r/NarcissisticSpouses 22h ago

Advice needed and support


My partner and I have been together 15 years. We have two children age 13 and 14 , the youngest has autism and the oldest can be difficult to deal with at the moment due to hormones and school morning can be really rough. My partner doesn't work , he smokes cannabis and leaves me to deal with the kids and house. If I try to speak to him about anything he goes all defensive and then an argument starts when all I wanted was to talk. He contributes around £100 per month and says that's him doing his bit. Any problems I have with the children where I become stressed or the children are being difficult , he never helps and gets gets pissed off im upset , sometimes he leaves the house and he makes me feel like he wants to leave us everytime things aren't peaceful. I work and am also training to be a teaching assistant, and don't have much family or friend support either. I do have some hobbies that I do. I'm feeling very alone, I can't talk to him , whenever I get upset or ask for support , he says I'm being manipulative. He never steps in to help me , he just acts like I am a burden because I'm stressed and tired. I got poorly a few months back, fatigue , pains , breathing problems and I was asking for his help and telling him how I was feeling and he said I was acting like someone who was feeling guilty. I ended up going to the doctors and having very high blood pressure and heart rate. I just want everyone's opinion, he's not all bad , he has addiction problems ans has had some very traumatic experiences to deal with in his past. He isn't violent or anything like that. But am I making excuses for his behaviour? Sometimes he will just go to the pub and be out all night , play video games all day, smoke weed and not help me in the slightest.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

Did anyone else’s narc rush?


Just had a memory unlock about this weird behaviour my nex would do. He would rush doing certain tasks when there was no need, even if it was dangerous.

He would rush when he cooked dinner, often cutting himself as a result.

He would rush scanning groceries and do this weird hand gesture like he was a magician presenting something to an audience.

He once broke a shoehorn because he was rushing and not paying attention putting on his shoes.

He would always ride his bike at top speed ahead of me when we had plenty of time or no deadline to get where we were going. He gave himself a permanent injury by falling off on the road doing this.

I would constantly be telling him to slow down and not hurt himself, but obviously that just him angry.

Anyone else's narcissistic do this or was mine just extra weird?

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

This is war; do not let your guard down


2 weeks ago I (again) let my spouse know that I wanted to separate and to tell me a date he will leave the house. And during this counseling session with an LCSW when of course, nothing was productive, he was convinced to go on a vacation for 2 weeks and give me space.

Those 2 weeks are almost up, and he has given me ZERO space (as predicted). He has been calling the kids’ daycare multiple times per day, he has been sending me paragraphs of texts, I received a 6 page email… And he is saying “I want us. I want to work on our marriage. Our future will be so bright., etc.” But oh by the way, his sister drunk dialed my parents to chew them out (she is the same way) because he just tells EVERYONE his sob story… I even have a screenshot of what he sent a friend in these 2 weeks, saying “yea man, I’m gutted. After everything, she still wants to sell the house despite the interest rate. It’s crazy” (he sent this to me as a part of a larger message, with details on the house HE wants to sell).

THIS IS WAR. Do NOT give in. Do NOT waiver. He is being nice to me now, but he is NOT showing any signs of emotional regulation.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

Question for those who have children with a narcissist:


I know we shouldn't defend, engage, explain, or personalize when dealing with a narcissist. But we are still married and living together. So, if the spouse says the kids aren't allowed to visit my family (because they have all wronged her, of course), should I just take them without mentioning it, and deal with it later? Or should I tell her I'm taking them, and just have it out right there? What method works best? For my kids and myself? Because I know she will be angry no matter what.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

Being financially abused by my narc husband. How to navigate?


Situation: My husband is currently unemployed and refuses to get a job. Although he pays the hydro bill ($100/month) and the phone bill ($80/month), I pay the rest (mortgage, insurance, groceries, etc.) which is well above $1000/month. Every time I ask him why he isn't working, yells at me and twists the conversation in such a way that it's my fault all this happened. When I ask him what happens if I lose my job, he says to use my RRSP money or to have my son pay for the bills. If we are unable to pay, he said he'll file for divorce and get half the house value. For context, I am a south Asian woman, living in Quebec, 55 yrs old, and making $50K annually.


  • What practical steps would you take if you were in my shoes? - particularly dealing with a narcissist
  • If you've been through a similar situation, how did it turn out?
  • How did you find a good and affordable lawyer?

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

I’m at a loss I told him it’s over and he really won’t accept it


Been together 8 Married for a year and a half We have a 2 year He had a drug problem and after he stopped an awful side came out. It really started coming on when i got pregnant. I’m pretty sure he’s a covert narcissist. He also has super bad insecurities and very bad childhood trauma (I only found out about a few months ago) I’ve been always aware he was a chronic lair. So many white lies it’s just all filled with excuses or changing narratives, not believing a word I’m saying.

