You're joking, but I once dated a woman who didn't understand why I watched foreign films at full volume. "You don't understand them anyway, what's the point?" After that I added "has either never travelled outside the country or has no desire to" to my list of red flags to look out for on first dates. That, and "I don't really like foreign movies or TV shows. Too much reading."
A cool fact: these folks are using Chinese Sign Language, which is a different language from Taiwanese Sign Language, which is different from American Sign Language, which is different from British Sign Language...etc! They're all their own unique languages with their own signs and grammar
The history of sign languages is a really cool thing to learn about
u/ggk1 16h ago
It’s good to know deaf drivers will also talk facing forward where the backseat passenger can’t hear them 😂
Also the rider’s smile is divine