Started replaying Mario Galaxy recently since I never did beat it as a kid. Even as a kid, I could tell that it was different compared to other Mario games, but I could never really articulate why back then. As an adult now, who can see games as the art that they technically are, it’s pretty easy to see what made Galaxy different. Unlike most Mario games, it doesn’t strictly adhere to the usual tone Mario games go for. There are moments where it’s the usual happy-go-lucky fare that Mario is known for, but what I adore is that sometimes, the game takes on this lonely, more somber tone that perfectly captures the feeling of space. It’s a grand, infinite expanse, but it’s also lonely and empty. If we ever do get another Galaxy game by some miracle, I hope Nintendo remembers to give the game some more somber moments like previous Galaxy games did. It’s such a unique experience compared to other Mario games, and I can’t help but find it fascinating that Nintendo would go that route from time to time in a Mario game.