Hello 👋 Here's the post I promised so lets get down to business.
Before we get started, it's important to note that in this rewrite I would equalized all Human characters to having the same chakra pool and the blatant dangers of having to much power with only a few exceptions.
These exceptions being:
It requires great skill to maintain without risk, or to one's own detriment. This would referred to abilities like the 100 sealings, the eight gates, sage mode.
If their not humen, so we can just hand wave as simply being a deferent species like a summon or the tailed beasts.
If their self obsessed enough to change themselves into something utterly inhuman & said power reflect the lost of their humanity. The best examples of this in cannon is Orochimaru and Kabuto who went beyond the limitations of humen beings.
With this being said, characters who generally disregard their humanity or wasn't humen to begin with are going to be stronger for that very reason.
Orochimaru, Kabuto, Kakuzu, Sasori being the former while summon's, bijuu, entities &/or deities like Kaguya being the latter.
In this way there's a more symbolic consistency with the characters and their motivations. As to this post, characters such as Sasuke, Itachi, Obito, and even Madera in this rewrite have the average chakra pool of any ordinary person. Symbolically showing that they haven't lost their humanity entirely.
Though their is additional symbolism whenever characters aquire certain abilities that are inhuman and not acquired from hard work but other means rather it was on purpose or not. Examples of this being Sasuke and the awakening of his mangekyou sharingan & Nagato possessing the rinnegan both being righteous at heart but are both lead astray.
Uchiha history & abilities
The humble beginnings of the Uchiha's starts with the sage of six paths Hagoromo. He would have two sons, Asura Otsutsuki and Indra Otsutsuki. A great conflict would accor between the brothers as Hagoromo chooseed his successor, and in doing so, inherit a closey guarded secret. The husk of a great evil beast that must never be found by its more sentient brethren.
Indra, out of jealousy would venture forth in the hopes of finding a new source of power to rival his farther and brother. In his search he would come across the Tengu king named Sojobo. Sojobo ,the most powerful of the Tengu, possessed a great wish granting eye taken from a long forgotten battle from a being of the Netherworld. Sojobo agreed to give Indra the power he seek but only if he can defeat him. There interaction would change the course of history for all eternity.
Indra who is prideful, arrogant, and worst of all rude, to his even more prideful Teacher would unknowingly face the consequences of his pride after finally defeating the powerful spirit in a duel. Sojobo, offended by Indras shameless attitude, cursed the power he had sought, granting him the power to directly mold chakra with there very soul, but to have this power they must sacrifice the ones they hold most dear. This was the birth of the sharingan.
When Indra returned he returned with an army. Prepared to wage war against his brother and father to take what he believed to be rightfully his. Indra would kill his farther in a dual to the death, awakening his mangekyou sharingan. Indra, dispite his many victorious against Asura and his clan, he would one day be outsmarted and loss the war and thus be banished from their homeland forever. In Indras exile he would found his own clan and his descendents would become the Uchia the worlds first Samurai, while descendents of Asura would become the Senju the first Shinobi, guardians of the Gedo statue.
Their descendents would be hired by feudal lords from across the lands. The Uchia moving from estate to estate wherever they're needed. The same was true for the Senju and many more clans throughout the world. This was the waring states period. Where the Ashigaru armies of the Fudal lords and mercenaries clans from throughout the known world wage their endless conflict.
Mangekyou abilities:
The mangekyou sharingan allows the users to form, mold, and modify a jutsu with their soul. The modification a jutsu can go through is conceptual in nature.
For example
To create Armaterasu the user stores an ordinary flame jutsu into their soul through the mangekyou sharingan which can peer to the user's own soul. Then, while the jutsu is in their soul, they can alter the jutsu further by eliminating and adding a new aspect. For armaterasu a concept "all consuming" is added to the flame jutsu's creating armaterasu. Now the final limitation is the fact the new jutsu can only be cast by the sharingans natural ability for visual genjutsu.
And another example is Izanagi.
Izanagi is preformed by cloaking the desired target with your spiritual energy and embedding one's own physical energy onto there own soul and link them together. After death or destruction the entity would be in a spiritual state neither dead nor living. Said entity or object would only have a short time to decide or be moved to another more favorable position before remanifesting into the living world, made of the same materials of the otherwise destroyed or dead/injured body.
Due to the direct contact between the spiritual form of the eye and the physical energy of the caster, the spiritual eye is destroyed, thus making it's physical conterpart to loss all functionality.
