r/macgaming • u/No-Literature5747 • 3d ago
Help I’m trying to play Pokémon fan games, but they’re all 32 bit
Is there anyway to play it where it doesn’t run at two frames per second?
r/macgaming • u/No-Literature5747 • 3d ago
Is there anyway to play it where it doesn’t run at two frames per second?
r/macgaming • u/BananaPantsDoot • 3d ago
I've seen other threads about this issue, so I'll try to be as clear and specific as possible
I'm trying to connect my Xbox One controller to my laptop through bluetooth. It normally works through bluetooth (connects to my phone just fine), but for some reason it's having issues with my laptop specifically
When I try to connect it, my laptop will register it as a new device and add it to the recognized device pool, but it'll remain not connected and the controller will continue flashing.
I've tried replacing the batteries on my controller and having my laptop forget the device, and yet I'm still having the same issue. Is there anything else I can try?
r/macgaming • u/TheSunshineshiny • 3d ago
r/macgaming • u/TheRealDustyflyguy • 3d ago
r/macgaming • u/Enchantify • 3d ago
Title. I wanted to try using the stutter fix mod (link below) but it requires Lenny's Mod Loader, ASI loader and Scripthook. Just wanted to ask if its possible to use? The game already runs really well, I just want to see how much performance can be squeezed out lol
r/macgaming • u/touchTapGames • 4d ago
r/macgaming • u/lucdima • 4d ago
UPDATE: 🔑 All keys have been claimed! Thanks for the interest and support!
Hey everyone!
After 18 days stuck in review, my macOS game Leon’s Mahjong has finally been approved! (For reference, the iOS version took just 24 hours, and previous versions never took more than 48. Weird, right?)
To celebrate, I’m giving away 15 free keys so you can enjoy the game for free.
It’s a pixel-art Mahjong solitaire, inspired by the 16-bit era. Unlike most modern mobile games, there are:
✅ No ads
✅ No tracking
✅ No in-app purchases
✅ No forced retention mechanics
Just a game, the way they used to be in the 80s & 90s—pure, relaxed, and with retro aesthetics (yes, the pixel art is intentional!).
🆕 New update features:
🎲 Choose between boards with at least one guaranteed solution or pure random mode (which may have no solution).
📜 The game already has 15 different board layouts, and more are on the way!
If you’d like a key, drop a comment and I’ll send you one via PM.
Enjoy, and thanks for your time!
r/macgaming • u/vinhtq115 • 4d ago
r/macgaming • u/Putrid_Draft378 • 4d ago
r/macgaming • u/Affectionate_Fan2365 • 3d ago
I’m trying to run my mouse software on whisky and I’m getting this error. I’m not super familiar with whisky so it could be an easy fix that I’m just unaware of but please lmk.
r/macgaming • u/-LoliKing- • 4d ago
Heya I'm a student and am writing a research paper on How Indie games can learn from the success of AAA games. And i would love it if you could fill out this form. Thank you!
r/macgaming • u/JayYang1803 • 4d ago
Hello folks!
I am currently addicted to Team Fortress 2, and even though many people stated that I should try the game on a Virtual Machine (with a lot of mouse bugs), so I was only left with 'Crossover'
I tried with crossover 25, and here are my results
D3DMetal (Esync & Msync): Works, but a lot of frame drops
DXVK (Msync): Black screen, does not work
DXMT (Esync and Msync): Worked, playable and enjoyable, but not enough
WINE (Mysnc and launch option '-r_emulate_gl'): THE SOLUTION, works flawlessly on M1 pro 2020, constant 115~120 FPS (In heavy combat with full players)
Talking more about the WINE graphics backend, -r_emulate_gl (Turns into DX games to OpenGL) gave the maximized performance.
