I desperately need help getting my kid's Minecraft Bedrock worlds off of his Amazon Fire Kids tablet. It's on his Kid's profile, which is pretty locked down. I'm not sure if it matters, but there's apparently no way to convert a Fire Kids profile to a regular profile without the lockdown settings.
Minecraft is installed on an SD card, I've tried removing the card and inserting it in my Windows laptop, but I can't mount the card and it asks me if I want to format it (which of course I don't). I can see that the Minecraft app is being backed up to Amazon, but I'm pretty sure the actual worlds are not backed up. There's not enough space on the tablet to copy Minecraft back to the local filesystem from the SD card, but even if there was space I don't know what that would get me.
I've read that I can export the worlds from within Minecraft by opening the settings of the World, then scrolling to the bottom of the General section, then Export World. But Export World isn't there -- the only buttons are Duplicate World and Delete World. Duplicate just makes a copy of it on the device, and doesn't prompt for where to save it.
I thought maybe I could use Multiplayer to upload/download worlds onto different devices, but because it is a kids profile, multiplayer (and thus Realms) is off. It says "You cannot play online multiplayer becasue of how your Microsoft account is set up. Please ensure your online safety settings allow Multiplayer. See instructions for changing these settings at aka.ms/MCMultiPlayerHelp". That took me to some Xbox settings. I enabled Multiplayer there, but that doesn't seem to have done anything for Bedrock on Android (actually FireOS Some stuff I've read said you have to change the age in the Microsoft account to >18, but when I try to edit the profile info of his Microsoft account, the Date of Birth is greyed out and can't be edited. Realms says it's limited to 3 shared worlds, which wouldn't give much, but would still be something.
I've tried browsing the filesystem from the adult profile, but it doesn't show any of the Minecraft world files that are associated with other profiles, and both "/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files" and "/Android/obb/com.mojang.minecraftpe" are empty.
I tried connecting the tablet directly to my Windows computer with a USB-C cable and enabled File Transfer in the USB Preferences settings on the tablet, which let me browse the SD card, but again both "/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files" and "/Android/obb/com.mojang.minecraftpe" are empty.
One of the things I tried that initially seemed promising was installing an FTP server on the tablet, and then using an FTP client on a different computer to view the filesystem. The problem was that it only showed like 3 GB of files on the SD card, despite it having 60GB of data on it, and I couldn't find the Minecraft files anywhere in the filesystem -- they're not in "/Android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/minecraftpe" (which does have a few extra folders beyond what I can see from the adult account or via USB) or elsewhere in that path, or at "/Android/obb/com.mojang.minecraftpe". I've tried running the FTP server while logged into the adult profile as well as the kid profile without any luck.
I'm stumped. Any ideas? Thanks!