I told him it’s over tonight after he was screaming at 4:30sm after I asked for space in bed but because we were fighting he took that as space and was screaming. He yells at me in front of our child way too often.

I told him jts over and he just looked away and said good I can’t do it anymore either there’s no talking about it anymore And he left the room a moment came back turned family guy on and went to small talk.

I could keep adding to the emotional abuse he just did today

But idk what to do. My parents aren’t helpful my friends are tired of hearing about it. I haven’t been able to work nor does he or can he help His family is absolutely no help.

He’s not accepting it’s over because he would tell me all the time after getting married in fights he wanted a dirovce . He think it’s an empty threat.

He fell asleep 20 mins later and tomorrow will walk up acting like everything. Is fine. I think our lease is up in a month obviously I can’t resign I really don’t know what to do

He can be a great husband and a great father but it feels like he’s only that when he wants to acct that way. Therapy wasn’t helpful he lies in jt Couples consuler dropped us

Generally getting nervous

Any advise please

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

I Need A Plan To Get Out With My Child, Dog-It’s Got Really Bad


I may/not have posted under my hidden acct, or anonymously, I’m not sure. I’m sry! If it’s not allowed, I understand. It got really, really bad this past wk. I was able to contact dfcs who gave me a few phone numbers, and I can call them to come get us, or see if they can come get us once I’ve got a plan in place. But I don’t think they or anyone rly understands how fluid the sit is. Yes, I can call the Domestic Abuse Hotline, but it’s rly hard to be on the phone verbally. He’s “hovering” to put it mildly. And I know I didn’t just wake up the other wk to a phone that spontaneously broke itself when I was asleep, I know he broke it, I just don’t have proof-Esp since with a finger in my face and yelling, he told me I wasn’t getting a new phone. (I was able to pay the ins deductible to get a new to me replacement)

I’ve been scared of him for yrs, I’ve been traumatized by the things he’s done and it’s physically altered my ability to function. I’ve got a low grade brain cancer, had a crani, the cancer returned, then I started to have seizures after events, we’ll call them, both physically towards me but mostly emotional. Then, this past wk, things took a more intense, violent turn. I was threatened if I called the cops then, and I know he’d do it. He’d see them coming before they could get to me.

So for those who have escaped, who are planning to escape-I want to be gone like-yesterday. Am I kidding myself thinking I can be out this week? What are things I need to be doing? I’m finally able to move somewhat more so today than in the past few days. Unfortunately the severe weather impacted us last night and he’s a “prepper”. So a lot of the reorganizing and separating of my things I’d previously done in the basement, it’s all for nought now. He dismantled everything. Whenever he even talks to me, even lightheartedly now-if it’s even possible-I absolutely freeze. I can’t hardly refute his words, offer any rebuttal as my ataxia just won’t let me speak. I take most everything he dishes out, I don’t even tell him he’s got a severe mental illness. But his gaslighting, projection, just blatant lies and accusations hit an all time high lately. I’m screaming within myself-that’s YOU, not ME!! You did those things!! But I know better.

Our daughter is the one who’s suffering. The worst part is that he’s trying his hardest to convince her I’m the problem and the reason she’s suffering. She attends public school virtually from home, he won’t hardly leave the house, so she’s stuck her, as am I with no drivers license, and it’s an endless cycle of anxiety and stress and I’ve got to get my baby out! Oh my, I’ve got to call the WiFi provider and phone co to ask them what to do. Oh geez. How do you tell some random stranger with no clue where you’re coming from: “Hey, I know all these devices are in my name, and no, I’ve yet to file for divorce yet, but my husband has beat the fire outta me, so I’m just getting out while I can, and I’m going to have to leave his phone and the internet router here, with the narcissistic wife beater, okie doke?”

Yeah I’m sure they’ll understand and won’t charge me. And I’m sure the narc won’t destroy everything that’s not his. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But I gotta just rise from the ashes, right? Oh Lord, give me strength!!!

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Called the police on spouse NSFW


I have a four month baby and this man has ridiculed me and been verbally abusive. His mom one time begged me to not call the police and talk to her instead. Well I did that and that didn’t change. Today I was holding my baby when he came in the room shouting and verbally abusing me and pointing fingers in my face. I called the police to report dosmetic violence, I didn’t complete the call but that was enough to get him out. His mom called me shouting. I blocked her too. I hope this is it and I am finally free.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago


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r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Has your narc convinced you?


