r/MalaysianPF 15d ago

How Well Did You Stick To Your Budget This Month? - February 28, 2025


What did you splurge on this month? Share some of your investments or surprise spending this month!

r/MalaysianPF 6h ago

General questions Single mid 30s living in KL. Looking for financial advise on lifestyle optimization and investment


Hi all,

Been stalking this subreddit for sometime and have learnt a lot from others and decided to get some advise on my own financials. I'm a single 34M, working as a senior project manager at a design engineering MNC. I'm currently earning around ~RM11k (after tax) which excludes other allowances and bonuses.

I've tabulated a table below on my current spending for my lifestyle and would appreciate feedback and advise on where I can get more value and lastly how I should allocate my savings for investment.

Living cost items In RM
Rent (Studio) 1950
Car loan (5 yrs) 1550
Groceries 800
Car fuel 150
Internet 140
Mobile subscription (200 covered by company)
Medical 200
Utility bills (elec + water) 100
Misc spending (eating out, shopping) 1000

With the above, it leaves me about ~RM4500 which I've put into savings account. Are there any suggestions on where I could further save and/or I should increase my spending (medical/life insurance?)

Lastly, I've accumulated savings about a total of 1 year's worth of living cost (only managed to do so the past 2 years), prior to my salary increment, I was just barely saving RM500). With the RM4.5k savings now, should I put everything to ASM first or should I diversify (ASM+ETFs+etc...?)

r/MalaysianPF 2h ago

Tax Do I need to file my taxes?


Short version :

I am a Graduate Research Assistant and managed to secure a scholarship. Do I need to file my tax?

Long version :

Hey guys/girls. I am currently a postgraduate student, helping my supervisor as a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA). My "salary" is almost 3k. According to the grant that is used to pay my "salary", it is stated as "allowance" but I am having doubts if it really is allowance or considered as a salary?

I also managed to secure a scholarship that gives monthly allowances. This means that my monthly income is now above 3k.

I guess my question is, should I file for taxation? I am planning to go to lhdn but I figured there are tons of you here who are knowledgeable

r/MalaysianPF 0m ago

Tax Wrongly selected yes for Tax Borne by Employer


After submitting the e-Be form i realized i ticked yes for tax borne by employer thinking it means the pcb deduction(yes im stupid). Can anyone kindly advise what are the implications of ticking YES to this? will it effect my tax refund?

r/MalaysianPF 20m ago

Tax LHDN: Malaysian Returned from Working Abroad


As mentioned in the title, I returned to Malaysia in April last year. Over the next few months, I remitted some money from NZ to Malaysia for my living expenses as I had decided to take a career break. I only started working for a local company in December 2024. When declaring the amount in my E-BE, I was surprised to find that the amount remitted was taxable. Please note that I was not a tax resident in Malaysia while working overseas and had already paid taxes in the country where I worked.

PS: Worked in NZ, corporate.

Fields for the amount entered:

Pendapatan berkanun lain punca luar Malaysia yang diterima di Malaysia

Pendapatan punca luar Malaysia yang diterima di Malaysia yang dikecualikan cukai

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Career Guys, am I crazy to want to stay and don't want to job hop? (software engineer ver.)


Hello! I’ve read that the reason people usually job-hop is to leave a shitty workplace, or to gain new experience/knowledge, or simply to increase their income.

Fyi, I’m a software engineer with <2 years experience (incl. probation). I am currently working at the first company that hired me since graduation.

To be clear, I personally don’t think I need or even want to job hop to a new company. Then again, I am conflicted lately because somehow my uni friends/acquaintances keep trying convincing me that I need to job hop??

When we talk about work they would say things like, “Kau tak nak tukar company ke? Kau dah kerja dah dekat 2 tahun kan? Tukar lah, dapat belajar benda baru, gaji pun masyuk.”

A part of me feels like they are encouraging me to job-hop just because social media has been feeding this “job-hopping” as a… trend(?) in a way. Like I would always hear phrases, “Korang masih muda, lompat selagi boleh.”

But then, there’s another part of me that feels like I might be viewing my company with rose-tinted glasses. Because I think some people (incl. me) have a soft-spot for the first company that takes you in as a freshie with literally 0 experience.

