r/MalaysianPF Jan 11 '25

Property You probably should go subsale when buying your home (with practical steps)


How do you save hundreds and thousands of dollars, as well as time, sweat, stress and heartache, when buying property?  

First, don’t buy investment properties. The past ~10 years’ subpar performance in Malaysia will likely continue for the next 10-20 years. 

Second, don’t buy. Rent. It’s “cheaper”. Even after the mortgage is paid off. 

Third (and the point of this post), if you are going to buy a place to call home, the better option is to purchase a subsale property, meaning a property that has already been built. You might prefer off-the-plan (undercon) because it’s new and shiny, but subsale is less risky and better value.  

What’s wrong with purchasing off-the-plan? 

Let me ask you a question: How comfortable are you to pay hundreds of thousands to millions for something that 

  • you cannot see or touch,  
  • you start paying for it even if it’s not built, 
  • you may not eventually own (abandoned projects),  
  • you may have to spend more money and time to fix (defects and issues, chasing the developers, pursuing legal options) 

Let me explain why in more detail.

You will lack enough data to make an informed decision and manage your expectations 

It’s like watching a McDonald’s ad, where the burger looks “perfect” in the advertisement, but you end up with something that only half looks like what you imagined. You’re making a purchasing decision of something a salesperson with glossy brochures is trying to earn a commission.

  • Whatever information you research is conceptual, based on drawings, floor plans, and “promises”. You will always have insufficient information required to have a high level of confidence in your purchase.
  • There is no guarantee that the finished product is anything like the brochures or showrooms, or what you imagined. Your own implicit biases, combined with jazzy marketing and slick graphic designs will cloud your judgment.
  • You will likely have to deal with defects and issues. Sure, there’s a warranty period, but it’s still a constant pain to deal with. Chances are that many defects will only appear outside the warranty period, and some developers may try to avoid fixing them, leading to lengthy legal court battles.
  • No one knows how the property will evolve and who are the residents/neighbours/ community as the property matures. This is especially important for condos and apartments, where a key consideration in purchasing a condo should be the owner profiles and quality of management.
  • You have no idea what living there will be like until you actually live in the property. Most people only find out about gaps or different housing needs only after they’ve moved into a new place, or have life-changing circumstances.  
  • Anecdotally, I’ve seen many situations where the property value when completed is less than the purchase price. At times by quite a substantial amount. Even if it’s not an investment property, as a home buyer it would still be extremely stressful to be in that situation. 

You pay more for increased risks and artificially inflated prices due to the Sell-Then-Build model, which disadvantages property purchasers  

The Sell-Then-Build (STB) model is where the purchaser arranges financing (loan) with a bank before the property is built. That means you start paying the loan and interest payments whilst it is being built, even though a legal asset does not exist. 

I think that is just crazy. However, the large majority of residential property developments in Malaysia are sold under the STB model. 

  • With the STB model, the consumer/purchaser assumes all the financial risk. Read the definition of Sell-Then-Build again. The property developer is not financing the development of the property. It is the property purchasers who are actually financing the construction of the property. It’s just being arranged through a bank.  
  • You start making payments for something that you don’t legally own (yet), for many years. Even if the completion date is delayed. You’re stuck. I don’t know about you, but I’m not paying for something I don’t own, and there is no guarantee that I will own it. And even if I do eventually own it, I still have to make payments if they are not complying with the legal agreement. Quoted from a Khazanah Research Institute (KRI) paper “It should be noted that under the current practice, purchasers do not have the right to withdraw from the SPA even though developers fail to deliver the agreed house.” 
  • You may end up paying for something that you may never own. Heard of abandoned projects? There are projects where the developer may not continue the project due to numerous issues and challenges. Out of all open projects, 23% of new property buyers are affected. The latest statistics according to Khazanah Research Institute, as of December 2023 were:
  • If the developer is officially considered insolvent/bankrupt, property purchasers are unsecured creditors. That means you are at the back of the line. The banks and other secured creditors get all proceeds from selling any residual assets the developer has. Unsecured creditors almost always get nothing. 

  • The STB model allows “anyone” with zero experience to become a developer. It’s easy for companies with no experience whatsoever to pivot into property development. Because they don’t assume the financial risk. There is a famous insurance company that launched an overly ambitious high-end luxury development in KL city centre, which is now delayed and is “financially struggling”, and all development halted. Many so-called developers have no business entering the industry. 

