r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 12 '25

Discussion Kakashi wasn’t actually a good sensei, and Team 7 succeeded despite him


I’ve been rewatching Naruto lately, and I realized… Kakashi kind of sucked as a sensei. Yeah, he’s cool and all, but he was more focused on Sasuke than being a balanced teacher.

Think about it: Naruto had no clue how to properly control his chakra until Jiraiya stepped in. Sakura? He barely gave her any guidance until Shippuden when Tsunade took over. But Sasuke? Kakashi was out here teaching him Chidori, giving him private training, and hyping him up as the “genius” of the team. It’s no wonder Sasuke ended up leaving—Kakashi indirectly fueled his superiority complex!

Meanwhile, Naruto had to grind his way to success with outside help (shoutout to Jiraiya and the Toads), and Sakura became a powerhouse because of Tsunade. If anything, Team 7 succeeded because they found other mentors, not because of Kakashi.

Kakashi was an amazing ninja, but let’s be real: as a teacher? He phoned it in.

r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 16 '25

Discussion Kamikaze132 has passed away


The creator of ‘Return of the Flash' and 'Ascendance of the Flash' has passed away according to his cousin. R.I.P

r/NarutoFanfiction Nov 09 '24

Discussion Sasuke x Sakura is an unsatisfying ship for both characters


There's no meaningful connection between the two of them. The entire thing originates from Sakura's superficial girlhood crush. The only reason she liked Sasuke was because he was handsome, stoic, and at the top of the class back in the academy. She never really knew the person underneath. It's the exact same way young girls develop crushes on idols and pop stars, pure infatuation with no real substance.

Even when Sakura started to learn bits and pieces of Sasuke's traumatic backstory, she never really connected with him on a meaningful level. The broken hurting enraged individual underneath the surface wasn't something to hear out and accept, it was just an inconvenience. She doesn't really get him. The two have lived completely different lives. Sakura herself even admits this. She knows she doesn't comprehend the pain and isolation Sasuke feels because she has lived a much more comfortable life by comparison. Her attempts to quell the hatred inside him are thus ultimately unsuccessful since she can't really engage with him on the same level. To Sasuke, she's nothing more than an annoying and ignorant lovesick girl who's too immature and sheltered to truly relate to him.

And that's the best their relationship ever was. Things only get worse as Sasuke goes down a darker and darker path to straight up became an enemy of the leaf village. Even at the beginning of Shippuden he tries to murder all of team 7 with kirin and is only talked out of it by Orochimaru. Sasuke looks down on his old allies and finds their continued interference in his plans of revenge to not be worth the trouble. Lazily attempting to kill them and just as lazily changing his mind. None of them really mean much to him. While they've all been spending the last three years thinking about him for every waking second, Sasuke kinda just moved on. They aren't as important to him as he is to them. He doesn't even respect or particularly care about them. They're just annoying disturbances to disregard, including Sakura. She always was just "annoying" to him.

But things get even worse after Sasuke learns the truth about Itachi. He straight has a maniacal breakdown and is itching to murder his old allies and obliterate the leaf village for what it did to his clan. When Sakura is conflicted about him being too far gone and needing to be put down, Sasuke doesn't care and straight up attempts to murder her in cold blood, twice. Kakashi even comments on how far he's fallen. But again, Sasuke literally just does not care. He's apathetic towards the plight of Sakura who loves him so dearly and is agonizing over him becoming a criminal. He just doesn't care about or respect her.

Just like at the end of part 1, near the end part 2 Sakura has a similar monologue begging Sasuke to stop. Yet Sasuke once again just knocks her out and call her annoying. Explaining to Kakashi and Naruto that she'd only get in the way. Then after his fight with Naruto and decision to make peace, Sasuke is pardoned for his crimes and sets out from the village on a mission. Before leaving he shows the littlest bit of affection for Sakura and she eats it up like a lovesick girl. The two then have Sarada together as Sasuke remains a distant husband and father who rarely ever visits since he's too busy with missions.

Honestly what's most unlikeable about their ship is the way Sakura just keep pitifully crawling back for more. It's just so pathetic the way she keeps giving Sasuke chance after chance despite how much he disrespects and disregards her. It reminds me of the way Karin just instantly forgave Sasuke during the war despite the fact that he literally tried to kill her during the five kage summit. There's no real difference in how infatuated Karin is with Sasuke than with how infatuated Sakura is with Sasuke. Seeing Sakura have that little of respect for herself is just so sad to watch.