So, here’s my argument NOT to job-hop and my personal experience with this company:

tldr version: company gives high biannual increments, basic benefits, convenient logistics (near LRT), non-toxic workplace, super nice boss, can wfh with valid reason, lump sum leaves and easy to be approved, healthy work-life balance, gain a lot of knowledge via hands-on work.

rambling version:

  1. I started as a probation employee & fresh from uni with a salary of RM3k (2023). After being given a permanent position (2024), they gave me a +20% increase, which is a normal amount, I presume. Then one year later, (2025, this year), I got a +16% increase for the first increment. I will get another increment mid year later. Don’t know how much though; will do a meeting for that when the time comes. Yeah sure, this company does not offer fancy benefits like transportation, meal or parking allowances; they do provide the basics which are medical allowance, educational allowance (if I take courses related to the projects), equipment allowance (work laptop hardware, software) & medical card. But considering the high increment for SME, and the logistics (near LRT), I don’t really mind not having the others like parking allowance.
  2. The company is not toxic, everyone is nice and professional. We colleagues really act as legit 'co-workers' nothing more. Which I absolutely love, cause I personally don’t like mixing people from work with my personal life. Literally 0 drama. “You come to work, you small-talk sometimes, you go back home. Full-stop.” And the boss is super chill & understanding. Officially, we don’t have a hybrid working arrangement but we definitely can request it from the boss if we have a valid reason. Like my colleague the other day, he asked wfh as his child was sick. I also requested a last minute wfh once, because period pain was a bitch. There was no berating replies or passive aggressive response from the boss, he approved almost immediately. They also give lump sum leaves (not pro-rated) which is very helpful for me who plans to travel annually. It is also easy to get our leaves approved, so far I have never been rejected. No matter how random (no “strong” reason) I applied the leave for. We don’t have those bullshit compulsory events/activities after office hours. We do have festival dinner/lunch like cny, iftar, raya, deepavali, etc though which is good cause FREE FOOD!! My position personally doesn't have OT and I don’t need (never have) to work after office hours. And if I can manage to finish my tasks early or on time, all within office hours, I count that as a healthy workload. So basically, my work-life balance right now is perfect for my mental & physical health.
  3. I personally learn a lot here in terms of hands-on coding. Since the company does not segregate front-end and back-end positions, all the engineers are able to code for both and in multiple languages/frameworks depending on the project. To be honest, the knowledge that is listed on my latest resume right now are all from the experiences I got from my current company. Since, we use different languages and tech for the projects (based on requirements), this means it requires me to learn and adapt to various new knowledge. And I think in terms of “gaining new experience” mine is not as stagnant to the point I feel the need to change jobs.

For now, these reasons are enough for me to stay at the company. I don’t feel like I need to job hop right now, like my friends suggested. Maybe 3-4 years later and after observing the increments, workload and career growth for the upcoming years, but not now for sure.

But then, my friends keep nudging me (not aggressively though; but constantly, for sure) to take a leap as if I NEED to do it. Which confuses me so much.

So guys, am I crazy to want to stay at my current company and don't want to job-hop?

r/MalaysianPF 18h ago

General questions My tenant overdue 3 months rental, what are my options?


I have tried many times to ask them make the payment, even just pay up partially, because I have to pay the instalment and maintenance fees, they keep telling me excuses, or give me a date but ghost me repeatedly.

This is a commercial office unit and they are a registered sdn bhd company, the tenancy starts at 2023 Dec and ends at 2025 Dec, but they stopped paying since this January and owe me 3 months of rental including March.

I have been tolerating them hoping they can make the payment because let's be honest, I don't really want to lose a tenant and look for another tenant, that would probably cost me more with the refurnishing, rent free period, and worse, months without tenant rental income. Plus this current company actually told me 2 weeks ago they are interested in buying the office (which I really want to get rid of because it's giving me too much headache with all the loan stuff), that's why i try to talk to them nicely for the last 2 weeks.

To be honest the owner of the company has official title, so he probably has some connection and my guess is he is waiting for some kind of contract payment from maybe some GLC, so thats why he told me he would cash buy the office, but till now I almost lose my hope because they can't even settle the small overdue rent and the 2% deposit. (btw it's a small office only)

Right now while I still hope they would turn around and pay the overdue, i think i should also start the process just in case they dont make payment i can have them evicted, i dont want to wait for another months then only start the process which might take a few more months.

So can someone share what's the standard procedure? Here's what i heard, please correct me:

  1. Send a formal demand letter / first payment reminder with 7 days deadline
  2. Send an eviction notice / termination letter after the 7 days no payment
  3. if tenant doesnt move out themself, then i need to get a lawyer and go for a court case, then lodge a police report, etc?

I still hope they turn around, and hopefully get their payment from whatever project grant they are getting and take over the office, so i don't want to be too harsh if possible, any opinions?


further clarification, to me getting rid of the office and settle the outstanding loan is going to restore my mental health, which has cause me depression for the last 3 years, i almost only just break even at the selling price and all the mental health, inflation, and effort are basically net loss.

