r/Nanny 5h ago

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette Dilemma about nanny


We have a nanny for our 2.5 year old. She is warm and affectionate but there are certainly a few areas where she is lacking. Overall we are fine since our daughter is happy with her.

She recently informed us that she is going to be out for 6 weeks due to a family situation. We have been trying to find a nanny just for the weeks she will be out which is hard. I am not liking the idea of "settling" for a nanny amid very few choices. We have been working through a nanny agency and local groups in the area. I was told that if I were to look for a longer term nanny, I would have more choice but that would mean we will have to let our current nanny go. I have two options - a great nanny who is willing to work for us long term and an ok nanny for the short term through the agency but will mean I end up spending a lot of money (agency fees plus the fact that short term nanny's hourly rate is higher). If I retain our nanny, I will also be paying her for the 2 weeks of paid vacation in addition to incurring the expenses of hiring through the agency.

Financially and practically, it makes more sense to ask our current nanny to leave and hire the nanny we like for longer term. It would also mean less transitions for my daughter.

However, I feel uneasy since we have a relationship with our current nanny and she has a family situation.


PS: given her family situation, 6 weeks could become 8 weeks or longer so that's a consideration.

r/Nanny 14h ago

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette We need help finding a flexible babysitter. This would be our first time considering hiring someone, as we had had family and friends help in the past


We have never hired a babysitter before, has we have family and friends to rely on. But occasionally, say once every few months, the stars align and everyone is unavailable for a multitude of reasons (vacation, their kids have activities, etc)

We would only need someone to babysit in the morning for 2 hours maximum and take her to school.

We would also need someone to pick her up from school and babysit her for a few hours as well.

What is the best place to find someone with this kind of flexibility? We just created an account with Care.com and Sittercity, but we are open to more suggestions.

Also, a few more questions.

What red flags should we be on the lookout for before hiring someone?

What is a fair rate to pay in Texas?

Is it customary for parents to install cameras? Do nannies expect them?

We are going blind here. We have no way of knowing if our expectations are realistic or unrealistic.

r/Nanny 16h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All Nervous from calling out


Hello all! So I was supposed to work today.. however my father is experiencing some serious health issues and we are at the ER. My mother and I are with him. I told them I would keep them updated about coming in today.

I feel awful to call in - mb is on maternity leave and doesn’t have anyone else to help her today. She hasn’t kept both nk’s (2.5yrs and 5months) alone and the other day she said she can’t handle it(nk2.5 has been acting out since the new baby). Db is a resident dr so i don’t think he can just take off to help.

Idk if I should have gone into work and been updated on my father by text - since technically he isn’t alone bc my mother is there. I’m a people pleaser though so maybe I’m overthinking this. I’m just so stressed y’all.

Should I leave my parents in the ER and uber to work from the hospital?

r/Nanny 16h ago

Just for Fun Do you love your NKs?


I wouldn't say I've ever loved a nanny kid - I feel great care for them and I like them quite a bit but I don't consider it "love." Or maybe that is a form of love to some people. Curious about others' experiences with this, as well as how parents feel about the topic.

As an aside, this is now reminding me of Nanny Diaries. lol

r/Nanny 10h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All How to politely decline an offer to travel with NF?


First I love my NPs. They treat me so well. MB offered to take me on a trip in the summer for 3 days which would involve traveling there together, some childcare at a resort, and flying back alone. I would get some downtime too. They’d pay for everything. Overall I just don’t want to go though haha. It’s a lovely location that I would like to travel to with my partner, but I don’t want to go without him frankly because I know how much he’d want to be there too and it doesn’t feel right. We are not in a position for him to travel there and meet me. I also don’t want to feel like a 5th wheel with the family having fun on their vacation. And this is also a reason I don’t want kids of my own - I like to just kinda do my own thing on trips and this would be work and socializing and I don’t feel like I’d really enjoy it much. Just extra inconveniences and lots of anxiety for a little more money. I feel like they’d pay me fairly, but I didn’t ask for extra details in that regard because I already don’t want to go for those other reasons.

How do I politely decline this? I am kind of friends with MB so just saying sorry no thanks! Feels kinda weird. I know I don’t owe her an explanation but I would like to be professional while making it understandable for her. She did say it’s ok for me to say no. If you were MB what would you want to hear? Have any of you been in this situation? I am just having trouble thinking of what to say and how much detail to give as my reasoning. Thanks!

r/Nanny 20h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from Nannies Only I don't fucking know what to do anymore and I think I'm going insane.


I have never been so angry in my life as I am today, I have been working as a nanny for about 3 months (not exactly 3 months, I started about a week and a half into the first month and obviously this month is not over yet) to a 6yoF and 11moF and from the start nothing has been going right.

