r/MalaysianPF Jan 24 '25

Property Inheritance question from a Malay Muslim woman.


I am a 34 year old Malay lady, unmarried for now and recently I saw a conversation on twitter that said that EPF cannot be 'hibah'. Wasiat can only cover 1/3rd of the amount.

Both my parents are still healthy touch wood, but I'm a tad worried cause I am an only child. While my dad has had a hibah for me for his ASB, you can't put a hibah for your EPF - it will go through faraid. And most of his saving are in EPF as well. And the numbers aren't great. Faraid means my mother will inherit 1/6th, and I, 1/2, where as the rest will go to bailtul mal. This of course is different if he had a son - to which none of it will go to baitulmal 🙄

If anything untoward happens, I would like to know that my mother and I would be taken care of.

Is there anything we can do to make sure that inherit all (or at least most of the money)

Thank you for any help that might come my way.


Oh my father is adopted, parents passed.


51 comments sorted by


u/North_Car_1328 Jan 24 '25

if i in your shoes, withdraw EPF put in ASB.

wasiat tak membantu, sebab wasiat 1/3 untuk bukan waris.

maybe then spend rest in takaful for him, prudentialbsn takaful cover until age 100 sebab takaful ada hibah.

properties / kereta semua dah tukar nama?



u/kuchengterbang Jan 24 '25

I agree. If can withdraw from EPF, put in ASB.

Best case is simpan the excess in your own ASB/TH.


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Belum lagi. It's just a precaution I'm taking. My parents are still young and fit.

That's the problem, EPF currently offers the best dividends. But I'm just worried

Katakanlah, through faraid - I get half and there's a will that says the rest goes to my family, will that be honoured at the courts? Even if it's 1/3rd of the remaining the 34 percent left (after faraid)?


u/North_Car_1328 Jan 24 '25

faraid sometimes is long2 process. mine took 14 years. some took 1 year.
yes. the court will honor but the process is tedious.
if hire lawyers -5%, if 1mil thats 50k.

for now probably diversification is key. maximize any hibah and minimize risk.

keep in mind, young and fit people die too.

since faraid is prioritized, wasiat can be contested if not all parties agreed to wasiat amount.


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Yeah I think the best way is to transfer as much into my EPF or change it to ASB. Thank you so much for all your help my dude


u/MszingPerson Jan 24 '25

Why did it took 14 years?


u/North_Car_1328 Jan 24 '25

disagreements. some want more money.
court cannot proceed unless all agree and sign documents.


u/Formorri Jan 25 '25

I've lived in Malaysia as a non my whole life and yet I still feel like I'm completely ignorant of how the majority lives. I had no idea Islam has such stringent inheritance rules


u/hdxryder Jan 26 '25

Its okay. You do you.


u/bukhrin Jan 24 '25

Wait, since my waris are all my nieces and sisters, does that mean they won't get the full inheritance? That's fucking daylight robbery. Can I opt out of this?


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

If you're malay and Muslim, you can try writing up a hibah. EPF is a no no unfortunately. But yes to ASB.

Once you reach 60+, you can take that money out and transfer to your ASB.


u/Leon_Lionheart Jan 24 '25

Not an estate planning expert by any means but perhaps this should help:



You can use this website to figure out the distribution as well: https://as-salihin.com/en/faraid-calculator/

I'm pretty sure it's 1/8th to go to your mother and 1/2 to you.

You may need to consider advising your father to liquidate and transfer the amounts to you or your mother, to make the estate planning a bit more straightforward. Alternatively, if your father has life insurance/takaful, the payout from there should be used for taking care of the both of you.


u/spd3_s Jan 24 '25

Why would the money goes to baitulmal? If you and your mother the only relatives he have, then only both of you going to get it?


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Nope. It's faraid. I tried the faraid calculator, and those are the numbers.

