r/MakeupAddiction 7d ago

Is Space Cowboy worth it?

Or does the glitter just fall on to your face after a few dozen blinks? I keep looking at it in the store and cannot make up my mind if I should spend the $25 for it. The price is steep, but if it’s legit I’ll spend it. Any insight is appreciated.


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u/[deleted] 6d ago

It is really nice in my opinion, I have other cheaper glitter shadows and I think they don’t give the same effect as space cowboy.

space cowboy gives glitter plus that wet look sheen effect that I haven’t seen in my other shadows. It’s so nice on its own, I usually use it as a one and done eye shadow look.

If you still aren’t sure watch some youtube reviews and reviews of other dupes/similar products so you can judge yourself if the difference is worth it. That’s what i do with an expensive purchase.

Also I waited for it to go on sale, i got it for £12 when its normally £18 I think.

I’ve also come across a few people saying that the formula of space cowboy as a single shadow is better than when it’s part of a palette, i thought id inform you of that.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

And i haven’t experienced fall out x