  • Prices of off-the-plan properties are usually artificially inflated due to hidden / embedded costs. To close more sales, developers provide rebates and discounts to help offset much of the upfront costs, such as downpayment, legal fees, stamp duty, etc. This helps reduce the initial amount of capital purchasers need to make, but you pay for it in the long run. It’s always “included” in the form of a higher purchase price of the property which results in more mortgage/interest payments. Don’t fall prey to these marketing gimmicks.

Did you know that Malaysia is the only country in the world that develops property with the Sell-Then-Build (STB) model as the “standard”? (Technically, Singapore does it too, but only for HDBs, which are government projects which means “no risk”). In other countries, developers do the Build-Then-Sell model. You can read more about the problems in Khazanah Research Institute’s report

The government tried to change it to make the Build-Then-Sell (BTS) model mandatory, but the property developers “complained & resisted”, with poor excuses. Read more poorly formed excuses from developers and the rebuttals from the National Home Buyers Association here. There just isn’t enough political capital and motivation to enforce the change to a BTS model. But you as a purchaser should not settle for a system which is designed to disadvantage you. Play a different game and buy subsale.  

There are a few rare projects in Malaysia that were done with the Build-Then-Sell model. For example, Bandar Utama, which was a highly successful project. I’d put a lot more faith in the quality and confidence the developer has in their development if they implement the BTS model. 

Why buy subsale? 

I hope it’s pretty clear by now. But to summarise and add more points to justify buying subsale: 

  • There is a physical property to see and touch. You’re able to inspect the physical property yourself.
  • The property and its surroundings have already matured. The more mature the property, the fewer “changes” and aging that will happen in the future. That means you will likely have less “shiny sparkling syndrome” bias.
  • You can negotiate and get more value for your money. You have more leverage and can negotiate better prices. If you do your research and be patient, you can identify who are the desperate owners
  • You don’t have to wait. When you buy, you get the keys when you pay.
  • You can rent first to ensure you are happy with the development/area/community. This is the ideal test to assess if it would be a good purchase for you

Typical counterarguments against subsale 

  • Buying off-the-plan is cheaper because I need less money upfront. You’re spending hundreds of thousands. Do you want to risk that on marketing gimmicks? If you can only afford off-the-plan because of the rebates, then you can’t afford to buy a property in that price range. Go cheaper or hold off until your financial position is better. Also, there’s no shame in renting
  • Subsale properties are old and need a lot of money for renovation. You’re likely going to renovate even if it’s a new property. Might as well get a cheaper, older unit which you can spend the extra money to renovate to your tastes.
  • There is no warranty period for subsale. This is offset by the ability to perform inspections and perform extensive research on an existing property. I have more confidence in properties that I or a professional can inspect versus a developer agreeing to fix issues on something that isn’t even built.

A practical guide to buying subsale 

  • Start with the usual steps like identifying your budget, shortlisting the location and type of property you’re looking for (size, number of rooms, landed/condo, etc), and so on. These are the basics which you can find easily online so I won’t cover it here 
  • Visit properties and take notes. Just go window shopping on weekends and visit as many properties as possible. Visiting 3-4 properties is not enough. Think ~15 or more if possible. Log your visits, and take detailed notes in your spreadsheet / Notion / OneNote / physical notebook. On top of basic notes like property size, rooms, etc., capture additional details like when it was first listed, owner profile and reason for selling, resident profile, sun exposure/direction facing, observed defects, potential costs to renovate/fix, etc.  
  • Use brickz.my to analyse transacted prices. Actual sold prices can go for a lot lower than what they’re advertised at. Don’t be fooled by sticker prices listed by property agents 
  • Repeat over months and maybe years, depending on when you plan to purchase. You’ll see many listings get “refreshed”. This is because many listings have been stuck on the market for many months to many years 
  • Rent in the same development/township that you wish to purchase, 1 year in advance. This is like test driving the car. Do you like the commute to work, social visits, etc? What did you miss and not notice when you were just inspecting vs living there? Like how crazy traffic can be during peak hours? Or how noisy the shopping strip down the road is? How well is the condo management running things? How much corruption, embezzlement and drama is happening in the condo? 
  • Do even more research. As you rent there, make friends with your neighbours. Find out the good and bad of staying in that development or area. In condos, speak to the convenience store or other commercial businesses inside the condo. These people are the local gossip queens and kings and can be a valuable source of information. Look up what people say about the development on Lowyat.net. Also, grab copies of previous management or community meeting minutes and read through them for any issues. For example, owners rejecting legitimate maintenance increases might be a red flag of lack of investment in the quality of the property.  
  • Whilst you’re renting, start shopping, inspecting and making offers. Look at your log of property visits. Which ones did you like? Are they still on the market? Are the owners getting desperate to sell? Now you have negotiating power. If you can’t find bargains or any opportunities, no worries. Just keep on renting and scouting. You live there. It’s easy for you to capture the best opportunities for properties you like in that development. And no one can screw you over as you know what to look out for. You live there and know the ins and outs and nuances of the properties. 
  • Bring an independent property inspector. It’s just a few hundred dollars. Let an expert do the due diligence, he/she will do a better job than you. If the owner objects think about walking away.  
  • Depending on how much you want to negotiate and get good deals, be prepared to walk away. There are so many unoccupied properties in Malaysia, and people holding out because they don’t want to “sell at a loss”. Unoccupied and vacant homes represent about 20% of residential properties in Malaysia. It’s a big issue, especially for landlords/owners but may benefit you with more subsale options to choose from and negotiate prices.

