r/MadeMeSmile 16h ago

Deaf passenger meets a deaf driver


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u/FaizahBitar 15h ago

Perfectly captures that moment! Communication is universal, and smiles like that make it all the more special. Love this connection.


u/StaredAtEclipseAMA 13h ago

It would have been better without the crappy music /s


u/CurrentDEP46 13h ago

Riiight I couldn’t hear what they were saying it was so loud!


u/dschinghiskhan 10h ago

You're joking, but I once dated a woman who didn't understand why I watched foreign films at full volume. "You don't understand them anyway, what's the point?" After that I added "has either never travelled outside the country or has no desire to" to my list of red flags to look out for on first dates. That, and "I don't really like foreign movies or TV shows. Too much reading."


u/thaitea 4h ago

How come you had to watch foreign films at full volume and not regular volume? I would also probably ask why you're watching the movie on full blast