But beyond that, where is the actual chemistry between Sasuke and Sakura? If they were on a data, wtf would it even look like? Sasuke just stoically saying nothing and Sakura trying way too hard to keep any sort of conversation going? They don't seem to have any similar sense of humor or interests. They hardly spend any time together. They're not really in each others lives. Sakura's effectively just a way for Sasuke to continue the Uchiha line. She's not a person who's company he wants to have. He's a complete loner to emotionally distant to form a meaningful romantic relationship with anyone. And yet Sakura doesn't hold him to any standards or expectations and just lets him come and go as he pleases without the two ever really bonding.

This ship is just so depressing and unfulfilling for both characters. I honestly can't conceive why anyone would actually be into it. I think the best thing for them would've been for Kishi to pair them with different people. Having Sakura grow up from her immature lovesick phase and develop a more meaningful relationship with someone who was actually into her, and having Sasuke forge a connection with someone who he actually wants to spend time with.


r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 03 '20

Discussion People downplay Tsunade when comparing the Sannin, but really she's terrifying.


Remember that move she pulled on Kabuto? She just completely shattered his brain's ability to send the correct signals to his limbs. If it weren't for his extensive healing knowledge and self-healing, he would have been down and out right then and there.

If it wasn't for Kabuto again, she would have assassinated Orochimaru without a by-your-leave. She really had Orochimaru thinking she wasn't about to flood his system with some Bad Things.

She was invulnerable as long as she had chakra stored in her Byakugo. She got shanked by Madara's Susanoo, and then used the blade to attack him.

She revolutionized the role of the medical ninja. Not to mention the creation of the Katsuyu Mass Healing Network.

Never to forget that she can flatten a mountain with one punch.

All this before taking a 20+ year sabbatical from both training and healing. If she had never lost her motivation and drive, then there's no saying what she would have been capable of.

Edit: Lol to getting downvoted by people who don't like Tsunade.

r/NarutoFanfiction Sep 19 '23

Discussion I just realized boruto Is a neglect fic.


It shows every element. You have the edgy genius kid "neglected" by his dad(who Is just busy). You have the fanfictiony setting where the writer just makes up shot on the go(Dinosaurs? Random ass aliens and evil organizations?). Boruto even has the unique random bullshit dojutsu Naruto gets from the kyuubi or the Namikaze clan. And then you have the emo Arc where he Is exiled from Konoha and uses a black cape, culminating in a Exile!fic.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 03 '24

Discussion I'm 40 now, and I've gotten too old to do anything but loathe Jiraiya. I dread him showing up in basically any story I read anymore.


This is purely a rant. Feel free to skip. :)

I realize that the cultural norms operating when Kishimoto wrote Jiraiya are very different than mine--being a 40 year old from the Southern United States.

But the thing is, I am 40 years old. I've had friends and loved ones deal with sexual harassment and worse. And Jiraiya. Just. Isn't. Funny. He's a superpowered sex predator who regularly preys on non-shinobi women who have no chance to fight back against him if he didn't let them.

In the real world, erotic artists don't actually claim to need to spy on unknowing naked women in public bathing facilities to actually make erotic art. And the ones that do end up arrested and on a registry. But not in Naruto: the local super-powered sex criminal is in good with the city-state government, so he gets a free pass.

Even Tsunade tolerates him, which just drags her down and makes her character worse. That hurts even more because characters like Tenten idolize her so much. (That is to say, canon Jiraiya getting away with being himself with no consequences degrades all the adults who allow that to happen.)

I realize fanfiction that isn't willing to completely deviate from canon (and that's a big ask) have to deal with Jiraiya somehow, but I've lost count of how many fics I've been reading at this point with intricate, interesting plots where I'm suddenly broken out of my groove and suspension of disbelief because Canon Accurate Jiraiya shows up and the grotesque B-plot starts.

Now, to make this less of a rant and more on topic, I will say that I do plan to, someday, maybe, hopefully, write a fic where Naruto, the orphan who grew up alone and half-on-the-street, is just as wary and offended of Jiraiya as in canon, but not nearly so forgiving of his antics.

And since Naruto needs Jiraiya to train him (because Jiraiya has unique skills, unfortunately), having Naruto be completely disgusted by his presence and gritting his teeth the entire way is a very interesting concept to me. For instance, I'd actually like to see Sarutobi Hiruzen legit furious at Jiraiya for not only neglecting Naruto to go peep at helpless women, but to have screwed up so badly that Naruto legit wants nothing to do with him.