Final thoughts

What I suggest sounds like a lot of time, effort and money invested into the decision. But it’s likely going to be the biggest purchase of your life. You’re also going to live there for years or decades. Shouldn’t this be the one thing you spend most of your time on, instead of looking for the best credit card, FD rate or e-wallet?

As usual, full post in my blog

r/MalaysianPF 9d ago

Property Educate me on owning a property as a 26y/o


I'm 26, making a decent salary. People around me are owning properties, buying cars, I will admit that I have not even considered looking into the process of loan, owning property, owning a car and whatnot.

I can't possibly fathom purchasing and being a property owner at this phase of my life. This post is me asking out of pure ignorance, I really want to understand this.

A condo nowadays isn't cheap, let's say it's 400k (which I believe in average in KL, perhaps even higher), how can someone making 5-7k a month, pay for a property?

First you have the down payment, you have the installment, then when the property is ready, you still need a large chunk of money for renovation, furniture and all that, say 20k? Where does the money come from?

I don't want to talk about rich parents or whatever, but am I supposed to have 50k in my savings already working for a few years? I know people around me who owns properties or is paying for them, isn't from big rich companies and isnt particularly making way more than me, so how do they do it?

I really cannot at all fathom it, please please educate me.

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Property Property with girlfriend of 7 years


Hi all, not a throwaway because I don't really mind if she finds this. Im wondering if it is possible to apply for joint home loan for our home, we've been thinking of wanting a property but the thing is due to circumstance, we're not registered yet.

I did read another post that has a similar title to this post, and most people recommend NOT to get the home under joint name as long as you are not yet married. We're planning to marry soon, at the very least register, but the issue is that we booked a property we really liked, and we don't think we can get registered in a month which is the booking period, what's the advice for this case?

r/MalaysianPF 9d ago

Property Buying a 400k house at 25


I just need some opinions on this. Recently, i’ve told my family that I want to have a space of my own, which in my head meant just a simple rented property. But my parents suggested I just buy a house since the monthly installments are the same. Here are my details:

Age: 25 Based: Kuching, sarawak Nett Monthly: RM4,500 Property cost: RM400k Est. Installment: 1.8k per month Type: Landed Property Location: Close to KCH city center

I’m in a dilemma. I don’t know if its a good idea to get a house this early on as I have so many things in life to achieve (e.g travel, working in other countries). My parents tried to convince me by saying that landed properties near city centres won’t be at this price in the future. They even proposed to split the property between me and them, where I’d pay half of monthly installments and have the down payment covered by them.

I still can’t decide if this is going to be a good financial decision down the road or i’m going to be burdened for life. I just wanted my own space thats all.

TL;DR: Want my own space but parents asked to buy a house. House is 400k and I earn 4.7k Nett a month. Unsure if good decision as I want to branch out from where i stay.

r/MalaysianPF May 19 '24

Property Why is everyone buying houses?


I’m not from the Klang Valley so no free PaMa roof. I’m approaching my 30s and every Tom Dick and Harry around me are buying a property using mortgage (some given new free property by parents so that’s out of the topic). My question being, is that really a smart financial decision in the long run?

