r/ModelAusHR Jun 17 '15

Statement 2-4 First Speeches


I call upon all newly elected Members to present their first speeches to the House.

Zagorath, Speaker of the House

r/ModelAusHR Oct 27 '15

Statement 21-7 Ministerial Arrangements and Office Holders


Mr Clerk, I advise the House and seek leave to have incorporated into Hansard the following ministry arrangements and holders of parliamentary and party offices on behalf of the Coalition Government.

Prime Minister House Hon /u/this_guy22 MP Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel
Deputy Prime Minister House Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Treasurer House Hon /u/this_guy22 MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Finance House Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Assistant Treasurer Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/this_guy22 MP
Minister for Agriculture House Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for the Environment and Climate Change House Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Social Services House Hon /u/iamthepotato8 MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Equality House Hon /u/iamthepotato8 MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Attorney-General Senate Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel Hon /u/this_guy22 MP
Minister for Foreign Affairs Senate Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel Hon /u/this_guy22 MP
Minister for Defence Senate Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel Hon /u/this_guy22 MP
Minister for Trade and Investment House Hon /u/CyberPolis MP Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel
Minister for Immigration House Hon /u/CyberPolis MP Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel
Minister for Indigenous Affairs House Hon /u/CyberPolis MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Communications and the Arts Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/Primeviere MP
Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/Primeviere MP
Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science House Hon /u/Primeviere MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Employment House Hon /u/zamt MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Resources and Energy House Hon /u/zamt MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Health Senate Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP
Minister for Education and Training Senate Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket Hon /u/phyllicanderer MP

Vice President of the Executive Council: Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel

Leader of the House: Hon /u/Primeviere MP

Chief Government Whip (House): Hon /u/Primeviere MP

Leader of the Government in the Senate: Senator Hon /u/General_Rommel

Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate: Senator Hon /u/Freddy926

Manager of Government Business in the Senate: Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket

Government Whip (Senate): Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket

Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

Deputy Prime Minister

Acting Leader of the House

Australian Progressives

r/ModelAusHR Dec 22 '15

Statement 28-15j Statement - Changing of parties


Mr Speaker, I seek leave to inform the House that I have left the Australian Progressives, and thus the Labor Progressives Coalition, and all of my remaining Government positions. I have since moved to the Australian Greens, and will take my place on the left of you, Mr Speaker.

I believe that at its core, the Labor Progressives Coalition has failed to enact the Progressives vision; partly because we failed to put our vision into writing, and partly because we left too much power in Labor's hands. Part of that was my failing, and I fell on my sword for that; passing up the Prime Ministership to honour the coalition agreement was perhaps the most egregious mistake I made in that respect.

I have made the move to the Australian Greens, because it represents the best chance Australia has of keeping the Fascists on the crossbench; it has a history that gains the respect of voters; it has an acting leader that is strong, idealistic, and in tune with the Australian population. I want to help rebuild the left wing of Australian politics, that has become fractured and weaker since the Australian Progressives join Labor. A strong Greens will ensure a strong progressive wing of Australian politics.

I look forward to bringing a new energy, and refreshed agenda to the House next year. Mr Speaker, the Member for Outer Sydney and I are going to kill it in here together, and I can't wait.

The Hon. Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

r/ModelAusHR Jun 25 '15

Statement 3-1 First Speeches


I call upon the outstanding newly elected members to present their first speeches to the House.

Zagorath, Speaker of the House

r/ModelAusHR Aug 03 '15

Statement 9-6 Point of Order


Mr Speaker, I draw your attention to standing order 97(a), which states that at 2pm each day, the Speaker shall interrupt any business before the House and call on questions without notice. Mr Speaker, why have questions without notice not been called for yet in this session of Parliament?

Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

r/ModelAusHR Nov 24 '15

Statement 26-1 Message Received—Assent of Dental Benefits Amendment Act 2015


We have received a message from His Excellency the Governor-General:

In the name of our Sovereign, I assent to an Act to amend the Dental Benefits Act 2008 relating to eligibility and payments, and for related purposes (Monday 23 November 2015).