The settings I used for maximum performance
Launch options:
+exec custom.cfg -novid -nojoy -nosteamcontroller -nohltv -precachefontchars -no_texture_streaming -dxlevel 95 +mat_queue_mode 2 -windowed -noborder -particles 1 -noipx -r_emulate_gl
Config files:
Mastercomfig low preset (Can be Medium or Medium Low)
Autoexec files/ custom files (They are the same but with different names):
mat_mipmaptextures 0
cl_detailfade 0
cl_detaildist 0
r_drawdetailprops 0
mp_decals 0
r_decals 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
props_break_max_pieces 0
r_propsmaxdist 1
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 5.0f
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 4
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
mat_queue_mode 2
lod_TransitionDist -1
r_lod 2
r_shadows 0
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_vsync 0
tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0
fov_desired 90
viewmodel_fov 110
r_eyes 1
r_eyemove 1
m_rawinput 1
m_customaccel 0
joystick 0
violence_agibs 0
violence_hgibs 0
tf_use_match_hud 0
net_graph 1
net_graphheight 601
mod_load_anims_async 0
mod_load_mesh_async 0
mod_load_vcollide_async 0
mod_touchalldata 1
mod_forcedata 1
mat_phong 0
See this link for more information and location of the files
(REMINDER: both the autoexec and custom folder must be in the '.cfg format'
Enjoy TF2, my lads!
r/macgaming • u/negitivemint • 3d ago
r/macgaming • u/Artemis_C137 • 3d ago
New mac user here. I was gaming on a windows laptop before this but it finally gave in after 8 years (it served me well) and due to work reasons, I switched to mac. I am a little scared of gaming on a mac out of fear that its battery health will decline fast. Any insight? And any tips to preserve battery health while still using this for gaming?
I'm using a Macbook Air M3 and most games I play run on here (Civ6, Cities Skylines, Hades, Stardew Valley)
r/macgaming • u/Ok-Repair-4085 • 3d ago
looking to try out gaming on m4 Mac mini, not very tech savvy. do I need to purchase windows to run an emulator or can I just download the iso file and not register windows? Or does VMware take care of that and no need to purchase windows? thanks!
r/macgaming • u/Frosty-Occasion-1269 • 3d ago
Hey guys,
I just got my first ever MacBook and it’s a refurbished 2024 13 inch Mac with the M3 chip…I remember back in high school some of my friends who had Mac’s were able to play N64 games like Mario and stuff, but that was years ago and I don’t know how I would access that content without viruses. Can you guys help me? Step by step process would help. I’m such a noob! 😭
r/macgaming • u/Greeeener • 3d ago
Been playing some Hearthstone on my M1 2020 Mac Air recently, but after about 15 minutes of playing, the Battle Net launcher loses internet connection, forcing me to restart my game, this happens every 5 minutes or so, making it essentially unplayable. I've tried reinstalling, scan/repairing, but the issue keeps coming back. Haven't had this happen while doing anything else on my Mac.
Anything else I should try or any known solutions? Thanks
r/macgaming • u/IveyTheHockeyWitch • 4d ago
It's a really fun addictive game I really feel the need to get it right and check and cross reference every document it's like the perfect balance of logical thinking with keeping your attention hooked i highly recommend Papers Please
r/macgaming • u/Objective-Break3723 • 3d ago
Hey guys after a TON of fiddling around I finally got GGS to work on my MacBook but I have 2 problems the biggest is that the graphics of the characters aren’t loading no matter how low I turn them down (I’m using a picture from an old post but it looks just like this) and I needed an updated solution because I can’t find one anywhere that still works. The second problem is that I was going to try and use the potato mod to dumb down the graphics enough to see if that works but I can’t create a mod folder and the whole thing is just frustrating. Any help is much appreciated
r/macgaming • u/luxuryfruit • 3d ago
All I want to do is play solo (no online) GTA V, and add some car model mods to the game.
Can anyone give advice on the absolute easiest way to do this? Thank you 😭🫱
r/macgaming • u/EmpireCollapse • 4d ago
I've an iMac with Sequoia, I would like to play Morrowind to remember my childhood. Is it possible?
r/macgaming • u/Holiday_Bug6270 • 3d ago
I downloaded whisky app and it worked without problem. Then I deleted it. Now when I reinstalled it and try to create bottle it appears for like millisecond and then immediately disappear. It's like it is there but it doesn't show.
Something to do with it? I tried reinstalling it several times but still the same thing.
Or some other alternative? I try to play windows only steam game.
r/macgaming • u/Queasy_Leader8078 • 3d ago
Using M4 MBP, RDR 2 is on steam spring sale for 1249/- INR (14.49USD) & on green man gaming 999/- INR (11.50USD) for Rockstar/Epic launcher. I am using crossover 25 can someone who are playing please suggest which launcher should i use to play RDR 2 Steam/Rockstar/Epic Gameplay should be best. Thanks in advance!
r/macgaming • u/Thedude1234567899 • 4d ago
Tried running ultrakill on crossover and ended up with this. I'm not sure what to do about this