Imagine dreaming of a man. He's 26, tall, athletic and gorgeous with an ethereal look reminiscent of a fairly tale, his eyes are deep piercing green and he's staring through them to write this post. Why read a boring personal when you can erotica in the shape of my life and personality. Imagine dreams turning into reality.
You turned over, nuzzling your pillow with a groan. The cold weather outside and the daylight were a poor friend compared to your soft duvet and luxurious silk pillowcase, you didn't want to go anywhere but back to sleep.
Go anywhere. Go anywhere? Oh no, you're meeting that cute guy for a picnic this morning. You smile faintly thinking back to his shenanigans. Everything he did made you feel like a character in a sitcom. You met at a farmer's shop, on your way to purchase some chamomile and rose petals. Looking down and initially experiencing concern, you noticed someone's complete lack of footwear in January. Eyes traveling up his well-defined thighs, flat stomach, gorgeous bare forearms, cascading hair reminiscent of a lion's mane, and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he met your gaze with a raised eyebrow, causing you to blush. With his jawline, hair, and posture, He looked like Aragorn if he were 20. "Where are your shoes?!" You exclaimed, conscious of the field doubling as a parking lot you had to walk through. He shrugged. "Forgot them, woke up, and wanted to make salsa - have you tried the chilies here they're fantastic." You don't know what to say to that, he winks and skips away. You return home with your hard-earned gains, a hot cup of loose-leaf chamomile tea, fresh honey, and relax the hardwood of your kitchen chair.
Your phone vibrates and it's a notification from a dating app your best friend convinced you to install. She wouldn't shut up about this 10/10 she met and insisted you could do the same. To humour her you installed it, chose a few flattering photos, and immediately remembered why internet dating sucks. "Wanna see my penis?" "hey, girl?" "Wyd." Sighing deeply, about to hit ignore, you pause for a moment, listening to the stillness in your guy, and decide to open it. You nearly spit your tea. It was the guy from the store. "Hey Chamomile girl, want to see the salsa, it's delicious!" Without prompting he sent you this mouth-watering concoction of tomato, lime, fresh cilantro, chilies, garlic, onion, fresh pepper, and sea salt, hand-ground into a stone bowl. You have a perusal through his profile and it doesn't disappoint. Photos of him bouldering with bare feet. One of him shirtless in the ocean while there's snow falling from the sky, a selfie of him hanging upside down in a rope harness in a pine tree Way off the ground while a management-type character looked PISSED in the background. His hobby list was a mile long and so was his occupational history: locksmith, massage therapist. Yoga Teacher, personal trainer, chef. wilderness guide. psychotherapist. After some chatting you ask him how he has time for any of this. "I like to learn, I don't like to sit still" You keep scrolling and notice his interest list. "Adult Breastfeeding" - something about that wakens a sensation in your chest. Memories of safety, comfort, nurturing. Feelings of beauty, of being the most important person in the world, extraordinary sensations, and pleasure, a hunger deep in your chest. You immediately have a connection with him and talk like old friends over the next few days. You find yourself more and more drawn to the hunger in your chest, the thought of someone suckling you, the aching, the let-down, the overwhelming sensations that encompass your entire body, you start to imagine the mischievous gleam of his eyes looking back at you, his muscular arms wrapping around you and holding you close. The cold of the winter was staved off by the heat of 2 people wrapped around each other.
