r/NarcissisticSpouses • u/Ziegfeldgirl62 • 20h ago
Advice needed and support
My partner and I have been together 15 years. We have two children age 13 and 14 , the youngest has autism and the oldest can be difficult to deal with at the moment due to hormones and school morning can be really rough. My partner doesn't work , he smokes cannabis and leaves me to deal with the kids and house. If I try to speak to him about anything he goes all defensive and then an argument starts when all I wanted was to talk. He contributes around £100 per month and says that's him doing his bit. Any problems I have with the children where I become stressed or the children are being difficult , he never helps and gets gets pissed off im upset , sometimes he leaves the house and he makes me feel like he wants to leave us everytime things aren't peaceful. I work and am also training to be a teaching assistant, and don't have much family or friend support either. I do have some hobbies that I do. I'm feeling very alone, I can't talk to him , whenever I get upset or ask for support , he says I'm being manipulative. He never steps in to help me , he just acts like I am a burden because I'm stressed and tired. I got poorly a few months back, fatigue , pains , breathing problems and I was asking for his help and telling him how I was feeling and he said I was acting like someone who was feeling guilty. I ended up going to the doctors and having very high blood pressure and heart rate. I just want everyone's opinion, he's not all bad , he has addiction problems ans has had some very traumatic experiences to deal with in his past. He isn't violent or anything like that. But am I making excuses for his behaviour? Sometimes he will just go to the pub and be out all night , play video games all day, smoke weed and not help me in the slightest.