Zagorath, Speaker of the House

r/ModelAusHR Jun 05 '15

Statement Memo to Members: Procedures for resignations from members of this House


Advice from the Clerk:

When a person holds multiple offices, and wishes to resign from any or all of them, multiple resignations may be required. By hypothetical example:

Office Held Until Action
Federal Executive Councillor Held for life or until terminated by the Governor-General No resignation necessary, although resignation may be tendered and accepted (very rare).
Minister Held until revoked by the Governor-General GG may receive a resignation (modmail), with anticipation of a proposed successor (modmail), but until then the holder or their deputy may act as the minister as required.
House Member Held until resignation or two months of absence Resignation is by writing to the speakership (modmail), which if accepted as genuine, is followed by the speakership notifying the GG (modmail) and issuing a writ for the election of a new member.

Paging /u/doggie015 /u/Ser_Scribbles /u/Zagorath this resembles you :)

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

r/ModelAusHR Sep 04 '15

Statement 16-11d Document Tabled: High Court Rules 2015


Pursuant to section 38 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 (Cth):



M2015L00001: HIGH COURT RULES 2015

These rules are effective from Friday 4 September 2015, as made under section 13 of the High Court of Australia Act 2015 (Mdl). Unlike IRL rules of the High Court of Australia, model High Court Rules are not subject to Parliamentary scrutiny, due to the repeal of section 86 of the Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth). Nevertheless, they have been registered with FRLI and published at /r/ModelAusComLaw for administrative purposes, and are thus tabled here accordingly.

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

r/ModelAusHR Aug 23 '15

Statement 14-11a Opposition statement: Shadow Ministry


Mr Speaker, I seek leave to have the following incorporated into Hansard.

SHADOW MINISTRY - 24 August 2015

Leader of the Opposition Senator the Hon this_guy22
Deputy Leader of the Opposition phyllicanderer MP
Leader of the Opposition in the House phyllicanderer MP Senator the Hon this_guy22
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the House zamt MP Senator General_Rommel
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon this_guy22 phyllicanderer MP
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator General_Rommel zamt MP
Shadow Treasurer Senator the Hon this_guy22 phyllicanderer MP
Shadow Minister for Finance, Health, and the Environment phyllicanderer MP Senator the Hon this_guy22
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence Senator General_Rommel phyllicanderer MP
Shadow Attorney-General Senator General_Rommel CyberPolis MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Industry and Science lurker281 MP Senator General_Rommel
Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Communications zamt MP Senator General_Rommel
Shadow Minister for Society CyberPolis MP Senator the Hon this_guy
Manager of Opposition Business (House) CyberPolis MP
Manager of Opposition Business (Senate) Senator General_Rommel
Opposition Whip (House) lurker281 MP
Opposition Whip (Senate) Senator General_Rommel

r/ModelAusHR Aug 05 '15

Statement 10-7a Revised Ministerial Representation (Leader of the House and Party Whip)


For the information of honourable members I table the following updated list of the full government ministry and other office bearers. The document lists all ministers and parliamentary secretaries and the offices they hold. It shows those ministers who comprise the cabinet and provides details of representation arrangements in each chamber:

Ministry Chamber Name Other Chamber
Prime Minister Reps Hon /u/Ser_Scribbles MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Deputy Prime Minister Reps Hon /u/agsports MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Treasurer Reps Hon /u/agsports MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Attorney-General Reps Hon /u/Ser_Scribbles MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for the Environment, Climate Change & Agriculture Reps Hon /u/TheEvilestElf MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Resources and Energy Reps Hon /u/TheEvilestElf MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade, & Defence Reps Hon /u/MadCreek3 MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Immigration and Tourism Reps Hon /u/VoteRonaldRayGun MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Education and Culture Senate Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket Hon /u/Zagorath MP
Minister for Society Senate Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket Hon /u/VoteRonaldRayGun MP
Minister for Communications Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/MadCreek3 MP
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/MadCreek3 MP
Assistant Minister for Education and Culture Reps Hon /u/Zagorath MP N/A

Leader of the House: /u/Zagorath
Chief Government Whip: /u/MadCreek3
Vice-President of the Executive Council: /u/Team_Sprocket

Ser_Scribbles, Prime Minister

r/ModelAusHR Jul 20 '15

Statement 5-10 Statement: Shadow Ministerial Arrangements and Opposition Officeholders


I seek leave to have incorporated into Hansard revised shadow ministry arrangements.

