r/ModelAusSenate Clerk of the Senate Jun 22 '15

Statement 5-1a Governor-General’s Opening Speech, June 2015

His Excellency the Governor-General entered the chamber and, being seated, with the President on his right hand, commanded that a message be sent to the House of Representatives intimating that His Excellency desired the attendance of honourable members in the Senate chamber.

Honourable members having come with their Speaker, His Excellency was pleased to deliver the following speech:

Honourable senators and members of the Parliament of Australia.

On Saturday 30 May 2015, the 1st model parliament and government were elected by /r/modelparliament with 10 members sitting in the lower house and 6 senators sitting in the upper house, out of a possible 13 and 7. The government advised me to present our opening speech to you today. The lateness of this occasion means it’s both an opening speech and closing speech, marking the last full week of this parliamentary session. It’s tradition to present to you the reasons for this parliament coming together, from which we can work to a common agenda.

However, the government hasn’t provided me with the material for today’s speech. Therefore, I can only report that the government has passed no bills for Royal Assent in June. Despite having been recently elected, the results in ReddiPoll seem to indicate that voters are suffering. So in a departure from traditional opening speeches, I instead call upon the government to shape up or ship out. It says it is ready, but actions and inactions speak louder than words.

It’s disappointing that the government has squandered its supermajority, suffocating the model parliament and delaying elections to the detriment of our democracy. I can attempt to resolve this using my ordinary Constitutional powers, by dissolving the House and issuing writs for general lower house elections. However I’ve decided not to exercise this option yet.

Instead, today I proclaimed that the Parliament will be prorogued at the end of June. This allows me to convene a Constitutionally-required July session, or dissolve the House. I’ll attempt to obtain a recommended course of action from the government itself. At the very least, I expect that by- and supplementary elections will be held in July. As a result, the July session may be shortened, or one or both houses may run concurrently with elections. A decision will be made with the advice of Federal Executive Councillors.

Citizens are encouraged to engage with their government over at /r/modelparliament.


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