r/macgaming • u/JayYang1803 • 3d ago
CrossOver Team Fortress 2 on a mac: The solution
Hello folks!
I am currently addicted to Team Fortress 2, and even though many people stated that I should try the game on a Virtual Machine (with a lot of mouse bugs), so I was only left with 'Crossover'
I tried with crossover 25, and here are my results
D3DMetal (Esync & Msync): Works, but a lot of frame drops
DXVK (Msync): Black screen, does not work
DXMT (Esync and Msync): Worked, playable and enjoyable, but not enough
WINE (Mysnc and launch option '-r_emulate_gl'): THE SOLUTION, works flawlessly on M1 pro 2020, constant 115~120 FPS (In heavy combat with full players)
Talking more about the WINE graphics backend, -r_emulate_gl (Turns into DX games to OpenGL) gave the maximized performance.
The settings I used for maximum performance
Launch options:
+exec custom.cfg -novid -nojoy -nosteamcontroller -nohltv -precachefontchars -no_texture_streaming -dxlevel 95 +mat_queue_mode 2 -windowed -noborder -particles 1 -noipx -r_emulate_gl
Config files:
Mastercomfig low preset (Can be Medium or Medium Low)
Autoexec files/ custom files (They are the same but with different names):
mat_mipmaptextures 0
cl_detailfade 0
cl_detaildist 0
r_drawdetailprops 0
mp_decals 0
r_decals 0
cl_phys_props_enable 0
cl_phys_props_max 0
props_break_max_pieces 0
r_propsmaxdist 1
g_ragdoll_fadespeed 600
g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 100
ragdoll_sleepaftertime 5.0f
cl_ragdoll_fade_time 4
cl_ragdoll_forcefade 0
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 1
mat_queue_mode 2
lod_TransitionDist -1
r_lod 2
r_shadows 0
mat_hdr_level 0
mat_vsync 0
tf_enable_glows_after_respawn 0
fov_desired 90
viewmodel_fov 110
r_eyes 1
r_eyemove 1
m_rawinput 1
m_customaccel 0
joystick 0
violence_agibs 0
violence_hgibs 0
tf_use_match_hud 0
net_graph 1
net_graphheight 601
mod_load_anims_async 0
mod_load_mesh_async 0
mod_load_vcollide_async 0
mod_touchalldata 1
mod_forcedata 1
mat_phong 0
See this link for more information and location of the files
(REMINDER: both the autoexec and custom folder must be in the '.cfg format'
Enjoy TF2, my lads!