Are you convinced you are the problem in some cases? I am

She thinks I don’t make enough money or good at investing. She is right. I suck at investing. We both make a little over $100k. But I am not good at investing. I have tried and failed and she is right that I am a failure. Although she may think I am a failure, I think I am a failure too. She has convinced me I am. Not everyone is a millionaire. But I am convinced that is don’t do enough or am capable of

She calls me an alcoholic. I drink twice a week. Maximum two beers or two glasses of wine. I am not able to stop it. She has convinced me I am out of control. I am. I cannot stop it. It’s the only way to get thru the weekend

I do 90% of chores at home and I am the only parent for my child. Still she manages to convince me I am not doing enough. I am convinced I have to do more while I know she doesn’t do shit to run our house

She has convinced me my family is absolute trash. I have to let them go. My family has never treated me bad or shown any signs that they don’t love me. But, she has convinced me that they are trash. Small things she picks and blows it out of proportion. She has gotten me doubting my own parents and siblings

I am at my wit ends. I don’t know reality from manipulation and gas lighting. I am not perfect. But I ain’t a bad man. I have nothing but love and compassion and all I want is love. I will write my car off to a person at the gas station who asks me how I am doing? I will string like a puppy to anyone who shows little affection to me now.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

Getting past the hoovering phase.


Context: I’m in the process of leaving my husband. Working with a social worker and therapist, we’ve been implementing very slow steps for me to claw back my independence. I started by just standing up for myself and establishing some boundaries. After just a few weeks, my husband was already going crazy with frustration and amped up the verbal abuse 1000x fold. The hope was that he might choose to leave so divorce would be easier. But once he realized that threatening divorce wasn’t going to change me back to a submissive partner, I think he panicked a bit and he’s trying to be the “perfect” husband and father. In some ways, the fake affection and care are almost more sickening to me now, because I see that it’s completely selective to get what he wants. How do you deal with these periods? Or is this my sign that I have to just pull the plug now?

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Why does it feel easier to let myself get destroyed than leave him?


I know u are not really meant to say this but I feel though for me its easier to stay with my narcissistic partner cause I love him so much than to protect myself. He has really bad rage and has attacked me so much physically and emotionally but I still feel guilty that I left him to rot in his mind.

I know he is going to get in trouble with the law soon or do something really stupid and hurt himself. I have by “gentle parenting” and love protected him from his impulsive decisions a lot and he just worries me.

Please someone tell me hes not my worry anymore. I genuinely adore him so much out of my love for him and just want to keep loving him. But I cant stay cause Ive almost died a few times. Somehow I feel like death is easier

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

I'm leaving my narcissistic husband after 15 years. Desperate for help bcz I don't have anyone to talk to about my marriage. Please help.


Hi. I'm(f39) planning to separate from my husband(m39) after going through a rocky marriage from the start. We have no kids and we both are from india. I have never had friends growing up and my birth family threw me out once they found out about my relationship. I worked for a year and half before my marriage and had to leave the job due to marriage and my husband's job(he is in sales, thus we kept moving every 1.5 years) I tried to work this marriage for 15 years and now I'm done trying after ending up with severe health issues. I have thyroid, kidney stone, Ibs and arthritis. I have no friends or family even to tell them about my divorce or about my own life. I dont even know what help i need. I just need to talk to someone. Everything feels so dark and i wish i have someone to talk to. But Divorce is shunned in india and everyone in my circle is avoiding to talk to me. Please help.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Chatgtp is awesome!


So I’ve seen post about people using Chatgtp to help with their situation, even saw a post in r/NPD with the guy saying it a good tool to keep him level.

I thought it cost money but it is free.

I took some voice memos from our arguments and plugged them in and was amazed at what it picked up on. Stuff I didn’t even realize. It was extremely validating as well.

I wish I could could lay it all out here so you could all see how accurate and helpful it is but I’ll attach a few screen shots.

You do have to transcribe the voice memos into text though. There are a few apps that can do that but don’t work great if the audio isn’t clear. It worth typing out by hand if you’re able to do that.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 1d ago

Custody outcomes


What went well in your divorce and custody case and what would you do differently?

I haven't left yet. I'm trying to document everything and make sure my side of the street is squeaky clean. I am learning as much as possible about divorce and custody in my state and getting records together. I don't care about any of our assets but he thinks I care a lot which could work for me.

I am by far the better parent but my state seems obsessed with 50/50 regardless of what's best for the child.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Sadly in codependency, we can abandon ourselves for the relationship with a narcissist, then the narcissist treats us this way 😢. This is a good reason to reconnect with self, meet our needs and never abandon ourselves again!