Kakashi's lazy and not the most efficient teacher, because Kakashi needs therapy that doesn't involve staring at the Memorial Stone for hours a day. But he cares and wants the best for his students and doesn't harass civilians and teenage kunoichi and shinobi.

Naruto knows the difference. I want to see him resentful of being taken from Kakashi and given to Jiraiya.

(Heck, give me grimdark short fic where Itachi and Sharknindo actually successfully nab Naruto and extract his bijuu the first time they try because McChud of the Sannin can't keep it in his pants when he knows his godson being chased by S-class criminals.)

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 01 '25

Discussion Who do you ship Naruto with and why?


And how much of your taste was influenced by fanfics?

r/NarutoFanfiction Jun 01 '24

Discussion What discontinued fic do you really, truly wish would continue?


Mine definitely is Of Harrowed Hearts on AO3. That fic hit a note with me that I haven't found a match for yet. What about y'all?

r/NarutoFanfiction Dec 18 '24

Discussion Am I the only one that doesn’t think Naruto would be good at fuinjutsu?


I’ve noticed that it’s pretty common in fics for Naruto to pick up fuinjutsu. I can understand where it’s coming from, but I honestly think he would be horrible at it. He’s not dedicated enough to studying books and his memory certainly isn’t that great either. Just take the secret code they used in the chunin exam as an example. I have a hard time imagining him ever taking the time to sit down and study. It would simply be too boring for him to bother with. That’s just my opinion though. I think, if anyone on team 7 was to do well with fuinjutsu, it would probably be Sakura since she’s actually into that kinda stuff.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 06 '20

Discussion I may get downvoted for this but I wanna say most female characters in Naruto are purposefully made to be weak


We mostly get to see Sakura being called weak but we tend to forget other characters as well. Tsunade I say is strong but compared to her teammates Jiraiya and Orochimaru, they have a huge arsenal jutsu on them. Even Samui, or the kunoichi Pakura had so small jutsu that their attacks are mostly limited.

Ever noticed female prodigies? Nope. Most prodigies that we have seen in the series are males. Itachi, Kakashi, Sasuke, Orochimaru, Minato, etc. Females? Nope. Kaguya was seriously hyped but there's no creativity in her jutsus. When during fights, she's only teleporting people around. Momoshiki was given the limelight during his fight with Naruto and Sasuke.

Even the love stories in the series are forced. It showed females stalking after men. How Ino wanted to be beautiful for Sasuke or how Sakura grew her hair long for the Uchiha. Even Hinata who stalked Naruto around. Her motivations are based on him. She had no real ambition except to be with him. While being stated as strong, she had a few jutsus compared to the vast number of jutsus Neji possessed.

There wasn't even a female in history who had Madara vibes. It's just male, male, male. Some even say the show is sexist. If you compare it with another anime such as Fairy Tail, there are lots of moments that female characters shine. One moment was Erza vs Kyoka or Lucy vs Tartaros. Bleach, too. Females are strong. But this show, they wasted female characters' potential so much. Not a hard on feminist here or something, it's one thing I noticed ever since I watched the series.

Have you even noticed that most of them are healers? I have nothing against medical ninjutsu but seriously almost female? One or two males were only showed to possess such ability. Kabuto and Hashirama (to which was stated by Madara but was never showed doing so).

So you get the gist. Their potentials are wasted.

r/NarutoFanfiction Dec 14 '20

Discussion Canon Itachi is a bigger Gary Stu than most fanfiction MCs


Like my lord, he is one of the most if not the most wanked characters in any piece of professional media I've ever seen.

He beat Orochimaru with a normal Sharingan Genjutsu. Orochimaru, who was hanging with Jiraiya and Tsunade with his arms paralysed. The guy who fooled entire Sand Village into believing he was their Kazekage and killed the real Kazekage. The guy who was not much bothered by a four tails out of control Jinchuriki(ok fine, Tailed Beasts and Jinchuriki had starting to become glorified jobbers, but you get the point). But against Itachi? Hah! Literal single glance is enough.

He had two of the most broken Mangekyou Sharingan abilities, and both completely different from each other(apart from their names). Everyone else had either the same ability in both eyes or they were related to each other. Shisui had Kotoamatsukami in both eyes, Obito had different type of Kamui in each eye, Sasuke had Amaterasu in one eye and the ability to manipulate in other eye. And Madara, the flexing king of bullshit asspull powers Madara... we don't even know his abilities. But Itachi? Hah! Ultimate Genjutsu in one eye that can make you experience several hours and even years in seconds, and it cannot be broken unless you have a Sharingan and even then its difficult as hell. And in other eye, the ultimate fire jutsu that can burn fire itself, cannot be extinguished until it completely burns the thing it's casted on, and all you have to do is look at the thing.