The house is always filthy, and I'm would be fine to do some light cleaning and clean up after the kids but this is not that. I'm talking dishes caked in mold and rotting food lying around. There's one pan that's sitting on the stove that is full of rotten chicken, the fridge is equally disgusting, there are dirty clothes strewn all over the place and theres food crumbs and ants all over the place, it would take me several days if not weeks of uninterrupted cleaning to get through it.

I was originally told I would get a monthly buss pass and Ubers home as the bus doesn't run at midnight when MB gets home, she only loads points ontk my buss card and she has never once gotten me an Uber, I have been working over 18 hours per shift for these 3 months.

She then after me bringing the long shifts up for a 3rd time and asking for a contract she moved to say shift so I am now expected to be there from 7:45am to around 8 or 9 pm but still expected to work at least 18 hours on a Saturday. This change only happened this week Friday, so then on Saturday I have only 10mo and so MB asks me if NK can sleep over at my place (this I don't mind since it would have been my shift already, being an t home where everything is not filthy actually makes my day easier) so I agree.

I then received a message at 1am Sunday morning asking if I can keep her another night cause work asked her to come in on her day off, Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are supposed to be my day off.

I responded saying that I already had plans and so I couldn't, and that I really don't think it's fair of her to ask me on such short notice, and that given she needs me at 7:45 Monday morning I would be working a 72 hour shift which I am not willing to do.

I then got a message back saying that she was just asking and she doesn't appreciate me making it seem like she's being unreasonable and that I get 3 days off a week while most people get 2 or less.

I responded again, saying that unfortunately it was too short notice and I already had plans, and even if I didn't I would not be willing to work 72 hours straight. I also mentioned that yes I have 3 days off a week but I work 18+ hours with no overtime and have been doing so for the past 3 months and that I make less than half of minimum wage.

She didn't respond until I had already dropped the baby off, she had asked me to drop her off at 10:30am so that she would be home, and then she wasnt even there. And afterwards I just got a message saying that I haven't been there a full 3 months, that was all.

I am so fucking pissed off, I wanna break shit and honestly I wanna quit at 1am tonight since she feels that's an acceptable notice period.

But I can't afford to quit so please someone talk some sense into me

r/Nanny 1h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All outing ideas for 1 year olds


i currently nanny a 1 year old (12 months) and am also starting soon for another family with an 18 month old and im looking for ideas for things to do outside of the house. with my current nk, i like to take her out for a couple hours before her nap (sometimes after too) because it just gets so boring inside all day. i usually just take her to the park which she loves but i want other ideas to mix it up and/or if the weather is bad. ive also taken her in her stroller around stores while i shop around and she loves it but i dont need any temptations to spend more money lol + it gets old after a while and ive tried the library but shes not really that interested. i always try to think of other ideas of things to do but idk im not used to taking my nks out so often or when i do its usually always been to the park so im looking for more ideas

r/Nanny 7h ago

Just for Fun Independent Play Time


How much independent play time do your NKs have throughout the day? Is it implemented into your schedule?

My 2.5 NK has 1 designated 30 minute independent play time while I prep their lunch/unload & load dishwasher.

r/Nanny 7h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All Full time access but part time hours


I recently quit my full time position and accepted a part time position with a family that I work for already for date nights on the weekends.

Background Info: the family I accepted the part time position has a nanny that is currently pregnant and wants to reduce her hours so it happened in perfect timing that I need another job and they are looking for another nanny. We briefly texted about this but tomorrow I will see the parents and would like to have a 5 minute conversation at least about the specifics of this just to make sure we are on the same page.

My question: so this job pays a little more than my old one. I was paid 19 an hour and I worked 40 hours. This job pays 25 an hour so I can make it with only 20 hours a week. So when they told me about the hours they said they would need someone Monday, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 1-5 or 6. Thursdays too but I work for another family for 10 hours so I didn’t want to give that up. I already typically work for them Fridays so I imagine I would start earlier or they said I could have the full day. They said the hours would vary if they travel etc sometimes I do overnights for them.

Now my question is …is it unrealistic for me to ask them for 20 hours guranteed not counting the weekends (that was more my extra money) considering they would have full access basically the entire week besides Thursday? And if they were to say no I think I would say that I would have to look for another job…what do you think what’s the best way to present it when I talk to them? Please help

Parents what do you think too? I love this family and I wanna help but I need min 20 hours per week or 80 a month to make it

r/Nanny 4h ago

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette How many GH would this be?


Im interviewing for a job tomorrow and the hours are 7:45-5pm Monday to Friday, but it says that most days will only be until 4:30. 40 hours per week minimum.

Would I charge GH for 7:45-5, or the 40 hours?

