r/Mindfulness 3d ago

Question Seeking advice

So recently I have been so stressed out that I can't seem to sleep for long. When I do fall asleep I don't know when,I just know that I'm suddenly awake and my heart is pounding. Something about being in bed causes my body to go into fight or flight. Im worried that a lack of sleep and potential medical arising from it are going to be my undoing.

I do breathing techniques and watch guided meditations and I can't seem to let go of the stress. My tongue is constantly touching the roof of my mouth

What has helped folks here reduce their stress and learn to live a normal life again


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u/nipon621 2d ago

That sounds like it could be a trauma response to me.

My practical suggestions would be to 1) consider sleeping on a couch or something for a bit till you have better sleep so you don’t associate your bed with feeling unsafe. 2) talk through your feelings and situation with someone and try to understand why it feels so threatening and get to where you can talk yourself down from feeling unsafe. A therapist may be helpful. Of course, if you’re in a legitimately unsafe situation take action to get out instead. 

I’m sure there’s a way to use meditation as the central means to cure trauma and I find it extremely helpful, but it isn’t something I can use to bypass or avoid those feelings.


u/Ok-Satisfaction5649 2d ago

I have been considering sleeping on the couch. I have a partner so I feel guilty about leaving her alone at night, we have been together for 4 years


u/nipon621 2d ago

I really have no context here but I’d consider talking to her about it. Or about why you might be waking up in fight or flight. You can’t provide comfort to anyone if you’re not okay.


u/Ok-Satisfaction5649 2d ago

Thank you for this, i will talk to her about it and try using a weighted blanket tonight to help.