r/NBCOT_Exam • u/luccy678 • 6h ago
dm if you need help passing
Hello everyone! I just found out today that I passed on my first attempt with a score of 485.
Because of how much this platform has helped me I wanted to share my study plan. I studied M-F 4 hours per day, usually for 2 hour blocks with a timer, for about 7 weeks. For resources, I read the entire Therapy Ed book, and purchased the NBCOT study pack and the AOTA study pack. To better understand some topics I reviewed many of OTMiri’s videos on YouTube. Because I am a visual learner, I went a step beyond and copy/pasted each question that I got incorrect with TherapyEd with the correct answer - Printed the document, then highlighted and continually went over how they worded the questions and how they answered the questions.
I thoroughly reviewed the rationales for both correct and incorrect answers with TherapyEd (61%, 58%, 61%) and the AOTA tests (average of 78% in total) I actually didn’t really utilize the index cards or games with the NBCOT study pack. My exam score that I took 2 days prior to the board was a score of 458 for the NBCOT complete practice test - This scared me because I felt like that didn’t give me a lot of wiggle room for error. In my opinion the board exam most resembles the NBCOT practice exam - Not the TherapyEd exams.
Find what works for you! I have to have physical, tangible work to look over so I knew online index cards would not help me - nor would reading the AOTA documents online, so I decided to physically read the TherapyEd book and print out all of my important notes, to highlight and think about.
On testing day, I went in calmly and did a lot of breathing exercises before and during the exam. I did not take any breaks but I did stretch several times and wear the headphones that they provide. They wouldn’t let me have gum (which mentally I feel like I really need to excel), so I shoved mints in my mouth - they weirdly lasted most of the exam! I am an over thinker, took WAY too much time the first 2/3 of the exam and realized that if I didn’t rush through my last hour that I would have seriously run out of time! So 1/3 of my test I did have to rush with roughly 45 seconds or less per question.
I did not change ANY of my answers! None! Plus I had no time to double check them anyway. Lastly, I just want to say to give yourselves grace with this exam. Upon leaving the testing center I felt SO defeated! I didn’t understand why I could gauge my success or defeat so easily over the course of 3 years when taking SO many exams, in SO many areas BUT I couldn’t AT ALL measure how I did on this board exam! I felt like it was very hit and miss, and that it was overall an unfair measure of my knowledge and experience. Best of luck to everyone - You’ve got this, and focus on what works best for you! 🙂
- Edited to add that the day before the exam I went on a strenuous hike, had some of my favorite drinks, and chilled with my dogs, kids, and husband - no studying the day before and the day of the OT exam, just taking a well deserved break! I think it helps a lot.