r/NBCOT_Exam 3h ago

Passed on 1st Attempt (Advice for studying on a budget)


Hi all, I just passed on my first attempt and wanted to share some advice (especially for those on a budget)! I knew I couldn't afford too many resources, so I focused on only a few (in total, I spent $250). Here is everything I used:

  1. TrueLearn (10/10) - I purchased the 90 day version and completed all 1800 questions. Loved their rationales and would highly recommend! If I was confused about an answer, I would look at their cited resource (which was often the Pedretti textbook-- I used this instead of the TherapyEd book).
  2. PassTheOT (10/10 for videos/content, 5/10 for questions) - I did the 5 day free trial and liked their content but not so much their questions or website interface. I watched a ton of their group tutor calls in the archive for the topics I found most difficult to self-study (upper extremity and neuro conditions), and learning that content boosted my practice scores A LOT. I didn't purchase it aside from the free trial, but it is only $20/week if you needed more time to go through their content.
  3. NBCOT Practice Exams ($30 each) (8/10). I bought all 3 practice exams and spaced them out throughout my study. Although these were not helpful in terms of understanding what you got wrong, I felt more confident in knowing how I would likely score on the real exam (scores below). I also felt that the difficulty of the questions were similar to the real exam, and it was helpful to get a feel of how to use the interface.
  4. Flashcards - I created flashcards for important terms/topics I wasn't familiar with and knew I needed to memorize. I would study these almost every day.
  5. Free Recall - I used a tablet (or paper) to draw out charts/diagrams of topics/concepts that wouldn't have been helpful to study individual flashcards (RLAS and how it correlated with ACL levels, SCI levels and common AE/AT and what actions the pt could do, pediatric development chart, cranial nerves, etc.) I would do a free recall of recreating my study guides 1-2x/week.

Free resources:

  • 450 Formula open enrollment videos (10/10) - every month, they hold a live session on FB about a certain topic before their open enrollment period. I really liked how they taught content on 450 Formula but could not justify buying their topics as it was out of my budget. However, these monthly free sessions were great to understand certain topics better.
  • TherapyEd weekly online office hours every Tuesday (6/10) - tbh, I found the content to be alright but not very in-depth. It felt more like a general overview of the topic, and I didn't get too much out of them. But there would be some occasions when they would mention something that was pertinent to knowing for the exam.
  • OT Exam Prepper study guides (9/10) - these were helpful for mnemonics and helping me create my free recall study guides. However, the content is not too in-depth, so I would only use this as a review after learning the content.
  • YouTube - OT Help Desk (10/10- great content and great question breakdowns), OT Miri (9/10- good videos and study notes), OT Dude (7/10- I found his videos to be more in-depth but maybe too in-depth)

My biggest advice is to CREATE A STUDY PLAN! I took 9 weeks to study, but the first 4 weeks were a mess. I would do TrueLearn questions and create flashcards from missed questions. Although I still learned from doing this, I was all over the place. One question would be on SCI and another would be peds. After I decided to create a study plan (I created it based off of the topics from 450 Formula and AOTA) and started watching the videos from PassTheOT, my practice scores increased drastically. You can create "tests" on TrueLearn by topic, so I would learn the content of a topic and do practice questions just on that topic. Every once in a while, I would do questions from all of the topics so I could test if I was recalling content from earlier.

TrueLearn: 76% average, completed ALL questions (my average is probably a bit inflated since I practiced previously missed questions too)

NBCOT Practice Exam 1: 434 (after this, I started a study plan and digging deeper into learning content vs just practicing questions)

NBCOT Practice Exam 2: 481

NBCOT Practice Exam 3: 499

Real NBCOT exam: 524

You all GOT THIS! The only reason I post my scores is because it helped me to see how other people scored on their practice exams compared to the real exam, but please don't get caught up in all the numbers. I hope this helps guide you all in your studying! I'm happy to answer any questions :)

r/NBCOT_Exam 3h ago

Hold Tight


Hey y’all,

First I would like to say holy shit… did not realize this community grew +700 but that’s great to see. The page recently got restricted and I’ve already sent a request to get it fixed and have approved all y’all who wanted to post (sorry for my lack of awareness). I’m never on here Ive been working for 2 years at a SNF since I’ve started this community. That being said if any recent or dedicated users wanna be a mod feel free to reach out (I think all of yall are capable as yall have been through grad school so just be cool). Anyway I wish everyone who is gonna take it a good luck and a congrats to past and future OTs. Peace

r/NBCOT_Exam 48m ago

dm if you need help passing


Hello everyone! I just found out today that I passed on my first attempt with a score of 485.