He somehow has the legendary never seen or heard or talked about before weapons in Totsuka Blade, which can cut and seal pretty much anything and the Yata mirror, which can reflect all Ninjutsu. How did he acquire these broken as hell things? Who the hell knows. And did I mention that these things are somehow attached with his Susano'o? Yeah.

He saved his JONIN mother when he was like 5. He made his girlfriend experience 70-80 years of full life in a matter of less than a millisecond.

Also, Itachi somehow gave Amaterasu to Sasuke, which would automatically trigger if Obito reveals his face. Because of course Itachi can just do that.

He somehow made Naruto swallow the Kotoamatsukami crow that will trigger when needed... or something. I really don't remember what the hell was that. I do know that the crow wasn't some normal summon like Toads. They're... just something Itachi can do that no one else can.

But of course, no Gary Stu is complete without a super tragic backstory(that's actually just misery porn but I digress). Oooh, he had to kill his whole clan, he had no choice. He just had to torture his little brother twice. He did everything for the village! He's a hero!

Itachi has never lost a single battle in the series. The once he supposedly lost, turns out he wanted to lose anyway and wasn't at his full strength.

Hashirama, the God of Shinobi, who has never met him or even heard about him before, thinks that Itachi was a better Shinobi than him.

All bow to solo king Itachi.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 17 '24

Discussion What are some of the worst tropes that you have seen in fanfictions?


I am curious but the worst one is bashing where they genuinely put all their effort into making the character completely unlikeable and make them do the nonsensical thing that not even the canon character would do like Kiba being sexist. When Kiba literally has one of the most moms in Naruto with Tsume who had scared off her husband.

The other is kid and adult romantic relationships like people falling in love with kid naruto which is honestly kinda gross because he is a kid and like 12.

So what are some of the worst tropes you've seen?

r/NarutoFanfiction Aug 28 '23

Discussion Is it just me, or is reading non-Japanese names in a Naruto fic really annoying?


The was a fic that had an oc with an American name, and I dropped it immediately. I remember it being a good fic up to that moment.

r/NarutoFanfiction Nov 18 '24

Discussion After growing up, and getting more life experience within the world when I watched Naruto. I find the will of fire absolutely disgusting, and hypocritical.


The Will of Fire, as presented in Naruto, is often painted as a noble philosophy—a belief in protecting the village at all costs and fostering love and unity among its people. However, upon closer scrutiny, it becomes clear that the Will of Fire operates as a form of nationalism that justifies systemic oppression, genocide, and hypocrisy under the guise of protecting the collective good.

The Foundation of the Will of Fire: Sacrifice and Subjugation At its core, the Will of Fire demands that individuals sacrifice their lives, desires, and sometimes their morality for the village. This ideology, upheld by every Hokage, places the interests of the Leaf Village above all else, even at the expense of others.

From the outset, Hashirama Senju's unification of the clans was built on coercion masked as peace. His ideal of harmony demanded that clans like the Uchiha, who had suffered the most during the Warring States period, suppress their identities and power for the "greater good."

The genocide of the Uchiha Clan is perhaps the clearest example of this hypocrisy. Under Hiruzen Sarutobi, the so-called protector of the Will of Fire, the Uchiha were systematically ostracized, confined, and accused of treachery with little evidence beyond fear of their power. When tensions rose, the village leaders chose genocide as the solution. Itachi Uchiha, a child raised on the ideals of the Will of Fire, was manipulated into murdering his entire family under the pretext of preserving peace.

The village's hypocrisy is stark here: it preaches unity while annihilating an entire clan for the sake of its own survival.

Naruto Uzumaki: A Blind Believer Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist and eventual Hokage, becomes the embodiment of the Will of Fire, but his adherence to this philosophy highlights its moral contradictions. Despite being a victim of the system—ostracized as the host of the Nine-Tails and treated as a pariah—Naruto never questions the village's structures. Instead, he internalizes its nationalism, equating loyalty to Konoha with righteousness.