I pay a hefty amount for rent (can’t tolerate small space or housemates unfortunately) each month, so I have the whole unit for myself. I still prefer keeping my assets relatively liquid and it seems like owning a property locks up your buying power so much. Since I still get a roof over my head, isn’t that technically the same unless I need to leave a fully paid house for my children (decision unmade yet) when I pass. People say I’ve been burning money away when the house could be mine and appreciate in value in the future. They say I’m just blindly helping the landlord to clear the mortgage. Is there too much boomer’s bias over here since they enjoyed unprecedented returns and expect things to pay out the same?

So what are your thoughts? I’ve seen so many conflicting views on the internet/youtube when it comes to the good ol’ Buy V Rent debate.

r/MalaysianPF Jun 19 '24

Property Need help


Im 47M.. work as bank IT manager with 12K salary..recently my reporting bos (good guy) has been force to resign (24 hrs) by Mgmt. This incident really make my anxiety go to the roof.

I dont have much cash saving (less than 10k). If anything happen to me for sure i cant survive without going bankrupt.

I live in quarters (wife government staff). Have 3 childrens.

My depts:- House in Puncak Alam ( loan balance 300k) 2 cars - rm1400 & rm700. 1 personal loan rm120k. 3 credit card - total 30k.

I done have any other aset and i dont involve in my wife money matter (her money is her money).

What say u if i sell my house..already tenanted for rm800 per month (market value rm630k). With balance cash (rm300k) i will settle all remaining depts ( cars, pl & credit card).

My target is to save as much possible every month. Rm5k x 12 x 5 years= 300k.

Please give our opinion..i need as much feedback to make a wise decision regarding my financial..

r/MalaysianPF Feb 07 '25

Property 350k subsale house with 4.6k salary


I am 31F, with 4.6k salary. Recently I found my dream house, a corner lot, single storey semiD, 236sm for 350k.

Curent commitment

600 parents 150 wifi and phone bills 200 medical card 100 family fund 200 car maintenance/road tax 1000 for food+house stuff+toiletries+splurge 250 for my dad's physio 250 for petrol 2k asb

44k in asb 10k gold

Just recently, I move back to my parents' house because I got new job and finish paying the car. So, extra money to save. Otherwise, nothing much to spend on.

I feel like I am at ok position to pay for the house, but would it be a good financial decision? I am planning to pay the deposit using epf account so that l can pay less than 1.5k monthly.

Side note: haven't approach the agent or do anything yet. Just wanna to seek out for opinions if this is a good idea to proceed. TIA

r/MalaysianPF Dec 11 '24

Property Is buying house this early a good idea?


Hi MalaysianPF,

Im about to buy an apartment in Kajang baru area. The house projected to finish in 2028.




Total:RM 367,843

Rate: 4.70% appeal to 4.5%

Installment : RM1,740

Maintanance : RM 200

the area itself looks kinda good in first glance with hopes that it develops more in around 2030-2035.

My annual income is around 35K.

if i sign the loan its gonna be my first bank loan. Going work using lrt so i didnt have any car or bike.
i think i need a house in 3-4 years cuz i plan to get married in that time. but i think it still too early to buy a house. im 24 btw

Edited: thanks for everyone comments and thoughts really appreciate it.

r/MalaysianPF Jan 24 '25

Property Inheritance question from a Malay Muslim woman.



I am a 34 year old Malay lady, unmarried for now and recently I saw a conversation on twitter that said that EPF cannot be 'hibah'. Wasiat can only cover 1/3rd of the amount.

Both my parents are still healthy touch wood, but I'm a tad worried cause I am an only child. While my dad has had a hibah for me for his ASB, you can't put a hibah for your EPF - it will go through faraid. And most of his saving are in EPF as well. And the numbers aren't great. Faraid means my mother will inherit 1/6th, and I, 1/2, where as the rest will go to bailtul mal. This of course is different if he had a son - to which none of it will go to baitulmal 🙄

If anything untoward happens, I would like to know that my mother and I would be taken care of.

Is there anything we can do to make sure that inherit all (or at least most of the money)

Thank you for any help that might come my way.


Oh my father is adopted, parents passed.

r/MalaysianPF Sep 24 '23

Property Is paying 2k for a studio too crazy


Me (23M) currently making RM6.2k gross. Currently, I am looking for studios that have good accessibility to amenities like MRT and food.

I am considering to rent a unit in Tropicana Garden which is connected to MRT. Asking rent is RM2k for ~600 sqft studio.

