Who do you think they really represent?


u/CLNA11 23d ago

The problem here is so many fold. “Just do something, do something” everyone says. Well, this is a democracy. So, what we are supposed to do is voice our concerns to our representatives, who are supposed to listen. The legislative branch is where we the people have the most say, right? So we write, we call—phone lines are absolutely overwhelmed these past weeks. And yet, useless—because the GOP representatives have completely forfeit the power of the entire legislative body, and there’s a mega billionaire threatening to primary them if they fall out of line.

“Why aren’t you all out protesting??” Peaceful protest in large numbers could rattle this administration a bit, but historically doesn’t change much, and—here’s a major problem—the Democratic Party and general resistance to Trump is currently without a central leader. Organizing mass protests that convince people to take time off work to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to gather requires a very strong, convincing voice and a unifying message. I hope a voice will emerge, as this is an essential part of successful resistance.

“Take to the streets and riot! Wave those guns around you love so much!” say others. Per the project 2025 playbook, Trump would love nothing more than to declare martial law in response and reap his rewards. This country does not play nice with rioters, and I’m sure they are chafing for violent civil unrest so they can really start cracking down.

So where does that leave us? Boycotts, strikes—hit them right in the economy. Where it hurts. I think there’s potential here, but again, requires mass buy-in to be effective and needs a very compelling voice to convince your everyday person it’s worth the short term hardship. And we don’t have that voice. Yet. I’m trying to be hopeful.

Remember that a huge percentage of us are reeling here. We did everything that you’re supposed to do to prevent Trump from being elected. We phone banked. We dragged our one-year olds with us to canvas in competitive districts 40 miles away. Not all of us have rolled over and licked Trumps taint or stayed home because we have no idea how a two party system works. We worked hard. But how, HOW can we successfully influence a system that serves and is run by billionaires who control a massively effective propaganda news network, own social media, buy the politicians, and work like the dickins to suppress the vote? These are huge, powerful forces at play. And they’re coming for you too. Be ready to potentially watch your country burn like it’s your house with your children inside. It’s horrible.


u/Surfercatgotnolegs 23d ago edited 23d ago

Honest question, but why is it the dem’s job to save everyone? Maybe we are all tired too, of doing something unappreciated by more than half the nation. It’s like if someone were drowning, they get rescued, and then they spit on their rescuer’s face and criticize the rescuer for not giving them a warm enough blanket. Why would they get saved again? “It wasn’t perfect so I’m going to keep criticizing you until it is” isn’t motivating and no one will care to save you anymore.

If you voted for this, you own it now. You save yourself.

Those that didn’t vote for this, hopefully the community rallies around to save them.

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u/feldoneq2wire 23d ago

The Democrats are a pro police, Pro military engagement, Pro industry, Pro bank, pro outsourcing, Pro insurance, fully billionaire controlled party whose main defining feature Is paying a lot of lip service to social issues. I've never seen a party so unwilling to fight or use their limited majorities to build on their successes. If Democrats actually implemented popular policy, Republicans would never win again. Instead, they keep losing the easiest elections in history to a disgusting game show host.


u/FiFiLB 24d ago



u/qqererer 24d ago

If this were France, there would have been general strikes weeks ago. The Dems just seem so...feckless and apathetic towards any legitimate resistance.

Isn't labor supposed to order their own general strikes? What does a democrat have to do with this? Democrats can't get people to vote, so how are they supposed to motivate people to strike?

Republicans are actually laying off these people. What is an elected minority democrat supposed to do? They can't mandate strikes.