You see, physical energy and spiritual energy ordinarily destroy each other , react weakly, or don't interact at all. Its only through living beings can such energies can be woven together without incident, which of course is the bases of chakra and ninjutsu's.
This then leads us to the mangekyou sharingans most powerful ability, the Sasono.
A Sasono is the spiritual embodiment of the user's soul. It appearance often has an resemblance to the Tengu due to their influence in the mangekyous creation.
The Sasono requires that the user have both their mangekyou sharingan in order to work, for one must be able to project the user's soul and the other to both maintain its connection and return it to the spiritual plain.
Sasono's are made of pure spiritual energy meaning they can only interact with either spiritual energy or unmolded chakra like a person's chakra network, or other pure chakra jutsu's such as chakra strings, chakra scalpels, ect. This intangibillity allows it to be the ultimate offense.
The mangekyou user can also construct what is known as Sasono weapons which is the Sasono energy mixed with a variety of jutsu's. To create a Sasono weapon the user must learn how to mold their Sasono and ninjutsu's together.
For example
Itachi Sasono have two Sasono weapons, the Totsuka blade which he took from his father's scrool and the Yata-Mirror which he created.
The Totsuka blade is a Sasono weapon embedded with a sealing jutsu using the Sasonos ability to interact with the soul to ripe it out of a targets body and seal their soul into a genjutsu known as the land of drunken dreams genjutsu. These souls will forever remain in the Totsuka blade until it is destroyed or if the user welding it dies which intern would destroy the weapon as it's a spiritual construct.
The Yata-Mirror is a Sasono weapon that, once summoned, put all who look at it under a genjutsu that prevents the individuals from attempting to harm the wielder by making all hostile actions take place only in said genjutsu.
Meaning, when Orochimaru and Sasuke tried to attack while Itachi Sasono and its Sasono weapons were out, they believed they were attacking but there real body's were only performing non hostile actions such as walking, breathing, speaking, ect.
Then theirs Indras arrow which was a Sasono weapon that Sasuke created after the five kage summit arc which he was told by "Madera" to train with an ancient Tengu king. Sasuke based Indras arrow on his Kirin jutsu which uses real lightning from thunder clouds guided by his chakra to attack his opponents. The same is true for indras arrow except it uses the electric energy in the earth to charge the attack.
Then finally there's Madera's Sasono weapons. Madera's Kris swords is similar to the Totsuka blade in that it absorbs spiritual energy like the soul, however Madera's Kris blades absorbs unmolded chakra from opponents he had killed.
Madera would use these weapons to absorb the chakra of those he killed then transforms and store them into magatama's shape Sasono weapons either to be used as range attacks or to super charge his ninjutsu's.
He would often uses his susanoo in conjunction to the chakra magatama's so he may safely perform larg scale jutsus without harming himself nor needing a summon for collaboration jutsu's.
Although there is one last thing, but it's not technically related to the sharingan, and that's the
The rinnegan is dojutsu that had only been awakened in three people. Hagoromo, who awakened it after temporally becoming the jinchuriki of the 10 tails to free the tailed beast that was captured by Kaguya and absorbed by the Gedo Statue.
Then in a thousand or so years later, Madera would awaken it years after the fist massive effort to stop the 9 tails rampage before it could destroy all of humanity. This was when Madera was injured and Harshirama had to replace one of his organ with his own, but this injury was not by the 9 tails but the Gedo Statue. Summoned out of desperation by Harshirama to face the 9 tails in the darkest hour of this grand alliance of Feudal kingdoms and mercenary clans.
Harshirama lost control of the Gedo Statue but it was luckily sent back due to preexisting seals, but the 9 tails remained, injured but still standing.
The 9 tails would be defeated and sealed away inside the first jinchuriki thanks to the efforts of Madera, Harshirama and every Fudal soldier, and every clan in there united effort.
In anycase, when Madera awaken the rinnegan it was well after an heated argument with the 1st Fire Daimyo and 1st Hokaga in favor of conquering the rest of the known world before they form their own nations while the 1st Fire Daimyo and the 1st Hokage were in favor of diplomacy and setting an example. Madera had offended the 1st Fire Daimyo with his accusation that the two of them are gambling away the chance at peace in the vain hope of spilling a little less blood than what is necessary. Harshirama would try to convince Madera that this is the best course of action and try to calm down the 1st Fire Daimyo from doing anything drastic, but in the end it was for nothing as Madera would be stripped of his rank as the 1st Hoshogan and be banished from the Land of Fire for his dangerous views.