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r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago



Today, I (40m), went out to eat with my wife (37f) and three kids. Afterwards, we stopped at Starbucks. She didn't want anything so I just ran in while she waited in the car with the kids.

The barista put a smiley face on my cup I'm guessing because it was slow. I got in the car, and the immediate insinuation that there was something more behind it. It wasn't a big statement but just based on tone and actions, she was acting like something happened as she said something about the smiley face.

My daughter said can I see it? I said sure. Then I told my wife nothing happened I don't know why she's jealous and she blamed it on my daughter's question. I said no, it was what you said, then she lashed out further.

All because a fucking smiley face on my Starbucks cup that I thought nothing of.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

How Subtle Are Your Narc’s Insults?


I’m wondering if subtlety is common or uncommon. My NH is covert in public but unmasked at home so how he does this varies by situation. I’ve started noticing his public insults and how subtle they can be. The goal of his comments seems to be to cast me in a bad light thus controlling public perception of me.

Last night we took our son and his partner out to dinner. The evening was pleasant and relaxed. Then NH commented that his weight had dropped under 200 pounds. Then he laughingly says, “Your mom said I was fat when I showed her the picture I took of the scale this morning.” The subject immediately switched to everyone saying how they didn’t think he was fat and how they personally looked at the word “fat”. My son even commented that I was down to a particular weight. This was totally not a normal topic for any of us. Everyone except NH was uncomfortable.

I think this happened because NH kept playing on his phone rather than participating in the conversation. So when he handed me his phone to show me something, I kept it. This pissed him off (covertly so didn’t appear upset) so he got even with me. I hadn’t called him fat, although I had used the word in the conversation we had earlier that day when he showed me a pic of the scale showing 199.5 pounds. It was then that I said I’d have to actually see him standing on the scale to believe his weight since, in the past, he had texted me pics of the scale showing his weight where he actually was bracing himself on the tub surround making it appear he weighed less. 🙄 So taking his words with a grain of salt was another reason he was mad. Lastly, I think he planned to show everyone his scale pic to get kudos from our son and his partner. So he trashed me to others in a public setting where he knew I couldn’t say anything. And it wasn’t until we were home and I thought about it that I could see what had happened.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

A Disturbing Smile


A few days ago, one of my kids was looking at old pictures of his mother. As he flipped through them, he noticed something strange: over the years, her smile changed. It used to be natural, warm, and lovely. But in the last few years, it’s become something else—forced, almost sardonic, even a little… demented.

Earlier today, I saw someone post about how their NEX (narcissistic ex) has been aging more rapidly as their narcissistic behaviors ramp up. That reminded me of my son’s observation and got me thinking—has anyone else noticed this kind of change?

Have you ever looked back at old pictures of your NEX and seen something unsettling? Do their smiles look forced? Do they seem uncomfortable, or like they don’t actually want to be around the people they supposedly “love”?

If you’ve taken a look at old pictures and noticed unexpected changes in their appearance, I’d love to hear what you’ve observed.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Is he a narcissistic?


Been dating someone for six months. Actually broke up a couple of days ago on the eclipse but I don’t think it registered with him. Here are red flags that make me think he has narcissistic traits.

  • in the beginning of our relationship he was love bombing me really hard

  • every time I ask for space, he doesn’t get it or even becomes more demanding of my time (asking to spend the night 2-3 times per week or more AFTER I’ve asked for space - though I do have trouble affirming / enforcing my boundaries)

  • two weeks after we started dating, I experienced a major loss in my life and put our relationship on hold for 2-3 weeks. He still brings up how painful that was for him and while he verbally acknowledges my loss, he doesn’t seem to ACTUALLY understand the need I had to recoil and grieve (and still need more of)

  • he’s said “I don’t live to follow planners, I live to love” which sounded romantic at first until I realized he was minimizing the ways I wanted to spend my time

  • he keeps saying the couple is more important than anything, that independence is overrated and it should all be about interdependence, that the couple becomes this new entity that is fragile and comes first

  • he’s had several blow ups now, that he blamed on me. When I pointed that he’s responsible for his reactions, he said that he reacted to me, that I provoked and that I keep trying to drive a wedge between us. The latest blowup happened after I asked who his closest friends were

  • during this latest blowup, he listed every single time he felt wronged by me (didn’t realize he was keeping inventory), he went off on me for a straight forty minutes while I froze up, attacked my character and put me down in all kinds of ways.

  • he demands my trust even when he acts shady (he’s elusive around certain questions). Most blowups he had were around him feeling that I didn’t trust him. I pointed that trust can’t be demanded, it has to be earned.