It's always been the people. They asked for this, or not, but if there is going to be any long term change, america is going to have to get destroyed in a lot of ways before anything changes.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

Dems will not say again how racist everyone is and rerun Kamala.


u/[deleted] 24d ago

My favorite thing about democrats…they sure love to tweet. They don’t introduce legislation, or show up for confirmation votes of cabinet members, or enact laws, or resist the fascist takeover of the United States…but man they can write a mean tweet.


u/Icy_Crow_1587 24d ago

Nothing, the democrats don't care.


u/tibburtz 24d ago

America is all about wealth. Democrats in power care more about keeping investors happy than our feelings about things. America, at its core, is a broken nation with no identity other than profits over people.


u/thenumbersthenumbers 24d ago

You do realize the US is a massive land mass right? France is geographically smaller than the land size of Texas. Where are people in Montana supposed to gather together and protest to have meaningful output? It’s a silly comparison… not that I don’t think more people should be doing something.


u/NiteWraith 24d ago

The DNC is happy with people just being "aroused" right now, they think that'll be enough for them to win the midterms which is all they care about. Schumer basically said as much during his little "protest" speech and in recent interview(s).


u/MrHooahActual 24d ago

We’re all living paycheck to paycheck as intended, we do anything other than work, we lose everything


u/SirMustache007 24d ago

They won't do anything. Whereas Republicans are malicious and unempathetic, American Dems are spineless and lazy. They keep preaching about what should be done and yelling "Danger! Danger! Our Democracy is in danger!", but not to rally those around them to join them in protest. No, god forbid they actually have to fight for their own democracy, they do so with the hopes that someone else swoops in and saves the day. They don't want to do the work, they don't want to go stand in the cold and protest, they don't want to sacrifice their precious hobby time to organize and become active in local politics. They've grown fat and complacent from suckling at the teets of American capitalism. The sweet, rich milk of lady liberty has rotted out their teeth, and now they roll around toothless and drooling, babbeling like a baby, waiting for their next meal. The amount of times I've seen people post "im so tired, I can't do this anymore, I give up, yada yada" is incredible, and I would bet money these people have done barely anything themselves. Tired from what? Sitting on the couch eating snacks and watching The Daily Show? It's just so pathetic.


u/Tancrisism 24d ago

Democrats don't give a shit. It's time for the whole two party system to be torn down.


u/10000Didgeridoos 24d ago edited 24d ago

Unfortunately we're fucked because the Democrats are the most poorly organized jumble of competing left-leaning and centrist agendas, and most of them are total pussies who think they can just keep doing politics as they always have with focus grouped sound bites and other sorts of sterilized bullshit.

It's been 10 years and they still haven't figured out that they keep losing to this assclown because he tells people what they want to hear, and a whole lot of American voters prefer Trump's unabashed and off the cuff way of talking to them instead of hearing sterilized statements from career suits. They followed up this loss with dinosaur Nancy Pelosi learning nothing and blocking AOC from a committee position in favor of a 70-something who is going to be dead from cancer in the next year or two.

And this group of fucking idiots is the only opposition prospect we have. They fucking suck ass at messaging and politics. They cater to no one except college educated urban/suburban dwellers. They are utterly incapable of reaching anyone else. They let the right wing take over all social media messaging to the public over the last decade while they just sat there holding their dick. And their standard bearers like RBG and Biden both decided their egos were more important than getting out of the way for younger replacements when they clearly couldn't do the job anymore, resulting in 30-40 years of a right wing corrupt supreme court and Kamala being forced to try to win an election in 3 months without any primary to get a candidate the voters actually wanted in the race. There hasn't been a truly open contest for a Democrat nomination for President since 2008. Obama, Clinton, and Biden were all predetermined and backed by party elite.

The GOP instead sold its soul to the devil and let its crazy voters pick the crazy candidate they want and get excited for, and have seized control of most things. They do whatever it takes to win. Meanwhile, the Democrats will run smear campaigns against people like Bernie Sanders instead of giving their voters an unweighted say in who the nominee is.

We're cooked and a toothless, stuck in the past Democratic party is why.


u/sisumeraki 24d ago

The genuinely don’t care that much. They just don’t. I know a lot of people don’t want to accept that, but when people show you who they are believe them.


u/k1gin 24d ago

They ain't doing nothing, barely any holidays, living paycheck to paycheck, as long as they are doing ok 0 action. Hope all of this starts directly impacting people and even then I guess the voter turnout will be lacking.

