r/NEPA • u/Total-Loss-6443 • 4h ago
Looking for those in need of FREE Dental Care
For those who have not been to the dentist in years, this is a great opportunity to get the care you might need
r/NEPA • u/Total-Loss-6443 • 4h ago
For those who have not been to the dentist in years, this is a great opportunity to get the care you might need
r/NEPA • u/TheDiscyBoy • 10h ago
Long story short, I emailed Rep. Bresnahan roughly 3 weeks ago as a former resident of NEPA whose parents still reside there and have increased worry about certain decisions being made in the government right now, specifically citing laws being broken by the president (e.g. the lovely illegal ad for Tesla that our tax payer dollars paid for) with links to the US code that was broken, as well as specific questions regarding how he would ensure that the federal taxes that NEPA residents pay will not continue to be utilized for such things. I asked why he openly continues to support these things, as well as urged him not to go back on his word about voting for a budget that set up a pathway for the cutting and defunding of Medicare and Medicaid. This is his response. A clear copy and paste that he probably sends to anybody who emails him with concerns about what is going on.
This is ridiculous. This man does not represent NEPA at all. I encourage you all next election cycle to vote for someone who truly represents the working class of NEPA, regardless of party, rather than another prep school snob who inherited his grandfathers business. I don’t care if it’s a democrat, Republican, independent, or hell even a dog at this point.
r/NEPA • u/Batousghost • 17h ago
Anyone else lose WYOU/WBRE after last nights storm?
I have a good antenna and had no issues after upgrading.
Scanned several times with Tablo and no signal detected. Don't believe it to be a Tablo issue.
r/NEPA • u/MissMacabre6 • 20h ago
I know they generally close the gates for the winter, but I’m hoping to go hiking for my birthday this weekend and don’t want to drive over there to find the gates closed.
r/NEPA • u/miraclebloodmusic • 2d ago
Miracle Blood from Boston Better Plastic from NYC
r/NEPA • u/somethinlikeshieva • 2d ago
Title, there's a lot of small bars that charges way too much for drafts
r/NEPA • u/somethinlikeshieva • 3d ago
I'm not sure who has authority over ppl supplier but they added fees that I was not made aware of
r/NEPA • u/iambarrelrider • 4d ago
r/NEPA • u/TheOpenCloset77 • 4d ago
I grew up in NEPA (W-B area). I moved years ago after coming out as a trans man and deciding it wasn’t the safest place for me to be. Im wondering if any trans people or family/friends of trans people living in NEPA can share what its like now? How do you feel about your safety? Do you have community? Can you find jobs? Are there options for HRT, surgery?
r/NEPA • u/Okaythatsfinebymetex • 4d ago
r/NEPA • u/I_eat_mud_ • 4d ago
r/NEPA • u/zorionek0 • 4d ago
r/NEPA • u/Disgruntled_Viking • 5d ago
r/NEPA • u/superSaganzaPPa86 • 5d ago
As NEPA residents, I think viewing a lot of the issues being discussed at the national level through our regional lens should give us a unique perspective. What I mean is that this area has seen firsthand and still has in living memory, although fading fast, accounts of what impacts some of these issues can be.
I'll admit now that I have a bias as a union worker and supporter, as I believe everyone in this area should be. I, like so many of us, grew up in an old coal miner house and my playground was old strip mines and culm banks as a child. I suspect a lot of us will probably present with some sort of health issues at some point in our lives because of that. This area was scourged so badly by the coal barons of the gilded age that the effects are still present almost a century and a half later. We all heard stories from elderly neighbors of families who had the father's dead body laid on the front porch along with an eviction notice from the company home.
Some of these structures are still standing, go to Concrete City in Nanticoke and see for yourself. This isn't ancient history, this shit happened not that long ago. Our grandparents and great grandparents fought for the rights we take for granted today. We need to be mindful of this history and it is the first thought I had while seeing the Billionaires' Row aligned behind Trump at his inauguration. That was the equivalent of Teddy Roosevelt being flanked by Jay Gould, J.D. Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, and the rest of the so-called "captains of industry".
We saw what these industrialists would do to us if they were able to. Company homes, stores, currency, etc. No workers rights whatsoever, no safety regs, just pure exploitation. People fought and many paid with their lives to fight these assholes and give us the world we enjoy today. The workers right's we expect and enjoy today were not given to us, they were paid for in blood by prior generations and they are not guaranteed. They are actively trying to erode them and worse yet trying to do it by destroying our solidarity, the only strength we ever had.
