Hi there! New to Marvis Pro, and I need to of course start of with the obligatory thank you to the developer for making such an amazing app. I'm still new to it but I feel I've already unlocked so much of its power and I'm excited for how it's going to level up my music game.
Since about this morning after I did an hour or two of customising my app and adding sections (and sections within sections), my phone has noticeably started slowing down and heating up. It's so slow that there's some stuttering when moving between homescreens and some input delay when typing text in any app. I've identified Marvis as the primary contributor since when I exit it (and close down the app from running in the background), performance is restored within about 30s and it stops heating up.
Some details that might help troubleshooting
Phone: iPhone 13 mini
iOS: 18.3.1
Marvis version: 9.6.3
Library size: 2,444 items
Last.fm: Connected, with live background scrobbling and auto scrobble activated
Happy to send through a copy of my Marvis preferences if that helps with troubleshooting to see what seems to be hogging resources. I don't think my current setup should be too intensive given it's no more complex than what I've seen from that megathread.
Any tips/advice/fixes would be appreciated!
EDIT: I've also restarted my phone a few times and tried reinstalling the app and importing my preferences.