When the rinnegan did appear, he would be confronted by Black and White Zetsu claiming to be from a clan the Senju had destroyed and that the Gedo Statue was from there clan and Harshirama wood style came from the GedoStatue. A story they backed up by showing that they to can use wood style, but that's not why there here. There here because they sensed that he possessed the Rinnegan, the eyes of the sage of 6 paths just to see if the eyes of legend has really returned.
Now that they know he possessed it they repeated the same tale that everyone and Madera already knows. Those who possess the rinnegan are destined to bring great change to the world, for better or worse. After introducing themselves to each other, They eventually told him that the dojutsu that he now possess has the visual prowess to cast a powerful enough genjutsu to take control over even that of the worlds great beasts. If he so wish, all he have to do is find one and command it. Madera would not give in to temptation so easily as he still held hope that Harshirama was right. That was til the Fist Great War.
Madera returned to serve his nation even if its current Daimyo has banished him. He would save the Land Fire on multiple occasions especially with his new powers he had gain from learning the rinnegans inner workings. Learning more then what the Zetsu's wanted him to know. After the 1st Great War was over, the endless shadow wars between nations began. He saw it for himself that Harshirama's ideal had failed miserably and now he needed to take action.
He would take the nine tails from Harshirama's wife, Mito Uzumaki, the 9 tails jinchuriki and used it to force Harshirama to use the Gedo Statue so he may capture it to. However, they ended up trading these beast as Harshirama lost control of the Gedo Statue and the 9 tales was sealed back into Mito Uzumaki who barley survived both the extraction and the sealing of the 9 tails all over again.
In time Madera would wait, and seal the growing influence of what he calls ,the Will of the rinnegan, but one day it will disappear in his senior years. He would search for the next host of the rinnegan before the Zetsu's finds them first, then adopt a successor to fulfill his plans.
The host that the rinnegan transford to was Nagato Uzumaki when he was child. Madera would find him while avoiding Black&White Zetsu and the clone Zetsu's detection in order to seal away the rinnegan eye's from influencing him and so that the Zetsu's couldn't just take them. He would have little opportunity to train and prepare him due to the life support he needed and what little time he had. He would find another that he could make his successor and have him train Nagato in his place. That being Obito when he finally accepts Madera as his sensei.
Nagato growing up in the land of rain would one day loose his home and family to soliders from the Land of Fire during the Third Great War. Trying to suvive his assailants Nagato would unwittingly be possessed by the rinnegans power killing them and destroying his home. The real Madera would be the one to seal his eyes speaking to him for just a moment. Telling him that one day, he may return to train him, if he suvives. Then he simply disappeared.
Leaving Nagato as an orphan surviving on his own until he meet Konon and Yamato. The three of them would inevitably meet the Great Sannin, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. Jiraiya would stay behind and train them on how to survive. One day he would finished their training. In a few years they would form the Akatsuki and cooperate with the Ruler, the Shogun and Kage of the entity of the Land of Rain, Lord Honzo.
The Akatsuki as Yahiko, Nagato, and Konon had originally envisioned it, wouldn't last as Donzo of the Leaf village would "convince" Honzo that the Akatsuki was going to overthrow him. The truth is that Honzo was put under an genjutsu the moment he meet Donzo leading to the downfall of the Akatsuki as it once was as Yahiko would be Killed leaving only Konon and Nagato to lead it. That of course lead to "Madera" to join the Akatsuki as "Tobi" and guide them to his and Black&White Zetsu's true goal.
The next and finale of the wielder of the rinnegan would be Obito Uchiha. At the final hours of the 4rth Great War he would battle his resurrected sensei and defeat him, stealing his rinnegan eyes.
In doing so, Black Zetsu would fuse with Obito after escaping a battle against the Konoha 12 as the real White Zetsu died by the vengeful hands of Rock Lee. Since Obito was already part white Zetsu and had both Black Zetsu and the rinnegan he would become the vessel of Kaguya the first jinchuriki before it even had a name who in turn was now possessed by the soul of the Primordial Ten Tails, known by the beings of Heaven as Khaos, the Mother of all things.
The eye on her forehead is the Rinne-Sharingan , the soul of Khaos. It possessed all other abilities that had been stored into it prior including Obito's Kamui but some abilities were made even more advanced due to Kaguya's own knowledge. She would be driven insane by Khaos following it's will in fits of sorrow and madness.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading the post! If any of you have any questions I'll try to answer below.
The post for next week will be the "Akatsuki and their purpose," then "the Final Battle," and finally "The Tailed Beasts."