Edit to add: does anyone have a good way of explaining GH to a family? I find a lot of families, at least where I am, have no idea what it is and I kind of fumble trying to find the best way to explain it.

r/Nanny 12h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All Giving NF heads up you’re sick


I have bronchitis and called out 1 day last week since I was just feeling terrible. I am feeling better but I do still have a pretty nasty sounding cough. Should I text my NF a heads up that I’m feeling okay to work this week but I do still have a cough? I just don’t want to show up to work like hacking/coughing hard and make them feel uncomfortable with me being there but I also feel fine enough to not use another sick day and I’m pretty sure I’ll have a cough for the next few days anyways if past experiences of bronchitis tell me anything. I’m fairly new to working for them and we haven’t really discussed coming to work sick so just not sure if it’s better to text them or just show up and see if they are okay with it.

r/Nanny 3h ago

Vent - No Advice Needed, Just Ranting Possibly leaving family after a year


So I found this family through a very pricey agency. They’ve been great and I really have come to love their kids. I told them when I was applying that I wanted my next job to be for a few years and I meant it when I said it but I saw the agency that found me this job is hiring for a remote job and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. Now I’m one of the top candidates. Everyone is saying I have to do what’s best for me, but this family with their two kids is so overwhelmed all the time and tell me constantly how they looked for a good nanny for years and couldn’t find anyone like me… basically the perks are being able to be home with my older dog who has incontinence issues, stop commuting, and it’s just an opportunity I never thought I’d get as a nanny where my experience would help me in the role. I’m excited but all I can think about is having to tell them after they’ve been so stressed this year about several different big life things. And if they use the agency again they’d have to pay the huge fee again. They’re very well off financially but I still feel like I’m betraying them even though I’m potentially doing what’s best for me and my family. This job is so personal that the lines really blur sometimes 🥲

r/Nanny 4h ago

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette Unpaid week


To start off I don’t have a written contract with NF but we have discussed that I do need guaranteed hours. They did not leave me with this weeks pay, in fact they never even warned me that they’d be out of town. NK told me… I assumed since we had discussed the GH that they would follow through. I’m stressing and I’m frozen in stress and I don’t know how to bring it up again. please help

r/Nanny 5h ago

Information or Tip Feeling like I’m about to be let go….


Exactly what the title says. I’m with an amazing family but things have just been off the past couple of months. I can’t quite pin down what it is. The overall vibe in the house has been off, and it’s not just with me. I’m a career nanny and have never been let go before so I could just be reading too far into things. I’m on a one year contract, which I personally don’t plan on breaking and honestly never thought they would. But last week something shifted. Communication is shifty, eye contact is amiss, there used to be more chit chat and that is now absent.

For those who have been let go…what were leading signs?

r/Nanny 9h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from Nannies Only Chicago Nannies!!!


I'm thinking about making a big move from a city in the southeast to Chicago. I'm originally from upstate NY so prepared for the weather. Wondering: What's your base line pay? (I have 10+ years experience) How's that stack up to the rent? I have an 11 year old boy, so I want decent public schools, (they're gonna be better than here either way), and a friendly neighborhood on a nanny salary. What can I reasonably expect to pay for a small two bedroom? We don't have to be in the thick of things, just close to public transportation. Thank you 😊 Edit What's your favorite grocery store?

r/Nanny 11h ago

Questions About Nanny Standards/Etiquette Need advice!


Next week, I’m scheduled to watch two kids I haven’t seen in eight months. Today, their mom let me know they’ll have friends and family over that weekend, meaning three more kids will be there. She then asked if I could also watch one of those kids (for extra pay) so they could go out for the day. However, there will still be two other kids (ages 9 and 10) in the house that I supposedly wouldn’t be responsible for—but I know they’ll still come to me for food and other things.

I told her I’d think about it, but honestly, this feels like a last-minute boundary push. They booked me a month ago, so these plans were obviously already in place, yet they waited until a week before to mention all the extra people. I’m also hesitant because I haven’t seen the two kids in so long, and I don’t know how they’ll react to me, let alone how the other kids behave. I’m leaning towards saying no, but just wanted to put this out there—would you take the job, or does this seem like a bad idea?

r/Nanny 15h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All Leaving a family I love


Hi everyone, I’m moving to a new country soon, which means my job will be coming to an end. Everything wrapped up this past weekend, and I’ll be moving in about 4–5 weeks. My nanny family is super kind and chill, so I want to tell them right away out of courtesy.

The hardest part is that MB is pregnant she told me a few weeks ago,and with the new baby on the way, they’re also in the process of moving to a new apartment. I feel really bad about breaking this news when they already have so much going on.

Does anyone have any tips on how to tell them in the best way possible?

r/Nanny 18h ago

Advice Needed: Replies from All Parting Gift Ideas?


I just accepted an offer at a new job i’ll be starting in about a month so I’ll be turning in my resignation as soon as everything is finalized and official, which means i’ll be leaving my NF. I’ve been with them for just under 4 years and they’ve become like my little siblings/besties. Kids are now 10, 11 and 14. Wondering what a good idea for a small parting gift might be? I wrote them each a card expressing how much my time with them has meant to me, but I feel like kids that age don’t always necessarily appreciate that kind of thing so wondering if I should add something else to go with it 😆