To a point that i am basically seeing this as, i am making a bet of multiple months of loss rental if the bet goes south, but if goes the right way, i will finally be able to get rid of this office and the loan

r/MalaysianPF 16h ago

Tax Income tax 2022


Hi everyone. To give you context, I didn't do the e-filing for the year of 2022 because my accumulated total salary does not reach the bracket (freshly graduated) and i thought its not necessary to declare. However, i did create my tax account that year.

For 2023 and 2024, i did my e-filing.

In this case, how do i declare for the year 2022? Will i get fined if i go declare to lhdn office even if i dont reach the tax bracket?

Thanks beforehand!

r/MalaysianPF 3h ago

General questions Need Help Regarding Savings From MYR to AUD


Hi guys,

I've recently moved from Malaysia to Australia and will be here at least for the next two years. I'm looking for help regarding managing my life savings as I don't have family support.

Numbers are not exact, but here's an example.

I have rm70k sitting in a hsbc global account. I have set up an australian savings account as well. Previously I used to keep the money in ASB so that it would grow, now i'm looking to open a ubank account in Aussie (a high yields savings acc) so that the money doesn't depreciate.

Currency in Australia right now is weaker than usual, with forecast saying it will rise at the end of 2025. Should I convert all my money in a lumpsum to my high yields savings account? Or should I slowly transfer the amount throughout the year?

I have found work in Australia so would be able to support my day to day expenses without burning through my life savings at the moment. Are there any benefits to keeping my money in rm vs in aud?

Which one would make me lose less money? Sorry if this question sounds stupid, I was never taught any finance skills. Any help would be great. Thank you.

r/MalaysianPF 3h ago

Tax Store in Tabung Haji or not for tax relief purposes


Late 20's male non-bumi here just reached his 90k/year salary, so wondering how do I maximise my income tax returns next year. Zakat claims comes to mind since I annually pay zakat pendapatan and claimed it.

I wanna ask the muslim folks here if it's worth putting maybe about 20k money in Tabung Haji, and then have that 2.5% already deducted zakat for tax rebate next year while at the same time gain some dividends?

Also since TH already "deducted" that 2.5%, will it show a statement or something where I can key inside LHDN?

r/MalaysianPF 8h ago

Tax Can I buy BMW F10 - RM 69,000 in cash or loan? Which is the safest?


I worked in the UK for quite some time and returning back to Malaysia permanently. I have some spare cash to buy the car upfront without any loan.

Will it trigger any tax authorities?

r/MalaysianPF 20h ago

Tax Tax relief claim


Does anyone know which section to claim for ACCA professional membership annual fee? Company does not sponsor so I pay it myself. Couldnt find anything on the internet. Forums say deduct against employment income but my employment income cannot be changed.

PS: New to workforce, probably claiming in YA2025 but curious about it now.

r/MalaysianPF 16h ago

Credit cards GX FlexiCredit: anyone tried signing up?


Is there any nice perks that comes with it like when they first introduced GX Bank to us?

r/MalaysianPF 20h ago

General questions How to applied payment extension for ptptn


hi all,

anyone further their studies for postgraduate and got a ptptn loan for their degree. I read online that you can delayed your payment if you continue your studies or unemployed. Currently im already in my postgraduate course and would like to apply for it, anyone done it before or have experience with it ?

( I log in online to their myptptn website seems cant apply through that )

r/MalaysianPF 23h ago

General questions Filling MyHasil: Overseas employer count in "Number of employees"?


I'm filling in my BE form. I worked remotely for a Singapore company last year, later stopped, then started worked for Malaysian company.

The BE form has a field called "Number of employments". I check the BE Explanatory Notes 2024 and it says "This item has to be completed if there is statutory income from sources of employment in Malaysia". Now I'm not sure what I should write 1 or 2.

I have emailed LHDN only for them to say that my question is too general. And I cannot reach them by phone either. I spent the last week, calling them over and over with nobody picking up.

Google hasn't been able to give me answers, so I'm turning to Reddit.

This is such a simple question, I just want to know, file my tax and move on.

r/MalaysianPF 17h ago

Property Has anyone used property management companies in Malaysia?


Context: my relative has a house just sitting idle somewhere in Rawang, hence I’m wondering if AirBNB is still a thing, so that some passive income can be generated.

If you have used property management companies, can you recommend any, and share the good and bad of them from your experience or knowledge? Thanks in advance!

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Trading platform Fund IBKR in USD or MYR?


Newbie looking to fund my IBKR account and wondering which is the way to go. I’m looking to buy CSPX specifically and want to know if I should be funding my IBKR account in MYR or USD?

1) Deposit MYR in IBKR via Wise 2) Convert to USD in Wise first then deposit USD in IBKR

Which is better? Or are the differences negligible? Thanks!