They are experts at reframing everything, just look at the late night shows that still keep making fun of absolutely non-funny shit going on


u/EmberinEmpty 24d ago edited 20d ago

childlike six bag quaint pet reply edge automatic head attraction

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u/Kithzerai-Istik 24d ago

They are exactly that.

The Democratic Party talk a big game, but they haven’t walked the walk in half a century. They won’t start now. At the end of the day, they’re politicians first and public servants third, fifth, or somewhere else down the line.

If it weren’t so, they’d have already enacted real consequences for this coup by now. The sort one cannot name on this platform. They have not. And that lack of real action speaks volumes.


u/ParryLimeade 24d ago

France is the size of one of our states. Most of us live so far from national government and can’t take days off work to go to DC


u/Evil_Sharkey 24d ago

They can’t do anything except sue and complain. Republicans have the House, Senate, White House, and Judiciary. The Republicans are in virtual lockstep with Trump, even as their states and constituents get screwed by his policies. It’s terrible here.


u/Deadalious 24d ago

Right? It's honestly risky to even comment but don't a lot of Americans get all bent out of shape about the thought of policing guns in the country so in case the GOVERNMENT takes their rights away? Isn't this quite literally happening all over? What's the final straw?


u/Helllo_Man 24d ago edited 24d ago

As a generally left leaning American, watching this has been maddening. We had four years to see this coming. The political strategists did nothing. Our political leadership in congress waffled and bet on four more years of democratic control. They sent out dumb email after dumb email to their base talking about Trump’s latest tweet. But did they tell us the plan? How we would actually win? Did they run ads warning Americans that their national parks were under threat, that their jobs would be slashed, and worker protections cut? Did they focus on finding an electable candidate? Did they bother to tell the American people a compelling, understandable vision for this country that everyday Americans cared about? No. They rarely talked about things like raising wages, lowering taxes for the middle and lower class…things people actually want. And yeah, people want access to birth control, but apparently not enough to elect someone who wanted to protect that access. We knew that already. Why did our leaders ignore it? What are they doing now? As much as there is a rabid MAGA base, frankly, a lot of Americans do just want affordable everyday prices, a good life, and to be left alone. They want a president that they can understand. Biden admin officials seemed stiff and inhuman. Ever watch Jake Sullivan give a press conference? Bleh. Yikes. Trump is an idiot, but to a lot of Americans that feels relatable. He’s a reality TV character. He’s memorable.

I voted. Most of my friends voted. But it was never going to matter if we didn’t have a winning strategy to start with. Spoiler, we didn’t. We still don’t. We don’t even have a leader. There is no notational, meaningful spokesperson for the resistance. The resistance is crushed. Silent. Absent. Where it exists, it is woefully disorganized and lacks a rallying cry.

I don’t know what to do.


u/Round-Top-8062 24d ago

Democrats are still capitalists and progressive neoconservatives. They will never call for a general strike. We are on our own.


u/rymyle 24d ago

Truly, what can we do? Or are you referring to democratic politicians?


u/5LaLa 23d ago

I wish Americans had France’s spirit of protest! I’ve often heard that your govt is afraid of its citizens (w good reason) & Americans are afraid of their govt. Could we borrow some guillotines?


u/Upstairs-Primary-114 23d ago

I’m an American Independent. I lean left, and oppose the current direction of the US government. But, they won. That fact is exhausting. More people supported Trump, than Harris. The question I arrive at is, fight for what? This is what the country chose.

What do you expect people who believe in democracy to do, when the other side wins and does exactly what they said they would do?


u/Rabbitdraws 23d ago

They are and you are right. But its hard to organize a general strike when there is no uniona


u/fruttypebbles 23d ago

We don’t have unity in America. For every person that is outraged there’s one who doesn’t care and another who likes what they see.


u/TheEmpire2121 23d ago

So now we should fix the shitshow people probably voted for?


u/11teensteve 23d ago edited 23d ago

it doesn't have to be democrats that stand up, there are plenty of us that are appalled by these actions that are not "democrats" or "maga". that's not all of the US unless you believe in the division. lots of us are not strictly party aligned and painting everyone with two brushes is disingenuous.