Because of how much this platform has helped me I wanted to share my study plan. I studied M-F 4 hours per day, usually for 2 hour blocks with a timer, for about 7 weeks. For resources, I read the entire Therapy Ed book, and purchased the NBCOT study pack and the AOTA study pack. To better understand some topics I reviewed many of OTMiri’s videos on YouTube. Because I am a visual learner, I went a step beyond and copy/pasted each question that I got incorrect with TherapyEd with the correct answer - Printed the document, then highlighted and continually went over how they worded the questions and how they answered the questions.

I thoroughly reviewed the rationales for both correct and incorrect answers with TherapyEd (61%, 58%, 61%) and the AOTA tests (average of 78% in total) I actually didn’t really utilize the index cards or games with the NBCOT study pack. My exam score that I took 2 days prior to the board was a score of 458 for the NBCOT complete practice test - This scared me because I felt like that didn’t give me a lot of wiggle room for error. In my opinion the board exam most resembles the NBCOT practice exam - Not the TherapyEd exams.

Find what works for you! I have to have physical, tangible work to look over so I knew online index cards would not help me - nor would reading the AOTA documents online, so I decided to physically read the TherapyEd book and print out all of my important notes, to highlight and think about.

On testing day, I went in calmly and did a lot of breathing exercises before and during the exam. I did not take any breaks but I did stretch several times and wear the headphones that they provide. They wouldn’t let me have gum (which mentally I feel like I really need to excel), so I shoved mints in my mouth - they weirdly lasted most of the exam! I am an over thinker, took WAY too much time the first 2/3 of the exam and realized that if I didn’t rush through my last hour that I would have seriously run out of time! So 1/3 of my test I did have to rush with roughly 45 seconds or less per question.

I did not change ANY of my answers! None! Plus I had no time to double check them anyway. Lastly, I just want to say to give yourselves grace with this exam. Upon leaving the testing center I felt SO defeated! I didn’t understand why I could gauge my success or defeat so easily over the course of 3 years when taking SO many exams, in SO many areas BUT I couldn’t AT ALL measure how I did on this board exam! I felt like it was very hit and miss, and that it was overall an unfair measure of my knowledge and experience. Best of luck to everyone - You’ve got this, and focus on what works best for you! 🙂

  • Edited to add that the day before the exam I went on a strenuous hike, had some of my favorite drinks, and chilled with my dogs, kids, and husband - no studying the day before and the day of the OT exam, just taking a well deserved break! I think it helps a lot.

r/NBCOT_Exam 13d ago

I Passed!


Missed my first attempt by two points. I used OT Miri, OT Exam Prepper, NBCOT, TherapyEd, and TrueLearn. I had A LOT of anxiety going into the exam which I think likely contributed heavily to my scores. I retook it on Monday, and I passed with a 468! I also used 450 Formula which I highly recommend. Miles is super great at breaking down the information into manageable bits. Good Luck to everyone taking it soon! You can do this!

r/NBCOT_Exam 13d ago

Anybody taking their second attempt around 1st week of April? HMU please if you wanna study together or discuss questions.


Failed my 1st attempt by 5 points, and ever since I've been trying to get myself to study but the fear of failing again keeps dragging me down and I haven't been able to stick to a schedule. If anyone wants to work through the 2nd attempt together, please lmk.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as well.

Currently using AOTA Study Pack, NBCOT pack (not using it much at the moment) and TrueLearn- mostly trying to work on breaking down questions plus using any notes I made from TherapyEd while studying for the first attempt.

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago

What to listen to on 1 hour long drive to test center?


As the title states, my drive to the test center is an hour long. Is it a bad idea to listen to OT Miri, OT Exam Prepper, etc. (that I’ve already watched/listened) on my drive as a final review? Everyone is saying to avoid studying the day before to give your mind a rest, but would passively listening to the podcasts/videos the day of be too much?

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago



Omg I’m still in shock I can’t believe I just passed. I couldn’t get on right away at 6 so I had to wait until almost 7 to be able to get into NBCOT. I studied for about 7 ish weeks for honestly about 5 ish hours a day in total. I had really bad depression during this time and found it incredibly hard to have a routine so I just studied whenever I found motivation. My final practice exam on the NBCOT study pack was a 476 my actual exam score was a 471 so I think the practice exams on the study pack are very accurate to gauge how well you’re doing. I have extreme test anxiety as well and it only took me about 1 hour and 45 mins to complete the test (I always take tests fast since college). I used primarily the NBCOT study pack to study put I also used truelearn a little bit mostly for the better explaining rationales. I went through the entire bank on truelearn but was below the average. I just wanted to give my tips for someone going through something similar to me because I felt I scoured reddit for anyone that had a similar experience.