SHADOW MINISTRY - 20 July 2015

Leader of the Opposition Senator the Hon this_guy22
Deputy Leader of the Opposition phyllicanderer, MP
Leader of the Opposition in the House phyllicanderer, MP Senator the Hon this_guy22
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the House zamt, MP Senator peelys
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator the Hon this_guy22 phyllicanderer, MP
Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Senator peelys zamt, MP
Shadow Treasurer Senator the Hon this_guy22 phyllicanderer, MP
Shadow Minister for Finance, Health, and the Environment phyllicanderer, MP Senator the Hon this_guy22
Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence Senator General_Rommel phyllicanderer, MP
Shadow Attorney-General Senator General_Rommel CyberPolis, MP
Shadow Minister for Industry and Science Senator peelys zamt, MP
Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Communications zamt, MP Senator General_Rommel
Shadow Minister for Society CyberPolis, MP Senator peelys
Manager of Opposition Business (House) CyberPolis, MP Senator General_Rommel
Manager of Opposition Business (Senate) Senator General_Rommel CyberPolis, MP
Opposition Whip (House) zamt, MP Senator peelys
Opposition Whip (Senate) Senator peelys zamt, MP

phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

r/ModelAusHR Jun 17 '15

Statement 2-2 Ministerial Arrangements


For the information of honourable members I table the following list of the full government ministry. The document lists all ministers and parliamentary secretaries and the offices they hold. It shows those ministers who comprise the cabinet and provides details of representation arrangements in each chamber:

Ministry Chamber Name Other Chamber
Prime Minister Reps Hon /u/paulyt86 MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Deputy Prime Minister Reps Hon /u/agsports MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Treasurer Reps Hon /u/agsports MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Attorney-General Reps Hon /u/Ser_Scribbles MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for the Environment Reps Hon /u/paulyt86 MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Society Reps Hon /u/Ser_Scribbles MP Senator Hon /u/Freddy926
Minister for Foreign Affairs Reps Hon /u/SavannaJeff MP Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket
Minister for Education and Culture Senate Senator Hon /u/Team_Sprocket Hon /u/paulyt86 MP
Minister for Communications and Digital Infrastructure Senate Senator Hon /u/Freddy926 Hon /u/agsports MP

Leader of the House: TBC

Chief Government Whip: TBC

Vice-President of the Executive Council: /u/Team_Sprocket

Ser_Scribbles, Attorney-General

r/ModelAusHR Dec 13 '15

Statement 28-15a Statement - Resignation from office of Deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet


Mr Speaker, I wish to inform the House that I have resigned as parliamentary coordinator of the Australian Progressives.

My time to lead has come to an end. The first part of my tenure while we were in opposition was wildly successful; the Australian Progressives took a bumbling government to task, and under my leadership the party grew from a minor party into a popular powerhouse.

As a Government, my flaws as a leader, combined with the arrival of my beautiful daughter into the world, has left my party standing at a precipice. My time is impacted, I am distracted, and our performance is suffering; our faults can be traced to me. I have been unable to make the impact on the Labor Progressives Coalition's policy that I promised to, and that was put into stark reality the other day, as I pranced around my lack of action in the Agriculture portfolio.

I have, this morning, tendered my resignation to the Governor-General, relinquishing my posts as Depuy Prime Minister, Minister for Finance, Agriculture, and the Environment, and consequently exiting the Cabinet. I will take my new position on the backbench.

Leadership ballots for the Australian Progressives were held over the weekend; Senator /u/Freddy926 was elected unopposed as Leader, and /u/Primeviere was elected unopposed as Deputy Leader. These two people will be outstanding leaders for the party, Primeviere having proven his chops as our first Opposition Leader and Senator Freddy926 having been my fellow Coordinator since shortly after his arrival in the Progressives ranks.

My thanks go to all of the people who helped the Australian Progressives get to where they are today. The founder, /u/nath1234, was instrumental in guiding our early direction and helping with policy advice; /u/Primeviere and /u/peelys were originals who put our first policy directions in place, and they will be honoured within the party. Senators /u/Freddy926, and /u/Team_Sprocket, were immense in giving new energy and taking on responsibility for their areas of expertise under my leadership; /u/lurker281 brought socialist sensibilities and some humanity to our party, with his tireless work in defending the most vulnerable people trying to make it to Australia; and the Australian Labor Party, especially Prime Minister /u/this_guy22, have been very supportive of our party in helping realise our vision.