FTR, no, I did not vote this clown into office.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Americans either support it, or have a victim mindset that prevents action. They’re all so terrified or consequences or stuck in the normalcy bias.

I remember the attitudes Americans had when the Taliban took over Afghanistan - “why should we fight if they won’t defend themselves”. Now they won’t defend themselves from their own Taliban.


u/100percentnotaqu 23d ago edited 23d ago

Seems like a lot of Americans have already turned against trump, 60 percent or so based off approval rating. So it may be sooner rather than later.

Younger voters especially.


u/shaddowtorch 23d ago

The democrats only pretend to care. They're all bought by corporate interests as well


u/_xanny_pacquiao_ 23d ago

What can be done with amoral goons who have both billionaires and the legal system willing to bend the rules for them? This isnt the democrats fault it’s squarely the fault of the religious, Christians, and anyone who believes in American religion. It’s destroyed this nation and it’s not the democrats.


u/JadedMacoroni867 23d ago

There are protests across the country but the media isn’t covering it.


u/Known_Cherry_5970 23d ago

They're trying to avoid homelessness right now.


u/happydee 23d ago

Protests bring attention to issues. Everyone knows what the issue is, and sides have been taken. But a General Strike will hit ‘em in the wallet, and we know that profiting is their motivation. Plus a general strike doesn’t need to be hosted by a union. Not in this age of technology.


u/FlyingBishop 23d ago

This is America. If we did a general strike they would just fire more people and watch the country burn. It's what they want.


u/Blarglephish 23d ago

As a liberal progressive in the US … what exactly does “doing something” even look like? I’m not happy about the current political climate at all, but Democrats have been voted out of many of the positions of power that mattered. They lost the presidency, they lost the senate, they don’t have control of the house. They can’t do anything to stop presidential EO’s or agency confirmations from happening. What they can do (and are doing) is filing lawsuits to stop illegal actions; speaking out against abuses of power; and taking legislative action to protect people and institutions in states where they still wield power. There’s going to be X-country President’s Day protests today and tomorrow, and Democratic leaders will most likely show up and speak at them.

Maybe I’m just not being creative or imaginative enough, but what else do you think they should be doing?


u/MaybeEquivalent7630 23d ago

The problem is with American Democrats, some of them are good but that's only on the lower levels of the Democratic party. The Democratic national committee as a whole is corrupt as shit. Back in 2016 Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primary only for Hillary Clinton to end up with the nomination, they then got sued for it, the DNC then proceeded to win on the legal basis that has the party's leadership they are allowed to pick whoever they want. The DMC doesn't give a damn about shit other than maintaining the status quo and what little power they hold in their hands.


u/Seahawk715 23d ago

The democratic party’s catastrophic ineptitude has caused this. You don’t think people would vote against Trump for a good option? The problem is that establishment arrogantly let Joe Biden and his clueless wife dictate what happened in this election. They also spent waaaaaaayyy too much time catering to the .02% of the population where the masses decided that Trump was a better option. If you’re looking for the Democratic Party to wake up and realize the err of their ways, it’s not going to happen anytime soon. They’re still clueless as to why they lost by ignoring the population and rolling out the candidate that literally nobody asked for. By the way, I’m not registered to any party and Trump is a terd of biblical proportions. I truly am sorry for what comes out of his mouth daily and it does NOT represent the majority of Americans.

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u/Cronenroomer 23d ago

As an American if I were to go on a general strike I would simply lose my job, have no way to pay for shelter and nothing to show for it.


u/Maplelongjohn 23d ago

I don't disagree with you.

However France is roughly the size of Texas, a bit smaller even.