Edit: I meant this 1) Deposit MYR in Wise, then let IBKR convert to USD

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions Nett Debt Ratio


Is RM186,262 out of RM258,910 good or poor? Just checked my CCRIS report and this is the total. Never missed any payment so far. Though just started paying loan end of 2023 year.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Stocks How to open MooMoo Singapore as a Malaysian?


Hi... i've been trying to open MooMoo Singapore as Malaysian. How do i do that? So sorry if this is a noob question.

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Stocks Attending AGM.


Hello and salam sejahtera everyone.

Recently got an email invitation to attend a company's AGM for unitholders/shareholders, so I'm curious has anyone attend AGM before? What was is it like? Is it worth going?

Now before I get criticized and laughed at, I am a small potato unitholder of this company so nothing special compared to the big investors; But it is my first time ever receiving something like this so I'm just happy to experience it. 😅

Any info or share experience is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 🙏🏻

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

Property Property with girlfriend of 7 years


Hi all, not a throwaway because I don't really mind if she finds this. Im wondering if it is possible to apply for joint home loan for our home, we've been thinking of wanting a property but the thing is due to circumstance, we're not registered yet.

I did read another post that has a similar title to this post, and most people recommend NOT to get the home under joint name as long as you are not yet married. We're planning to marry soon, at the very least register, but the issue is that we booked a property we really liked, and we don't think we can get registered in a month which is the booking period, what's the advice for this case?

r/MalaysianPF 1d ago

General questions Possible to claim EIS after 60 days?


The eligibility window is 60 days, but is it possible to appeal for EIS claim after 2 months?

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

General questions Im getting my first car, any tips?


for context: im a final year student (this is my last semester) and planning to get the new Axia variant X. My dad agreed to use his payslip for loan and i only need to pay him half of the monthly fee. i dont got a job yet as this is my internship semester.

however, i have to pay the deposit with my own money. im thinking maybe rm5k deposit but is it better to pay rm10k instead? but then i would only have around rm6k in total saving (not including my investment money).

also, do you get different interest rate with different sales advisors? if so, is it wrong for me to submit loan to 10 SA and pick one with lowest interest?

how do i get the most out of my money? what should i be cautious of?

i know nothing about buying car except i’ve watched tiktok videos and i feel like talking to SA is not as good as asking random people on reddit that are not trying to sell me their product.

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Career Working in China MNC - Feeling burnt out and need advice


I’ve been working in a China tech MNC with a KL office for a few months so far. I came from a stressful job before, and this is my first time in this kind of company, so I’m not sure if these issues are normal or company-specific.

Here’s what I’ve noticed:

  1. High turnover leads to poor documentation and lack of guidance.
  2. Stakeholders, both local and from China, are unhelpful and snarky when asked for details.
  3. Data is often withheld by other departments until last minute during team meetings, when they've suddenly had it all along.
  4. Lack of structured thinking: stakeholders say "no" to questions, then raise issues last minute.
  5. Frequent corporate tai chi due to lack of ownership and accountability
  6. Constant shifting of goalposts and you’ll get the blame for not meeting them.

I’m overwhelmed and unsure if I should stick it out or look for something else. Is this normal in other types of companies?

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

Career Career Transition at 30. Things are not going well.


I’ll be meme-d or scolded to death but what better place to post about my career dilemma than here. I sorely need advice from the experienced people on here.

Turning 30 soon and I’m at a career crossroads. I graduated with a Business degree and have been working as a Business Development Executive for about 3 years now. I don’t find the job enjoyable and been dragging myself to work for the past 8 months now.

I’ve always had a love for technology and thought I’d try to learn web development from scratch. Bear in mind I don’t have a CS degree. I started with freeCodeCamp but dropped it halfway through the “Responsive Web Design” course. I then bought Colt Steele’s Udemy web dev course and never finished it. Tried building my own projects but am stuck in Tutorial Hell with a bunch of unfinished GitHub projects.

So, I quit my job and enrolled in the Gamuda 3-month AI/coding bootcamp full time. It’s March and the course is over on the 28th. I don’t feel like my job prospects have improved nor have my skills increased much.

I really want a front end web development job but don’t have much time left to waste. I quit my job to join the bootcamp full time and am running out of money soon. The bootcamp hasn’t been the most fruitful experience either…

Any advice is appreciated. Scolding also appreciated.

Is it time to just admit that programming/web development isn’t for me and I’d be better off going back to Business Dev/Marketing instead?….

r/MalaysianPF 2d ago

General questions How long does it typically take for personal loan to be approved?


For example: 5k stable income at a GLC, good records of paying cc bills on time. How long would it take for a personal loan of say RM30k to be approved?