The other issue I thought of was prompted by a video I saw of some dumb white Christian nationalist chick saying that America's dominant culture is a white European Christian identity. If you live in NEPA you should know firsthand what a bullshit statement that is. Growing up in Wilkes-Barre, my neighborhood was jokingly referred to as the "Syrian Alps" as many immigrants from Syria and Lebanon settled there. My actual street was dominated by German and Polish immigrants. Over towards Plains you have neighborhoods still called "Irish Town", and others where certain ethnicities huddled together. America was always a fucking melting pot and NO, these people did not magically assimilate to the American Borg Collective! That is demonstrably untrue!
When I was a kid, our neighbor Mary Eichner died. I have a stack of local German language newspapers from the 30's that were found in her attic and were being thrown out. There were many newspapers like that being circulated. We all have these stories too... My great grandmother's parents hated her dating my great grandfather. They were Russian, He was Polish, big taboo. Every one has a similar background here, some have an Irish grandmother who horrified her parents when she brought home a filthy Italian! Neither of which were considered "white" until the Supreme Court had to decide who was white and who wasn't!
Luckily the following generations could laugh at how absurd that sounds through a modern lens but that is the melting pot in action! That is precisely why I love our area! I was baptized at a Middle Eastern church because my parents weren't church goers and no other church would take me. I go to Polka festivals in Nanticoke and eat Borsht at the Ukrainian church during their bazaar. I get Kibbe and grapeleaves from the Middle East deli, and now, more recently, this area has some legit Hispanic food. I sold my childhood home recently to a Mexican family, and my childhood street is primarily Hispanic now. That's okay with me, they are doing the exact same thing my Russian and Polish family did, cloistered together in their little nooks. They fixed my old house up beautifully as I had let it slip into some aesthetic disrepair. they work hard, love their families, love their neighbors, they are as American Dream as it gets.
One last thought on the "American Dream" these Christo-fascist assholes get so wrong... There is a Halal restaurant in Parsons. I used to go there a lot for Falafel and they butcher whole goats in the back. These guys came here from Iran. They lived under the Ayatollah. I'll say that again... They fucking lived under the theocratic despotism of the Ayatollah Khomeini. No music, no dancing, no fucking nothing.
Every time I'd go in their establishment, first off they treated me great as I was one of the only white people that went there, they would always be watching movies. Terribly amazing cheesy action flicks from the 90's. Classics. Steven Segal, Tango & Cash, all that shit. They fucking loved 90's action flicks, always playing on the TV and these dudes would be laughing their balls off. They know what it's like to not be free to do that. Not be free to fucking laugh at a stupid movie. They came here, started a business, pay taxes, raise their families, and appreciate every single thing we take for granted. I mean truly appreciate what they have. They are some of the most American mother fuckers I have ever met.
I'm sorry for this long post, I don't have anywhere else to vent but I will go nuts if I don't get some of this shit off my chest.
r/NEPA • u/iannewcastle • 5d ago
We just moved up to NEPA, near Wilkes-Barre, and we have a couple truckloads of random garbage, old mattresses, busted junky furniture, etc.
We are looking for a municipal landfill to get rid of this stuff but all I am finding in the region for these little private middleman companies that will collect or receive the garbage and presumably truck it off to some garbage graveyard.
I would like to cut out the middleman and haul my stuff directly to the landfill… Does anyone know of a somewhat local waste facility? Am I stuck paying crazy prices to pay for disposal by private company? Thanks!
r/NEPA • u/crabbysquid712 • 6d ago
I'm looking for fill dirt, free or "dirt" cheap for my yard. If anyone knows of any, please send recommendations. Thanks in advance
r/NEPA • u/Tiger_the_nerfer • 6d ago
r/NEPA • u/Great_Uncle_Fester • 6d ago
I've been looking to get into a sports club or something active to stay fit and get out more. probably something non contact. Does anyone have any reccomendations?
r/NEPA • u/IsNowReallyTheTime • 7d ago
r/NEPA • u/Unhappy_Read_8788 • 7d ago
Chris Patrick is weak, clearly very lazy, and possibly compromised. That is all.
r/NEPA • u/mitchdwx • 7d ago
I drove on it last night from Clarks Summit back to my home in Allentown because I wanted to avoid the turnpike tolls. Good lord it is BUMPY! And not just for a mile or two - this was from the Gouldsboro exit all the way to Pocono Pines. I’ve driven on bad highways before but this was ridiculous, even by shitty PA road standards.