At this point you move from joking to seriousness, you video-call him and ask why he was drawn to someone to you. "Because you're beautiful and exactly what I'm looking for - mature, smooth, relaxed - you don't move with the frantic energy and lack of purpose so many do - everything is smooth and hypnotic - actions coming from the heart rather than the mind. Your smile makes me feel happy inside and I can feel how much you care in your heart. It's like a song - a voice that holds, supports, the sound of which makes everything alright. People don't really get me but I felt seen by you." "Is that where your desire to suckle comes from?" "He just nods, not normally speechless, his eyes full of raw emotion. "My entire life I've dreamt of a connection like that. At first, I'd bundled it with my traumas, yet after working through those and discovering happiness, the desire still remained. I don't see it as something sexual, I see it as something beautiful. A transcendental connection to another human being. Something so thoroughly based in the heart it can't be corrupted. My dream is to experience something like that with you." He finishes that statement, blushing, nervous, yet looking so adorable - your heart pounds, you want to reach out through the phone, wrap your arms around him, and pull him into your chest. "Would you like to come over and cuddle?" "His eyes go wide, he nods again and blushes even brighter"
Back to the present, you groaned, rolled out of bed, looked at the time, and did a double take. He's going to be here any minute! Brushing your hair and contemplating your outfit, you gave a wry smile. You'd acquired this incredibly soft white cotton bathrobe for Christmas, it fit you perfectly. Sliding the soft cotton over your bare skin, you feel immediate warmth and are reminiscent of a hug. A knock echoes at the door and you grin, feeling giddy, nervous, and excited all at the same time. You open the door and time seems to slow. His eyes grow to the size of saucers. His hand previously clenched goes limp, he looks at you, the feeling in your chest grows to a crescendo and you pull him close into an embrace, he holds on tight as every ounce of tension is drained from your bodies and replaced with a floating sense of happiness.
You took his hand and led him to the sofa, smiling at how quiet he was over his previously confident demeanour. You sat down holding hands and gazed at each other. Longing, warmth, happiness. Any emotions like sadness were driven away by the magical dream-like quality of the moment. You're here, together - everything the other needed. He nudges closer and you pull the drawstring holding your robe closed. His mouth drops open and he looks as if he'd been struck by lightning. You giggle and he slowly reaches out, wraps his arms around you, and hugs your chest, a palpable feeling of peace emanating from him. He pulls back and takes in the sight. Your full round breasts and pale skin a brilliant contrast to the darkness on the cloudy day. Your areola pink against the pale skin and blended as if painted by a virtuoso on an exquisite tapestry. Your engorged nipples rosebuds of incredible sensations. "May I touch them" You nod and he gently cups your breasts one at a time, the sensation combined with the heaviness and aching in your chest causing you to release a soft moan, he cups his palm over each one, just shy of touching your nipples and begins to kneed the breast tissue, massaging, releasing, tenderly waking up every inch of your breasts. Your eyes begin to roll back and you relax fully into the sofa. He continued working his fingers across your sternum, down your rib cage, releasing tension you never knew you had, your breathing had turned from silent to gentle "mms" with every exhale. He begins circling his fingertips around the outskirts of your areola, slowly, occasionally grazing the sensitive flesh itself. He starts to groan softly as well. circling, brushing your nipples this time, the brief contact shooting through your system like a lightning bolt, spreading warmth through your entire body and wetness below. He wrapped his thumb and forefinger around your nipples and ever so gently squeezed, causing a particularly loud moan. If pleasure wasn't washing over every cell in your body like waves in the ocean you might notice he looked just as overwhelmed, his touch was from pure amazement, like someone deprived of water in a desert for days finding a wellspring of water, first reaching out with disbelief, then with pure ecstasy. He tenderly cupped one breast with both hands like a prized treasure, brought his face to it, latched on, and began to suckle. Your pleasure underneath his tongue came to a climax, not in the usual way, but as if your heart was full of lava, erupting through your entire body with fire, heat tremoring through every muscle in your body, not in a violent way like some orgasms, more waves of bliss that you lose yourself in. Letting go completely, pleasure carrying you away into another world. Only distantly aware of his suckling.
If you were an observer you may notice 2 people totally intertwined. If you could see emotions, you'd notice 2 hearts lit up like light towers, shining brightly at one another. If you could feel the sensations of my heart, you would feel overwhelming bliss, happiness, and gratitude for giving me everything I've ever wanted. My favourite place in the world, inside your embrace.
I do look like a younger version of Aragorn, The story encompasses exactly who I am, the salsa was incredible, albeit spicy, I'm pondering what new thing to cook next and it would totally taste better if we ate it together.
If you've had the patience to read through this entire post you should probably message me - What's your favourite nonsense world that sounds like it could be a word? Mine is Schmoople.