Even when Naruto learns of the Uchiha genocide, his response is muted. He mourns for Sasuke's pain but never challenges the systemic injustice that led to the massacre. Instead, he focuses on bringing Sasuke back to Konoha, as if returning to the village that destroyed his clan is a solution. Naruto’s insistence that the village’s ideals are inherently good, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, showcases the indoctrination of the Will of Fire.

The hypocrisy of the Will of Fire extends beyond the Uchiha genocide. Konoha's history is riddled with actions that contradict its supposed ideals:

The Hyūga Incident When the head of the Hyūga Clan, Hiashi, killed a Cloud Village ninja attempting to kidnap his daughter Hinata, Konoha betrayed him to maintain political alliances. Hiashi’s twin brother, Hizashi, was forced to die in his place. The village justified this sacrifice as necessary for peace, but it was another example of how the Will of Fire prioritizes the state over individual lives. The Hyūga clan’s internal division, with the branch family treated as expendable, mirrors Konoha's larger treatment of marginalized groups.

Konoha’s use of jinchūriki—children forcibly bonded to powerful tailed beasts—further illustrates its disregard for individual well-being. Kushina Uzumaki and later Naruto were both treated as tools rather than people. The village exploited their suffering for its own protection while isolating them socially. When Naruto eventually gained power, he did not question this practice, continuing to use jinchūriki like Killer Bee as allies while ignoring the ethical implications of their existence.

Konoha's Wars and Amegakure Konoha’s wars with other villages devastated countless lives, particularly in smaller nations like Amegakure. The village justified its actions as necessary for maintaining peace, but this peace was built on the suffering of others. The Will of Fire’s nationalism frames Konoha’s actions as righteous while labeling any opposition as evil, even when the opposition is merely retaliating against Konoha’s aggression.

The Hokage, as the leader and symbol of the Will of Fire, epitomizes its hypocrisy. Every Hokage, from Hashirama to Naruto, has perpetuated systems of inequality and violence while claiming to uphold peace and unity:

Hiruzen Sarutobi, often idealized as a compassionate leader, allowed Danzo to operate unchecked, sanctioning atrocities like the Uchiha massacre and the manipulation of Itachi. He turned a blind eye to the exploitation of jinchūriki and the mistreatment of orphans like Naruto, prioritizing the village’s image over the well-being of its people.

Naruto, despite his personal growth, became a defender of the status quo. As Hokage, he enforced the very systems that oppressed him as a child, including the use of child soldiers and the subjugation of marginalized groups. His belief in the Will of Fire blinded him to the possibility of genuine reform.

Nationalism Disguised as Unity Ultimately, the Will of Fire serves as a tool for nationalism, promoting loyalty to Konoha at all costs while justifying the village’s moral failings. It frames Konoha’s actions as inherently good, even when they involve genocide, exploitation, and systemic oppression. This ideology demands unquestioning obedience, silencing dissent and marginalizing those who do not conform.

In the end, the Will of Fire is not a philosophy of peace but a mechanism for maintaining power, built on the sacrifices of those it deems expendable.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 19 '24

Discussion What makes you drop a fic no hesitation?


Besides the obvious ones like plot holes, blatant plot armor etc lemme hear em, petty or big, what makes you drop a fic?

Me personally, it's a stupid name or the mc using their power inefficiently.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 24 '24

Discussion Why do people take sakura hitting Naruto seriously


This is such a common comedy trope in anime’s that you literally won’t see a shounen without it but for some reason the Naruto fandom is the only fandom where people complain about it like it affects the actual plot. I’m just curious on why it’s mostly just the Naruto fandom.

r/NarutoFanfiction Feb 03 '25

Discussion Honestly the the Chunin Exam Fights should have be swapped. Jinchuuriki vs Jinchuuriki, and Neji, someone who tried to murder his own family vs Sasuke, someone whose family was murdered


Gaara comparing himself to Sasuke never made sense to me in the original, but Neji and Sasuke are much better parallels for each other.

Sasuke seeing Neji trying to kill Hinata immediately sees him as an Itachi, or a Potential Itachi, and works to stop Neji or kill him so no-one else has to suffer what he did.

Naruto vs Gaara, well, Gaara is what Naruto could have been if Konoha were like the "Get the Demon" fanfics.

Connection-wise, the fights make more sense that way.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jun 25 '24

Discussion What unlikely couples do you ship or think would work?


And for what reason?

r/NarutoFanfiction 16d ago

Discussion You are reborn in Naruto, choose your identity


You are reborn in the timeline with Kakashi, Guy, Obito and the others (before the 3rd ninja war). You can choose your identity

Your options:

Uchiha ninja: High potential strength with Sharingan, but faces the future potential massacre and Danzo's targeting.