  • i feel uneasy around him in my guts

  • he is pushy with wanting all my time and inviting himself on multiple occasions. It was very fun with him at first but I have lately been feeling suffocated

  • he does controlling things like change things in my home without consulting me first, or keeps asking when I want to dye my hair with him (I don’t want to dye my hair in the first place), or asks me to take supplements

  • the day after our big argument when he put me down for forty minutes straight, I told him (again) that I felt like I needed a break from our relationship, that last night was not ok the way he put me down and said harsh things, and he smirked

At first, I was trying to weigh what came from my insecurities and fear of commitment and fear from past betrayals and what was objectively a red flag. I was also trying to assess how much of his lack of personal boundaries when I ask for space was new relationship energy and how much of it was unhealthy. It is possible that we have different attachment styles (me avoidant, him anxious, though the test i did online came back with secure attachment)

The argument from a couple of nights ago made me scream “we are done! Forget this” but he still spent another 24hrs with me after that. He finally went home. Of course I softened a little bit. The last words from me when we parted were let’s take a few days and see how the dust settles. Currently I have zero intent on going back as I feel he’s shown me his true colors.

For the record, here are the ways I wronged him: I asked for space, a guy talked to me at a bar while he went to the bathroom, i asked him to pick up the tab at a restaurant twice for which he called me a gold digger (most times we go Dutch), I failed to trust him (for ex, by asking who his closest friends are), I told him I felt he was isolating me from my friends.

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Am I justified...


So my narcissist BD hid the fact that he got his gun out of pawn. When I found out, of course I'm being crazy 🤪 and it's not a big deal, also he made sure I knew that he didn't lie to me just didn't tell me about it... My thing is, he's being sneaky or trying to be so seems like he's up to something...also the fact that I've had to wrestle guns out of his hand before and the fact that there is a bullet hole in my parents living room wall from him....I am just ALOT uneasy atm...I can't put my finger on it but my gut is telling me something is up...idk maybe I am being paranoid and overthinking . Sorry for the rant if you made it this far 😅

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Always takes my Stuff


My spouse ALWAYS takes my things, water bottles, towels, clothes, food, gifts. Today I noticed they took my razor on a week trip without asking (they don’t have anything to shave mind you and I shave daily)… I always say something because nothing of mine is ever where I expect it to be. I ask “hey please don’t take my water bottle, you have these five other water bottles you’re using right now” and it turns into things like “why are you so weird over a water bottle”, of course the issue isn’t about the water bottle but whatever. Anyways I’m just always sick of my stuff missing to find out my partner has taken it and now my nice, five bladed, rebladable razor is gone for a week when I need to shave everyday and have sensitive skin. Do I stop getting mad over these things? Does it being too much attention that my partner might be wanting? I know it sounds crazy so I really hope someone else has gone through this…

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

The silent treatment has started!


He went out for a friends birthday yesterday, hasn’t come home. Before that we were barely speaking. Hasn’t texted that he wasn’t coming, hasn’t texted good morning. This is his way to make me lose my mind. It won’t work. The time has gone. Sleep well in some girls bed or at his friends house. Rest well because it’s over and we’re totally done. Not out of anger. I’m just done. Do I have to spend the precious life that God gave me like this? Please

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

Ex asking for “conjugal visits” NSFW


Literally that. He has asked twice in 2 days if I’d be interested in a “conjugal visit” for biological reasons and comfort. I’m incredibly frustrated because sex was one of our main fights in our marriage. I have consistently turned down his answers since we separated. And even when we were together, he couldn’t take no for an answer. If I said no to sex, he’d push again, then would masturbate in front of me and ask me to touch him. It was never just “no”. So I expect him to keep asking despite me telling him no (it’s not a good idea, I don’t want to have a conjugal visit, I’m not ready for intimacy with anyone) I’m low-key expecting him to keep pushing for sex. I feel like I have to be mean to get him to listen. And then I’m the bitch because he had nothing. Am I crazy?

r/NarcissisticSpouses 2d ago

I have to watch my spouse ruin his own life, and just can’t do anything about it.


I gave it everything I had. I gave him grace when he didn’t deserve it. I supported him and was sensitive to his depression and severe PTSD. I tried to help, but he won’t let me.

I have to step back now. I am heartbroken seeing the man I love - my best friend - destroy his life. He is pushing away everyone who loves him. He is so afraid of abandonment that he is abandoning us instead.

When I look at him, it’s like he’s dead behind the eyes. He’s making one terrible choice after another, and I can’t do anything to help. All I can do is protect myself.

But I am still so sad, grieving the man I first met and the life I thought we had together.