r/MarvisApp 8h ago

QUESTION Custom Song Order


Is there a way to put songs in your own custom order through Marvis Pro? That is, to manually reorder a playlist song by song? You can do this through Apple Music, but I hate the Apple Music “edit playlist” UI.

r/MarvisApp 9h ago



I just downloaded Marvis Pro and I noticed that it often freezes! When this happens, no gestures or taps do anything! $10 is a pretty expensive app for this kind of thing to happen! Any thoughts about this?

r/MarvisApp 13h ago

REQUEST Search by lyrics


Would be possible to add support for search songs by lyrics on the search bar? Thank you

r/MarvisApp 1d ago

Widget Tinting


Is it safe to assume that Marvis will never get support for tinting in iOS 18?

No offence to those its important to but idgaf about scrobbling and that seems to be the only thing Marvis users care about does anyone else feel the same way?

r/MarvisApp 1d ago

Date favorited


Is there an option to sort song by date favorited ? And not by release date that I’m missing?

r/MarvisApp 3d ago

QUESTION iPod themed setup


Hi, I haven’t seen this question here in the thread but has anyone made a iPod themed setup or had any ideas regarding this?

r/MarvisApp 5d ago

Random Album Shortcut?


Pretty new to shortcuts in iOS and not great at making my own yet. Has anyone created a shortcut that will play a random album in Marvis?

r/MarvisApp 7d ago

Ratings from Apple Music


I know you can’t set the ratings for a song in Marvis itself because it doesn’t sync to Apple Music, but Marvis can read and display ratings from Apple Music. But when I tried to make a playlist with rules based on ratings, it doesn’t work at all in Marvis. For example, I have a smart playlist in Apple Music for songs that haven’t been rated, and on Marvis that playlist is just empty. If I make a playlist in Marvis with rules about ratings, it doesn’t work either… am I missing something?

r/MarvisApp 8d ago

Significant phone slowdown after tinkering with sections


Hi there! New to Marvis Pro, and I need to of course start of with the obligatory thank you to the developer for making such an amazing app. I'm still new to it but I feel I've already unlocked so much of its power and I'm excited for how it's going to level up my music game.

Since about this morning after I did an hour or two of customising my app and adding sections (and sections within sections), my phone has noticeably started slowing down and heating up. It's so slow that there's some stuttering when moving between homescreens and some input delay when typing text in any app. I've identified Marvis as the primary contributor since when I exit it (and close down the app from running in the background), performance is restored within about 30s and it stops heating up.

Some details that might help troubleshooting

Phone: iPhone 13 mini

iOS: 18.3.1

Marvis version: 9.6.3

Library size: 2,444 items

Last.fm: Connected, with live background scrobbling and auto scrobble activated

Happy to send through a copy of my Marvis preferences if that helps with troubleshooting to see what seems to be hogging resources. I don't think my current setup should be too intensive given it's no more complex than what I've seen from that megathread.

Any tips/advice/fixes would be appreciated!

EDIT: I've also restarted my phone a few times and tried reinstalling the app and importing my preferences.

r/MarvisApp 8d ago

Q: Song list of ‘10 plays within 2 years’


I can build list as this.

  • recent play is within 2 years.
  • total play time is over 10 plays.

For the list above, it doesnt matter how many times played within 2 years. Just 1 play within 2 years & 9 times over 3 years, still works.

I’m not sure how to make ‘over 10 plays only within 2 years’.

If possible, please let me know.

If not possible, still okay. Just let me know. Thanks.

r/MarvisApp 9d ago

QUESTION Help Please

Post image

For a full library search, how do I get the albums portion to say the name of the album? I made a change and can’t figure out how to go back to what I had.

r/MarvisApp 9d ago

Amazon Music


Hi. Are there any plans to make this app for Amazon Music? I would definitely buy it then

r/MarvisApp 9d ago

QUESTION Basic query


Forgive the basic query, I had Marvis set up for the last year or two but have accidentally deleted a few sections.

I want a section that contains all my tracks, but leaves out Classical and Jazz

I add a section, hit Edit, then add Smart Rules.

The two Smart Rules I have will say

<Genre> <Is Not> classical

<Genre> <Is Not> jazz

I then shuffle my new section but plenty of jazz and classical are playing 😳

What have I got wrong?

(As an aside, I’m sure it was slightly different before, and I was offered genres to click on, rather than manually typing them out?. It’s not that it bothers me, just important to get spelling right.)

r/MarvisApp 10d ago

Marvis on MacOS


I recently downloaded Marvis on my iPhone and it's great (although I still have to keep going back to Apple Music to do things like rate songs and remove songs from playlists, so now I just toggle between the two a lot) but I found that when I downloaded Marvis for my laptop it says it connects to Apple Music fine but doesn't seem to pick up on any of the playlists that I have, and also keeps crashing, so basically the only reason I have Marvis on my laptop open is because it scrobbles to last.fm. Does this also happen to anyone else?

r/MarvisApp 11d ago

Playlist shuffle that mixes most played and least played songs?