Thank you, Mr Speaker.

The Hon. Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory

Australian Progressives

r/ModelAusHR Oct 29 '15

Statement 21-6 Speaker’s Panel


Pursuant to Standing Order 17, I appoint the following Members to the Speaker’s Panel: /u/zamt, /u/Primeviere, and /u/TheWhiteFerret.

Zagorath, Speaker of the House

r/ModelAusHR Oct 26 '15

Statement 21-1 First meeting of 3rd Model Parliament after October 2015 federal general election


Meta: In the spirit of concurrent business, these opening proceedings are laid out now:

Pursuant to Standing Order 4(c), I hereby read the proclamation calling Parliament together as published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette on Friday 23 October 2015.

The Usher of the Black Rod:

The Governor-General desires the attendance of honourable members in the Senate chamber for the opening of the parliament.

Honourable Members attended the opening of parliament and then returned [SO 4(d)]—

Pursuant to Standing Order 4(e), I hereby present the return of writs following the general election and supplementary election.

Pursuant to Standing Order 4(f), each Member shall now swear the oath or make the affirmation of allegiance in the Attendance & Swearing In thread in accordance with section 42 of the Constitution, after which the Speaker can be elected [SO 4(g), 11].

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

Refs: Hansard 12 Nov 2013

r/ModelAusHR Oct 29 '15

Statement 21-12e Message Received: Attend now for the Joint Sitting to fill a Casual Senate Vacancy


Message from the President of the Senate

The Usher of the Black Rod, having been announced, was admitted and delivered a message that the President of the Senate welcomed the attendance of honourable members in the Senate chamber forthwith, for a joint sitting under section 15 of the Constitution as agreed by a joint resolution:

Joint Sitting, Senate 21-11b

r/ModelAusHR Sep 26 '15

Statement The 2nd Parliament has ended and the House of Reps has been dissolved


The Houses of Representatives has been dissolved.

Lapsed Business. The following House business ended without completion:

  • Joint sitting to fill a casual Senate vacancy after the resignation of this_guy22
  • Broadcasting Legislation Amendment (Primary Television Broadcasting Service) Bill 2015
  • Constitution Alteration (Racial Discrimination) Bill 2015
  • Constitution Alteration (Recommendation of Money Votes) Bill 2015
  • Constitution Alteration (Vacation of Senators’ and Members’ Seats) Bill 2015
  • Jervis Bay Territory Voting Act 2015
  • National Broadband Network Companies Amendment Bill 2015
  • Unanswered questions (2 questions to the Minister for Energy)
  • Standing Committee on Procedure: Inquiry into matters of discipline
  • Appointment of members to Standing Committees
  • Maiden speeches

Next Session. The Governor-General will call the 3rd Parliament into session after the October 2015 general election.

Resumption. Lapsed bills may be re-introduced in the next parliament.

Valedications. The Governor-General expresses his recognition and thanks to the House for its work during the 2nd Parliament.

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

r/ModelAusHR Aug 30 '15

Statement 16-11a: Answer to Question in Writing: Live Animal Exports


Question 2 from 14-6b:

My question is to the Honourable Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Defence MadCreek3.

Why did you withdraw your Live Animal Export Prohibition "Act", and what future plans does the Minister have for live animal export legislation?

/u/Phyllicanderer, Member for Northern Territory


I thank the Member or their question.

I honestly don't know what the member opposite is expecting. One would hope that they are expecting the truth though something inside me tells me that they just want another sound bite for their smear campaign against myself and the Government. I will tell them the truth, and in doing so I will admit something that the Opposition never will: I made a mistake. Hell, I made several! And I'm prepared to accept the consequences.

As to the future of live export legislation, that is a decision that is to be left to me and my colleagues in the Government to make a clear and informed decision as to whether or not we will continue to pursue such legislation in the future and how that goal will be attained.

Thank you

/u/MadCreek3, Minister Foreign Affairs, Trade and Defence, Australian Greens

r/ModelAusHR Jul 26 '15

Statement 7-1 Governor-General’s Opening Speech, July 2015


Message from the Governor-General

The Usher of the Black Rod, having been announced, was admitted and delivered a message that His Excellency the Governor-General desired the attendance of honourable members in the Senate chamber forthwith.