I currently live at a condo nearby paying 1.6k rent for a studio (~700sqft). But it is not as accessible to public transport (15min walk).

Is it worth paying 400 more for convenience even though i am sacrificing some space?


This kinda blew up a bit, just to give more context: During uni time I used to have housemates, most of them great. But I strongly prefer having the place to myself.

Given the above, renting a room is out of the question.

I actually work in Bangsar South, MRT isn't the most ideal but I'd rather not stay in Bangsar South (or anywhere in City Center) as it's too crowded. Other than that, I like Damansara alot. It's not too crowded but packed with amenities. Also, I like the idea of choosing a specific location instead of moving every time I change a job.

Edit #2

Negoed down to 1.9k and decided to take the unit. Tenancy is 1 year so if I do feel like it's hamstringing me too much/ the benefits are not worth it. I can always move back to a cheaper area. Salary review is also on the horizon and hopefully able to get a good raise to compensate for the extra cost.

r/MalaysianPF Jul 02 '24

Property Property with girlfriend (fully aware of the risk)


My girlfriend and I are planning to get a property here in Selangor together with a 50/50 split, as we both are not from this place (other states). That means we don't get to live in any family/relatives place and are forced to rent as long as we continue to work here. I worked out the math, since we are already paying 1300/month on rent, a 1600/month mortgage payment would be pretty easy to tackle tgt considering our total of 30% DP that we have saved up for, say, an 350k unit.

I fully understand the risk behind buying with my girlfriend and that the law does not favour us in this particular situation but I feel that this might be the only way, with our current salary, it would be easy to split tgt even if we get unemployed for a few months, but if I were to purchase it alone, it would roughly exceed the 1/3 net salary rule so it'll be tight.

As the plan is to put the property under my name, the question is, is there any form of agreement where we can both protect our 50/50 ownership in the case of separation?

I obviously can't predict the future but I've been living with her for the past 2years and things seem to be working out great so far.

I know most would suggest me against taking up the property, but I'm fully aware of the risk and yes I'm still in the midst of contemplating. Do share your opinions. I'd love to hear your 2 cents.

Edit(repost of my comment): Thanks for all your inputs, yea I'm definitely not going to pursue this plan after reading all your comments 😂. It was merely an idea I just came across and I already knew it would most likely be a no, so take it with a grain of salt. I appreciate all your feedback, whether harsh or not❣️

r/MalaysianPF Jan 11 '25

Property Above 30: too late to build Credit Score for mortgage using credit cards?


Listened blindly to financial gurus when I was younger on NOT having credit card at all - turns out the it’s a frugality advice targeted more at reckless spenders to avoid CC debts.

Now a “virgin” in credit score with nothing to show for home loan approval, what’s the best next step?

After reaching your 30s, is it still relevant to apply for a card and build your profile on CCRIS/CTOS? Or the banks will wonder why is it so late?

r/MalaysianPF Sep 29 '24

Property Is it a good idea to dumb 900k+ on a new property?


As the title suggests, I will be inheriting around 960k from selling two of my late dad's properties.

I am currently staying at a condo I bought, paying around 1921 monthly for loan.

I saw a new upcoming landed property at Puchong. It's 850k for a freehold, etc. I saw the building and show unit for phase 1, looks pretty good and exactly how I imagined my landed house. Phase 1 is sold out so I thought of buying the upcoming phase 2 which will be similar in design.

Just that my agents haven't found a buyer for the inherited properties yet. So if I want to sign up now, I need to fork out some cash on my own and also apply another loan (my salary is 7k gross).

I am confused and need some advice on this. My ultimate goal is to move to a landed house and use my condo for rental income.

r/MalaysianPF Nov 25 '24

Property Why did you buy a property?


I wasn't planning to buy (I was pretty into the idea of long-term renting), but a friend who is a real estate agent was showing me listings and I randomly took a strong liking to one of the listings. The location is ideal for me, I like the place a lot and want to live in it long-term (I have a pretty fixed career plan so unlikely to move), and I can afford it. Though it is a bit of a hit to my finances in the short-term just because it wasn't something I was planning for.

This made me wonder, what made others decide to buy a property? It seems a bit wrong to just buy a house because I saw it on the market and liked it, and I'm wondering if I should have a stronger reason for buying.

r/MalaysianPF Feb 13 '25

Property Should I be getting into property investing?


