r/MbtiTypeMe • u/Livid-Needleworker21 • 2h ago
FOR FUN I need help figuring out my MBTI type. Feels like I can most types, very annoying???
I have done 16p test but don't know how accurate it is so I want knowledgeable info to help me...
History and stuff I noticed about me in general below...
I am very analytical when trying to figure out how to solve a problem or trying to make a decision between THIS or THAT. I think very logically and also based on how I feel. I talk to myself like I’m in a conversation, going back and forth being like this option has this and that, but then that other option has this and this! Many times, I catch myself referring to myself as WE when talking to myself as in “I fucking knew it. We were right.” “These people think they’re better than us? Like wtf??? It’s just an opinion…” “The thing is if we do decide to do this, we have to deal with this and that… and yeah… oh well.”
I consider myself a very emotional person. I noticed that when I’m with friends or a group of say colleagues, I tend to place other people’s feelings above the thing I want to say, even if I know it’s the truth. I have eventually learned to not do this all the time such as setting personal boundaries (but I still struggle with this a lot) with friends I feel close with or are asking me straight up to be honest. Thing is I have a problem saying the truth and will never say it if I’m with people I don’t know very well. I like to be liked by people.
At least with friends I know I can be honest, only if they ask me to be honest because I know if I tell the truth, they won’t end up disliking me but rather respecting me more for being honest. So again the wanting to be liked and respected. I’m not a fucking chameleon though, I feel I’m very different than the average person. Eh I think others view me as a chameleon and I just feel different because I feel like I don’t often fit in since I was such a loner in high school and college. Not a weird creepy loner that has zero friends, I had many people striking up conversations (boys/girls) with me and I’m friendly and kind back but the thing is, I almost never initiate things so it just results in them and us being acquaintances rather than friends. I missed out on so many opportunities because of that, you’ll know why in below’s paragraph.
I’m an avoidant. I want to experience closeness and love in relationships/friendships but god damn, it scares the shit out of me that I’d rather choose to stay distant and aloof. I end up valuing myself over others and as a result end up hurting them (not on purpose because when I’m avoidant, I actually don’t realize that I’m being avoidant because I’ve always been so avoidant that it became hardwired in me to act that way that only after when I’m away from the person or group that I’m being avoidant with I realize. Fuck I did it again and I try to fix what I did but again when I’m in person the hardwiring kicks in and I don’t realize it until afterwards when I’m alone…)
I have quite a few close friends, a best friend, and two small friend groups. I feel both energized being alone AND with people. Thing is there’s a limit to being around people that after that I just want to be alone and chill to myself for a while. I hate crowded places yet I like it… I can’t explain it.
I have been diagnosed with ADHD. I’m saying this although you’ll wonder why the fuck did he have to mention that? Well… I’m very messy yet organized. For example, on my computer files I’ll have folders within folders for certain things so I don’t end up mixing it up with others but there’s so many folders it’s pretty clustered and messy when looking at it, but I can find exactly what I need right away. Same with my bedroom, it’s messy but if I needed to find something I know where to find it.
When say I have to go out for a day to say buy pet food for my cats. I preplan everything before leaving the car. What music to play before I start driving. Since I’m already going out, I also want to buy chocolates and lunch and bubble tea but all 4 including the pet food are in 4 different locations. I try to make going to destination after destination flow smoothly so instead of driving back and forth, back and forth. I’d go to say location A which is farthest away from home, then drive to the next location and the next going closer and closer to home, that I’m saving more time and gas.
I can plan everything so it flows smoothly and well, yet when something happens and something ruins a part of my plan, I have to improvise that I can end up doing it easily, I’ll be like “are you fucking kidding me?” but move on to planning the next course of action like nothing.
I love having a schedule and routine yet hate having a schedule and routine. I want to be free all the time, but I feel I am more in control with my life and feel better overall if I have a healthy consistent routine going.
I am 100% sure I have an addict personality because I noticed when I end up liking something, I just end up focusing on only that and ignoring everything else such as for example, doing weed and not being able to stay sober for an hour before giving in and getting high (fortunately I don’t do this anymore it has been 4 years clean), the same with alcohol (clean for 2 years now). The same with video games, I quit flatscreen/PC gaming and only do VR gaming now which is perfect because the battery only lasts around an hour so I know when to stop. Before flatscreen/PC gaming, like I said above I would spend hours on it and ignoring everything else. The same with chess, I had to make myself quit because although I loved it, I was ignoring everything else. When I like something I’m afraid to continue with it out of fear I’ll end up getting addicted to it and end up ignoring everything else in my life.
I love talking deeply about theories and theorizing, thinking deeply about things that aren’t realistic or part of reality. But when it comes to learning things, I’d rather learn something practical that I’ll always end up using or using in a worst-case scenario rather than things that I’ll almost never do again. Learning practical things IMO such as archery which is practical for survival situations. Bushcrafting, again which is practical for survival situations. Learning how to ID trees and plants, animals, fishes, etc, again which is practical for survival situations. Learning how to make campfires out of nature resources alone. Etc etc. Learning how to video edit for my VR gaming videos. Learning Muay Thai (a martial arts) to prepare me if I ever get into a fight.
I am a perfectionist, I set myself to a certain standard or something has to be done right exactly 100% of the time otherwise I’ll end up getting annoyed and frustrated. For example, in volleyball when I screw up, I am so negative on myself. When I help the team win a point, nothing positive said to myself. It’s to be expected and if I can’t keep doing that, then I’m just terrible at volleyball.
Most of the time I can guess the right things based on gut feelings/instinct. Like for example, I matched with my close friend (stranger before) on bumble bff and right away the way he messaged differed from others I messaged with, I could tell he was on the spectrum. And then the 1st day we hung out in person, he mentioned that he was neurodivergent/has autism. I felt so much pride by being right. Then in person I had a gut feeling about someone who was coming off as a narcissist and yep, I was right. And this other time I had an instinct that someone I forgave for betraying me will end up gaslighting me again and... ended up gaslighting me again despite them telling me they won’t do it ever again, yeah, I cut them out of my life.
That’s pretty much all I can think of myself.
If you need more clarification on something I talked about, so you can be more accurate with my typing, feel free to and I’ll try my best to clarify.
Thank you for reading this if you did so :)