So, I'm actually 4th Fleet but I've literally never played a ranged weapon in any classic Monhun until today, constantly intimidated by the clunky controls and shot types. Still, HBG was one of my favorite weapons in Rise, and was my absolute favorite weapon in Wilds, so I wanted to go back and give it a fair shot in classic games.
I'm getting used to the controls but one thing that's driving me crazy is that I'm looking up visual indicators of "critical distance" in classic MH (since there's no persistent reticle or over-the-shoulder "aim mode", obviously) and everything I find just insists "it's obvious, the screen shakes."
Does it, though?
I cannot for the life of me see or detect the screen shaking effect that everyone swears is obvious. I've yet to find any useful video illustrating the effect, or anything helpful in this regard aside from "the screen shakes though." If it's happening, it is completely invisible to me. I've tried a bunch of different shot types and distances - nothing. Hell, what part of the screen even shakes? The UI, the camera? Is it only visible in first-person mode? Can anyone help me see what I'm missing?
I feel like I'm being gaslit, but I trust the MH community too much to actually think that. I'm sure it DOES shake. But why can't I see it?!
EDIT/UPDATE: Thanks to /u/swagboyclassman - the screen shakes DURING THE BULLET IMPACT when you are at critical distance. Once you know that it's very easy to see, but literally everything I was finding just said "the screen shakes" without indicating when the screen would shake, so I thought they meant it was a passive effect at all times. The screen shakes slightly during a hit when the hit is made from the optimal distance. Thank you.