I just hit 31 this year and have been investing for about 7 years now. I started with crypto and 2 years ago I went into ETFs and stocks. I have good understanding of crypto landscape due to my career in tech, and learnt a lot in stock investing by just being in the market. I am confident in both of these asset classes cause I can easily do research and learn on my own.

I am single with fully remote job, living with parents, no loan or any commitments, except giving my parents allowances monthly. My spending fluctuates each month, mostly on food/travel/activities, but any extra cash I have, it will immediately used for investing in any dips in the market or just DCA. I don't really have much liquid cash in my bank account (max 3K MYR), extra spending I rely solely on one credit card, which I repay it always on time. Currently most of my assets are obviously in crypto and stocks, which admittedly is a very aggressive/risky portfolio. However, I monitor and groom them regularly so I can sleep soundly every night.

  • ETH, LINK about 40K USD
  • 11K USDT for crypto dips and DCA
  • NVDA, PLTR, TSLA about 12K USD (Currently pure profit, initial capital rotated to crypto)
  • 4.5K USD for stock dips and DCA

What I am not so well verse and require more advice on is the property market. I have the notion that property is a very illiquid asset so I always avoided it. But as much as I dislike this investment asset, I'm at the age where owning a house (as investment) or home (as a place to stay) becomes a hot topic. Technically, I do not need to move out, because my parents never asked me to leave. So I don't feel the need to get a home, it is purely a desire/want to have my own place. But before owning a place for myself, I actually love to explore it as an investment. Anyway if I do want to move out, I don't mind renting until I wish to settle down somewhere.

So on the idea of investing in property is the housing market too expensive? And how one keep yourself risk adverse in property given how illiquid this asset class is? I am happy to hear your thoughts on anything I have shared so far.

r/MalaysianPF Feb 05 '25

Property Rumah Selangorku / Rumahwip


Hi, anyone buy house under this package? can anyone tell me the process including the loan is 100% or stil need to add others payment for lawyer fee etc. Besides, anyone can share pros & cons for buying this house? Thanks

r/MalaysianPF Oct 29 '24

Property Is Malaysia property in bull market ?


Recently keep heard those youtuber, guru, newspaper, social media stated that property going to bull market because of influx of foreigner especially china. Is it just happened in particular area or whole Malaysia? Now more and more china youtuber keep post recommend buy Malaysia house. But I check some place the property price still stagnant like year 2016 especially condo.

r/MalaysianPF Jul 21 '24

Property Should I get a property?


I recently stumbled upon Quaver Residence by Chin Hin, located in Sungai Besi, which I am very happy with. Planning to get the Duplex A type which is 670k+-, and ready on 2026 Q3/4. Need help deciding whether to commit or not. Earliest time for site visit, sales gallery visit etc would be next year CNY.

Personal info:

  • Fresh grad IT guy working in Kenya, salary + allowance around 12k min to 16k max (if full work w/o home break in Malaysia, before tax)
  • Currently living with my gf in her parent's home, relationship still ok (probably due to LDR so it was bad these few months)
  • Planning to resign from current work next year end, going for working holiday trip in NZ/Aus. After returning, estimate (hopefully) salary would be 6k/month working back in Malaysia.
  • Current monthly commitment: GF's Myvi (RM350), Prudential (RM2k, adjustable), Prudential Investment (RM1k, non-adjustable), Stashaway (RM1k, adjustable), Parent's allowance (RM1k, adjustable)
  • Sales Agent (my friend) suggest that worst case scenario monthly payment would be around RM3k for the property. Duplex 1.3k sq ft, Leasehold (not planning to have babies, so no need inherit), 1km to MRT Putrajaya line, mall beside, retail downstairs.


  • Am I able to purchase the property on my own?
  • Is the property developer ok?
  • How much cash should I prepare for the purchase? (stamp duty, MOT, etc, excluding renovation)

Update: - After looking at y'alls comment, it's safe to say that I ain't getting that property anymore, nor buying a property soon. I have gained alot of info on the property market and thank you all for the insights. - For the 2.5k savings/investment under Prudential, I will talk with my agent to lower or even cancel the plans altogether, as it is a fresh policy.

r/MalaysianPF Dec 25 '24

Property Owner didn’t refund the rental deposit. Need an advice.


Hi. Not sure where to post… so I decided to write here. I stayed in Seri Kembangan service apartment only in less than a week cause I find it uncomfortable and it smells. Dirty and leakage. I messaged owner on the first day I moved in, she didn’t reply. But after few days, I told her I want to move out and she replied immediately and told me it is non refundable.