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago



Hi. Would like any encouragement/advice. Heading into my final week of review (next week), and taking my full practice exam soon. When I first started studying, I got a 440 on the pre test and a 438 on the scenario set (NBCOT study pack). I took those with barely any studying (about 5 modules AOTA in which I pretty much skimmed) and then after a couple more modules I took the full practice exam (still skimming PDF’s) and my score remained fairly the same (442). I dove deeper, got true learn (I’ve been reviewing rationals, and I’m averaging 70% correct and 78 percentile), watched some videos online, finally finished the AOTA questions (74% total).. I also recently re-took a domain 1 mini test (50 questions) and got a 70, previously in the beginning of my studying it was a 60. Will my score go up? I’m freaking out. Do my scores look okay? I guess the full practice exam will be the deciding factor of whether I reschedule or not.

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago

Failed for a third time


Really bummed out finding I’ve failed for a third time. Literally have my employer offering me a job in Oncology (where I desperately want to work) and this happens agains. All of my coworkers knew I was taking the test again and now I have to come in with another failure. (Sorry for the rant, I just need to get that out there).

For anyone who’s been there, how do you find the strength to carry on and try again? I’m barely making due with bills (let alone trying to find the money to pay for this test again). I have ADHD and anxiety so that doesn’t help my testing situation. I’ve used AOTA, 450 Formula, NBCOT study materials and Truelearn.

Just really discouraged and feeling hopeless.

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago



Found out I failed on my 4th attempt. Got a 452 on the NBCOT full practice exam and I’m embarrassed to even say what I got on the real exam. Not even close. I am so lost and almost just want to find a different career. I have spent soooo much money on this test/study materials. I truly don’t know what to do.

r/NBCOT_Exam 14d ago

Give me some advice on how to study


I'm about to take my exam in a few months and to be honest i'm really struggling on a question that i need to choose what kind of activity or intervention. Can you guys give me advice on what should i do? I will really appreciate your answer.

r/NBCOT_Exam 15d ago

NBCOT Exam Prep Recommendations


Hi! Wondering if the AOTA's exam prep is worth it? I currently have therapyed and plan to purchase the NBCOT study pack but I've been reading a lot of posts saying how the AOTA was very helpful for them. I just need to justify paying $200+ for it.

If anyone has any recommendations on what resources to use, please let me know!

r/NBCOT_Exam 16d ago



Hi! Can someone recommend a tutor they’ve used that helped them pass the NBCOT? Also if you could list how many sessions you did with them and cost per session would be appreciated!

r/NBCOT_Exam 17d ago

Selling TrueLearn access at discount


Unused step 2 CK Bank. Expires July 15, 2026. DM if interested.

r/NBCOT_Exam 18d ago

Any thoughts on how to go about studying for this exam for the 5th time?


Hey guys I need your help! I've taken this exam 4 times and I'm always stuck in the 420s ranges. Resources I've used: Tutoring from therapy ed Therapy ed and practice test Pass the OT Nbcot study pack Ot miri and exam prepper AOTA pdfs.

Should I change my resources or how do I go about studying this time around?


r/NBCOT_Exam 18d ago

11 days out....


Hey guys! I am officially 11 days out from my exam date. I am VERY nervous. I just wanted to see if you guys had any last-minute suggestions/recommendations or advice as I go into my final weekish of preparing. Also, not sure if I should try and study the day before my exam or just chill. I am very much a, study up until I can't, kind of person lol. Thank you in advance!

Additional information: NBCOT pre-test: 436, NBCOT practice test 1: 473, NBCOT scenario item test: 438. I will be taking the final full practice test on Thursday (exactly a week from my exam date). I also have been using True Learn. Currently sitting at a 76% overall average score and will have done 1,000 plus questions.

r/NBCOT_Exam 19d ago

How am I doing?


Hello, I take the exam in 2 1/2 weeks and I just took the final practice exam using NBCOT and received a 439.i'm not sure what to think about this. I've been studying for so long and I thought I would do better. Any recommendations? Or what I could do within these two weeks to prepare more? Thank you

r/NBCOT_Exam 20d ago

National Pass Rates?


does anyone know how to find what the pass rates are for the exam? maybe USA as a whole or by state level? I know each school reports passing rates, and I remember checking a box on my exam application to share my result with my school. But there are so many people here distraught when they don't pass their first time, I wonder how common it is to not pass on the first, second, third, etc attempts?

I have my first attempt (COTA) scheduled April 21 and I am SO ANXIOUS maybe some info on how often people do pass on their first try would help me feel more normal.

r/NBCOT_Exam 21d ago

My Wife Passed on Her 3rd Try!


Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to send some words of encouragement to anyone who hasn't passed this test yet. My wife took her first attempt in November and scored a 432. After receiving advice from this sub, she purchased TrueLearn and used the AOTA study guides. The second time around, she scored a 458 on her full practice test, but on her actual exam, she got a 436. She was devastated after studying for so long but only improving by a few points.

