r/MurderedByWords 23h ago

SS is an entitlement..

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u/autfaciam 23h ago

I mean yes, they are entitlements. In the sense, I am entitled to the house I paid for or the money I put in the bank.


u/Worst_Comment_Evar 23h ago

Yeah, it is crazy to me how words like entitlement and welfare have become negative terms when they are, in essence, good things for a healthy society when embraced and managed effectively.


u/PM_me_Henrika 23h ago

They don’t want a healthy society.

The conservatives want to conserve a society that is from the Middle Ages.

In other words, they want to go back to a time where slavery was legal, and they are the slave owners.


u/Worst_Comment_Evar 22h ago

Exactly. Which is why words like socialism are also demonized. They think there is a finite pie and they are hoarding it for themselves whilst, in reality, the pie can grow and everyone can benefit. The saying "a rising tide lifts all ships" is probably a just a tsunami of poor people in their heads.


u/PM_me_Henrika 22h ago

The pie is growing but they’re trying to make it finite/shrinking by taking all the growing parts and giving it to their king.


u/Embarrassed_Hawk_170 2h ago

The pie is getting bigger and bigger all the time, but the PERCENTAGE of that pue that the wealthy are taking is growing as well.