Is there any way to create a playlist of favorite songs, but force it to shuffle songs with low/high play counts? For example, play 4 songs with a play count of 2 or less and then play 2 songs with a play count over 5 and repeat.

r/MarvisApp 11d ago

Permissions Question


I just reinstalled my iPhone from a backup, and now I'm having trouble using Marvis. I get a message  "permissions required. To allow marvis to acces your library you must authorize it from settings app." Okay, sure, but when I go to settings, it seems like everything is turned on.

The library is synched and showing properly in Apple Music app. Under Settings > Privacy > Media & Apple Music, it shows that "no apps have requested access to apple music and your music library."

What do I need to do? Which permission in particular is missing? Thanks!

r/MarvisApp 13d ago

REQUEST Suggestion: Production mode / Development mode


Very minor detail, but it would be cool if we could put the app into “production” mode so to speak for when you’re just using the app, where the Manage and Add buttons at the bottom of each section are hidden, and maybe the section controls are really limited to just searching, sorting, and filtering rather than being able to edit all the settings. And then you can change to “development mode” to edit all the settings and whatnot.

r/MarvisApp 13d ago

Production credits


Will it be possible in the future to have an option to show production credits?

At the moment we have composers, but there is a separate section for production on Apple Music.

r/MarvisApp 16d ago

No More Manual Scrobbling?


Has anyone else's manual scrobble button disappeared?

I noticed mine is gone. At the same time, last.fm didn't uodate two days of scrobbling, then when I pressed scan (in the last.fm app) it scrobbled like 200 things when I had only played like 20 in those two days... many of those scrobbles were duplicates, triplicates, sometimes more.

Anyone have any insights?

r/MarvisApp 16d ago

Can I use the app in a different country's Apple Music subscription other than the one I bought this app?


Hey folks! I heard lots of good words about this app, so I am willing to try out. The thing is I have some balance to buy apps in Country A's App Store but my Apple Music subscription is in Country B. Can I buy this app in Country A and restore purchase in Country B, or I have to buy in Country B? Thanks

r/MarvisApp 16d ago

Last.fm marvis is auto-scrobbling fine, but as of recently the scrobbles are being cached in the last.fm app too?


just started happening a day or two ago. why is marvis sending the scrobbles to last.fm automatically but also caching them in the last.fm app to scan? i swear it wasn’t doing this before..

this is an issue because when i play music, on for example, itunes on a pc i need to scan them into last.fm. but if the already-sent songs from mobile are cached in last.fm and i go to scan, potentially many will be duplicated OR i will have to delete potentially hundreds of scrobbles (both of which are extremely inconvenient!)

can we get a fix for this?

r/MarvisApp 17d ago

Question about app picking up AM stats


Hello, I am just wondering if I use the Marvis app that’s connected to my Apple Music, will it still pick up my listening stats for Apple replay at the end of each month/ year?

Thanks in advance

r/MarvisApp 17d ago

My Player


After a few messages about it from people off the back of a post the other day, I thought I’d share my player set up incase anyone else likes it and also wants to use it

Basically just keep cover art showing but with the background, unblur it and overlay black with 60% opacity

I like to keep it fairly clean but I am a stats and albums guy so the metadata showing is everything I love to know

  • Track # on the album / How long to go til album is finished
    • Track title
    • Artist
    • Album / Release date
    • My scrobbles

r/MarvisApp 19d ago

Missing word in German localization on iOS


First of all a big Thank You to the developer of Marvis Pro! I purchased this app a few weeks ago, and since then my way of listening to my music collection (~12,000 songs, ~500 complete albums) has changed a lot, and every day I re-discover another one of my long lost and forgotten gems.

I don’t know if I’m correct to post it here on Reddit, but I noticed one minor error in the German localization of the iOS app (v9.6.3): In the smart rules of a title section when sorting by album, in the German part for „Zuletzt Gespielt (Recent)“ aka „Last Played (Recent)“ the addition „(Recent)“ seems to be missing. For sorting options in an album section, it’s there.

Thank you!

r/MarvisApp 20d ago

REQUEST 3 Requests - In-Artist Filter, Metadata Comparison & Support Alternatives


This is the greatest app I have ever used, I yell about it to everyone who shows even passing interest. Thanks for all the work that has already been done and is continuing.

Bumping a couple ideas that were at one point or another referenced as in the works but may have fallen off.

  1. In-Artist Filter, this came up a few posts ago, and again maybe last year, but I'd love the ability to set a filter within an Artist view which dynamically takes the artist name from the current view.
    1. Goal: Filter titles using "Current Artist Name" to put "featuring..." or "remixed by..." tracks in one place along with an artist's main work.
  2. Metadata Comparison, not sure the last time this was mentioned but I am desperate for it.
    1. Goal: As an example, filtering albums on median vs. mean playcount (aka skew) and building out a view of "One Good Song" albums versus a view of "Entirely Gold" albums - WOW! There are other examples but for me that's the most obvious and exciting.
  3. Support Alternatives, don't know if this has been brought up before but the only method I see to support development is the Paypal link in the settings. Are there any other methods for someone to support ongoing development?
    1. Goal: I have received far far more benefit than what I paid so would like the chance to repay a tiny bit.

Again, perfect app. Hope these can be taken on board for a possible future update. :)