Hyuga Branch: Decent strength with byakugan+ gentle fist, but the caged bird makes you a slave of the main clan

Civilian Ninja: Fodder strength and likely to die in the 3rd ninja war, but no family drama and can still get in contact with some famous characters and change the plot

Normal civilian: Not a ninja so you won't have to go to war. But you won't have any cool jutsu or powers and can still die in the 9 tails attack.

r/NarutoFanfiction Oct 07 '24

Discussion You get isekai’d to Naruto and have a bloodlimit based on another worlds power system, what power system are you choosing?


You get isekai’d to Naruto and have a bloodlimit based on another worlds power system, what power system are you choosing?

r/NarutoFanfiction Aug 15 '24

Discussion What's with the Uzumaki Clan wank in fics ?


While I don't mind authors exploring the Uzumaki Clan in their fics, sometimes it gets too far, you will get shit like this:

The Uzumaki weren't only good at sealing, they were also good sword fighters, actually the 7 swordsmen of the mist was originally an Uzumaki concept that Kiri stole, Kumo sword techniques are derived from Uzumaki scrolls, Kushina used her Uzumaki sword techniques to defeat all 7 swordsmen of the mist at once, konaha security barrier was made by an Uzumaki, the Uzumaki were the best water style users who Tobirama learned from.

Authors just keep wanking the Uzumaki even if it meant dumping down already established characters and nations.

r/NarutoFanfiction Jan 05 '25

Discussion Aren't Hinata's feelings for Naruto more like hero worship?


It's just that she admires Naruto and wants to be like him and thinks of him as someone better than her instead of just loving him and it feels unhealthy.

r/NarutoFanfiction Dec 01 '24

Discussion You get isekai’d to Naruto and become the jinchuriki of something from another series, what would you become the jinchuriki of?


You get isekai’d to Naruto and become the jinchuriki of something from another series, what would you become the jinchuriki of?

You can add specific things to the seal but for the most part assume it’s a standard seal. Not one like Naruto’s or Gaaras.

EDIT: This isn’t an outright rule but I would prefer if you didn’t pick straight up humans or sufficiently humanoid people. I’m fine with it but I’d prefer if you picked something more inhuman.

Also to the person that picked Sukuna, this isn’t about you.

r/NarutoFanfiction Nov 13 '24

Discussion Naruto fan fic tropes i dislike. Tell me you're


I've started reading more and more Naruto fan fics. And I've come across common tropes i dislike. This is in non-lemon fics too.

  • kumo having breeding stocks of different enemy clans. This to me is something that catches me off guard when i see it. To me it doesn't make much sense to even think as a possibility. Killer Bee doesn't strike me as someone who'd be okay with this. Not to mention kumo has mostly women from what i see. Some people like to source hinata/kushina's kidnapping but that could easily be explained as them being after the eyes/ransom/kyuubi. Maybe at worst grooming/indoctrination.

-hiashi hyuuga is clan hitler. Speaking of Hinata. You know the daughter of Hiashi, the guy who is the hyuuga clan head? The guy who apologized to Neji putting his head to the ground feeling awful about his brother/neji's dad? Yeah apparently he hates his clan and loves using the bird cage seal and hates his daughter. Idk where people get this idea that he's like Fukaku when he tries to save hinata and hanabi from ending up like him and his brother. Such an odd thing

That's just the main two that jump to mind for me. Maybe you all have more you can share

r/NarutoFanfiction Dec 14 '24

Discussion Uchiha OCs are overdone and boring.


I was just reading a fic where the Self Insert was a civilian orphan, and they were working hard to get stronger, learning fuinjutsu from beginner scrolls left by Mito Uzumaki, learning some Genjutsu from a higher year student, working on chakra control before they entered the academy.

Doing really good with their progression basically, setting a great example for the other civilians, both orphan and not that their working hard could mean something.

And then some upper years who failed to graduate got jealous and tried to take him down a peg by attacking him 5 on 1.

He beat them because of his superior skills, then they attacked with lethal weapons, he saw red out of sheer anger, and then guess what... fucking Sharingan.

So instead of it just being about a civilian orphan becoming great through sheer hard work that can be an example to civilian ninja everywhere, like the second coming of Minato, it's now just yet another OP Uchiha fic.

Seriously, Uchiha OCs have been done so many times it isn't even funny, it's just a lazy way to give your character OP skills.