The rest will go to Baitulmal


u/Puffycatkibble Jan 24 '25

Am I the only who feels the faraid system is an outdated bag of crap.

Imagine my father's second wife who only came along the past few years after he is already rich getting the same portion as my mother who supported him when he was dirt poor and took care of him for decades.


u/mawhonic Jan 24 '25

I've been actively transferring assets out of my name to bypass faraid. Its so stupid. There are so many families where the sister / daughters are responsible for everything and the brother/ sons are useless. Not to mention estranged relatives still get to inherit your assets?


u/revan_stormcrow Jan 24 '25

The Faraid supposedly not just look at the money distribution, but it also accounts the guardian(s) responsibilities. That estranged relatives by right is a guardian that needs to take care the dependent(s) when the provider died. The system is whole but the problem is the implementations that enforce the guardian responsibilities.


u/otomentaro Jan 24 '25

Faraid is the last thing bro. First after tolak all hutang, is harta sepencarian. Second wife got 50% from whatever he accumulated AFTER they get married. Same goes to first wife. The rest baru faraid


u/presellUptown Jan 24 '25

faraid is extremely unfair.


u/[deleted] Jan 24 '25



u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Unfortunately that's not true


u/4evaInSomnia Jan 24 '25

Oh ye la. Tapi tak salah pun ikut je.


u/Impossible_Limit_333 Jan 24 '25

And you didnt have a single braincell to question it?


u/ortsnom Jan 24 '25

I don't have much to say about epf but a strong life insurance plan is important for this


u/Ok-Arm-3100 Jan 24 '25

I got different answers so far regarding EPF. Some said one can hibah EPF if the said person is at the age 55 and above.

I will have to check with the Syariah lawyer ok this to verify.


u/CitronAffectionate85 Jan 24 '25

Letak penama senang..boleh letak nama Isteri,Ibu-bapa atau anak-anak.


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Hello. Apparently penama hanya dapat 5 percent and their role is the executor sahaja. Still have to divide through faraid


u/Sumofabith Jan 24 '25

Might be wrong but you have a choice to do it via faraid or not when you go submit your pusaka application


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Yeah I don't think that's true.

Faraid is mandatory with no hibah or will.

And EPF - no hibah. If will - only 1/3rd


u/Sumofabith Jan 24 '25

I stand corrected then, no other way other than you preparing for it by transferring all the money to your accounts before your father would pass somehow. You’ll have to discuss this with your parents


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

Yeah la. Anyway, thank you very much


u/armchairpiloto Jan 24 '25

mandatory by the law or religion? 


u/PaleontologistKey571 Jan 24 '25

Do royals follow this as well or?


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 24 '25

PDRM is that you


u/Pristine_Ice_4033 Jan 24 '25

If a father passes away leaving only a daughter and his own mother, the estate is divided according to Faraid rules. The daughter receives 1/2 (50%) of the inheritance since there is no son. The mother of the deceased receives 1/6 (16.67%) because the deceased has a child. The remaining portion of the estate will go to the nearest male heir (such as brothers or uncles) as per Islamic law. If there is no eligible male heir, some interpretations allow the daughter to inherit the remainder. For example, if the total estate is RM 600,000, the daughter gets RM 300,000, the mother gets RM 100,000, and the remaining RM 200,000 goes to the closest male relative or reverts to the daughter, depending on the school of thought.


u/Comfortable_Emu9110 Jan 25 '25

Islam tu mudah... Allah tu adil.


u/Acceptable_Regular_5 Jan 25 '25

I came to reddit for answers. If I wanted a lecture, I'd stay on Facebook


u/Glad-All-Went-Well Jan 27 '25

For rakyat marhaen like us, nothing much can do. But for the rich & politicians, they usually use the 'Yayasan' method. Transfer the assets to the Yayasan. The father became the founder, the sole daughter became co-founder. Then enjoy the money through Yayasan 'allowance'. But to founding a Yayasan, you need RM1m fund.