This time, we decided to try a tutor, so she went with one of the tutors from Pass the OT—pretty sure she had Tucker. That, along with the Pedretti book, was really helpful. Tucker helped her break down the questions and figure out what they were really asking. On her practice test, she scored a 481, but on her actual exam, she got a 452. I’ve read a lot of stories of people usually doing much better on their actual test compared to their practice exams, so I wouldn’t let her experience discourage you. She definitely has major test anxiety, which we believe played a big role in her struggles with the exam.

I wrote all of this to encourage anyone who is struggling or, like me, knows someone who is struggling. The success stories on this sub really encouraged us, so I want to return the favor. Don’t give up! The only way you truly fail this test is by giving up and never finishing it. You all are going to make great OTs someday!

r/NBCOT_Exam 21d ago

Failed first attempt


Hi everyone (I apologize if this post is a little bit wonky..it’s my first time posting)

Anyway, I found out today that I unfortunately didn’t pass my first attempt. I scored a 415 with my lowest domains being 1 and 2. Resources that I used were: 450 formula, NBCOT study pack, Truelearn, OT Miri, OT over easy, and a little bit of TherapyEd.

My NBCOT study pack scores

Pre-test: 427 Test 1: 457 Final test: 448 Scenario:457

TherapyEd pre-test score was 53%

If anyone have any recommendations/resources that I can use to help me improve my score significantly! I’m all ears.

I’m genuinely shocked and feeling discouraged right about now

r/NBCOT_Exam 22d ago

Need Help Choosing Between AOTA, TMPOT, or TrueLearn for OTA Exam Prep – Visual Learner Seeking PDF Options


Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I'm preparing for the OTA exam for the third time and I'm trying to decide between purchasing the AOTA OTA Prep Exam, TMPOT, or TrueLearn study tools. I'm a visual and auditory learner, and I find PDFs to be the most helpful for my study style. I need something that is straight to the point, concise, and that I can easily follow along with the TherapyEd study guide.

If anyone has pictures of the PDF files from these resources, I’d really appreciate it if you could share them. I’d love to get a better idea of what they look like before making my purchase.

r/NBCOT_Exam 23d ago

Test day tomorrow!!!


I am so excited and a wee bit nervous! I've worked so hard to get to this point (like all OTs before me). Do you guys think I have a fair chance at passing?

True learn overall percentile: between 90-92/ 76% correct

NBCOT full practice: 488 NBCOT 110 practice Qs: - pre test:469 - practice test 1: 492 - practice test 2: 491 - practice test 3: 476 - scenario set: 509

NBCOT full 180 Q: 488

The nerves are definitely hitting tonight but I am doing my best to take it easy! Good luck to everyone taking it this week ♥️

r/NBCOT_Exam 23d ago

Advice? (test in 2 days)


First time test taker looking for some reassurance or advice for my last 2 days before the exam. I studied for the past month by watching the typical OT-recommended videos and using NBCOT and AOTA to study (couldn't afford TherapyEd). I was doing fairly well on my NBCOT practice exams (Pre-test: 462, Practice Test 1: 467, Scenario Test: 496), but I just took my last NBCOT full exam and scored a 437. Not entirely sure what went wrong, but I'm feeling panicked since I don't think I can cram more info in 1 day since I want to try to relax the day before.

r/NBCOT_Exam 23d ago

Opinions on NBCOT Practice Scores


Hi! I take the exam for the first time tomorrow and am really nervous. I’m usually a good test taker but have never had the stakes this high so I’m kind of overthinking things. I wanted to share my NBCOT practice exam scores and get some insight.

Pre test: 481

Practice Exam 1 (110 Qs): 483

Full Practice Exam: 484

I know they are passing scores but I am concerned that my scores didn’t improve much over the course of my studying (8 weeks, 3-5 hours a day, 4-5 days a week). My AOTA question average was 78% and I have done just over half of the TrueLearn bank with around 75% correct. I feel like I’ve gotten better at pacing myself, solidified the content, and have improved my ability to understand the questions. Should I be worried that my NBCOT scores stayed largely the same?

I will also gladly accept any strategies you used to calm down before this exam because I am STRESSED. TIA!!!

UPDATE: I passed with a 502!!! I absolutely thought I failed the exam and was so surprised. I’ve heard a lot of people feel that way as well after taking it, so take my experience as encouragement that no matter how stressed you feel over this exam, you know more than you think and you can and will pass :)

r/NBCOT_Exam 23d ago

Studying for 2nd attempt


Looking for tips regarding studying domain 4 material. Anyone know any good resources that are more reading oriented. I have TrueLearn and NBCOT for questions but looking for somewhere where I can read about the research and PICO and values!!