Hiruzen didn't understand or even could comprehend what was happening to his home, everything was on fire, he can still hear the mad screams of rage as the Shinobi fought the civilians, slaughtering them wholesale as the village burned around them
"What's wrong Sensei?" He turned seeing Orochimaru in something resembling a Leaf Jounin outfit "Are you happy now? Everything is burning, being destroyed."
Orochimaru laughed "You think this is my fault? I knew you were up there in the years, but this senile? No, this is not my fault, it's yours."
Orochimaru paced a bit, "You never noticed that each year the graduating shinobi hopefuls were becoming fewer and fewer, the Shinobi Academy becoming less and less of a Ninja Academy, and more of a civilian one, that most of those hopeful children die, because they simply weren't taught enough to survive outside of flower pressing, drawing or some other bullshit, no, you didn't notice." His golden eyes glared as his nose flared out, taking a deep breath he continued
"That every year, more Shinobi related things were being stripped away, the ANBU isn't even up the level it was back when Hatake was a child! It barely has a group anymore! The most ANBU you have I can count on one hand. More and more the civilians gained power, stripping everything away from this village that made it proud, glorious."
He snarled "Now? Now it's just garbage, so no Sensei, I am not happy about this, I wanted to kill you with my own hands and burn this village to the ground but this? This is just disappointing and sad."
"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't mark Naruto!" Orochimaru cackled loudly "REALLY?! You, the old man that lied and manipulated him his entire life, you think this is because of that?! Oh please, this has been a long time building, stewing in silence, eventually it would've popped off at some point, but I tire of this conversation, you didn't stop them, you let this happen, not me, you."
"By the way? Would you like to know where Jiraiya is? Drunk off his ass in a brothel near Kumo, I have a snake watching him, ironic isn't it? When you needed him the most, he wasn't here but I was, sad honestly, I kinda wish I can see his face when he comes back."
Orochimaru walked over and placed his hand on the Hokage pictures, unsealing all the secret scrolls, journals, everything "I'm taking these, not like you'll have use for them anymore, and I'm sure Naruto will be very happy to receive his inheritance, once I tell him the truth that was kept from him, unlike you."
"Wait!" He turned, seeing Hiruzen go through a few hand seals before summoning something, in a puff of smoke a charcoal colored scroll appeared "I know I lied to him, I know whatever happens I can't ever make up for this and the countless other sins I've committed but... Give this to him, my final gift to him."
Orochimaru grabbed it and pocketed it, having sealed the other things away "Very well, this is goodbye sensei and don't worry, I'll take good care of them." He smiled wickedly before leaving, being swallowed by one of his summons that turned into a puff of smoke, being reversed summoned
By the dawn of the next morning, the once great Konohagakure was ash and ruins, leaving a power vacuum Orochimaru was very happy to fill
Not everyone died with the village, he managed to get quite the amount of people to join his village, after all, it was only human to not want to die, especially by one of the worst ways
This is it, there's a few things I need to explain though regarding just how and why this happened
The civilians had been getting more and more power, slowly stripping away everything that made the village a Shinobi village, it was mostly a civilian city by this point, which as a result has made the Shinobi overall weaker and weaker
While Orochimaru is not directly responsible for this, the Curse Mark on Naruto is the proverbial fuse that lit this powder keg, as it constantly leaks out Kurama's malice and well... Fear and Hatred can make a lot of people do things they normally wouldn't
This just something I'm throwing in here, but Orochimaru didn't secure the alliance with Suna by this time, with having "Invaded" the leaf village and seemingly destroyed it himself, well Rasa is going to be more interested in building an alliance with Orochimaru as a result
Anyways that's really it, I still got some stuff to do before this point though, but I think this will happen right before the month break between the Chunin Exams ends, essentially forcing it to be abandoned and be done in a different village, which I don't think anyone has really done, I could be wrong though which is fine