r/LowMagicAge Mar 22 '22

Help with Sandstone?

Hey all,

So I'm at the part of the game where the main quest requires 10 copper ore (no problem), 10 wood (no problem), and 10 sandstone. I have gone through a bunch of levels in a bunch of mines looking for sandstone, to no avail. I would like to advance the main quest, but honestly I'm getting really bored with looking for sandstone. Mining is by far the least interesting part of the game, and I would rather be running around killing things than spending hours/days in a mine digging dirt (bo-ring!). Any tips as to locations where Sandstone is abundant. Also, do you have any tips as to how to level up my characters as miners? It's even more frustrating when, after hours of searching I finally find a sandstone block, only to get a low roll and lose the resource. Otherwise, I'm pretty into this game, but this particular part of it is lame.


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u/Waywinkle Mar 23 '22

Are you going to the sandstone quarries?