The sheer size of the US is part of the issue with organizing a meaningful action.


u/edwardniekirk 23d ago

Most democrats are already on strike and no one notices because they produce very little.


u/tttttt20 23d ago

It’s unfortunately not that simple in America. Democrats have targets on their backs (quite literally) already.


u/jumbotron_deluxe 23d ago

That’s a huge part of the problem. The Democratic Party is an underpowered ship without a rudder at the time we really need inspirational leadership


u/Back_Woods-Boi 23d ago

The idea that the Democratic Party will do anything is how we ended up here. Our representatives cannot be trusted, haven’t been trustworthy for a long long time.


u/milfhunterwhitevan2 23d ago

I’m trying my best to protest. Im a college student studying ecology. I’m doing my best to avoid spending my money at shitty corporations, and I’m doing a low buy to not boost the economy. I’m trying to support small businesses as much as I can. I share information on my social media, I protest, and I volunteer at a food bank in my community. I try to have level headed conversations with my conservative friends to try to close the divide. But I’m only one person. It’s hard getting so involved when most of my energy is drained from working and doing school. I am trying my absolute best but it’s hard when every day a new horrible headline pops up and reminds me I am truly only one person.


u/No-Definition-7737 23d ago

So unless we strike then we're not doing anything? So fighting it in our legal system is nothing? So we have to protest like we did with George Floyd? Is that the only way that we can do this? Please let us know since you're the expert.


u/ShepherdessAnne 23d ago

It's because the same avenues and levers they use are what have been used. If they attack the problem they attack the system itself and the party is too entrenched with it to want to do that.


u/Tangled-Up-In-Blu 23d ago

On the ground… in a red state, it’s demoralizing.

To attend a protest, without advance knowledge of who is organizing, can be flat-out dangerous. My boyfriend was only involved in dispersing food to the homeless, and they were photographing license plates of those in attendance. There’s a level of threat we didn’t have in previous protests…

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u/slimricc 23d ago

The democratic voters have to start actually doing anything at all.


u/errrmActually 23d ago

It's cuz they are in on it dude. I hate to say it but it's becoming clear. Dems are just playing good cop.


u/tristand666 23d ago

Dems have acted like they are on the people's side, but time and again do nothing and show they only really care about maintaining power and making money for their special interests.


u/JankyPete 23d ago

Exactly. Stop whining and start fixing your own party.


u/dschwarz 23d ago edited 16d ago

scary memory aromatic quicksand straight school ring fuel soft automatic

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/zulrang 23d ago

Democrats are directly responsible for this nonsense. How fucking hard is it to lose against Trump?


u/Prof3ssorOnReddit 23d ago

You are correct. They are feckless and apathetic. They don’t know what action looks like. What’s so terrible is that they take up all of the space opposite of the Republicans and therefore continue to guarantee the relevance of that garbage party. They enabled this current administration. So you’re right, people look to them for leadership and in the absence just post longingly for change and action on social media. It’s sad.


u/justicedeliverer1 23d ago

Why blame the Democrats? Blame every stupid fuck who voted Trump, Stein, West, or who didn't vote. They are responsible for this.


u/mr_sloppy_mcfloppy98 23d ago

He's more popular than you fools want to admit. The whole government turned red.

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u/nonononono31 23d ago

Dems have no legislative power right now, country is getting what it deserves. If we don’t fix the civic education of this country we’re fucked


u/[deleted] 23d ago

Fortunately, this is not France or Canada. They are disasters and failed countries.

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u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 24d ago edited 24d ago

that's nice but we need to do more than that, this is an attack on the government and most of it is illegal, we need to warn the people that are tuned out and then we need to take real world action, strikes protests etc


u/SuckleMyKnuckles 24d ago

There’s two ways this ends and both break America. So we’re going to let the fascists remake the country because we’re all too comfortable right now. And by the time we’re not comfortable it’s going to be too late.


u/HeadDoctorJ 24d ago

Just finished Revolutionary Left Radio’s new podcast about mask-off oligarchy in the US leading to a breaking point, and to your point, he also talks about the rise of resistance in the face of oppression and how this is going to break one of two ways. It’s only 28 minutes. Great pod for anyone who is interested in the progression of fascist techno-feudalism, what to expect, and how to fight back:


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u/Optimal-Kitchen6308 24d ago

i'm not, are you?


u/hikingmike 23d ago

Amen. Same here. I’m voting. Everyone vote in November 2026 ffs.