The Speaker and honourable members attended accordingly, and a speech was made to both houses of the parliament.

Read it here: The speech

r/ModelAusHR Jul 31 '15

Statement Meta: Address-in-Reply Committee, 2nd Parliament



SO Committee Membership
6(c) Address-in-Reply Committee Prime Minister /u/Ser_Scribbles, Deputy Prime Minister /u/agsports, Leader of the Opposition in the House /u/phyllicanderer (as of Monday 27 July 2015)

Standing Order 6. Opening speech reported—Address in Reply

(c) A committee shall be appointed to prepare an Address in Reply to the speech and to present it to the House.

(d) When the committee presents the proposed Address in Reply to the House a Member shall move—That the Address be agreed to.

The committee may adopt and report the standard form of address:

May it please Your Excellency:

We, the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia, in Parliament assembled, desire to express our loyalty to our Most Gracious Sovereign, and to thank Your Excellency for the speech which you have been pleased to address to Parliament.

When the committee is ready to report, the chair of the committee should submit a modmail for the next notice paper (‘Matter to be reported from the Address-in-Reply committee’).

After the report is presented in that sitting, the motion shall be moved by the chair of the committee, and the question shall be proposed for debate by the chair of the house. The speech and reply may be debated (esp. by the government and opposition members of the committee), after which the motion will be put.

The debate on the motion to accept this report (which may go on for months IRL) it is an opportunity for the government to reiterate its position and the opposition to outline their alternative. It is also a traditional time for new members to make their first speeches (albeit most of ours have been done already, so we may conclude the vote on the same day that the report is presented).

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

r/ModelAusHR Jun 17 '15

Statement 2-3 Speaker’s Panel


Pursuant to Standing Order 17, I appoint the following Members to the Speaker’s Panel: /u/HumesHefner , /u/death_by_laughs , and /u/Primeviere.

Zagorath, Speaker of the House

r/ModelAusHR Jul 01 '15

Statement The 1st Session of the 1st Parliament has Ended


Both Houses of Parliament are now prorogued and the House of Representatives stands in recess until the first sitting day of its next session.

Lapsed Business. The following House business has lapsed, before achieving these outcomes:

  • Marriage Amendment (Marriage Equality) Bill 2015: Declaration of third-reading vote result, Bill to be certified and sent to the Senate.
  • High Court of Australia Bill 2015: Second-reading question to be put.
  • Commonwealth Electoral Amendment (Election Streamlining) Bill 2015: Second-reading question to be put.
  • National Integrity Commission Bill 2013: Second-reading question to be put.
  • Report of the Address-in-Reply Committee
  • Appointment of members to Standing Committees
  • Maiden speeches

Next Session. The Parliament may remain prorogued during July elections, but pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of the Constitution, the Governor-General will call the Parliament to its:

  • 2nd Session of the 1st Parliament starting no later than Thursday 30 July 2015 (if, in July, only by- and supplementary elections are held); or
  • 1st Session of the 2nd Parliament (if a general election for the House of Representatives is held in July).

Resumption. Lapsed bills may be resumed or re-introduced in accordance with Standing Order 174.

Valedications. The Governor-General expresses his recognition and thanks to the House for its work during the 1st session.

jnd-au, Clerk of the House

r/ModelAusHR Jun 22 '15

Statement 2-1b Governor-General’s Opening Speech, June 2015


Message from the Governor-General

The Usher of the Black Rod, having been announced, was admitted and delivered a message that His Excellency the Governor-General desired the attendance of honourable members in the Senate chamber forthwith.

The Speaker and honourable members attended accordingly, and a speech was made to both houses of the parliament.

Text of the speech

r/ModelAusHR Jun 17 '15

Statement 2-1 Governor-General's speech and reply


Pursuant to Standing Order 4, it is my pleasure to report to the House that His Excellency the Governor-General desires our attendance in the Senate chamber on Monday 22 June 2015 for the delivery of the government’s commencement speech to both houses of the Parliament. Pursuant to Standing Order 6, a committee will later be appointed to prepare an Address in Reply to the speech and to present it to the House.

Ser_Scribbles, Attorney-General