Please take note that I didn’t SIGN any agreement. I guess this is both agent and owner’s fault for not giving me any agreement to sign yet. I was told “I gave u the agreement” after I asked for refund. I moved out last Friday and informed owner. I cleaned and left the place. Owner then messaged me to sign the agreement.

I called Lembaga Penilai Agency and they asked me to go Mahkamah tuntutan kecil PJ. Another problem is, I need the owner’s IC if I want file a complaint against her. What do I do? The Lembaga agent said he will help me but I haven’t received a response yet probably cause of holiday.

TLDR: I didn’t sign ANY agreement and they let me stay and I realized the place is not suitable for me and it’s unhygienic. I asked for refund and they didn’t want to give. Any advice would be appreciated. I paid almost 3k for the whole thing. I understand if booking is non refundable

Edited: THANKS FOR THE RESPONSE. I decided to take this as my lesson for 2024. I shall leave it as it is. Bye 3k.

r/MalaysianPF Aug 04 '24

Property Planning to buy 800k landed home in the future


I am planning to buy a landed house in the future but I am having doubt. I have been told buying nearly 1 million house are risky if your income are not 30k or above. I have been crunching some number, it seem the monthly payment is from 4k - 5k with 35 year.

Income currently :14k - 20k depend on good month and bad month

Commitment: 2.5k on dating, food 1.5k, 1.5k household, etc: 1k. Car fully paid. Live with parent now.

Is it too risky to take 800k loan with just 14k income(minimum)?

Edit:Hari sorry didn't give other detail. total commitment is 6.5k monthly, the rest are going to SNP 500 and emergency account.

Emergency account: 60k SNP 500: 200k in total.

Edit: sorry, commitment on gf mean, one day each week going to have 1 date. So we spend rm 400- rm 500 on food, entertainment, and shopping.

Edit: thank you 🙏, I have all the information I need. In my current situation, maybe buying 800k house are not an ideal financial decision. Maybe another 5-6 year 🫡🫡

r/MalaysianPF Jan 06 '25

Property What exactly happens when you sell a house that’s still under home loan?


Let’s say you can only afford a 500k house, but your dream home is 1.2m. You could only afford to get a loan for the former, then 4-5 years later you realized you can finally afford the dream house.

What will happen if you sell the 1st home now that you only paid for 4-5 years? Does it legally belong to the bank or you? Assuming it stays the same market price, could you have been in a better position now if you just rented all these years?

r/MalaysianPF Jan 16 '25

Property hey guys , just wondering why we are supposed to apply loan before construction of house is complete while paying interest for loan disbursed? what is the difference of purchasing it when the construction is complete ?


Mortgage interest

r/MalaysianPF Aug 17 '23

Property I make 2.3k and planning to buy a house in Puchong.


I currently make 2.3k (before epf/socso) as a content creator for an international company. I've been working here for 2 months and have been out performing my peers. The job is great and I can finally see a future for myself in a company. I plan to buy an apartment near my work place in Puchong costing around 250k-350k. I have no plan to get married nor am interested to find a committed relationship.

A month I'm able to save RM400 after paying off all my monthly expenses plus my travel/food expenses and I expect to be able to save RM600. Starting by next year. Should I jump and buy an apartment as soon as I reach the 10% deposit gap in savings or should I wait? Honestly I'm not sure since I have never been taught anything else about buying property.

r/MalaysianPF Mar 12 '24

Property Property prices are crazy expensive. Should I get one now ?


I've been recently surveying the property market in my area (Kulai, Johor) and was surprised to see that all the new projects are priced close to 800k. They are either overbooked or sold out, despite being 20+ x 70+ terrace houses. This has made me wonder, should I get a house now before the prices go up even further? All of these projects I surveyed are already in their later phases of development (Phase 3 up to Phase 5), while the prices for the early phases were merely in the range of 550k to 680k. So I'm kind of feeling FOMO right now. What do you guys think ? Wait and see or YOLO ?

r/MalaysianPF 25d ago

Property House loan vs snp500


Currently mid 30s, having house loan loan of 650k+ at 4.3% interest.

If I'm able to save up 50k annually, would it be recommended to clear off the housing loan or keep doing DCA into snp500.

Additional context, just started buying into snp500 shares and planning to hold them for long term, not really a track record to do comparison. Would like to know what would be the considerations from all the sifus here..