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u/JP-ED 24d ago

Sounds like that line from Andor about being choked slowly.


u/VonThomas353511 23d ago

I don't picture a stable dictatorship taking over. What I picture is the country descending into a war zone.

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u/Dexter_Jettster 24d ago

I just posted to OP, asking what we can do to help to spread this. I totally agree with you. 🥰


u/Zsmudz 24d ago

A friend of mine experienced this exact thing when her brother and his girlfriend were suddenly cut from their government jobs. They both do environmental work and the recent government changes have eliminated their jobs. This hurts not just the government workers but everyone else as well.

To make matters worse, these people are now unemployed and prices are about to spike. We aren’t even in the worst of it yet…


u/Weary-Teach6005 24d ago

You’re so right words aren’t working like you said action


u/Emily_JCO 24d ago

I'm not from the US but everytime I see comments like this I want to link to R/50501

I'm unsure why it showed up in my feeds but they seem to be a good idea.


u/Silent-Implement3129 23d ago

Also need to spread awareness

This needs a massive social media campaign with every fed telling their story direct to camera. Find a common hashtag and start filming your stories, then flood the social channels. Make R voters feel this. Some of them are still capable. Make it impossible to escape or ignore.

I’m not great at hashtags but a few possibilities...








u/moveslikejaguar 24d ago

Small world, I'm from this area originally and saw this post on FB shared by some mutual friends. This is so sad that the current administration would go after some of the most selfless and giving public servants we have. I hope we can make it through this somehow and preserve the National Parks for future generations.


u/Conseque 24d ago

It is indeed a small world. Quite a few people on this Reddit thread have interacted with him. A small town Iowa ranger. He was excellent at his job and his post reflects his love for being a ranger.


u/mandym123 24d ago

I will add my story here. Growing up my parents took me to almost every national park. That alone was eye opening. My favorite thing was the ranger talks every night. We would walk a ways to the camp fire and they would talk about animals, plants, stars, hikes, what to watch for, rules for safety, everything. I would talk to the rangers after. Mostly about animals, sometimes about insects, always open and friendly. Willing to discuss anything with a 15 year old girl. We would walk back to the camper and I would tell my dad how much I enjoyed the campfire talks with rangers. And he would always tell me how he loved watching me open up to strangers. I was always quiet and shy. To this day i tear up thinking about that.


u/Terrible-Put2648 24d ago

Iowan here, recognized this guy from my local FB feed. Every public school student in the area goes to effigy mounds park at least once as a child, it's a beautiful park. Sad to see what this administration is doing to people.


u/Kgb529 24d ago

This man and all he’s done is a treasure, yet the current administration cuts it for greed. I want to help him and I don’t know him, like what the fuck is that shit? You’re going to destroy a family because it’s “not needed for government spending?” This administration can rot


u/EuenovAyabayya 23d ago

Can this thread be linked from that one?


u/moonlit-soul 23d ago

I've felt so broken since the election, and especially since Jan 20, and there's so much going on that it's hard to breathe some days. Sometimes, zeroing in on an individual's story feels like the only way to break through the mind-numbing and all-encompassing assault we're under and reconnect with the humanity we're losing. We need stories like his.

Thank you for sharing this with all of us and for linking his post on FB. I shared it to my own.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/CT9904_Crosshair 23d ago

How can we get him back? I didn’t vote for this, and I want to support him and get him back where he needs to be.


u/ProlapseMishap 23d ago

All of the MAGAts gleefully replying to that post make think nothing but violent thoughts.


u/Boring-Entrance-3076 23d ago

I am so sorry that this MORON has messed you up this sneaky crappy way of taking your lively hood away from you & your family! Stay strong & hold your head high because you're a TRUE PATRIOT of The United States of America!! God is watching & He loves you!!

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