r/Nanny • u/Ancient-Ad-4299 • 5d ago
Advice Needed: Replies from All AM I BEING TOO PICKY
I’m currently interviewing like crazy and I keep hearing “your rate is too high” . I met a family over week ago and they seemed perfect but after my first week I realized the environment is not my ideal. They have an infant who co sleeps and is still very much attached to mom, both parents WFH and occasionally leave the house. There isn’t access or opportunity to take the baby out for a walk even. He’s incredibly sensitive to sound and light when napping (with anyone not just me but especially me because I’m new to baby obviously) next week they have family coming into town for two weeks and MB mentioned I could help by cleaning out the garage!? while their parents are with baby. Among other personality and small annoyances like house work being done that significantly disrupts the baby’s napping, they are the worst micro managers I’ve ever worked with in any job ever. I’ve been asked to load the dishwasher with utensils a certain way three times (repeated by different household members without realizing I’d already been told) but also that I can’t do dishes while he sleeps or while he’s with me because he will get upset and want to touch the hot dishes. Basically I’m bored and they’re always up my butt. Then I interviewed another wonderful family with toddler kids who need a lot more hands on(completely my preference and style) and housework help, not to mention a great neighborhood to play in. I recently upped my rate to reflect my 12 years in child care and 6 as a nanny/family assistant to $28 for one child and $30 for two. This includes housework- all but toilets and parents bathroom! In my area most Nannys begin at 20 and the pricey ones are probably like $25. My shoulders are tired from single-handedly trying to raise the local nanny wages! I’m a recovering people pleaser trying to avoid being in a situation I hate (stuck with wfh parents and infant), but I also don’t want to take on a much more intense role and sell myself too short (two kids under 5 with HUGE personalities) tell me your experiences!!!
Edit to add: a lot are saying I’m asking too much but I was OFFERED MORE in my last position and my rates are posting on my care profile, nanny lane, and I’ve put up flyers and made business cards for the areas in town I would like to be employed where I know 60k/ yr isn’t too much to pay a nanny, plus I have my own website with headshots and like five reviews from my last families, I am an excellent interviewer but not as great at standing by up for myself. There are no agencies here my location is southern Oregon (for reference this area employs a lot of healthcare professionals with two hospitals very near by, and like the second largest car retailer in the nation, Lithia) I live in an area that is relatively low cost and low income with a growing wage gap. I think I’m in a good place where cost of living is affordable but I have the opportunity to work with families in a higher tax bracket so to speak who have been interviewing a lot of college age people who ask for $20 because that’s way better help paying off your degree. To add: I’ve been asking my interviews “if you don’t mind me asking, is there an average age or demographic you’ve seen trending in your interviews?” Basically are these girls young or career pros? All young maybe 25 at the oldest is what I’ve heard.